Module qtjambi.qt3dcore
Package io.qt.qt3d.core
Class Summary Class Description QAbstractAspect The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behaviorQAbstractSkeleton A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned meshQArmature Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shadersQAspectEngine Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the sceneQAspectJob Base class for jobs executed in an aspectQBackendNode Base class for all Qt3D backend nodesQBackendNodeMapper Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodesQComponent Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a componentQComponentAddedChange Used to notify when a component is added to an entityQComponentRemovedChange Used to notify when a component is removed from an entityQDynamicPropertyUpdatedChange Used to notify when a dynamic property value is updatedQEntity Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behaviorQJoint Used to transforms parts of skinned meshesQNode The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D sceneQNodeCommand The base class for all CommandRequested QSceneChange eventsQNodeCreatedChange The base class for all NodeCreated QSceneChange eventsQNodeDestroyedChange Used to notify when a node is destroyedQNodeId Uniquely identifies a QNodeQNodeIdTypePair Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DCore::QNodeIdTypePairQPropertyNodeAddedChange Used to notify when a node is added to a propertyQPropertyNodeRemovedChange Used to notify when a node is removed from a propertyQPropertyUpdatedChange Used to notify when a property value is updatedQPropertyUpdatedChangeBase The base class for all PropertyUpdated QSceneChange eventsQPropertyValueAddedChange Used to notify when a value is added to a propertyQPropertyValueAddedChangeBase The base class for all PropertyValueAdded QSceneChange eventsQPropertyValueRemovedChange Used to notify when a value is added to a propertyQPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase The base class for all PropertyValueRemoved QSceneChange eventsQSceneChange Base class for changes that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification systemQSceneChange.DeliveryFlags QFlags type for enumQSceneChange.DeliveryFlag
QSkeleton Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshesQSkeletonLoader Used to load a skeleton of joints from fileQStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBase The base class for all static PropertyUpdated QSceneChange eventsQStaticPropertyValueAddedChangeBase The base class for all static PropertyValueAdded QSceneChange eventsQStaticPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase The base class for all static PropertyValueRemoved QSceneChange eventsQt3DCore Contains classes that are the foundation for Qt 3D simulation framework, as well as classes that provide the ability to render using the Qt 3D frameworkQt3DCore.ChangeFlags QFlags type for enumQt3DCore.ChangeFlag
QTransform Used to perform transforms on meshes -
Enum Summary Enum Description QAspectEngine.RunMode Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine::RunModeQBackendNode.Mode Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QBackendNode::ModeQNode.PropertyTrackingMode Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QNode::PropertyTrackingModeQSceneChange.DeliveryFlag Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QSceneChange::DeliveryFlagQSkeletonLoader.Status Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QSkeletonLoader::StatusQt3DCore.ChangeFlag Deprecated.