A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
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- a() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.ColoredPoint2D
- A -
- A - io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialRhiShader.GraphicsPipelineState.ColorMaskComponent
- A0 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A0 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A1 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A1 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A10 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A10 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A2 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A2 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A3 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A3 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A3Extra - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A3Extra - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A4 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A4 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A4Extra - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A4Extra - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A4Plus - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A4Plus - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A4Small - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A4Small - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A5 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A5 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A5Extra - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A5Extra - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A6 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A6 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A7 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A7 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A8 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A8 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- A9 - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- A9 - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- AA_AttributeCount - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_CompressTabletEvents - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DisableHighDpiScaling - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DisableNativeVirtualKeyboard - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DisableSessionManager - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DisableShaderDiskCache - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontCheckOpenGLContextThreadAffinity - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontShowIconsInMenus - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontShowShortcutsInContextMenus - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontUseNativeDialogs - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_EnableHighDpiScaling - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_ForceRasterWidgets - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_ImmediateWidgetCreation - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_MacPluginApplication - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_MSWindowsUseDirect3DByDefault - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_NativeWindows - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_PluginApplication - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_SetPalette - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_ShareOpenGLContexts - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTabletEvents - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_SynthesizeTouchForUnhandledMouseEvents - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_Use96Dpi - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_UseDesktopOpenGL - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_UseOpenGLES - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_UseStyleSheetPropagationInWidgetStyles - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AA_X11InitThreads - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationAttribute
- AAAA -
- abbreviation() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone.OffsetData
- abbreviation(QDateTime) - Method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone
- Abkhazian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AbnormalTerminationStatus - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.RenderProcessTerminationStatus
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothSocket
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothTransferReply
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.location.QGeoCodeReply
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.location.QGeoRouteReply
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.location.QPlaceReply
- abort() - Method in class
- abort() - Method in class
- abort() - Method in class
- abort() - Method in class
- abort() - Method in class
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrintEngine
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter
- abort() - Method in class io.qt.websockets.QWebSocket
Aborts the current socket and resets the socket.
- Abort - io.qt.test.QTest.TestFailMode
- Abort - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton
- Abort - io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton
- aborted - Variable in class io.qt.location.QGeoCodeReply
- aborted - Variable in class io.qt.location.QGeoRouteReply
- aborted - Variable in class io.qt.location.QPlaceReply
- Aborted - io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter.PrinterState
- AbortError - io.qt.core.QFileDevice.FileError
- abortEvaluation() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptEngine
Overloaded function for
withresult = new io.qt.script.QScriptValue()
. - abortEvaluation(QScriptValue) - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptEngine
- abortHandshake(QUdpSocket) - Method in class
- abortHostLookup(int) - Static method in class
- AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors - io.qt.core.QByteArray.Base64Option
- abortTransaction() - Method in class io.qt.core.QDataStream
- about(QWidget, String, String) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
- aboutQt() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- aboutQt(QWidget) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
Overloaded function for
QMessageBox.aboutQt(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, java.lang.String)
withtitle = ""
. - aboutQt(QWidget, String) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
- AboutQtRole - io.qt.widgets.QAction.MenuRole
- AboutRole - io.qt.widgets.QAction.MenuRole
- aboutToActivate - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiSubWindow
- aboutToBeDestroyed - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLContext
- aboutToBlock - Variable in class io.qt.core.QAbstractEventDispatcher
- aboutToClose - Variable in class io.qt.core.QIODevice
- aboutToClose - Variable in class io.qt.websockets.QWebSocket
- aboutToCompose - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QOpenGLWidget
- aboutToHide - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- aboutToQuit - Variable in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- aboutToResize - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QOpenGLWidget
- aboutToShow - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- aboutToUnmanageWidget - Variable in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- AboveItem - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition
- AboveTheSky - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- absoluteDir() - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileInfo
- absoluteDir() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- absoluteFilePath() - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileInfo
- absoluteFilePath() - Method in class io.qt.core.QResource
- absoluteFilePath(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDir
- absoluteHumidity() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QHumidityReading
- AbsoluteName - io.qt.core.internal.QAbstractFileEngine.FileName
- absolutePath() - Method in class io.qt.core.QDir
- absolutePath() - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileInfo
- AbsolutePathName - io.qt.core.internal.QAbstractFileEngine.FileName
- AbsoluteSize - io.qt.core.Qt.SizeMode
- AbsoluteSpacing - io.qt.gui.QFont.SpacingType
- AbstractSignal() - Constructor for class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- AbstractSignal(Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- AbstractSignal(Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
Static member signal constructor
- AbstractSignal(String, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- Accelerated2dCanvasEnabled - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- AcceleratingFlickMaximumTime - io.qt.widgets.QScrollerProperties.ScrollMetric
- AcceleratingFlickSpeedupFactor - io.qt.widgets.QScrollerProperties.ScrollMetric
- acceleration() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QAbstractCameraController
- acceleration() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QButtonAxisInput
- acceleration() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QPanGesture
- Acceleration - io.qt.qt3d.input.QAxisAccumulator.SourceAxisType
- accelerationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QAbstractCameraController
- accelerationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QButtonAxisInput
- accelerationMode() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QAccelerometer
- AccelerationMode - io.qt.sensors.QSensor.Feature
- accelerationModeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.sensors.QAccelerometer
- Accelerator - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Text
- AcceleratorChanged - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Event
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.core.QEvent
See QEvent::accept()
- accept() - Method in class
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrintDialog
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.core.QWebEngineQuotaRequest
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.core.QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineDownloadItem
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineFullScreenRequest
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDialog
- accept() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog
- accept(QRect) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QDragMoveEvent
- accept(Qt.GestureType) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGestureEvent
- accept(QGesture) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGestureEvent
- Accept - io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog.DialogLabel
- Acceptable - io.qt.gui.QValidator.State
- AcceptAllMatchingLayers - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractRayCaster.FilterMode
- AcceptAllMatchingLayers - io.qt.qt3d.render.QLayerFilter.FilterMode
- AcceptAnyMatchingLayers - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractRayCaster.FilterMode
- AcceptAnyMatchingLayers - io.qt.qt3d.render.QLayerFilter.FilterMode
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptDrops() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- AcceptDropsChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- accepted - Variable in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrintDialog
- accepted - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QDialog
- accepted - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox
- Accepted - io.qt.widgets.QDialog.DialogCode
- acceptedChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QPickEvent
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptedMouseButtons() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptError - Variable in class
- acceptError - Variable in class io.qt.websockets.QWebSocketServer
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptHoverEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- AcceptInvalidChars - io.qt.xml.QDomImplementation.InvalidDataPolicy
- acceptMode() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog
- acceptNavigationRequest(QUrl, QWebEnginePage.NavigationType, boolean) - Method in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage
- acceptNewConnection(QTcpSocket) - Method in interface io.qt.serialbus.QModbusTcpConnectionObserver
- acceptNewConnection(QTcpSocket) - Method in class io.qt.serialbus.QModbusTcpConnectionObserver.Impl
- AcceptOpen - io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog.AcceptMode
- acceptProposedAction() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QDropEvent
- acceptProposedAction() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
- acceptRichText() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit
- AcceptRole - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole
- AcceptRole - io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.ButtonRole
- AcceptSave - io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog.AcceptMode
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
See QGraphicsItem::
- acceptTouchEvents() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- access() - Method in class io.qt.core.QMetaMethod
- access() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSharedMemory
- access() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QShaderImage
- accessChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QShaderImage
- AccessDenied - io.qt.dbus.QDBusError.ErrorType
- AccessDeniedError - io.qt.multimedia.QAudioDecoder.Error
- AccessDeniedError - io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer.Error
- AccessDeniedError - io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlaylist.Error
- AccessError - io.qt.core.QSettings.Status
- AccessError - io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource.Error
- AccessError - io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSource.Error
- AccessError - io.qt.positioning.QGeoSatelliteInfoSource.Error
- accessibilityActiveChanged(boolean) - Method in interface io.qt.gui.QAccessible.ActivationObserver
- accessibilityActiveChanged(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessible.ActivationObserver.Impl
- AccessibilityRole - io.qt.multimedia.QAudio.Role
- Accessible -
- accessibleDescription() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- accessibleDescription() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- AccessibleDescriptionRole - Static variable in class io.qt.core.Qt.ItemDataRole
- accessibleInterface() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleEvent
- accessibleInterface(int) - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessible
- accessibleName() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- accessibleRoot() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QWindow
- accessibleRoot() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- accessibleTabName(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabBar
- accessibleText() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- AccessibleTextRole - Static variable in class io.qt.core.Qt.ItemDataRole
- AccessMask - io.qt.core.QDir.Filter
- AccessMask - io.qt.internal.MethodFlags
- accessMethods() - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldTarget
- AccessMethods(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldTarget.AccessMethods
Creates a new AccessMethods with given
. - AccessMethods(QNearFieldTarget.AccessMethod...) - Constructor for class io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldTarget.AccessMethods
Creates a new AccessMethods where the flags in
are set. - AccessPrivate - io.qt.internal.MethodFlags
- AccessProtected - io.qt.internal.MethodFlags
- AccessPublic - io.qt.internal.MethodFlags
- AccessTime - io.qt.core.internal.QAbstractFileEngine.FileTime
- accessTokenUrl() - Method in class
- accessTokenUrlChanged - Variable in class
- accessType() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QBuffer
- accessTypeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QBuffer
- accuracy() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QOutputRange
- Acknowledge - io.qt.serialbus.QModbusPdu.ExceptionCode
- acquire() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSemaphore
Overloaded function for
withn = 1
. - acquire() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSystemSemaphore
- acquire(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSemaphore
- acquire(Class<T>, String) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
- acquireDynamic(String) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
- acquireModel(String) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
- acquireModel(String, QtRemoteObjects.InitialAction) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
Overloaded function for
QRemoteObjectNode.acquireModel(java.lang.String, io.qt.remoteobjects.QtRemoteObjects.InitialAction, java.util.Collection)
withrolesHint = new java.util.ArrayList<>()
. - acquireModel(String, QtRemoteObjects.InitialAction, Collection<Integer>) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
- action() - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormEditorPluginInterface
- action() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormEditorPluginInterface.Impl
- action() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface
- action() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QActionEvent
- action() - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord
- action() - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestKeyEvent
- action(QScriptEngineDebugger.DebuggerAction) - Method in class
- action(QWebEnginePage.WebAction) - Method in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage
- ActionAdded - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- actionAt(int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- actionAt(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- actionAt(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- actionAt(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- actionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QDrag
- ActionChanged - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ActionChanged - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Event
- actionEditor() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormEditorInterface
- actionEvent(QActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- actionEvent(QActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- actionEvent(QActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- actionEvent(QActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolButton
- actionEvent(QActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- actionGeometry(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- actionGeometry(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- actionGeometry(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- actionGroup() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAction
- actionInterface() - Method in interface io.qt.gui.QAccessibleInterface
- actionInterface() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleInterface.Impl
- actionInterface() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleObject
- ActionInterface - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.InterfaceType
- ActionMask - io.qt.core.Qt.DropAction
- actionNames() - Method in interface io.qt.gui.QAccessibleActionInterface
- actionNames() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleActionInterface.Impl
- actionNames() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAccessibleWidget
- ActionRemoved - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ActionRole - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole
- ActionRole - io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.ButtonRole
- actions() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QLogicalDevice
- actions() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QActionGroup
- actions() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsWidget
- actions() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- ActionsContextMenu - io.qt.core.Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
- actionText() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QUndoCommand
- actionTriggered - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractSlider
- actionTriggered - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- activatableServiceNames() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnectionInterface
- activate() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialShader
- activate() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayout
- activate() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- activate(QAction.ActionEvent) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAction
- ActivateControl - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- activateCurrentItem() - Method in class
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.core.QSocketNotifier
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBarItem
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QCalendarWidget
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
Overloaded signals:
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QCompleter
Overloaded signals:
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QShortcut
- activated - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QSystemTrayIcon
- activated() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface
- activatedAmbiguously - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QShortcut
- activateNextSubWindow() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
- activatePreviousSubWindow() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
- activateResourceFilePaths(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- activateResourceFilePaths(Collection<String>, int[]) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
Overloaded function for
QDesignerFormWindowInterface.activateResourceFilePaths(java.util.Collection, int[], java.lang.String[])
witherrorMessages = null
. - activateResourceFilePaths(Collection<String>, int[], String[]) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- activateWindow() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- ActivationBus - io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.BusType
- ActivationChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ActivationHistoryOrder - io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea.WindowOrder
- activationObject() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptContext
- activationOrder() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
- active() - Method in class io.qt.core.QAbstractState
- active() - Method in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadKeyNavigation
- active() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessible.State
- Active - io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode
- Active - io.qt.gui.QPalette.ColorGroup
- Active -
- Active - io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter.PrinterState
- Active - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.LifecycleState
- activeAction() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- activeAction() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- activeAnimationGroup() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationController
- activeAnimationGroupChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationController
- activeCamera() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScene
- activeCameraChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScene
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.core.QAbstractState
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadKeyNavigation
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QWindow
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAbstractVideoFilter
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAbstractVideoSurface
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAction
- activeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- activeConfiguration() - Method in class
- ActiveDescendantChanged - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Event
- activeFilter() - Method in class
- activeFocusChanged - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- activeFocusItem() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- activeFocusItemChanged - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- activeFocusOnTab() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- activeFocusOnTabChanged - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- activeFrameGraph() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.Qt3DWindow
- activeFrameGraph() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderSettings
- activeFrameGraphChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderSettings
- activeGestures() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGestureEvent
- activeInput() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioInputSelectorControl
- activeInput() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardDevice
- activeInputChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioInputSelectorControl
- activeInputChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardDevice
- activeInputHandler() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- activeInputHandlerChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- activeItemChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel
- activeKey() - Method in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine
- activeKeyChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine
- activeLight() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScene
- activeLightChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScene
- activeMatch() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.QWebEngineFindTextResult
- activeMaterial() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometryNode
- activeModalWidget() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- activeMonitors() - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource
- activeMonitors(QGeoShape) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource
- activeOutput() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioOutputSelectorControl
- activeOutputChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioOutputSelectorControl
- activePanel() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
- activePopupWidget() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- activeResourceFilePaths() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- activeScrollers() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QScroller
- activeStack() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QUndoGroup
- activeStackChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QUndoGroup
- ActiveState - io.qt.multimedia.QAudio.State
- ActiveState - io.qt.multimedia.QCamera.State
- ActiveState - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTuner.State
- activeStateNames() - Method in class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlStateMachine
Overloaded function for
withcompress = true
. - activeStateNames(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlStateMachine
- ActiveStatus - io.qt.multimedia.QCamera.Status
- activeStreamsChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaStreamsControl
- activeSubControls() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionComplex
- activeSubWindow() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
- activeTheme() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- activeThemeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- activeThreadCount() - Method in class io.qt.core.QThreadPool
- activeTime() - Method in class
- activeWindow() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- activeWindow() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
- ActiveWindowFocusReason - io.qt.core.Qt.FocusReason
- actualLocation() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- actualLocationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- actualLocationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorderControl
- actualNumCopies() - Method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter
Deprecated.Use copyCount() instead.
- actualSize(QSize) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.actualSize(io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- actualSize(QSize, QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.actualSize(io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - actualSize(QSize, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- actualSize(QSize, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
- actualSize(QWindow, QSize) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- actualSize(QWindow, QSize, QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.actualSize(io.qt.gui.QWindow, io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - actualSize(QWindow, QSize, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- actualValue(QCameraExposureControl.ExposureParameter) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposureControl
- actualValueChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposureControl
- adapterStateChanged - Variable in class io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldManager
- AdaptiveDecimalStepType - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractSpinBox.StepType
- add(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(byte) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(char) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMarginsF
- add(double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTransform
- add(double) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(float) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMargins
- add(int) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(int, QList<Object>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- add(int, T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QList
- add(int, T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QVector
- add(long) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(short) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(QList<Object>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- add(QMargins) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMargins
- add(QMargins) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRect
- add(QMarginsF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMarginsF
- add(QMarginsF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRectF
- add(QObject) - Method in class io.qt.core.QObjectCleanupHandler
- add(QObject) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface
- add(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.core.QPoint
- add(QPointF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QPointF
- add(QSize) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSize
- add(QSizeF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSizeF
- add(QMatrix2x2) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x2
- add(QMatrix2x3) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x3
- add(QMatrix2x4) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x4
- add(QMatrix3x2) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x2
- add(QMatrix3x3) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x3
- add(QMatrix3x4) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x4
- add(QMatrix4x2) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x2
- add(QMatrix4x3) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x3
- add(QMatrix4x4) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x4
- add(QQuaternion) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QQuaternion
- add(QTextBlock) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextList
- add(QVector2D) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector2D
- add(QVector3D) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector3D
- add(QVector4D) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector4D
- add(QSslCertificate, QSslKey) - Method in class io.qt.webengine.core.QWebEngineClientCertificateStore
- add(Class<? super T>, T) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(Object) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.RCList
- add(Object) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.RCSet
- add(Object) - Method in class io.qt.QtArgument.Stream
- add(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLinkedList
- add(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QList
- add(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSet
- add(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QVector
- Add - io.qt.qt3d.render.QBlendEquation.BlendFunction
- addAction(QIcon, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLineEdit
- addAction(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QActionGroup
- addAction(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot0, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, Object, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QIcon, String, Object, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(QIcon, String, Object, String, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QLogicalDevice
- addAction(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QActionGroup
- addAction(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsWidget
- addAction(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- addAction(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QActionGroup
- addAction(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal0, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.AbstractPublicSignal1<Boolean>, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot0) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot0, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, QMetaObject.Slot1<Boolean>, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, Object, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addAction(String, Object, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addAction(String, Object, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addAction(String, Object, String, QKeySequence) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addActions(Collection<QAction>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsWidget
- addActions(Collection<QAction>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiListObject
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends QList<Object>>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiCollectionObject
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiListObject
- addAll(Collection<? extends QList<Object>>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- addAll(Collection<? extends Object>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.RCList
- addAll(Collection<? extends Object>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.RCSet
- addAllowedItem(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- addAllowedStandardItem(QMacToolBarItem.StandardItem) - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- addAllReferenceCount(QtObjectInterface, Class<? extends QtObjectInterface>, String, boolean, boolean, Collection<?>) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal
- addAnchor(QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.AnchorPoint, QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.AnchorPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
- addAnchors(QGraphicsLayoutItem, QGraphicsLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsAnchorLayout.addAnchors(io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayoutItem, io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayoutItem, io.qt.core.Qt.Orientations)
withorientations = new io.qt.core.Qt.Orientations(3)
. - addAnchors(QGraphicsLayoutItem, QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.Orientation...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
- addAnchors(QGraphicsLayoutItem, QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.Orientations) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
- addAnimation(QAbstractAnimation) - Method in class io.qt.core.QAbstractTransition
- addAnimation(QAbstractAnimation) - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationGroup
- addAnimation(QAbstractAnimation) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationGroup
- addAnimationGroup(QAnimationGroup) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationController
- addApplicationFont(String) - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase
- addApplicationFontFromData(QByteArray) - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase
- addAttribute(QAttribute) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QMorphTarget
- addAttribute(QAttribute) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QGeometry
- addAttribute(QQuick3DGeometry.Attribute) - Method in class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry
- addAttribute(QQuick3DGeometry.Attribute.Semantic, int, QQuick3DGeometry.Attribute.ComponentType) - Method in class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry
- addAxis(QAbstractAxis, QPolarChart.PolarOrientation) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPolarChart
- addAxis(QAbstractAxis, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- addAxis(QAbstractAxis, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
Overloaded function for
QChart.addAxis(io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addAxis(QAbstract3DAxis) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DBars
- addAxis(QValue3DAxis) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- addAxis(QValue3DAxis) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- addAxis(QAxis) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QLogicalDevice
- addAxisSetting(QAxisSetting) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAbstractPhysicalDevice
- addBindValue(Object) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlQuery
Overloaded function for
QSqlQuery.addBindValue(java.lang.Object, io.qt.sql.QSql.ParamType)
withtype = new io.qt.sql.QSql.ParamType(1)
. - addBindValue(Object, QSql.ParamType) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlQuery
- addBindValue(Object, QSql.ParamType) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlResult
- addBindValue(Object, QSql.ParamTypeFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlQuery
Overloaded function for
QSqlQuery.addBindValue(java.lang.Object, io.qt.sql.QSql.ParamType)
. - addBindValue(Object, QSql.ParamTypeFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlResult
Overloaded function for
QSqlResult.addBindValue(java.lang.Object, io.qt.sql.QSql.ParamType)
. - addButton(QAbstractButton) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QButtonGroup
Overloaded function for
QButtonGroup.addButton(io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton, int)
withid = -1
. - addButton(QAbstractButton, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QButtonGroup
- addButton(QAbstractButton, QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox
- addButton(QAbstractButton, QMessageBox.ButtonRole) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
- addButton(QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox
- addButton(QMessageBox.StandardButton) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
- addButton(QWinThumbnailToolButton) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinThumbnailToolBar
- addButton(String, QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox
- addButton(String, QMessageBox.ButtonRole) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox
- addCaCertificate(QSslCertificate) - Method in class
- addCaCertificate(QSslCertificate) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(String) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(String) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat) - Method in class
Overloaded function for
withsyntax =
. - addCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat, QRegExp.PatternSyntax) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat, QSslCertificate.PatternSyntax) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(Collection<QSslCertificate>) - Method in class
- addCaCertificates(Collection<QSslCertificate>) - Method in class
- addCacheableShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addCacheableShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addCacheableShaderFromSourceFile(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addCategory(QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface.Category) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface
- addCategory(QWinJumpListCategory) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpList
- addCategory(String) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpList
Overloaded function for
QWinJumpList.addCategory(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection)
withitems = new java.util.ArrayList<QWinJumpListItem>()
. - addCategory(String, Collection<QWinJumpListItem>) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpList
- addCharacteristic(QLowEnergyCharacteristicData) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyServiceData
- addChild(QTreeWidgetItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidgetItem
- addChildJoint(QJoint) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QJoint
- addChildLayout(QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- addChildLayoutItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayout
- addChildren(Collection<QTreeWidgetItem>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidgetItem
- addChildWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- addChord(QAbstractActionInput) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QInputChord
- addClientSideConnection(QIODevice) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectNode
- addColorAttachment(int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObject
Overloaded function for
QOpenGLFramebufferObject.addColorAttachment(int, int, int)
withinternalFormat = 0
. - addColorAttachment(int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObject
- addColorAttachment(QSize) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObject
Overloaded function for
QOpenGLFramebufferObject.addColorAttachment(io.qt.core.QSize, int)
withinternalFormat = 0
. - addColorAttachment(QSize, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObject
- addColumn(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.qt.test.QTest
- addColumnInternal(int, String) - Static method in class io.qt.test.QTest
- addComponent(QComponent) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QEntity
- addConnection(Object, Method, Qt.ConnectionType...) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnection(Object, String, Qt.ConnectionType...) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.GenericSlot, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot0, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot1<?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot2<?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot3<?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot4<?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot5<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot6<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot7<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot8<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addConnectionToSlotObject(QMetaObject.Slot9<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, Qt.ConnectionType[]) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- addControllingSignal(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAccessibleWidget
- addCoordinate(QGeoCoordinate) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPath
- addCoordinate(QGeoCoordinate) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPolygon
- addCornerAnchors(QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.Corner, QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.Corner) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
- addCubicBezierSegment(QPointF, QPointF, QPointF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QEasingCurve
- addCustomFilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class
- addCustomItem(QCustom3DItem) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- addData(byte[]) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamReader
- addData(byte[]) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCryptographicHash
- addData(byte[]) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMessageAuthenticationCode
- addData(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamReader
- addData(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCryptographicHash
- addData(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMessageAuthenticationCode
- addData(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- addData(QIODevice) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCryptographicHash
- addData(QIODevice) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMessageAuthenticationCode
- addData(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- addData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.qt.core.QMessageAuthenticationCode
- addData(ByteBuffer, long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamReader
- addDatabase(QSqlDriver) - Static method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase
Overloaded function for
QSqlDatabase.addDatabase(io.qt.sql.QSqlDriver, java.lang.String)
withconnectionName = defaultConnection()
. - addDatabase(QSqlDriver, String) - Static method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase
- addDatabase(String) - Static method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase
Overloaded function for
QSqlDatabase.addDatabase(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
withconnectionName = defaultConnection()
. - addDatabase(String, String) - Static method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase
- addDataRate(double, double) - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QSensorBackend
- addDays(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDate
- addDays(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDateTime
- addDefaultAnimation(QAbstractAnimation) - Method in class io.qt.core.QStateMachine
- addDefaultCaCertificate(QSslCertificate) - Static method in class
- addDefaultCaCertificates(String) - Static method in class
- addDefaultCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat) - Static method in class
- addDefaultCaCertificates(String, QSsl.EncodingFormat, QRegExp.PatternSyntax) - Static method in class
- addDefaultCaCertificates(Collection<QSslCertificate>) - Static method in class
- addDelay(int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addDependency(QAspectJob) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QAspectJob
- addDescriptor(QLowEnergyDescriptorData) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyCharacteristicData
- addDestination(String) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
- addDockWidget(Qt.DockWidgetArea, QDockWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addDockWidget(Qt.DockWidgetArea, QDockWidget, Qt.Orientation) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addDynamicProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerDynamicPropertySheetExtension
- addDynamicProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerDynamicPropertySheetExtension.Impl
- addDynamicProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerIntegration
- addDynamicProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerIntegrationInterface
- added - Variable in class io.qt.charts.QPieSeries
- added() - Method in class io.qt.core.QChildEvent
- addedNodeId() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QPropertyNodeAddedChange
- addedToEntity - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QComponent
- addedValue() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QPropertyValueAddedChange
- addEllipse(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addEllipse(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addEllipse(x, y, w, h, null, null)
- addEllipse(double, double, double, double, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addEllipse(x, y, w, h, pen, null)
- addEllipse(double, double, double, double, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds an ellipse item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addEllipse(QPointF, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addEllipse(QRectF) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addEllipse(QRectF) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addEllipse(rect, null, null)
- addEllipse(QRectF, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addEllipse(rect, pen, null)
- addEllipse(QRectF, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds an ellipse item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintDialogOption) - Method in class io.qt.printsupport.QAbstractPrintDialog
- addEntity(QEntity) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.quick.scene2d.QScene2D
- addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- addExtraNamespaceDeclarations(Collection<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- addFile(String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.addFile(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- addFile(String, QSize) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.addFile(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- addFile(String, QSize, QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.addFile(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QSize, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - addFile(String, QSize, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- addFile(String, QSize, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
- addFileAttachment(String, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPdfWriter
Overloaded function for
QPdfWriter.addFileAttachment(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QByteArray, java.lang.String)
withmimeType = ""
. - addFileAttachment(String, QByteArray, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPdfWriter
- addFilter(QSensorFilter) - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- addFilterKey(QFilterKey) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderPass
- addFilterKey(QFilterKey) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTechnique
- addFirst(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLinkedList
- addFirst(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QStack
- addFuture(F) - Method in class io.qt.core.QFutureSynchronizer
- addHelpOption() - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- addHole(Object) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPolygon
- addHole(Collection<QGeoCoordinate>) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPolygon
- addHostSideConnection(QIODevice) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectHostBase
- addIcon(QByteArray, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord
- addIcon(QNdefNfcIconRecord) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord
- addImageData(QTextureImageData) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTextureData
- addImageProvider(String, QQmlImageProviderBase) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlEngine
- addImportPath(String) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlEngine
- addIncludedService(QLowEnergyService) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyServiceData
- addInput(QAbstractActionInput) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAction
- addInput(QAbstractAxisInput) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAxis
- addInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- addInterval(long, long) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaTimeRange
- addInterval(QMediaTimeInterval) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaTimeRange
- addItem(QScatterDataItem) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QScatterDataProxy
- addItem(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- addItem(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
Overloaded function for
QComboBox.addItem(io.qt.gui.QIcon, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
withuserData = null
. - addItem(QIcon, String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
- addItem(QGraphicsItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
- addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLinearLayout
- addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
withalignment = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
withalignment = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
- addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
- addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
- addItem(QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLayoutItem, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addItem(QLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStackedLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
- addItem(QLayoutItem, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
- addItem(QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
witharg__6 = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addItem(QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addItem(QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addItem(io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addItem(QListWidgetItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QListWidget
- addItem(QWidget, QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBox
- addItem(QWidget, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBox
- addItem(QWinJumpListItem) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
- addItem(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
Overloaded function for
QComboBox.addItem(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
withuserData = null
. - addItem(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QListWidget
Inserts an item with the text label at the end of the list widget.
- addItem(String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
- addItems(QScatterDataArray) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QScatterDataProxy
- addItems(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QComboBox
- addItems(List<String>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QListWidget
Inserts items with the text labels at the end of the list widget.
- additionalData() - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex
- AdditionalData - io.qt.serialbus.QModbusServer.Option
- additionalFormats() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextLayout
instead - AdditionalProtocolDescriptorList - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo.AttributeId
- additiveClip() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAdditiveClipBlend
- additiveClipChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAdditiveClipBlend
- additiveFactor() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAdditiveClipBlend
- additiveFactorChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAdditiveClipBlend
- addKeyClick(byte) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClick(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyClick(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClick(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyClick(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyClick(Qt.Key) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClick(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyClick(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClick(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyClick(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyClicks(String) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClicks(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyClicks(String, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyClicks(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyClicks(String, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, byte) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyEvent(io.qt.test.QTest.KeyAction, byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, Qt.Key) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyEvent(io.qt.test.QTest.KeyAction, io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyEvent(QTest.KeyAction, Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyframe(QTransform) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QKeyframeAnimation
- addKeyPress(byte) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyPress(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyPress(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyPress(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyPress(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyPress(Qt.Key) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyPress(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyPress(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyPress(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyPress(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyRelease(byte) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyRelease(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyRelease(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyRelease(byte, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyRelease(byte, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addKeyRelease(Qt.Key) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyRelease(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
- addKeyRelease(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addKeyRelease(io.qt.core.Qt.Key, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int)
withmsecs = -1
. - addKeyRelease(Qt.Key, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addLast(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLinkedList
- addLast(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QStack
- addLayer(QLayer) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractRayCaster
- addLayer(QLayer) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QLayerFilter
- addLayout(QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
Overloaded function for
QBoxLayout.addLayout(io.qt.widgets.QLayout, int)
withstretch = 0
. - addLayout(QLayout, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addLayout(QLayout, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addLayout(io.qt.widgets.QLayout, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
witharg__4 = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addLayout(QLayout, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addLayout(io.qt.widgets.QLayout, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
witharg__6 = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addLayout(QLayout, int, int, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addLayout(QLayout, int, int, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addLayout(io.qt.widgets.QLayout, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addLayout(QLayout, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addLayout(QLayout, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addLayout(io.qt.widgets.QLayout, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addLibraryPath(String) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- addLine(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, null)
- addLine(double, double, double, double, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a line item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addLine(QLineF) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addLine(line, null)
- addLine(QLineF, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a line item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addLink(QIcon, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
Overloaded function for
QWinJumpListCategory.addLink(io.qt.gui.QIcon, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Collection)
witharguments = java.util.Collections.emptyList()
. - addLink(QIcon, String, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
- addLink(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
Overloaded function for
QWinJumpListCategory.addLink(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Collection)
witharguments = java.util.Collections.emptyList()
. - addLink(String, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
- addLocation(QGeoLocation) - Method in class io.qt.location.QGeoCodeReply
- addMapping(QAbstractChannelMapping) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QChannelMapper
- addMapping(QWidget, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDataWidgetMapper
- addMapping(QWidget, int, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDataWidgetMapper
- addMatch(QFilterKey) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderPassFilter
- addMatch(QFilterKey) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTechniqueFilter
- addMedia(QMediaContent) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlaylist
- addMedia(Collection<QMediaContent>) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlaylist
- addMenu(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addMenu(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addMenu(QMenu) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addMenu(QMenu) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addMenu(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addMenu(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addMenuAction(QAction) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QAbstractFormBuilder
- addMonths(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDate
- addMonths(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDateTime
- addMonths(int, QCalendar) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDate
- addMorphTarget(QMorphTarget) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QMorphingAnimation
- addMorphTarget(QMorphTarget) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QVertexBlendAnimation
- addMouseClick(Qt.MouseButton) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMouseClick(io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
withdelay = -1
. - addMouseClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseDClick(Qt.MouseButton) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseDClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseDClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMouseDClick(io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
withdelay = -1
. - addMouseDClick(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseMove() - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMouseMove(io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
- addMouseMove(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMouseMove(io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
withdelay = -1
. - addMouseMove(QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMousePress(Qt.MouseButton) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMousePress(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMousePress(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMousePress(io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
withdelay = -1
. - addMousePress(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseRelease(Qt.MouseButton) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseRelease(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMouseRelease(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
Overloaded function for
QTestEventList.addMouseRelease(io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, io.qt.core.QPoint, int)
withdelay = -1
. - addMouseRelease(Qt.MouseButton, Qt.KeyboardModifiers, QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestEventList
- addMSecs(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QTime
- addMSecs(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDateTime
- addMSecs(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDeadlineTimer
- addNamedBundle(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlEngine
- addNSecs(QDeadlineTimer, long) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QDeadlineTimer
- AddObject - io.qt.remoteobjects.QtRemoteObjects.QRemoteObjectPacketTypeEnum
- addOption(QCommandLineOption) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- addOptions(Collection<QCommandLineOption>) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- addOutput(QRenderTargetOutput) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderTarget
- addOutputRange(double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QSensorBackend
- addPage(QWizardPage) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWizard
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QEffect
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QMaterial
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderPass
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderPassFilter
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTechnique
- addParameter(QParameter) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTechniqueFilter
- addPath(QPainterPath) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addPath(QPainterPath) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addPath(path, null, null)
- addPath(QPainterPath, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addPath(path, pen, null)
- addPath(QPainterPath, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a path item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addPath(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileSystemWatcher
- addPaths(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileSystemWatcher
- addPause(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSequentialAnimationGroup
- addPendingConnection(QTcpSocket) - Method in class
- addPermanentWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStatusBar
Overloaded function for
QStatusBar.addPermanentWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int)
withstretch = 0
. - addPermanentWidget(QWidget, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStatusBar
- addPixmap(QPixmap) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.addPixmap(io.qt.gui.QPixmap, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- addPixmap(QPixmap) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a pixmap item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addPixmap(QPixmap, QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.addPixmap(io.qt.gui.QPixmap, io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - addPixmap(QPixmap, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- addPixmap(QPixmap, QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
- addPluginPath(String) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QFormBuilder
- addPluginPath(String) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlEngine
- addPoint(QPointF) - Method in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardTrace
- addPolygon(QPolygonF) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addPolygon(QPolygonF) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addPolygon(polygon, null, null)
- addPolygon(QPolygonF, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addPolygon(polygon, pen, null)
- addPolygon(QPolygonF, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a polygon item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addPositionalArgument(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
Overloaded function for
QCommandLineParser.addPositionalArgument(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
withsyntax = ""
. - addPositionalArgument(String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- addPostRoutine(Runnable) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
Adds a post-routine to be executed when deleting QCoreApplication.
- addPreRoutine(Runnable) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
Adds a pre-routine to be executed before initializing QCoreApplication.
- addPromotedClass(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerPromotionInterface
- addPromotedClass(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerPromotionInterface.Impl
- addPropertyWatch(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaObject
- addQueryItem(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrlQuery
- addRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addRect(x, y, w, h, null, null)
- addRect(double, double, double, double, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addRect(x, y, w, h, pen, null)
- addRect(double, double, double, double, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a rectangle item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addRect(QRectF) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addRect(QRectF) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addRect(rect, null, null)
- addRect(QRectF, QPen) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addRect(rect, pen, null)
- addRect(QRectF, QPen, QBrush) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a rectangle item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addReferenceCount(QtObjectInterface, Class<? extends QtObjectInterface>, String, boolean, boolean, Object) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal
- addRegion(QRegion) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addRenderPass(QRenderPass) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTechnique
- addRenderState(QRenderState) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderPass
- addRenderState(QRenderState) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderStateSet
- addRequestBody(QUrlQuery) - Method in class
- addResource(int, QUrl, Object) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- addResourceFile(String) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- address() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo
- address() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothHostInfo
- address() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothLocalDevice
- address() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothTransferRequest
- address() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.AddressInfo
- address() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusServer
- address() - Method in class
- address() - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoLocation
- address() - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QConnectionAbstractServer
- addressEntries() - Method in class
- addresses() - Method in class
- AddressInfo() - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.AddressInfo
- AddressInfo(QBluetoothAddress, QLowEnergyController.RemoteAddressType) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.AddressInfo
- AddressInfo(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.AddressInfo
Constructor for internal use only.
- AddressInUse - io.qt.dbus.QDBusError.ErrorType
- AddressInUseError -
- addRoundedRect(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Overloaded function for
QPainterPath.addRoundedRect(double, double, double, double, double, double, io.qt.core.Qt.SizeMode)
withmode = io.qt.core.Qt.SizeMode.AbsoluteSize
. - addRoundedRect(double, double, double, double, double, double, Qt.SizeMode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addRoundedRect(QRectF, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Overloaded function for
QPainterPath.addRoundedRect(io.qt.core.QRectF, double, double, io.qt.core.Qt.SizeMode)
withmode = io.qt.core.Qt.SizeMode.AbsoluteSize
. - addRoundedRect(QRectF, double, double, Qt.SizeMode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addRoundRect(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Deprecated.Use addRoundedRect(..., Qt::RelativeSize) instead
- addRoundRect(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Deprecated.Use addRoundedRect(..., Qt::RelativeSize) instead
- addRoundRect(QRectF, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Deprecated.Use addRoundedRect(..., Qt::RelativeSize) instead
- addRoundRect(QRectF, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
Deprecated.Use addRoundedRect(..., Qt::RelativeSize) instead
- addRoutes(Collection<QGeoRoute>) - Method in class io.qt.location.QGeoRouteReply
- addRow(QBarDataRow) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- addRow(QBarDataRow, String) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- addRow(QSurfaceDataRow) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QSurfaceDataProxy
- addRow(QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRow(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRow(QWidget, QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRow(QWidget, QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRow(String, QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRow(String, QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout
- addRows(QBarDataArray) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- addRows(QBarDataArray, Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- addRows(QSurfaceDataArray) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QSurfaceDataProxy
- addScrollBarWidget(QWidget, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractScrollArea
- addScrollBarWidget(QWidget, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractScrollArea
Overloaded function for
QAbstractScrollArea.addScrollBarWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addSearchPath(String) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QResource
- addSearchPath(String) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.fileengine.QClassPathResourceManager
- addSearchPath(String) - Static method in class io.qt.QtResources
to the set of paths in which Qt Jambi should search for resources. - addSearchPath(String, String) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QDir
- addSecs(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QTime
- addSecs(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDateTime
- addSection(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addSection(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addSelection(int, int) - Method in interface io.qt.gui.QAccessibleTextInterface
- addSelection(int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleTextInterface.Impl
- addSeparator() - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- addSeparator() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenu
- addSeparator() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMenuBar
- addSeparator() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addSeparator() - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListCategory
- addSequence(QAbstractActionInput) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QInputSequence
- addSeries(QAbstractSeries) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- addSeries(QBar3DSeries) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DBars
- addSeries(QScatter3DSeries) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- addSeries(QSurface3DSeries) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- addService(QLowEnergyServiceData) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyController
Overloaded function for
QLowEnergyController.addService(io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyServiceData, io.qt.core.QObject)
withparent = null
. - addService(QLowEnergyServiceData, QObject) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyController
- addShader(QOpenGLShader) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addShaderFromSourceFile(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- addSimpleText(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addSimpleText(text, null)
- addSimpleText(String, QFont) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a QGraphicsSimpleTextItem to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addSource(String) - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.IoDeviceBase
- addSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel) - Method in class io.qt.core.QConcatenateTablesProxyModel
- AddSpaceForLineAndParagraphSeparators - io.qt.gui.QTextOption.Flag
- addSpacerItem(QSpacerItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addSpacing(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addSprite(int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QSpriteSheet
- addSprite(QSpriteSheetItem) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QSpriteSheet
- addStack(QUndoStack) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QUndoGroup
- addStandardItem(QMacToolBarItem.StandardItem) - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- addState(QAbstractState) - Method in class io.qt.core.QStateMachine
- addStretch() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
Overloaded function for
withstretch = 0
. - addStretch() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLinearLayout
Overloaded function for
withstretch = 1
. - addStretch(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addStretch(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLinearLayout
- addStrictTransportSecurityHosts(Collection<QHstsPolicy>) - Method in class
- addStrut(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addStylePath(String) - Static method in class io.qt.quick.controls.QQuickStyle
- addSubWindow(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
Overloaded function for
QMdiArea.addSubWindow(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags)
withflags = new io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags(0)
. - addSubWindow(QWidget, Qt.WindowFlags) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
- addSubWindow(QWidget, Qt.WindowType...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea
Overloaded function for
QMdiArea.addSubWindow(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags)
. - addTab(QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabBar
- addTab(QWidget, QIcon, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabWidget
- addTab(QWidget, String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabWidget
- addTab(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabBar
- AddTab - io.qt.gui.QKeySequence.StandardKey
- addTCBSegment(QPointF, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QEasingCurve
- addTechnique(QTechnique) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QEffect
- addText(double, double, QFont, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addText(QPointF, QFont, String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- addText(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Equivalent to addText(text, null)
- addText(String, QFont) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Creates and adds a text item to the scene, and returns the item reference.
- addTextureImage(QAbstractTextureImage) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractTexture
- addTheme(Q3DTheme) - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- addTimeRange(QMediaTimeRange) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaTimeRange
- addTitle(QNdefNfcTextRecord) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord
- addTitle(String, String, QNdefNfcTextRecord.Encoding) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord
- addToGroup(QGraphicsItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.MemberAccess
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
- addToIndex() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
- addToolBar(Qt.ToolBarArea, QToolBar) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addToolBar(QToolBar) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addToolBar(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addToolBarBreak() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
Overloaded function for
witharea = io.qt.core.Qt.ToolBarArea.TopToolBarArea
. - addToolBarBreak(Qt.ToolBarArea) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow
- addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidget
- addTopLevelItems(Collection<QTreeWidgetItem>) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidget
- AddToSelection - io.qt.core.Qt.ItemSelectionOperation
- addTransition(QAbstractState) - Method in class io.qt.core.QState
- addTransition(QAbstractTransition) - Method in class io.qt.core.QState
- addTransition(QMetaObject.AbstractSignal, QAbstractState) - Method in class io.qt.core.QState
Adds a transition associated with the given signal of the given sender object, and returns the new QSignalTransition object.
- addTransition(QObject, String, QAbstractState) - Method in class io.qt.core.QState
- addValue(double) - Method in class io.qt.concurrent.QtConcurrent.MedianDouble
- addVersionOption() - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- addWatchedService(String) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusServiceWatcher
- addWidget(int, QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface.Widget) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface
- addWidget(QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface.Widget) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface.Category
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerContainerExtension
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerContainerExtension.Impl
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsScene.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags)
withwFlags = new io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags(0)
. - addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QSplitter
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStackedWidget
- addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStatusBar
Overloaded function for
QStatusBar.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int)
withstretch = 0
. - addWidget(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- addWidget(QWidget, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
Overloaded function for
QBoxLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
withalignment = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addWidget(QWidget, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStatusBar
- addWidget(QWidget, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
witharg__4 = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addWidget(QWidget, int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
witharg__6 = new io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment(0)
. - addWidget(QWidget, int, int, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addWidget(QWidget, int, int, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, int, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addWidget(QWidget, int, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
- addWidget(QWidget, int, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGridLayout
Overloaded function for
QGridLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addWidget(QWidget, int, Qt.Alignment) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
- addWidget(QWidget, int, Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QBoxLayout
Overloaded function for
QBoxLayout.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int, io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment)
. - addWidget(QWidget, Qt.WindowFlags) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
- addWidget(QWidget, Qt.WindowType...) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
Overloaded function for
QGraphicsScene.addWidget(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, io.qt.core.Qt.WindowFlags)
. - addYears(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDate
- addYears(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDateTime
- addYears(int, QCalendar) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDate
- adjoint() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTransform
- adjust(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRectF
- adjust(int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRect
- Adjust - io.qt.widgets.QListView.ResizeMode
- adjusted(double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRectF
- adjusted(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrl
- adjusted(int, int, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QRect
- AdjustIgnored - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
- adjustIndicator(QPoint, int) - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerLayoutDecorationExtension
- adjustIndicator(QPoint, int) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerLayoutDecorationExtension.Impl
- adjustPosition(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDialog
- adjustSize() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- adjustSize() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsTextItem
- adjustSize() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsWidget
- adjustSize() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- AdjustToContents - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
- AdjustToContents - io.qt.widgets.QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow - io.qt.widgets.QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLength - io.qt.widgets.QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy
Deprecated.Use AdjustToContents or AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon - io.qt.widgets.QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy
- AdlamScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- AdobeRgb - io.qt.gui.QColorSpace.NamedColorSpace
- AdobeRgb - io.qt.gui.QColorSpace.Primaries
- adoptLayout(QLayout) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- Adult - io.qt.texttospeech.QVoice.Age
- AdultHits - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioData.ProgramType
- advance() - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationDriver
- advance() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- advance(int) - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
See QGraphicsItem::
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
See QGraphicsItem::
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
See QGraphicsItem::
- advance(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
See QGraphicsItem::
- advanceAnimation() - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationDriver
Overloaded function for
withtimeStep = -1
. - advanceAnimation(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationDriver
- AdvancedAudioDistribution - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- advancedToNextMedia - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaGaplessPlaybackControl
- AdvancePastEnd - io.qt.core.QCborError.Code
- advancesForGlyphIndexes(Collection<Integer>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
- advancesForGlyphIndexes(Collection<Integer>, QRawFont.LayoutFlag...) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
Overloaded function for
QRawFont.advancesForGlyphIndexes(java.util.Collection, io.qt.gui.QRawFont.LayoutFlags)
. - advancesForGlyphIndexes(Collection<Integer>, QRawFont.LayoutFlags) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
- AdvertisingError - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyController.Error
- AdvertisingState - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyController.ControllerState
- AdvInd - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.Mode
- AdvNonConnInd - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.Mode
- AdvScanInd - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters.Mode
- AerobicHeartRateLowerLimit - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AerobicHeartRateUpperLimit - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AerobicThreshold - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AeroStyle - io.qt.widgets.QWizard.WizardStyle
- Afan - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Afar - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AffiliationChanged -
- Afghanistan - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- AfricanField - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- Afrikaans - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- afterAnimating - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- afterAnimationStep(double) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemAnimation
- AfterLastRow - io.qt.sql.QSql.Location
- afterRendering - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- AfterRenderingStage - io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow.RenderStage
- afterRenderPassRecording - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- AfterSwapStage - io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow.RenderStage
- afterSynchronizing - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow
- AfterSynchronizingStage - io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow.RenderStage
- age() - Method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QVoice
- Age - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- ageName(QVoice.Age) - Static method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QVoice
- agent() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptEngine
- AggressiveCaching - io.qt.gui.QStaticText.PerformanceHint
- Aghem - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Ahom - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
Deprecated.No locale data for this language
- AhomScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- Airbrush - io.qt.gui.QTabletEvent.TabletDevice
- Akan - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Akkadian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Akoose - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AlandIslands - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Alarm - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioData.ProgramType
- AlarmRole - io.qt.multimedia.QAudio.Role
- AlarmTest - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioData.ProgramType
- Albania - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Albanian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AlchemistLab - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- alert(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QWindow
- alert(QWidget) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
Overloaded function for
QApplication.alert(io.qt.widgets.QWidget, int)
withduration = 0
. - alert(QWidget, int) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- Alert - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Event
- AlertCategoryID - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AlertCategoryIDBitMask - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AlertLevel - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AlertMessage - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Role
- AlertNotificationControlPoint - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AlertNotificationService - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- AlertStatus - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- Algeria - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- algorithm() - Method in class
- aliases() - Method in class io.qt.core.QMimeType
- aliases() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTextCodec
- aliceblue() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QColorConstants.Svg
- AlignAbsolute - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignAccountingStyle - io.qt.core.QTextStream.FieldAlignment
- AlignBaseline - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignBaseline - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignBottom - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignBottom - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignCenter - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignCenter - io.qt.core.QTextStream.FieldAlignment
- AlignCenter - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.WebAction
- alignedRect(Qt.LayoutDirection, Qt.Alignment, QSize, QRect) - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QStyle
- AlignHCenter - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignHorizontal_Mask - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignJustified - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.WebAction
- AlignJustify - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignLeading - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignLeft - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignLeft - io.qt.core.QTextStream.FieldAlignment
- AlignLeft - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.WebAction
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QLegend
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextBlockFormat
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextOption
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextTableFormat
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractSpinBox
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsView
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGroupBox
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLabel
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
See QLayoutItem::
- alignment() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayoutItem.Impl
See QLayoutItem::
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLineEdit
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QProgressBar
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QScrollArea
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QSpacerItem
See QLayoutItem::
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit
- alignment() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidgetItem
See QLayoutItem::
- alignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsGridLayout
- alignment(QGraphicsLayoutItem) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLinearLayout
- Alignment(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment
Creates a new Alignment with given
. - Alignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag...) - Constructor for class io.qt.core.Qt.Alignment
Creates a new Alignment where the flags in
are set. - AlignmentFaults - io.qt.test.QTest.QBenchmarkMetric
- alignmentRect(QRect) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QLayout
- AlignMiddle - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignNormal - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignRight - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignRight - io.qt.core.QTextStream.FieldAlignment
- AlignRight - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.WebAction
- AlignSubScript - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignSuperScript - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignTop - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignTop - io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat.VerticalAlignment
- AlignTrailing - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignVCenter - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- AlignVertical_Mask - io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
- All - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.Field
- All - io.qt.gui.QPalette.ColorGroup
- All - io.qt.qt3d.render.QMemoryBarrier.Operation
- All - io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlag
- ALL -
- allAddresses() - Static method in class
- allAncestors() - Method in class io.qt.core.QMimeType
- AllAnimations - io.qt.charts.QChart.AnimationOption
- AllBuffers - io.qt.qt3d.render.QClearBuffers.BufferType
- AllButtons - io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton
- AllChanges - io.qt.qt3d.core.Qt3DCore.ChangeFlag
- allColumnsShowFocus() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeView
- allConfigurations() - Method in class
Deprecated.Overloaded function for
withflags = new
. - allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlag...) - Method in class
Deprecated.Overloaded function for
. - allConfigurations(QNetworkConfiguration.StateFlags) - Method in class
- allCookies() - Method in class
- allDevices() - Static method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothLocalDevice
- AllDirections - io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusDevice.Direction
- AllDirections - io.qt.serialport.QSerialPort.Direction
- AllDirs - io.qt.core.QDir.Filter
- AllDirty - io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.DirtyFlag
- AllDockWidgetAreas - io.qt.core.Qt.DockWidgetArea
- AllDockWidgetFeatures - io.qt.widgets.QDockWidget.DockWidgetFeature
- AllEditTriggers - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
- AllEntries - io.qt.core.QDir.Filter
- AllEvents - io.qt.core.QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag
- AllExtensions - io.qt.qml.QJSEngine.Extension
- AllFaces - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractTexture.CubeMapFace
- AllFeatures - io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
- AllFonts - io.qt.widgets.QFontComboBox.FontFilter
- allFormats() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- allGray() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QImage
- allInterfaces() - Static method in class
- allKeys() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSettings
- AllLayers - io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene.SceneLayer
- AllLowercase - io.qt.gui.QFont.Capitalization
- allMimeTypes() - Method in class io.qt.core.QMimeDatabase
- AllNonFixedFieldsGrow - io.qt.widgets.QFormLayout.FieldGrowthPolicy
- allocate(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLBuffer
- allocate(int) - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry
Overloaded function for
QSGGeometry.allocate(int, int)
withindexCount = 0
. - allocate(int, int) - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry
- allocate(Buffer, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLBuffer
- allocateStorage() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture
- allocateStorage(QOpenGLTexture.PixelFormat, QOpenGLTexture.PixelType) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture
- AllowAllUnknownUrlSchemes - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.UnknownUrlSchemePolicy
- allowed() - Method in class io.qt.websockets.QWebSocketCorsAuthenticator
- allowedAreas() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDockWidget
- allowedAreas() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- allowedAreasChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QDockWidget
- allowedAreasChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QToolBar
- allowedItems() - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- allowedNextProtocols() - Method in class
- AllowExternalRegistration - io.qt.remoteobjects.QRemoteObjectHostBase.AllowedSchemas
- AllowGeolocationOnInsecureOrigins - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- allowNegatives() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QValue3DAxisFormatter
- AllowNestedDocks - io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow.DockOption
- AllowOutsideAreaHorizontally - io.qt.widgets.QMdiSubWindow.SubWindowOption
- AllowOutsideAreaVertically - io.qt.widgets.QMdiSubWindow.SubWindowOption
- AllowPersistentCookies - io.qt.webengine.QQuickWebEngineProfile.PersistentCookiesPolicy
- AllowPersistentCookies - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineProfile.PersistentCookiesPolicy
- AllowReplacement - io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnectionInterface.ServiceReplacementOptions
- AllowRunningInsecureContent - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- allowsErrorInteraction() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QSessionManager
- allowsInteraction() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QSessionManager
- AllowTabbedDocks - io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow.DockOption
- AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.UnknownUrlSchemePolicy
- AllowWindowActivationFromJavaScript - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- allowZero() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QValue3DAxisFormatter
- AllPages - io.qt.printsupport.QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintRange
- AllPages - io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter.PrintRange
- AllPagesView - io.qt.printsupport.QPrintPreviewWidget.ViewMode
- AllPicks - io.qt.qt3d.render.QPickingSettings.PickResultMode
- AllPositioningMethods - io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSource.PositioningMethod
- AllPropertiesResolved - io.qt.gui.QFont.ResolveProperties
- allQueryItemValues(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrlQuery
Overloaded function for
QUrlQuery.allQueryItemValues(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions)
withencoding = new io.qt.core.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions(0)
. - allQueryItemValues(String, QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption...) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrlQuery
Overloaded function for
QUrlQuery.allQueryItemValues(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions)
. - allQueryItemValues(String, QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrlQuery
- AllRelations - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.RelationFlag
- allSelectors() - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileSelector
- AllServices - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.ServiceClass
- AllTables - io.qt.sql.QSql.TableType
- allTestsPassOperation() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QStencilOperationArguments
- allTestsPassOperationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QStencilOperationArguments
- AllToolBarAreas - io.qt.core.Qt.ToolBarArea
- AllUppercase - io.qt.gui.QFont.Capitalization
- allWidgets() - Static method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- allWindows() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QGuiApplication
- alpha() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QColor
- alpha() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRgba64
- alpha() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QGoochMaterial
- alpha() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongAlphaMaterial
- Alpha - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture.PixelFormat
- Alpha - io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat.ColorModel
- alpha8() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRgba64
- AlphaBlend - io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
- alphaBlendingEnabledChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseSpecularMaterial
- alphaBlendingEnabledChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QTextureMaterial
- alphaBufferSize() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QSurfaceFormat
- alphaChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QGoochMaterial
- alphaChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongAlphaMaterial
- alphaChannel() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QImage
Deprecated.Use convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Alpha8)
- AlphaDither_Mask - io.qt.core.Qt.ImageConversionFlag
- alphaF() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QColor
- AlphaFormat - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture.TextureFormat
- AlphaFormat - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractTexture.TextureFormat
- alphaFunction() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAlphaTest
- alphaFunctionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAlphaTest
- alphaMapForGlyph(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
Overloaded function for
QRawFont.alphaMapForGlyph(int, io.qt.gui.QRawFont.AntialiasingType, io.qt.gui.QTransform)
- alphaMapForGlyph(int, QRawFont.AntialiasingType) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
Overloaded function for
QRawFont.alphaMapForGlyph(int, io.qt.gui.QRawFont.AntialiasingType, io.qt.gui.QTransform)
withtransform = new io.qt.gui.QTransform()
. - alphaMapForGlyph(int, QRawFont.AntialiasingType, QTransform) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
- alphaMaskedChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QColorMask
- alphaMultiplier() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QCustom3DVolume
- alphaMultiplierChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QCustom3DVolume
- alphaPosition() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat
- alphaSize() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat
- alphaUsage() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat
- AlphaValue - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture.SwizzleValue
- ALPNProtocolHTTP2 - Static variable in class
- AlreadyExists - io.qt.core.QSharedMemory.SharedMemoryError
- AlreadyExists - io.qt.core.QSystemSemaphore.SystemSemaphoreError
- Alternate - io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionViewItem.ViewItemFeature
- alternateBase() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPalette
- AlternateBase - io.qt.gui.QPalette.ColorRole
- AlternateQuotation - io.qt.core.QLocale.QuotationStyle
- alternatingRowColors() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView
- Alternative() - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo.Alternative
- Alternative(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo.Alternative
Constructor for internal use only.
- Alternative(Collection<Object>) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo.Alternative
- alternativeFrequenciesEnabledChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioData
- alternativeFrequenciesEnabledChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioDataControl
- AlternativeId() - Static method in class io.qt.location.QPlaceMatchRequest
- AlternativeRoutesFeature - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.RoutingFeature
- AlternativeType -
- altitude() - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoCoordinate
- altitude() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QAltimeterReading
- altKeyActive() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QAbstractCameraController.InputState
- AltModifier - io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifier
- AltModifier - io.qt.qt3d.input.QMouseEvent.Modifiers
- AltModifier - io.qt.qt3d.input.QWheelEvent.Modifiers
- AltModifier - io.qt.qt3d.render.QPickEvent.Modifiers
- Always - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAlphaTest.AlphaFunction
- Always - io.qt.qt3d.render.QDepthTest.DepthFunction
- Always - io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderSettings.RenderPolicy
- Always - io.qt.qt3d.render.QStencilTestArguments.StencilFunction
- AlwaysActivateWindow - io.qt.gui.QWindowsWindowFunctions.WindowActivationBehavior
- AlwaysCache -
- AlwaysNetwork -
- AlwaysOn - io.qt.sensors.QSensor.Feature
- alwaysOnChanged - Variable in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- AlwaysUploadPattern - io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.DataPattern
- AM - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTuner.Band
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseMapMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseSpecularMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QMorphPhongMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongAlphaMaterial
- ambient() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseMapMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QDiffuseSpecularMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QMorphPhongMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongAlphaMaterial
- ambientChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QPhongMaterial
- ambientLightStrength() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DTheme
- ambientLightStrengthChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DTheme
- ambientOcclusion() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QMetalRoughMaterial
- ambientOcclusionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QMetalRoughMaterial
- ambientOcclusionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.extras.QTexturedMetalRoughMaterial
- AmericanSamoa - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- AmericanSignLanguage - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Amharic - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AmourAmour - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- amplitude() - Method in class io.qt.core.QEasingCurve
- AmPmSection - io.qt.widgets.QDateTimeEdit.Section
- amText() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLocale
- AmyCrisp - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- AnaerobicHeartRateLowerLimit - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AnaerobicHeartRateUpperLimit - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AnaerobicThreshold - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- analyzeProperty(QObject, QtObject) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals
- AnatolianHieroglyphsScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- anchor() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCursor
- anchor(QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.AnchorPoint, QGraphicsLayoutItem, Qt.AnchorPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsAnchorLayout
- anchorAt(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QPlainTextEdit
- anchorAt(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit
- anchorAt(QPointF) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
- AnchorBottom - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- anchorClicked - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QTextBrowser
- AnchoredMatchOption - io.qt.core.QRegularExpression.MatchOption
- anchoredPattern(String) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QRegularExpression
- AnchorHorizontalCenter - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- anchorHref() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat
- AnchorHref - io.qt.gui.QTextFormat.Property
- AnchorLeft - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- AnchorName - io.qt.gui.QTextFormat.Property
- anchorNames() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat
- anchorPosition() - Method in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- anchorPositionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- anchorRectangle() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QInputMethod
- anchorRectangle() - Method in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- anchorRectangleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QInputMethod
- anchorRectangleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- anchorRectIntersectsClipRect() - Method in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- anchorRectIntersectsClipRectChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- AnchorRight - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- AnchorTop - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- AnchorUnderMouse - io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor
- AnchorVerticalCenter - io.qt.core.Qt.AnchorPoint
- AnchorViewCenter - io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor
- AncientEgyptian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AncientGreek - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AncientNorthArabian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
Deprecated.No locale data for this language
- and(QBitArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QBitArray
- Andorra - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Android - io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion.OSType
- AndroidJellyBean() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean (version 4.1, API level 16)
- AndroidJellyBean_MR1() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean, maintenance release 1 (version 4.2, API level 17)
- AndroidJellyBean_MR2() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Jelly Bean, maintenance release 2 (version 4.3, API level 18)
- AndroidKitKat() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android KitKat (versions 4.4 & 4.4W, API levels 19 & 20)
- AndroidLayout - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonLayout
- AndroidLollipop() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Lollipop (version 5.0, API level 21)
- AndroidLollipop_MR1() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Lollipop, maintenance release 1 (version 5.1, API level 22)
- AndroidMarshmallow() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Marshmallow (version 6.0, API level 23)
- AndroidNougat() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Nougat (version 7.0, API level 24)
- AndroidNougat_MR1() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Nougat, maintenance release 1 (version 7.0, API level 25)
- AndroidOreo() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QOperatingSystemVersion
Version corresponding to Android Oreo (version 8.0, API level 26)
- AngelCare - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- angle - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QQuaternion.AxisAndAngle
- angle() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLineF
- angle() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QConicalGradient
- angle() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsRotation
- angle(QLineF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLineF
Deprecated.Use qMin(l1.angleTo(l2), l2.angleTo(l1)) instead
- angleAtPercent(double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- angleBetween(Qt.ScreenOrientation, Qt.ScreenOrientation) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- angleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsRotation
- angleDelta() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QWheelEvent
- angleDelta() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QWheelEvent
- angleSpan() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPieSlice
- angleSpanChanged - Variable in class io.qt.charts.QPieSlice
- angleTo(QLineF) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLineF
- Angola - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Anguilla - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- animateClick() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
Overloaded function for
withmsec = 100
. - animateClick(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
- animated() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessible.State
- animated() - Method in class io.qt.svg.QSvgRenderer
- AnimatedDocks - io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow.DockOption
- animatingChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QInputMethod
- animatingChanged - Variable in class io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputContext
- AnimatingState - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView.State
- Animation - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Role
- Animation - io.qt.gui.QImageIOHandler.ImageOption
- animationAt(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationGroup
- animationCount() - Method in class io.qt.core.QAnimationGroup
- animationDuration() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- animationDuration() - Method in class io.qt.svg.QSvgRenderer
- animationEasingCurve() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- animationGroupList() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationController
- AnimationHint - io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsBlurEffect.BlurHint
- animationList() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationGroup
- animationName() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAbstractAnimation
- animationNameChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAbstractAnimation
- animationOptions() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- AnimationOptions(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.charts.QChart.AnimationOptions
Creates a new AnimationOptions with given
. - AnimationOptions(QChart.AnimationOption...) - Constructor for class io.qt.charts.QChart.AnimationOptions
Creates a new AnimationOptions where the flags in
are set. - animations() - Method in class io.qt.core.QAbstractTransition
- animationType() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAbstractAnimation
- AnisotropicFiltering - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture.Feature
- Anisotropy16x - io.qt.quick.QSGTexture.AnisotropyLevel
- Anisotropy2x - io.qt.quick.QSGTexture.AnisotropyLevel
- Anisotropy4x - io.qt.quick.QSGTexture.AnisotropyLevel
- Anisotropy8x - io.qt.quick.QSGTexture.AnisotropyLevel
- anisotropyLevel() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGOpaqueTextureMaterial
- anisotropyLevel() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGTexture
- AnisotropyNone - io.qt.quick.QSGTexture.AnisotropyLevel
- AnsiA - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- AnsiA - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- AnsiB - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- AnsiB - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- AnsiC - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- AnsiC - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- AnsiD - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- AnsiD - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- AnsiE - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- AnsiE - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- answered() - Method in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineCertificateError
- answerRect() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QDragMoveEvent
- Antarctica - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- antennaConnectedChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTuner
- antennaConnectedChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTunerControl
- antialiasing() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- Antialiasing - io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
- Antialiasing - io.qt.gui.QPainter.RenderHint
- antialiasingChanged - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
- AntiguaAndBarbuda - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- antiquewhite() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QColorConstants.Svg
- Any - io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase.WritingSystem
- Any -
- ANY -
- AnyAreaMonitorFeature - io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource.AreaMonitorFeature
- AnyCountry - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- AnyError - io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusFrame.FrameError
- AnyFile - io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog.FileMode
- AnyGeocodingFeatures - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.GeocodingFeature
- AnyIPProtocol -
- AnyIPv4 -
- AnyIPv6 -
- AnyKeyPressed - io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
- AnyLanguage - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AnyMappingFeatures - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.MappingFeature
- AnyNavigationFeatures - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.NavigationFeature
- AnyPlacesFeatures - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.PlacesFeature
- AnyProtocol -
- AnyRoutingFeatures - io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.RoutingFeature
- AnyScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- AnySeverity - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Severity
- AnySource - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Source
- AnyStretch - io.qt.gui.QFont.Stretch
- AnyStyle - io.qt.gui.QFont.StyleHint
- AnyType - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Type
- aperture() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposure
- Aperture - io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposureControl.ExposureParameter
- apertureChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposure
- apertureRangeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposure
- api() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QGraphicsApiFilter
- api() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderCapabilities
- apiChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QGraphicsApiFilter
- APISource - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Source
- ApparentWindDirection - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- ApparentWindSpeed - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- AppConfigLocation - io.qt.core.QStandardPaths.StandardLocation
- AppDataLocation - io.qt.core.QStandardPaths.StandardLocation
- appDpiX() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
Overloaded function for
withscreen = -1
. - appDpiX(int) - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- appDpiY() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
Overloaded function for
withscreen = -1
. - appDpiY(int) - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- Appearance - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType
- append(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(boolean) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(byte) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- append(byte) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(byte) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(byte[]) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(char) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(double) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarSet
- append(double) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBoxSet
- append(double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(double) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(double) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(double, double) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QXYSeries
- append(double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPolygonF
- append(float) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(float) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(int) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(int, byte) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- append(int, int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPolygon
- append(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(long) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(short) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(short) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QBarSet) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QAbstractBarSeries
- append(QBoxSet) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBoxPlotSeries
- append(QCandlestickSet) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QCandlestickSeries
- append(QPieSlice) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPieSeries
- append(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- append(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QCborKnownTags) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(QCborSimpleType) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(QCborTag) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(QCborValue) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborArray
- append(QJsonValue) - Method in class io.qt.core.QJsonArray
- append(QList<Object>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- append(QObject) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlListReference
- append(QPointF) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QXYSeries
- append(QDBusObjectPath) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QDBusSignature) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QDBusVariant) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
- append(QHttpPart) - Method in class
- append(QSqlField) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlIndex
- append(QSqlField) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlRecord
- append(QSqlField, boolean) - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlIndex
- append(Object) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarCategoryAxis
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
Deprecated.Use QString's toUtf8(), toLatin1() or toLocal8Bit()
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit
- append(String, double) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QCategoryAxis
- append(String, double) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPieSeries
- append(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamAttributes
- append(String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamAttributes
- append(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QXmlAttributes
- append(BigInteger) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(Buffer) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- append(Buffer, int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- append(ByteBuffer, long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- append(Collection<E>) - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiListObject
- append(Collection<QBarSet>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QAbstractBarSeries
- append(Collection<QBoxSet>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBoxPlotSeries
- append(Collection<QCandlestickSet>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QCandlestickSeries
- append(Collection<QPieSlice>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPieSeries
- append(Collection<QList<Object>>) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- append(Collection<QPointF>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QXYSeries
- append(Collection<Double>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarSet
- append(Collection<Double>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBoxSet
- append(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarCategoryAxis
- append(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- append(Collection<T>) - Method in class io.qt.core.QList
- append(Collection<T>) - Method in class io.qt.core.QVector
- append(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QLinkedList
- append(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QList
- append(T) - Method in class io.qt.core.QVector
- append(T) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlListProperty
- Append - io.qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag
- appendChannel(QChannel) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationClipData
- appendChannelComponent(QChannelComponent) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QChannel
- appendChild(QDomNode) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomNode
- appendChildNode(QSGNode) - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGNode
- appendColumn(Collection<QStandardItem>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- appendColumn(Collection<QStandardItem>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItemModel
- appendColumns(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextTable
- appendContactDetail(String, QPlaceContactDetail) - Method in class io.qt.location.QPlace
- appendData(String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomCharacterData
- appendHtml(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QPlainTextEdit
- appendKeyFrame(QKeyFrame) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QChannelComponent
- appendNull() - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- appendPlainText(String) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QPlainTextEdit
- appendRecord(QNdefFilter.Record) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
- appendRecord(QNdefRecord.TypeNameFormat, QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
Overloaded function for
QNdefFilter.appendRecord(io.qt.nfc.QNdefRecord.TypeNameFormat, io.qt.core.QByteArray, int, int)
- appendRecord(QNdefRecord.TypeNameFormat, QByteArray, int) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
Overloaded function for
QNdefFilter.appendRecord(io.qt.nfc.QNdefRecord.TypeNameFormat, io.qt.core.QByteArray, int, int)
withmax = 1
. - appendRecord(QNdefRecord.TypeNameFormat, QByteArray, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
- appendRecord(Class<? extends QNdefRecord>) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
- appendRecord(Class<? extends QNdefRecord>, int) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
- appendRecord(Class<? extends QNdefRecord>, int, int) - Method in class io.qt.nfc.QNdefFilter
- appendRow(QStandardItem) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- appendRow(QStandardItem) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItemModel
- appendRow(Collection<QStandardItem>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- appendRow(Collection<QStandardItem>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItemModel
- appendRows(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextTable
- appendRows(Collection<QStandardItem>) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QStandardItem
- appendToItem(QQuickItem) - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickTransform
- appendUndefined() - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborStreamWriter
- appendUndoItem(QAbstractUndoItem) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- appendVariant(Object) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- Application - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Role
- ApplicationActivate - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ApplicationActivated - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ApplicationActive - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationState
- ApplicationDeactivate - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ApplicationDeactivated - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- applicationDescription() - Method in class io.qt.core.QCommandLineParser
- applicationDirPath() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- applicationDisplayName() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QGuiApplication
- applicationDisplayNameChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QGuiApplication
- applicationFilePath() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- ApplicationFontChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- applicationFontFamilies(int) - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase
- ApplicationHidden - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationState
- ApplicationInactive - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationState
- ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ApplicationLevelRoaming -
- ApplicationModal - io.qt.core.Qt.WindowModality
- applicationName() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- applicationName() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSettings
- applicationNameChanged - Variable in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- ApplicationPaletteChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- applicationPid() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- applicationProxy() - Static method in class
- ApplicationShortcut - io.qt.core.Qt.ShortcutContext
- ApplicationsLocation - io.qt.core.QStandardPaths.StandardLocation
- ApplicationSource - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Source
- ApplicationSpecificRole - io.qt.widgets.QAction.MenuRole
- applicationState() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QApplicationStateChangeEvent
- applicationState() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QGuiApplication
- ApplicationStateChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- applicationStateChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QGuiApplication
- ApplicationStates(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationStates
Creates a new ApplicationStates with given
. - ApplicationStates(Qt.ApplicationState...) - Constructor for class io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationStates
Creates a new ApplicationStates where the flags in
are set. - ApplicationSuspended - io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationState
- applicationVersion() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- applicationVersionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- ApplicationWindowIconChange - io.qt.core.QEvent.Type
- ApplicationWorld - io.qt.webengine.QQuickWebEngineScript.ScriptWorldId
- ApplicationWorld - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineScript.ScriptWorldId
- AppLocalDataLocation - io.qt.core.QStandardPaths.StandardLocation
- apply() - Method in interface io.qt.designer.QDesignerOptionsPageInterface
- apply() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerOptionsPageInterface.Impl
- Apply - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton
- Apply - io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton
- applyColorTransform(QColorTransform) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QImage
- applyNiceNumbers() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QValueAxis
- applyPropertyInternally(QObject, String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.designer.QAbstractFormBuilder
- ApplyRole - io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole
- ApplyRole - io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.ButtonRole
- applySettings() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorderControl
- applySettings(QHelpFilterEngine) - Method in class
- applyTo(QMatrix4x4) - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickTransform
- applyTo(QMatrix4x4) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsRotation
- applyTo(QMatrix4x4) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScale
- applyTo(QMatrix4x4) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsTransform
- appname - Variable in class io.qt.core.QLockFile.LockInfo
- appRootWindow() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
Overloaded function for
withscreen = -1
. - appRootWindow(int) - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- appScreen() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- appTime() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- appUserTime() - Static method in class io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info
- aqua() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QColorConstants.Svg
- AquaGuidance - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- aquamarine() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QColorConstants.Svg
- AquaSplash - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- Arabic - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Arabic - io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase.WritingSystem
- Arabic - io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine.InputMode
- ArabicScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- Aragonese - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Aramaic - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- ArchA - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- ArchA - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- ArchB - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- ArchB - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- ArchC - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- ArchC - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- ArchD - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- ArchD - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- ArchDataPath - io.qt.core.QLibraryInfo.LibraryLocation
- ArchE - io.qt.gui.QPagedPaintDevice.PageSize
- ArchE - io.qt.gui.QPageSize.PageSizeId
- arcMoveTo(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- arcMoveTo(QRectF, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- arcTo(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- arcTo(QRectF, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath
- ArdhamagadhiPrakrit - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
Deprecated.No locale data for this language
- area() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFocusZone
- area() - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorInfo
- Area - io.qt.gui.QTouchDevice.CapabilityFlag
- areaEntered - Variable in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource
- areaExited - Variable in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource
- areaMonitor(QObject) - Method in interface io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory
- areaMonitor(QObject) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.Impl
- areaMonitor(QObject) - Method in interface io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryV2
- areaMonitor(QObject) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryV2.Impl
- AreaMonitorFeatures(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource.AreaMonitorFeatures
Creates a new AreaMonitorFeatures with given
. - AreaMonitorFeatures(QGeoAreaMonitorSource.AreaMonitorFeature...) - Constructor for class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource.AreaMonitorFeatures
Creates a new AreaMonitorFeatures where the flags in
are set. - areaMonitorWithParameters(QObject, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryV2
- areaMonitorWithParameters(QObject, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryV2.Impl
- AreaOptions(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea.AreaOptions
Creates a new AreaOptions with given
. - AreaOptions(QMdiArea.AreaOption...) - Constructor for class io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea.AreaOptions
Creates a new AreaOptions where the flags in
are set. - areObjectsEquals(QtJambiObject, Object) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal
- areSharing(QOpenGLContext, QOpenGLContext) - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLContext
- arg(String, String...) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QString
- Argentina - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- argument(int) - Method in interface io.qt.script.QScriptable
- argument(int) - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptable.Impl
See QScriptable::
- argument(int) - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptContext
- argumentAt0() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply
- argumentAt1() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply2
- argumentAt2() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply3
- argumentAt3() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply4
- argumentAt4() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply5
- argumentAt5() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply6
- argumentAt6() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply7
- argumentAt7() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusPendingReply8
- argumentCount() - Method in interface io.qt.script.QScriptable
- argumentCount() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptable.Impl
See QScriptable::
- argumentCount() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptContext
- arguments() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCoreApplication
- arguments() - Method in class io.qt.core.QProcess
- arguments() - Method in class io.qt.core.QStateMachine.SignalEvent
- arguments() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusMessage
- arguments() - Method in class io.qt.winextras.QWinJumpListItem
- argumentsObject() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptContext
- argumentTypes() - Method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiSignals.AbstractSignal
- Armenia - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Armenian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Armenian - io.qt.gui.QFontDatabase.WritingSystem
- ArmenianScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- array() - Method in class io.qt.core.QJsonDocument
- array() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- array() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QScatterDataProxy
- array() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QSurfaceDataProxy
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x2
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x3
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix2x4
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x2
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x3
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix3x4
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x2
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x3
- array() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMatrix4x4
- array() - Method in class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlExecutableContent.ForeachInfo
Name of the array that is iterated over
- Array - io.qt.core.QCborStreamReader.Type
- Array - io.qt.core.QCborValue.Type
- Array - io.qt.core.QJsonValue.Type
- arrayReset - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QBarDataProxy
- arrayReset - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QScatterDataProxy
- arrayReset - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QSurfaceDataProxy
- ArrayType - io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument.ElementType
- Arrow - io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionToolButton.ToolButtonFeature
- ArrowCursor - io.qt.core.Qt.CursorShape
- arrowType() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionToolButton
The direction of the arrow for the tool button
- arrowType() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolButton
- Aruba - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- AscendingOrder - io.qt.core.Qt.SortOrder
- AscensionIsland - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetrics
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetricsF
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextInlineObject
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextItem
- ascent() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextLine
- ascii() - Method in class io.qt.test.QTestKeyEvent
- AsciiInputDelimiter - io.qt.serialbus.QModbusServer.Option
- asciiToKey(byte) - Static method in class io.qt.test.QTest
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.Security
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent.DiscoveryMethod
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.CoreConfiguration
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.Field
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.ServiceClass
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyCharacteristic.PropertyType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyService.ServiceType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.charts.QChart.AnimationOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.charts.QChartView.RubberBand
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.charts.QPolarChart.PolarOrientation
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.concurrent.QtConcurrent.ReduceOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.internal.QAbstractFileEngine.FileFlag
Deprecated.Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QByteArray.Base64Option
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QCborValue.DiagnosticNotationOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QCborValue.EncodingOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QCommandLineOption.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QDir.Filter
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QDir.SortFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QDirIterator.IteratorFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QFileDevice.Permission
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QLibrary.LoadHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QLocale.DataSizeFormat
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QLocale.NumberOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QMetaType.TypeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QRegularExpression.MatchOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QRegularExpression.PatternOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QStandardPaths.LocateOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QString.SectionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.AlignmentFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.ApplicationState
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.DockWidgetArea
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.DropAction
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.Edge
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.GestureFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.ImageConversionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.InputMethodHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.InputMethodQuery
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.ItemFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifier
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.MatchFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.MouseEventFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.Orientation
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.ScreenOrientation
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.SplitBehaviorFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.TextInteractionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.ToolBarArea
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.TouchPointState
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.WindowState
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.Qt.WindowType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QTextBoundaryFinder.BoundaryReason
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QTextCodec.ConversionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QTextStream.NumberFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in interface io.qt.core.QUrl.FormattingOption
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.core.QUrl.UserInputResolutionOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph.OptimizationHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.datavis.QSurface3DSeries.DrawFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.ConnectionCapability
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.RegisterOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.dbus.QDBusServiceWatcher.WatchModeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface.FeatureFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.designer.QDesignerIntegrationInterface.FeatureFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QAccessible.RelationFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QGlyphRun.GlyphRunFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QImageIOHandler.Transformation
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QImageIOPlugin.Capability
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLBuffer.RangeAccessFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Severity
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Source
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugMessage.Type
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFunctions.OpenGLFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShader.ShaderTypeBit
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QOpenGLTexture.Feature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.DirtyFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QPainter.PixmapFragmentHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QPainter.RenderHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QRawFont.LayoutFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QSurfaceFormat.FormatOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTextDocument.FindFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTextFormat.PageBreakFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTextItem.RenderFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTextOption.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTouchDevice.CapabilityFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QTouchEvent.TouchPoint.InfoFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.gui.QWindowsWindowFunctions.TouchWindowTouchType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.internal.EnumFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.internal.MetaDataFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.internal.MetaObjectFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.internal.MethodFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.internal.PropertyFlags
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.keyboard.QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine.ReselectFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.FeatureType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.FeatureWeight
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.ManeuverDetail
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.RouteOptimization
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.SegmentDetail
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.TravelMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.GeocodingFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.MappingFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.NavigationFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.PlacesFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider.RoutingFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.location.QLocation.Visibility
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QCamera.CaptureMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QCamera.LockType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QCameraExposure.FlashMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFocus.FocusMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QCameraImageCapture.CaptureDestination
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QMediaServiceProviderHint.Feature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.multimedia.QVideoFilterRunnable.RunFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Deprecated.Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Deprecated.Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Deprecated.Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldManager.TargetAccessMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldShareManager.ShareMode
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.nfc.QNearFieldTarget.AccessMethod
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource.AreaMonitorFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSource.PositioningMethod
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.printsupport.QAbstractPrintDialog.PrintDialogOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qml.QJSEngine.Extension
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qml.QQmlImageProviderBase.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qt3d.animation.QAnimationCallback.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qt3d.core.QSceneChange.DeliveryFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qt3d.core.Qt3DCore.ChangeFlag
Deprecated.Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.qt3d.render.QMemoryBarrier.Operation
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in interface io.qt.QtAbstractFlagEnumerator
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in interface io.qt.QtFlagEnumerator
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QQuickItem.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QQuickPaintedItem.PerformanceHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QQuickWindow.CreateTextureOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGAbstractRenderer.ClearModeBit
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGAbstractRenderer.MatrixTransformFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGEngine.CreateTextureOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGImageNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGMaterial.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialRhiShader.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialRhiShader.GraphicsPipelineState.ColorMaskComponent
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialShader.RenderState.DirtyState
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGNode.DirtyStateBit
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGNode.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGRendererInterface.ShaderCompilationType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGRendererInterface.ShaderSourceType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGRenderNode.RenderingFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGRenderNode.StateFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.quick.QSGSimpleTextureNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.script.QScriptClass.QueryFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.script.QScriptEngine.QObjectWrapOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.script.QScriptValue.PropertyFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.script.QScriptValue.ResolveFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusDevice.Direction
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusDevice.Filter.FormatFilter
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusFrame.FrameError
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.serialport.QSerialPort.Direction
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.serialport.QSerialPort.PinoutSignal
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.sql.QSql.ParamTypeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.webengine.core.QWebEngineUrlScheme.Flag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineContextMenuData.EditFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineContextMenuData.MediaFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage.FindFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QAbstractSpinBox.StepEnabledFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QDateTimeEdit.Section
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QDockWidget.DockWidgetFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QFileDialog.Option
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QFileIconProvider.Option
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QFileSystemModel.Option
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QFontComboBox.FontFilter
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QFontDialog.FontDialogOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGestureRecognizer.ResultFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsBlurEffect.BlurHint
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsEffect.ChangeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScene.SceneLayer
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsView.CacheModeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsView.OptimizationFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QInputDialog.InputDialogOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QMainWindow.DockOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QMdiArea.AreaOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QMdiSubWindow.SubWindowOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QPinchGesture.ChangeFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QSizePolicy.ControlType
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyle.StateFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionButton.ButtonFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionFrame.FrameFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionTab.CornerWidget
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionTab.TabFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionToolBar.ToolBarFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionToolButton.ToolButtonFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionViewItem.ViewItemFeature
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QWidget.RenderFlag
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.widgets.QWizard.WizardOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags() - Method in enum io.qt.x11extras.QX11Info.PeekOption
Create a QFlags of the enum entry.
- asFlags(QtAbstractFlagEnumerator, Function<Integer, QFlags<?>>) - Static method in class io.qt.internal.QtJambiInternal
- aspectEngine() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.quick.QQmlAspectEngine
- aspectRatio() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- aspectRatio() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QCamera
- aspectRatio() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QCameraLens
- aspectRatioChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DGraph
- aspectRatioChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QCamera
- aspectRatioChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QCameraLens
- aspectRatioMode() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QVideoWindowControl
- aspectRatioMode() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.widgets.QGraphicsVideoItem
- aspectRatioMode() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.widgets.QVideoWidget
- aspectRatioMode() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.widgets.QVideoWidgetControl
- aspectRatioMode() - Method in class io.qt.svg.QSvgRenderer
- aspects() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.core.QAspectEngine
- Assamese - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- assignmentInfo(int) - Method in interface io.qt.scxml.QScxmlTableData
- assignmentInfo(int) - Method in class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlTableData.Impl
- AssignmentInfo() - Constructor for class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlExecutableContent.AssignmentInfo
- AssignmentInfo(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlExecutableContent.AssignmentInfo
Constructor for internal use only.
- assignProperty(QObject, String, Object) - Method in class io.qt.core.QState
- Assistant - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Role
- associatedGraphicsWidgets() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAction
- associatedWidgets() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAction
- AssumeLocalFile - io.qt.core.QUrl.UserInputResolutionOption
- asteriskPressed - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardHandler
- Asturian - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Asu - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- asVariant() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- asyncCall(QDBusMessage) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection
Overloaded function for
QDBusConnection.asyncCall(io.qt.dbus.QDBusMessage, int)
withtimeout = -1
. - asyncCall(QDBusMessage, int) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection
- asyncCall(String) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusAbstractInterface
- asyncCall(String, Object...) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusAbstractInterface
- asyncCallWithArgumentList(String, Collection<Object>) - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusAbstractInterface
- Asynchronous - io.qt.qml.QQmlComponent.CompilationMode
- Asynchronous - io.qt.qml.QQmlIncubator.IncubationMode
- AsynchronousIfNested - io.qt.qml.QQmlIncubator.IncubationMode
- AsynchronousLogging - io.qt.gui.QOpenGLDebugLogger.LoggingMode
- at() - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlQuery
- at() - Method in class io.qt.sql.QSqlResult
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarCategoryAxis
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBarSet
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QBoxSet
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QXYSeries
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QBitArray
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QByteArray
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QDir
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QJsonArray
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QList
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.core.QVector
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QKeySequence
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlListProperty
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.qml.QQmlListReference
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.test.QSignalSpy
- at(int) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomNodeList
- at(long) - Method in class io.qt.core.QCborArray
- AtBeginning - io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition
- atBlockEnd() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCursor
- atBlockStart() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCursor
- atDistanceAndAzimuth(double, double) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoCoordinate
Overloaded function for
QGeoCoordinate.atDistanceAndAzimuth(double, double, double)
withdistanceUp = 0.0
. - atDistanceAndAzimuth(double, double, double) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoCoordinate
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.internal.QAbstractFileEngine
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QBuffer
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QDataStream
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QFileDevice
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QIODevice
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QProcess
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTextStream
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusArgument
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextBlock.iterator
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCursor
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextFrame.iterator
- atEnd() - Method in class
- atEnd() - Method in class
- atEnd() - Method in class io.qt.serialport.QSerialPort
- AtEnd - io.qt.gui.QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition
- AtomicCounter - io.qt.qt3d.render.QMemoryBarrier.Operation
- atomicValue(Object) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlReceiver
- atomicValue(Object) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlFormatter
- atomicValue(Object) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlSerializer
- Atsam - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- atStart() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextCursor
- Att - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ProtocolUuid
- AttAccessConstraints(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraints
Creates a new AttAccessConstraints with given
. - AttAccessConstraints(QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraint...) - Constructor for class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraints
Creates a new AttAccessConstraints where the flags in
are set. - attach() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSharedMemory
Overloaded function for
withmode = io.qt.core.QSharedMemory.AccessMode.ReadWrite
. - attach(QSharedMemory.AccessMode) - Method in class io.qt.core.QSharedMemory
- attachAxis(QAbstractAxis) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries
- attachedAxes() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries
- attachment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObject
- attachment() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat
- Attachment - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineDownloadItem.DownloadType
- attachmentPoint() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderTargetOutput
- attachmentPointChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QRenderTargetOutput
- attachTo(QScriptEngine) - Method in class
- attachToChart() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QLegend
- attachToWindow(QWindow) - Method in class io.qt.macextras.QMacToolBar
- AttAuthenticationRequired - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraint
- AttAuthorizationRequired - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraint
- AttEncryptionRequired - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.AttAccessConstraint
- attribute(int) - Method in class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry
- attribute(short) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo
- attribute(QBluetoothTransferRequest.Attribute) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothTransferRequest
Overloaded function for
QBluetoothTransferRequest.attribute(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothTransferRequest.Attribute, java.lang.Object)
withdefaultValue = null
. - attribute(QBluetoothTransferRequest.Attribute, Object) - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothTransferRequest
- attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute) - Method in class
- attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute) - Method in class
Overloaded function for
QNetworkRequest.attribute(, java.lang.Object)
withdefaultValue = null
. - attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute, Object) - Method in class
- attribute(QGeoPositionInfo.Attribute) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfo
- attribute(QGeoSatelliteInfo.Attribute) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoSatelliteInfo
- attribute(QXmlName, String) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlReceiver
- attribute(QXmlName, String) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlFormatter
- attribute(QXmlName, String) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlSerializer
- attribute(String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
Overloaded function for
QDomElement.attribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
withdefValue = ""
. - attribute(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
- Attribute - io.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex.NodeKind
- Attribute() - Constructor for class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry.Attribute
- Attribute(QInputMethodEvent.AttributeType, int, int) - Constructor for class io.qt.gui.QInputMethodEvent.Attribute
- Attribute(QInputMethodEvent.AttributeType, int, int, Object) - Constructor for class io.qt.gui.QInputMethodEvent.Attribute
- Attribute(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.gui.QInputMethodEvent.Attribute
Constructor for internal use only.
- Attribute(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.Attribute
Constructor for internal use only.
- Attribute(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry.Attribute
Constructor for internal use only.
- AttributeChanged - io.qt.gui.QAccessible.Event
- attributeCount() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry
- attributeCount() - Method in class io.qt.quick3d.QQuick3DGeometry
- attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.qt.xml.QXmlDeclHandler
- attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QXmlDeclHandler.Impl
- attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QXmlDefaultHandler
- attributeHandle() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyCharacteristic
- attributeList() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QMorphTarget
- attributeLocation(QByteArray) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- attributeLocation(String) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QOpenGLShaderProgram
- attributeNames() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QMorphTarget
- attributeNames() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialRhiShader
- attributeNames() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGMaterialShader
- attributeNames() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGSimpleMaterialShader
- attributeNamesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.animation.QMorphTarget
- attributeNode(String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
- AttributeNode - io.qt.xml.QDomNode.NodeType
- attributeNodeNS(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
- attributeNS(String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
Overloaded function for
QDomElement.attributeNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
withdefValue = ""
. - attributeNS(String, String, String) - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothServiceInfo
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.core.QMetaMethod
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QInputMethodEvent
- attributes() - Method in class
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QGeometry
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.AttributeSet
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGSimpleMaterialShader
- attributes() - Method in class io.qt.xml.QDomElement
- attributes(int, int[], int[]) - Method in interface io.qt.gui.QAccessibleTextInterface
- attributes(int, int[], int[]) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QAccessibleTextInterface.Impl
- attributes(QXmlNodeModelIndex) - Method in class io.qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel
- AttributeSet(QtObject.QPrivateConstructor) - Constructor for class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.AttributeSet
Constructor for internal use only.
- AttributeSet(QSGGeometry.Attribute[], int) - Constructor for class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.AttributeSet
- AttributeSet(Collection<QSGGeometry.Attribute>, int) - Constructor for class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.AttributeSet
- attributeType() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAttribute
- attributeType() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.Attribute
- attributeTypeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QAttribute
- attribution() - Method in class io.qt.location.QPlace
- attribution() - Method in class io.qt.location.QPlaceContent
- atUtc() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone.OffsetData
- audioAvailableChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer
- audioAvailableChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayerControl
- audioBitRate() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaResource
- audioBufferProbed - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioProbe
- audioBufferProbed - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaAudioProbeControl
- audioCodec() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaResource
- audioCodecDescription(String) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- audioFormat() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioDecoder
- audioFormat() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioDecoderControl
- audioInput() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRecorder
- AudioInput - io.qt.multimedia.QAudio.Mode
- audioInputChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRecorder
- audioInputDescription(String) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRecorder
- audioInputs() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRecorder
- audioMutedChanged - Variable in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage
- AudioOutput - io.qt.multimedia.QAudio.Mode
- audioRole() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRoleControl
- audioRole() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer
- audioRoleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRoleControl
- audioRoleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer
- AudioService - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.ServiceClass
- audioSettings() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioEncoderSettingsControl
- audioSettings() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- AudioSink - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- AudioSource - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- AudioStream - io.qt.multimedia.QMediaStreamsControl.StreamType
- AudioVideoDevice - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothDeviceInfo.MajorDeviceClass
- Australia - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Austria - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Authentication - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.Security
- authenticationMethod() - Method in class
- authenticationRequired - Variable in class
- authenticationRequired - Variable in class io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEnginePage
- AuthenticationRequiredError -
- AuthenticationReuseAttribute -
- author() - Method in class io.qt.designer.QDesignerFormWindowInterface
- authority() - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrl
Overloaded function for
withoptions = new io.qt.core.QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions(0)
. - authority(QUrl.ComponentFormattingOption...) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrl
Overloaded function for
. - authority(QUrl.ComponentFormattingOptions) - Method in class io.qt.core.QUrl
- AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch -
- Authorization - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetooth.Security
- authorizationCallbackReceived - Variable in class
- AuthorizationError - io.qt.bluetooth.QLowEnergyController.Error
- authorizationUrl() - Method in class
- authorizationUrlChanged - Variable in class
- AuthorizedPaired - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothLocalDevice.Pairing
- authorizeWithBrowser - Variable in class
- Auto - io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTuner.StereoMode
- Auto - io.qt.printsupport.QPrinter.PaperSource
- autoAdjustRangeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis
- AutoAll - io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag
- AutoBulletList - io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag
- autoClose() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QProgressDialog
- AutoCloseHandle - io.qt.core.QFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
- AutoColor - io.qt.core.Qt.ImageConversionFlag
- autoColumnCategories() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelBarDataProxy
- autoColumnCategories() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
- autoColumnCategoriesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelBarDataProxy
- autoColumnCategoriesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
- AutoConnection - io.qt.core.Qt.ConnectionType
- AutoCreateDynamicProperties - io.qt.script.QScriptEngine.QObjectWrapOption
- autoDefault() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QPushButton
- AutoDefaultButton - io.qt.widgets.QStyleOptionButton.ButtonFeature
- autoDelete() - Method in interface io.qt.core.QRunnable
- autoDelete() - Method in class io.qt.core.QRunnable.Impl
See QRunnable::
- autoDeleteMode() - Method in class io.qt.QNativePointer
Returns the auto-delete mode of the pointer.
- autoDeleteReplies() - Method in class
- AutoDeleteReplyOnFinishAttribute -
- AutoDetect - io.qt.dbus.QDBus.CallMode
- autoDetectImageFormat() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QImageReader
- autoDetectUnicode() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTextStream
- AutoDither - io.qt.core.Qt.ImageConversionFlag
- autoExclusive() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
- autoExpandDelay() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTreeView
- autoFillBackground() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsWidget
- autoFillBackground() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
- AutoFocus - io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFocus.FocusMode
- AutoFocusFailed - io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFeedbackControl.EventType
- AutoFocusInProgress - io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFeedbackControl.EventType
- AutoFocusLocked - io.qt.multimedia.QCameraFeedbackControl.EventType
- autoFormatting() - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamWriter
- autoFormatting() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit
- AutoFormatting(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormatting
Creates a new AutoFormatting with given
. - AutoFormatting(QTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag...) - Constructor for class io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormatting
Creates a new AutoFormatting where the flags in
are set. - autoFormattingIndent() - Method in class io.qt.core.QXmlStreamWriter
- autoforward() - Method in class io.qt.scxml.QScxmlExecutableContent.InvokeInfo
Whether events should automatically be forwarded to the invoked service
- autoHide() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QTabBar
- autoInsertSpaces() - Method in class io.qt.core.QDebug
- AutoLoadIconsForPage - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- AutoLoadImages - io.qt.webengine.widgets.QWebEngineSettings.WebAttribute
- Automatic -
- Automatic - io.qt.qt3d.core.QAspectEngine.RunMode
- Automatic - io.qt.qt3d.render.QAbstractTexture.TextureFormat
- Automatic - io.qt.qt3d.render.QShaderImage.ImageFormat
- AutomaticAspectRatio - io.qt.qt3d.extras.quick.Qt3DQuickWindow.CameraAspectRatioMode
- AutomaticOrientation - io.qt.sensors.QSensor.AxesOrientationMode
- AutomaticVisibility - io.qt.gui.QWindow.Visibility
- AutoNone - io.qt.widgets.QTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag
- AutoOwnership - io.qt.script.QScriptEngine.ValueOwnership
- autoPositionChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DLight
- autoRaise() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QToolButton
- autoRelaySignals() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- autoRemove() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTemporaryDir
- autoRemove() - Method in class io.qt.core.QTemporaryFile
- autoRepeat() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
- autoRepeat() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAction
- autoRepeat() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QShortcut
- autoRepeatDelay() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
- autoRepeatInterval() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractButton
- autoReset() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QProgressDialog
- autoRowCategories() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelBarDataProxy
- autoRowCategories() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
- autoRowCategoriesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelBarDataProxy
- autoRowCategoriesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
- autoSaveFilter() - Method in class
- autoScrollMargin() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractItemView
- autoShowStandardWindow() - Method in class
- autoSipEnabled() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QApplication
- autoStartService() - Method in class io.qt.dbus.QDBusMessage
- autoSubGrid() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
- autoSubGridChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
- AutoSubmit - io.qt.widgets.QDataWidgetMapper.SubmitPolicy
- AutoText - io.qt.core.Qt.TextFormat
- autoTransform() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QImageReader
- AutoVerifyPeer -
- AV_RemoteControl - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- AV_RemoteControlController - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- AV_RemoteControlTarget - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCamera
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraImageCapture
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaAvailabilityControl
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaObject
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayer
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioData
- availability() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QRadioTuner
- availabilityChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaAvailabilityControl
- availabilityChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaObject
Overloaded signals:
- availabilityChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
Overloaded signals:
- available() - Method in class io.qt.core.QSemaphore
- Available - io.qt.multimedia.QMultimedia.AvailabilityStatus
- availableAudioInputsChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioRecorder
- availableCalendars() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QCalendar
- availableCameras() - Static method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraInfo
Overloaded function for
withposition = io.qt.multimedia.QCamera.Position.UnspecifiedPosition
. - availableCameras(QCamera.Position) - Static method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCameraInfo
- availableCodecs() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QTextCodec
- availableComponents() - Method in class
- availableDataRates() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- availableDevices() - Static method in class io.qt.multimedia.QCamera
- availableDevices() - Method in interface io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusFactoryV2
- availableDevices() - Method in class io.qt.serialbus.QCanBusFactoryV2.Impl
- availableDevices(QAudio.Mode) - Static method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioDeviceInfo
- availableDevices(QAudio.Mode) - Method in interface io.qt.multimedia.QAudioSystemFactoryInterface
- availableDevices(QAudio.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioSystemFactoryInterface.Impl
- availableDevices(QAudio.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioSystemPlugin
- availableDevices(String) - Method in class io.qt.serialbus.QCanBus
- availableEngines() - Static method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QTextToSpeech
- availableExtensions() - Method in class io.qt.script.QScriptEngine
- availableGeometry() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- availableGeometry() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDesktopWidget
instead - availableGeometry(int) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDesktopWidget
instead - availableGeometry(QPoint) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDesktopWidget
instead - availableGeometry(QWidget) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QDesktopWidget
- availableGeometryChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- availableInputs() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioInputSelectorControl
- availableInputsChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioInputSelectorControl
- availableLocales() - Method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QTextToSpeech
- availableLocales() - Method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QTextToSpeechEngine
- availableMetaData() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaObject
- availableMetaData() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaRecorder
- availableMetaData() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMetaDataReaderControl
- availableMetaData() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMetaDataWriterControl
- availableMetaData() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QVideoFrame
- availableMibs() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QTextCodec
- availableOutputs() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioOutputSelectorControl
- availableOutputsChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QAudioOutputSelectorControl
- availablePhysicalDevices() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QInputAspect
- availablePlaybackRanges() - Method in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayerControl
- availablePlaybackRangesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.multimedia.QMediaPlayerControl
- availablePorts() - Static method in class io.qt.serialport.QSerialPortInfo
- availablePrinterNames() - Static method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrinterInfo
- availablePrinters() - Static method in class io.qt.printsupport.QPrinterInfo
- availableRedoSteps() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- availableRoles() - Method in class io.qt.remoteobjects.QAbstractItemModelReplica
- availableSensorsChanged - Variable in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- availableServiceProviders() - Static method in class io.qt.location.QGeoServiceProvider
- availableSize() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- availableSizes() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.availableSizes(io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- availableSizes() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
Overloaded function for
QIconEngine.availableSizes(io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
- availableSizes(QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
Overloaded function for
QIcon.availableSizes(io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - availableSizes(QIcon.Mode) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
Overloaded function for
QIconEngine.availableSizes(io.qt.gui.QIcon.Mode, io.qt.gui.QIcon.State)
withstate = io.qt.gui.QIcon.State.Off
. - availableSizes(QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIcon
- availableSizes(QIcon.Mode, QIcon.State) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QIconEngine
- AvailableSizesHook - io.qt.gui.QIconEngine.IconEngineHook
- availableSources() - Static method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoAreaMonitorSource
- availableSources() - Static method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoPositionInfoSource
- availableSources() - Static method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
- availableStyles() - Static method in class io.qt.quick.controls.QQuickStyle
- availableTimeZoneIds() - Static method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone
- availableTimeZoneIds(int) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone
- availableTimeZoneIds(QLocale.Country) - Static method in class io.qt.core.QTimeZone
- availableUndoSteps() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextDocument
- availableVersions() - Method in class
- availableVirtualGeometry() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- availableVirtualSize() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QScreen
- availableVoices() - Method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QTextToSpeech
- availableVoices() - Method in class io.qt.texttospeech.QTextToSpeechEngine
- Avaric - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Avctp - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ProtocolUuid
- Avdtp - io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid.ProtocolUuid
- average() - Method in class io.qt.location.QPlaceRatings
- AverageBitRateEncoding - io.qt.multimedia.QMultimedia.EncodingMode
- averageCharWidth() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetrics
- averageCharWidth() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetricsF
- averageCharWidth() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
- Avestan - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- AvestanScript - io.qt.core.QLocale.Script
- AvoidDither - io.qt.core.Qt.ImageConversionFlag
- AvoidFeatureWeight - io.qt.location.QGeoRouteRequest.FeatureWeight
- awake - Variable in class io.qt.core.QAbstractEventDispatcher
- AwesomePine - io.qt.gui.QGradient.Preset
- axes() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DBars
- axes() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axes() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axes() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAxisSetting
QAxisSetting::axes Returns the current list of Axis these settings apply to
- axes() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QLogicalDevice
- axes(QPolarChart.PolarOrientation...) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPolarChart
Overloaded function for
QPolarChart.axes(io.qt.charts.QPolarChart.PolarOrientations, io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries)
- axes(QPolarChart.PolarOrientations) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPolarChart
Overloaded function for
QPolarChart.axes(io.qt.charts.QPolarChart.PolarOrientations, io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries)
withseries = null
. - axes(QPolarChart.PolarOrientations, QAbstractSeries) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QPolarChart
- axes(Qt.Orientation...) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
Overloaded function for
QChart.axes(io.qt.core.Qt.Orientations, io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries)
- axes(Qt.Orientations) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
Overloaded function for
QChart.axes(io.qt.core.Qt.Orientations, io.qt.charts.QAbstractSeries)
withseries = null
. - axes(Qt.Orientations, QAbstractSeries) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- axesChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAxisSetting
- AxesOrientation - io.qt.sensors.QSensor.Feature
- axesOrientationMode() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- axesOrientationModeChanged - Variable in class io.qt.sensors.QSensor
- axis - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QQuaternion.AxisAndAngle
- axis() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QValue3DAxisFormatter
- axis() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAnalogAxisInput
- axis() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsRotation
- axisChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAnalogAxisInput
- axisChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsRotation
- axisConfigured - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager
- axisCount() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAbstractPhysicalDevice
- axisCount() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardDevice
- axisCount() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QMouseDevice
- axisIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAbstractPhysicalDevice
- axisIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardDevice
- axisIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QMouseDevice
- AxisInvalid - io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager.GamepadAxis
- AxisLabelsPositionCenter - io.qt.charts.QCategoryAxis.AxisLabelsPosition
- AxisLabelsPositionOnValue - io.qt.charts.QCategoryAxis.AxisLabelsPosition
- axisLeftX() - Method in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- AxisLeftX - io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager.GamepadAxis
- axisLeftXChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- axisLeftY() - Method in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- AxisLeftY - io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager.GamepadAxis
- axisLeftYChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- AxisLockThreshold - io.qt.widgets.QScrollerProperties.ScrollMetric
- axisNames() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAbstractPhysicalDevice
- axisNames() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QKeyboardDevice
- axisNames() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QMouseDevice
- AxisOrientationNone - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisOrientation
- AxisOrientationX - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisOrientation
- AxisOrientationY - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisOrientation
- AxisOrientationZ - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisOrientation
- axisPolarOrientation(QAbstractAxis) - Static method in class io.qt.charts.QPolarChart
- axisRightX() - Method in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- AxisRightX - io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager.GamepadAxis
- axisRightXChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- axisRightY() - Method in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- AxisRightY - io.qt.gamepad.QGamepadManager.GamepadAxis
- axisRightYChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gamepad.QGamepad
- axisSettingIds() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QPhysicalDeviceCreatedChange
- axisSettings() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.input.QAbstractPhysicalDevice
- AxisTypeBarCategory - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeCategory - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeCategory - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeDateTime - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeLogValue - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeNoAxis - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeNone - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypes(int) - Constructor for class io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisTypes
Creates a new AxisTypes with given
. - AxisTypes(QAbstractAxis.AxisType...) - Constructor for class io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisTypes
Creates a new AxisTypes where the flags in
are set. - AxisTypeValue - io.qt.charts.QAbstractAxis.AxisType
- AxisTypeValue - io.qt.datavis.QAbstract3DAxis.AxisType
- axisX() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- axisX() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisX() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axisX(QAbstractSeries) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- axisXChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisXChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axisY() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- axisY() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisY() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axisY(QAbstractSeries) - Method in class io.qt.charts.QChart
- axisYChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisYChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axisZ() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisZ() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- axisZChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DScatter
- axisZChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DSurface
- Aymara - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- Azerbaijan - io.qt.core.QLocale.Country
- Azerbaijani - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
- azimuth() - Method in class io.qt.sensors.QCompassReading
- Azimuth - io.qt.positioning.QGeoSatelliteInfo.Attribute
- azimuthTo(QGeoCoordinate) - Method in class io.qt.positioning.QGeoCoordinate
- azure() - Static method in class io.qt.gui.QColorConstants.Svg
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