QAbstractOpenGLFunctions |
The base class of a family of classes that expose all functions for each OpenGL version and profile
QOpenGLBuffer |
Functions for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects
QOpenGLBuffer.Access |
QOpenGLBuffer.RangeAccessFlag |
QOpenGLBuffer.RangeAccessFlags |
QOpenGLBuffer.Type |
QOpenGLBuffer.UsagePattern |
QOpenGLDebugLogger.LoggingMode |
QOpenGLDebugMessage |
Wraps an OpenGL debug message
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Severities |
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Severity |
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Source |
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Sources |
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Type |
QOpenGLDebugMessage.Types |
QOpenGLFramebufferObject |
Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
QOpenGLFramebufferObject.Attachment |
QOpenGLFramebufferObject.FramebufferRestorePolicy |
QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat |
Specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object
QOpenGLPixelTransferOptions |
Describes the pixel storage modes that affect the unpacking of pixels during texture upload
QOpenGLShader |
Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled
QOpenGLShader.ShaderType |
QOpenGLShader.ShaderTypeBit |
QOpenGLTexture |
Encapsulates an OpenGL texture object
QOpenGLTexture.BindingTarget |
QOpenGLTexture.ComparisonFunction |
QOpenGLTexture.ComparisonMode |
QOpenGLTexture.CoordinateDirection |
QOpenGLTexture.CubeMapFace |
QOpenGLTexture.DepthStencilMode |
QOpenGLTexture.Feature |
QOpenGLTexture.Features |
QOpenGLTexture.Filter |
QOpenGLTexture.MipMapGeneration |
QOpenGLTexture.PixelFormat |
QOpenGLTexture.PixelType |
QOpenGLTexture.SwizzleComponent |
QOpenGLTexture.SwizzleValue |
QOpenGLTexture.Target |
QOpenGLTexture.TextureFormat |
QOpenGLTexture.TextureFormatClass |
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::TextureFormatClass
QOpenGLTexture.TextureUnitReset |
QOpenGLTexture.WrapMode |
QOpenGLTextureBlitter.Origin |
QOpenGLVersionProfile |
Represents the version and if applicable the profile of an OpenGL context
QOpenGLVersionStatus |
Java wrapper for Qt class QOpenGLVersionStatus
QOpenGLVersionStatus.OpenGLStatus |
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLVersionStatus::OpenGLStatus
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject |
Wraps an OpenGL Vertex Array Object
QOpenGLWindow.UpdateBehavior |