QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.angleSpanChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.bodyOutlineVisibilityChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.bodyWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.borderColorChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.borderWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxPlotSeries.boxOutlineVisibilityChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxPlotSeries.boxWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarSet.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxPlotSeries.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.brushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.capsVisibilityChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.capsWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarCategoryAxis.categoriesChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCategoryAxis.categoriesChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.cleared |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.clicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.clicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.clicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.clicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.closeChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.closeColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains close values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.closeRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains close values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.colorChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.columnCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.columnCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.columnCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.columnCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractBarSeries.countChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarCategoryAxis.countChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxPlotSeries.countChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.countChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSeries.countChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.decreasingColorChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.doubleClicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.doubleClicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.doubleClicked |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.firstBarSetColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.firstBarSetRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.firstBoxSetColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.firstBoxSetRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.firstColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.firstColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.firstColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.firstColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.firstRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.firstRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.firstRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.firstRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.firstSetColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains the data of the first item is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.firstSetRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains the data of the first item is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.fontChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.highChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.highColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains high values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.highRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains high values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.increasingColorChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarSet.labelBrushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.labelBrushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.labelBrushChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarSet.labelChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.labelChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.labelChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.labelColorChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarSet.labelFontChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.labelFontChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.labelsColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.labelsRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractBarSeries.labelsVisibleChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.labelVisibleChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.lastBarSetColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.lastBarSetRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.lastBoxSetColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.lastBoxSetRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.lastSetColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains the data of the last item is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.lastSetRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains the data of the last item is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.lowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.lowColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains low values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.lowRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains low values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.maximumColumnWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.minimumColumnWidthChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickModelMapper.modelReplaced |
Emitted when the model, to which the mapper is connected, has changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.modelReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractSeries.nameChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractSeries.opacityChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.openChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.openColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains open values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.openRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains open values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QBarSet.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxPlotSeries.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSeries.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.penChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.percentageChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QXYSeries.pointsReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.pressed |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.pressed |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.pressed |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.released |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.released |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.released |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.rowCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.rowCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.rowCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.rowCountChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAreaSeries.selected |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
Emitted when the series to which mapper is connected to has changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBarModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHBoxPlotModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBarModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVBoxPlotModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.seriesReplaced |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.shapeChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.startAngleChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSeries.sumChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QCandlestickSet.timestampChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHCandlestickModelMapper.timestampColumnChanged |
Emitted when the column of the model that contains timestamp values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QVCandlestickModelMapper.timestampRowChanged |
Emitted when the row of the model that contains timestamp values is changed
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractSeries.useOpenGLChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QPieSlice.valueChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QBoxSet.valuesChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVPieModelMapper.valuesColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHPieModelMapper.valuesRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QAbstractSeries.visibleChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QLegendMarker.visibleChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.xColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.xRowChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QVXYModelMapper.yColumnChanged |
QObject.Signal0 |
QHXYModelMapper.yRowChanged |