Uses of Class
Package | Description |
io.qt.gui | |
io.qt.opengl | |
io.qt.qt3d.render | |
io.qt.quick | |
io.qt.quick.widgets | |
io.qt.widgets |
Uses of QColor in io.qt.gui
Methods in io.qt.gui that return QColor Modifier and Type Method Description static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. aliceblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. antiquewhite()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. aqua()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. aquamarine()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. azure()
default QColor
QAccessibleInterface. backgroundColor()
QAccessibleInterface.Impl. backgroundColor()
QAccessibleObject. backgroundColor()
QImageReader. backgroundColor()
QMovie. backgroundColor()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. beige()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. bisque()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. black()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Black()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. blanchedalmond()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. blue()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Blue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. blueviolet()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. brown()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. burlywood()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. cadetblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. chartreuse()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. chocolate()
QColor. clone()
QBrush. color()
QPalette. color(QPalette.ColorGroup cg, QPalette.ColorRole cr)
QPalette. color(QPalette.ColorRole cr)
QPen. color()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Color0()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Color1()
QTextFormat. colorProperty(int propertyId)
QColor. convertTo(QColor.Spec colorSpec)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. coral()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. cornflowerblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. cornsilk()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. crimson()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. cyan()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Cyan()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkBlue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkcyan()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkCyan()
QColor. darker()
Overloaded function fordarker(int)
withf = 200
QColor. darker(int f)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkgoldenrod()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkgray()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkGray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkgreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkGreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkgrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkkhaki()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkmagenta()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkMagenta()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkolivegreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkorange()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkorchid()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkred()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkRed()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darksalmon()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkseagreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkslateblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkslategray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkslategrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkturquoise()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. darkviolet()
static QColor
QColorConstants. DarkYellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. deeppink()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. deepskyblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. dimgray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. dimgrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. dodgerblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. firebrick()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. floralwhite()
default QColor
QAccessibleInterface. foregroundColor()
QAccessibleInterface.Impl. foregroundColor()
QAccessibleObject. foregroundColor()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. forestgreen()
static QColor
QColor. fromCmyk(int c, int m, int y, int k)
Overloaded function forfromCmyk(int, int, int, int, int)
witha = 255
.static QColor
QColor. fromCmyk(int c, int m, int y, int k, int a)
static QColor
QColor. fromCmykF(float c, float m, float y, float k)
Overloaded function forfromCmykF(float, float, float, float, float)
witha = 1.0
.static QColor
QColor. fromCmykF(float c, float m, float y, float k, float a)
static QColor
QColor. fromHsl(int h, int s, int l)
Overloaded function forfromHsl(int, int, int, int)
witha = 255
.static QColor
QColor. fromHsl(int h, int s, int l, int a)
static QColor
QColor. fromHslF(float h, float s, float l)
Overloaded function forfromHslF(float, float, float, float)
witha = 1.0
.static QColor
QColor. fromHslF(float h, float s, float l, float a)
static QColor
QColor. fromHsv(int h, int s, int v)
Overloaded function forfromHsv(int, int, int, int)
witha = 255
.static QColor
QColor. fromHsv(int h, int s, int v, int a)
static QColor
QColor. fromHsvF(float h, float s, float v)
Overloaded function forfromHsvF(float, float, float, float)
witha = 1.0
.static QColor
QColor. fromHsvF(float h, float s, float v, float a)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgb(int rgb)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgb(int r, int g, int b)
Overloaded function forfromRgb(int, int, int, int)
witha = 255
.static QColor
QColor. fromRgb(int r, int g, int b, int a)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgba(int rgba)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgba64(short r, short g, short b)
Overloaded function forfromRgba64(short, short, short, short)
witha = 0xffff
.static QColor
QColor. fromRgba64(short r, short g, short b, short a)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgba64(QRgba64 rgba)
static QColor
QColor. fromRgbF(float r, float g, float b)
Overloaded function forfromRgbF(float, float, float, float)
witha = 1.0
.static QColor
QColor. fromRgbF(float r, float g, float b, float a)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. fuchsia()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. gainsboro()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. ghostwhite()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. gold()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. goldenrod()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. gray()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Gray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. green()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Green()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. greenyellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. grey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. honeydew()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. hotpink()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. indianred()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. indigo()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. ivory()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. khaki()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lavender()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lavenderblush()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lawngreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lemonchiffon()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightcoral()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightcyan()
QColor. lighter()
Overloaded function forlighter(int)
withf = 150
QColor. lighter(int f)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightgoldenrodyellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightgray()
static QColor
QColorConstants. LightGray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightgreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightgrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightpink()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightsalmon()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightseagreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightskyblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightslategray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightslategrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightsteelblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lightyellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. lime()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. limegreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. linen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. magenta()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Magenta()
QColorTransform. map(QColor color)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. maroon()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumaquamarine()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumorchid()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumpurple()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumseagreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumslateblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumspringgreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumturquoise()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mediumvioletred()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. midnightblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mintcream()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. mistyrose()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. moccasin()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. navajowhite()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. navy()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. oldlace()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. olive()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. olivedrab()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. orange()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. orangered()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. orchid()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. palegoldenrod()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. palegreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. paleturquoise()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. palevioletred()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. papayawhip()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. peachpuff()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. peru()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. pink()
QImage. pixelColor(int x, int y)
QImage. pixelColor(QPoint pt)
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. plum()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. powderblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. purple()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. red()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Red()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. rosybrown()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. royalblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. saddlebrown()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. salmon()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. sandybrown()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. seagreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. seashell()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. sienna()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. silver()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. skyblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. slateblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. slategray()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. slategrey()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. snow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. springgreen()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. steelblue()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. tan()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. teal()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. thistle()
QColor. toCmyk()
QColor. toExtendedRgb()
QColor. toHsl()
QColor. toHsv()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. tomato()
QColor. toRgb()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Transparent()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. turquoise()
QTextCharFormat. underlineColor()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. violet()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. wheat()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. white()
static QColor
QColorConstants. White()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. whitesmoke()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. yellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants. Yellow()
static QColor
QColorConstants.Svg. yellowgreen()
Methods in io.qt.gui that return types with arguments of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QList<QPair<Double,QColor>>
QGradient. stops()
Methods in io.qt.gui with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QBitmap
QPixmap. createMaskFromColor(QColor maskColor)
Overloaded function forQPixmap.createMaskFromColor(io.qt.gui.QColor, io.qt.core.Qt.MaskMode)
withmode = io.qt.core.Qt.MaskMode.MaskInColor
QPixmap. createMaskFromColor(QColor maskColor, Qt.MaskMode mode)
QImage. fill(QColor color)
QPixmap. fill(QColor fillColor)
QPainter. fillRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, QColor color)
QPainter. fillRect(QRectF arg__1, QColor color)
QPainter. fillRect(QRect arg__1, QColor color)
QColorTransform. map(QColor color)
QImageReader. setBackgroundColor(QColor color)
QMovie. setBackgroundColor(QColor color)
QPainter. setBrush(QColor color)
QBrush. setColor(QColor color)
QPalette. setColor(QPalette.ColorGroup cg, QPalette.ColorRole cr, QColor color)
QPalette. setColor(QPalette.ColorRole cr, QColor color)
QPen. setColor(QColor color)
QGradient. setColorAt(double pos, QColor color)
protected void
QSyntaxHighlighter. setFormat(int start, int count, QColor color)
QPainter. setPen(QColor color)
QImage. setPixelColor(int x, int y, QColor c)
QImage. setPixelColor(QPoint pt, QColor c)
QTextCharFormat. setUnderlineColor(QColor color)
Method parameters in io.qt.gui with type arguments of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QGradient. setStops(Collection<QPair<Double,QColor>> stops)
Constructors in io.qt.gui with parameters of type QColor Constructor Description QBrush(QColor color)
Overloaded constructor forQBrush(io.qt.gui.QColor, io.qt.core.Qt.BrushStyle)
withbs = io.qt.core.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern
.QBrush(QColor color, Qt.BrushStyle bs)
QBrush(QColor color, QPixmap pixmap)
QPalette(QColor button)
QPalette(QColor button, QColor window)
QPalette(QColor windowText, QColor window, QColor light, QColor dark, QColor mid, QColor text, QColor base)
QPen(QColor color)
QPen(QColor color, double width)
QPen(QColor color, double width, Qt.PenStyle s)
QPen(QColor color, double width, Qt.PenStyle s, Qt.PenCapStyle c)
QPen(QColor color, double width, Qt.PenStyle s, Qt.PenCapStyle c, Qt.PenJoinStyle j)
Uses of QColor in io.qt.opengl
Methods in io.qt.opengl that return QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QColor
QOpenGLTexture. borderColor()
Methods in io.qt.opengl with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QOpenGLShaderProgram. setAttributeValue(int location, QColor value)
QOpenGLShaderProgram. setAttributeValue(String name, QColor value)
QOpenGLTexture. setBorderColor(QColor color)
QOpenGLShaderProgram. setUniformValue(int location, QColor color)
QOpenGLShaderProgram. setUniformValue(String name, QColor color)
Uses of QColor in io.qt.qt3d.render
Fields in io.qt.qt3d.render with type parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Field Description QObject.Signal1<QColor>
QClearBuffers. clearColorChanged
QAbstractLight. colorChanged
Methods in io.qt.qt3d.render that return QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QColor
QClearBuffers. clearColor()
QAbstractLight. color()
Methods in io.qt.qt3d.render with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QClearBuffers. setClearColor(QColor color)
QAbstractLight. setColor(QColor color)
Uses of QColor in io.qt.quick
Fields in io.qt.quick with type parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Field Description QObject.Signal1<QColor>
QQuickWindow. colorChanged
Methods in io.qt.quick that return QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QColor
QSGMaterialShader.GraphicsPipelineState. blendConstant()
QQuickWindow. color()
QSGFlatColorMaterial. color()
abstract QColor
QSGRectangleNode. color()
QSGSimpleRectNode. color()
QQuickPaintedItem. fillColor()
Methods in io.qt.quick with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QSGMaterialShader.GraphicsPipelineState. setBlendConstant(QColor blendConstant)
QQuickWindow. setColor(QColor color)
QSGFlatColorMaterial. setColor(QColor color)
abstract void
QSGRectangleNode. setColor(QColor color)
QSGSimpleRectNode. setColor(QColor color)
QQuickPaintedItem. setFillColor(QColor arg__1)
Constructors in io.qt.quick with parameters of type QColor Constructor Description QSGSimpleRectNode(QRectF rect, QColor color)
Uses of QColor in io.qt.quick.widgets
Methods in io.qt.quick.widgets with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QQuickWidget. setClearColor(QColor color)
Uses of QColor in io.qt.widgets
Fields in io.qt.widgets with type parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Field Description QObject.Signal1<QColor>
QGraphicsColorizeEffect. colorChanged
QGraphicsDropShadowEffect. colorChanged
QColorDialog. colorSelected
QColorDialog. currentColorChanged
Methods in io.qt.widgets that return QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QColor
QAccessibleWidget. backgroundColor()
QStyleOptionFocusRect. backgroundColor()
The background color on which the focus rectangle is being drawnQColor
QGraphicsColorizeEffect. color()
QGraphicsDropShadowEffect. color()
QColormap. colorAt(int pixel)
QColorDialog. currentColor()
static QColor
QColorDialog. customColor(int index)
QGraphicsTextItem. defaultTextColor()
QAccessibleWidget. foregroundColor()
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor()
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title)
Overloaded function forQColorDialog.getColor(io.qt.gui.QColor, io.qt.widgets.QWidget, java.lang.String, io.qt.widgets.QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.widgets.QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions(0)
.static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title, QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption... options)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title, QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions options)
QColorDialog. selectedColor()
static QColor
QColorDialog. standardColor(int index)
QTabBar. tabTextColor(int index)
QTextEdit. textBackgroundColor()
QStyleOptionGroupBox. textColor()
The color of the group box titleQColor
QTextEdit. textColor()
Methods in io.qt.widgets that return types with arguments of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description QList<QColor>
QColormap. colormap()
Methods in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title)
Overloaded function forQColorDialog.getColor(io.qt.gui.QColor, io.qt.widgets.QWidget, java.lang.String, io.qt.widgets.QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.widgets.QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions(0)
.static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title, QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption... options)
static QColor
QColorDialog. getColor(QColor initial, QWidget parent, String title, QColorDialog.ColorDialogOptions options)
QColormap. pixel(QColor color)
QStyleOptionFocusRect. setBackgroundColor(QColor backgroundColor)
The background color on which the focus rectangle is being drawnvoid
QGraphicsColorizeEffect. setColor(QColor c)
QGraphicsDropShadowEffect. setColor(QColor color)
QColorDialog. setCurrentColor(QColor color)
static void
QColorDialog. setCustomColor(int index, QColor color)
QGraphicsTextItem. setDefaultTextColor(QColor c)
static void
QColorDialog. setStandardColor(int index, QColor color)
QTabBar. setTabTextColor(int index, QColor color)
QTextEdit. setTextBackgroundColor(QColor c)
QStyleOptionGroupBox. setTextColor(QColor textColor)
The color of the group box titlevoid
QTextEdit. setTextColor(QColor c)
QSplashScreen. showMessage(String message, int alignment, QColor color)
Method parameters in io.qt.widgets with type arguments of type QColor Modifier and Type Method Description void
QColorDialog. open(QMetaObject.Slot1<QColor> selectedColorSlot)
Constructors in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QColor Constructor Description QColorDialog(QColor initial)
Overloaded constructor forQColorDialog(io.qt.gui.QColor, io.qt.widgets.QWidget)
withparent = null
.QColorDialog(QColor initial, QWidget parent)