Module qtjambi.qt3danimation
The Qt 3D Animation modules provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D.
Exports Package Description io.qt.qt3d.animation Indirect Exports From Packages qtjambi io.qt io.qt.core io.qt.core.internal io.qt.gui io.qt.widgets qtjambi.qt3dcore io.qt.qt3d.core qtjambi.qt3drender io.qt.qt3d.render -
Requires Modifier Module Description transitive qtjambi QtJambi base module containing QtCore, QtGui and QtWidgets.transitive qtjambi.qt3dcore The Qt 3D module contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems.transitive qtjambi.qt3drender Contains classes that enable 2D and 3D rendering