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x() - Method in class io.qt.core.QPoint
x() - Method in class io.qt.core.QPointF
x() - Method in class io.qt.core.QRect
x() - Method in class io.qt.core.QRectF
x() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QScatterDataItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QSurfaceDataItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QContextMenuEvent
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QEnterEvent
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QHelpEvent
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QMouseEvent
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainter.PixmapFragment
The x coordinate of center point in the target rectangle
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QPainterPath.Element
The x coordinate of the element's position
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QQuaternion
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTabletEvent
Use position().x()
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextLine
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector2D
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector3D
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QVector4D
x() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QWindow
x() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTextureDataUpdate
x() - Method in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTextureWrapMode
x() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.ColoredPoint2D
x() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.Point2D
x() - Method in class io.qt.quick.QSGGeometry.TexturedPoint2D
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem.Impl
x() - Method in interface io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemGroup
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsLineItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem
x() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QWidget
x1() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLine
x1() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLineF
X11 - io.qt.gui.QPaintEngine.Type
X11BypassWindowManagerHint - io.qt.core.Qt.WindowType
X11ExcludeTimers - io.qt.core.QEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag
x2() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLine
x2() - Method in class io.qt.core.QLineF
xAxis - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QQuaternion.Axes
XAxis - io.qt.core.Qt.Axis
XButton1 - io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton
XButton2 - io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton
xChanged - Variable in class io.qt.gui.QWindow
xChanged - Variable in class io.qt.qt3d.render.QTextureWrapMode
xChanged - Variable in class io.qt.quick.QQuickItem
xChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsObject
xColumn() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QVXYModelMapper
xColumnChanged - Variable in class io.qt.charts.QVXYModelMapper
xHeight() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetrics
xHeight() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QFontMetricsF
xHeight() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRawFont
Xhosa - io.qt.core.QLocale.Language
xOffset() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsDropShadowEffect
xor(QBitArray) - Method in class io.qt.core.QBitArray
xored(QRegion) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QRegion
xPosRole() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRole() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xPosRoleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRoleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xPosRolePattern() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRolePattern() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xPosRolePatternChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRolePatternChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xPosRoleReplace() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRoleReplace() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xPosRoleReplaceChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelScatterDataProxy
xPosRoleReplaceChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
xRotation() - Method in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DCamera
xRotationChanged - Variable in class io.qt.datavis.Q3DCamera
xRow() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QHXYModelMapper
xRowChanged - Variable in class io.qt.charts.QHXYModelMapper
xScale() - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScale
xScaleChanged - Variable in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsScale
xSection() - Method in class io.qt.charts.QXYModelMapper
xTilt() - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTabletEvent
XTilt - io.qt.gui.QInputDevice.Capability
xToCursor(double) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextLine
Overloaded function for QTextLine.xToCursor(double, io.qt.gui.QTextLine.CursorPosition) with arg__2 = io.qt.gui.QTextLine.CursorPosition.CursorBetweenCharacters.
xToCursor(double, QTextLine.CursorPosition) - Method in class io.qt.gui.QTextLine
xTranslationAt(double) - Method in class io.qt.widgets.QGraphicsItemAnimation
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