Module qtjambi.quick
Package io.qt.quick
Interface Summary Interface Description QSGRendererInterface An interface providing access to some of the graphics API specific internals of the scenegraph -
Class Summary Class Description QQuickAsyncImageProvider Interface for for asynchronous control of QML image requestsQQuickFramebufferObject Convenience class for integrating OpenGL rendering using a framebuffer object (FBO) with Qt QuickQQuickFramebufferObject.Renderer Java wrapper for Qt class QQuickFramebufferObject::RendererQQuickImageProvider Interface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QMLQQuickImageResponse Interface for asynchronous image loading in QQuickAsyncImageProviderQQuickItem The most basic of all visual items in Qt QuickQQuickItem.Flags QFlags type for enumQQuickItem.Flag
QQuickItem.UpdatePaintNodeData Java wrapper for Qt class QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeDataQQuickItemGrabResult Contains the result from QQuickItem::grabToImage()QQuickPaintedItem Way to use the QPainter API in the QML Scene GraphQQuickPaintedItem.PerformanceHints QFlags type for enumQQuickPaintedItem.PerformanceHint
QQuickRenderControl Mechanism for rendering the Qt Quick scenegraph onto an offscreen render target in a fully application-controlled mannerQQuickTextDocument Access to the QTextDocument of QQuickTextEditQQuickTextureFactory Interface for loading custom textures from QMLQQuickTransform Java wrapper for Qt class QQuickTransformQQuickView Window for displaying a Qt Quick user interfaceQQuickWindow The window for displaying a graphical QML sceneQQuickWindow.CreateTextureOptions QFlags type for enumQQuickWindow.CreateTextureOption
QQuickWindow.GraphicsStateInfo Describes some of the RHI's graphics state at the point of a beginExternalCommands() callQSGAbstractRenderer Gives access to the scene graph nodes and rendering of a QSGEngineQSGAbstractRenderer.ClearMode QFlags type for enumQSGAbstractRenderer.ClearModeBit
QSGAbstractRenderer.MatrixTransformFlags QFlags type for enumQSGAbstractRenderer.MatrixTransformFlag
QSGBasicGeometryNode Serves as a baseclass for geometry based nodesQSGClipNode Implements the clipping functionality in the scene graphQSGDynamicTexture Serves as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures, such as content that is rendered to FBO'sQSGEngine Allows low level rendering of a scene graphQSGEngine.CreateTextureOptions QFlags type for enumQSGEngine.CreateTextureOption
QSGFlatColorMaterial Convenient way of rendering solid colored geometry in the scene graphQSGGeometry Low-level storage for graphics primitives in the Qt Quick Scene GraphQSGGeometry.Attribute QSGGeometry::Attribute describes a single vertex attribute in a QSGGeometryQSGGeometry.AttributeSet QSGGeometry::AttributeSet describes how the vertices in a QSGGeometry are built upQSGGeometry.ColoredPoint2D QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing 2D Points with a colorQSGGeometry.ColoredPoint2DVertexData QSGGeometry.Point2D QSGGeometry::Point2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing 2D PointsQSGGeometry.Point2DVertexData QSGGeometry.TexturedPoint2D QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D struct is a convenience struct for accessing 2D Points with texture coordinatesQSGGeometry.TexturedPoint2DVertexData QSGGeometry.VertexData<T extends QtObjectInterface> QSGGeometryNode Used for all rendered content in the scene graphQSGImageNode Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graphQSGImageNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformMode QFlags type for enumQSGImageNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformFlag
QSGMaterial Encapsulates rendering state for a shader programQSGMaterial.Flags QFlags type for enumQSGMaterial.Flag
QSGMaterialRhiShader Represents a graphics API independent shader programQSGMaterialRhiShader.Flags QFlags type for enumQSGMaterialRhiShader.Flag
QSGMaterialRhiShader.GraphicsPipelineState Describes state changes that the material wants to apply to the currently active graphics pipeline stateQSGMaterialRhiShader.GraphicsPipelineState.ColorMask QFlags type for enumQSGMaterialRhiShader.GraphicsPipelineState.ColorMaskComponent
QSGMaterialRhiShader.RenderState Encapsulates the current rendering state during a call to QSGMaterialRhiShader::updateUniformData() and the other update type of functionsQSGMaterialShader Represents an OpenGL shader program in the rendererQSGMaterialShader.RenderState QSGMaterialShader::RenderState encapsulates the current rendering state during a call to QSGMaterialShader::updateState()QSGMaterialShader.RenderState.DirtyStates QFlags type for enumQSGMaterialShader.RenderState.DirtyState
QSGMaterialType Used as a unique type token in combination with QSGMaterialQSGNinePatchNode Java wrapper for Qt class QSGNinePatchNodeQSGNode The base class for all nodes in the scene graphQSGNode.DirtyState QFlags type for enumQSGNode.DirtyStateBit
QSGNode.Flags QFlags type for enumQSGNode.Flag
QSGNodeVisitor Java wrapper for Qt class QSGNodeVisitorQSGOpacityNode Used to change opacity of nodesQSGOpaqueTextureMaterial Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graphQSGRectangleNode Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraphQSGRendererInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQSGRendererInterface
QSGRendererInterface.ShaderCompilationTypes QFlags type for enumQSGRendererInterface.ShaderCompilationType
QSGRendererInterface.ShaderSourceTypes QFlags type for enumQSGRendererInterface.ShaderSourceType
QSGRenderNode Represents a set of custom rendering commands targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraphQSGRenderNode.RenderingFlags QFlags type for enumQSGRenderNode.RenderingFlag
QSGRenderNode.RenderState Java wrapper for Qt class QSGRenderNode::RenderStateQSGRenderNode.StateFlags QFlags type for enumQSGRenderNode.StateFlag
QSGRootNode Java wrapper for Qt class QSGRootNodeQSGSimpleMaterial<State> QSGSimpleMaterialComparableMaterial<State extends Object & Comparable<State>> QSGSimpleMaterialShader<State> QSGSimpleRectNode Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraphQSGSimpleTextureNode Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graphQSGSimpleTextureNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformMode QFlags type for enumQSGSimpleTextureNode.TextureCoordinatesTransformFlag
QSGTexture Baseclass for textures used in the scene graphQSGTextureMaterial Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graphQSGTextureProvider Encapsulates texture based entities in QMLQSGTransformNode Implements transformations in the scene graphQSGVertexColorMaterial Convenient way of rendering per-vertex colored geometry in the scene graph -