Module qtjambi
Package io.qt.core

Class QObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
QtObjectInterface, QtSignalBlockerInterface, QtSignalEmitterInterface, QtThreadAffineInterface
Direct Known Subclasses:
IoDeviceBase, Q3DObject, Q3DScene, Q3DTheme, QAbstract3DAxis, QAbstract3DInputHandler, QAbstract3DSeries, QAbstractAnimation, QAbstractAnimation, QAbstractAspect, QAbstractAudioDeviceInfo, QAbstractAudioInput, QAbstractAudioOutput, QAbstractAxis, QAbstractDataProxy, QAbstractEventDispatcher, QAbstractItemDelegate, QAbstractItemModel, QAbstractItemModelTester, QAbstractMessageHandler, QAbstractNetworkCache, QAbstractOAuth, QAbstractOAuthReplyHandler, QAbstractSeries, QAbstractState, QAbstractTextDocumentLayout, QAbstractTransition, QAbstractUriResolver, QAbstractVideoFilter, QAbstractVideoSurface, QAccessibleBridgePlugin, QAccessiblePlugin, QAction, QActionGroup, QAnimationController, QAnimationDriver, QAnimationGroup, QAspectEngine, QAudioInput, QAudioOutput, QAudioProbe, QAudioSystemPlugin, QAxObject, QAxScript, QAxScriptManager, QBarModelMapper, QBarSet, QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent, QBluetoothLocalDevice, QBluetoothServer, QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent, QBluetoothTransferManager, QBluetoothTransferReply, QBoxPlotModelMapper, QBoxSet, QButtonGroup, QCameraExposure, QCameraFocus, QCameraImageCapture, QCameraImageProcessing, QCanBus, QCanBusDevice, QCandlestickModelMapper, QCandlestickSet, QClipboard, QCompleter, QConnectionAbstractServer, QCoreApplication, QCustom3DItem, QDataWidgetMapper, QDBusAbstractAdaptor, QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase, QDBusPendingCallWatcher, QDBusServer, QDBusServiceWatcher, QDBusVirtualObject, QDesignerFormEditorInterface, QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface, QDesignerIntegrationInterface, QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface, QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface, QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface, QDnsLookup, QDrag, QDtls, QDtlsClientVerifier, QEventLoop, QExtensionManager, QFactoryLoader, QFileSelector, QFileSystemWatcher, QFutureWatcherBase, QGamepad, QGamepadKeyNavigation, QGamepadManager, QGenericPlugin, QGeoAreaMonitorSource, QGeoCodeReply, QGeoCodingManager, QGeoCodingManagerEngine, QGeoPositionInfoSource, QGeoRouteReply, QGeoRoutingManager, QGeoRoutingManagerEngine, QGeoSatelliteInfoSource, QGeoServiceProvider, QGesture, QGraphicsAnchor, QGraphicsApiFilter, QGraphicsEffect, QGraphicsItemAnimation, QGraphicsObject, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsTransform, QHelpEngineCore, QHelpFilterEngine, QHelpSearchEngine, QHttpMultiPart, QIconEnginePlugin, QImageIOPlugin, QInAppProduct, QInAppStore, QInAppTransaction, QInputMethod, QIODevice, QItemSelectionModel, QJSEngine, QKeyEvent, QLayout, QLegendMarker, QLibrary, QLocalServer, QLowEnergyController, QLowEnergyService, QMacToolBar, QMacToolBarItem, QMaskGenerator, QMediaControl, QMediaObject, QMediaPlaylist, QMediaRecorder, QMediaService, QMediaServiceProviderPlugin, QMimeData, QModbusDevice, QModbusReply, QMorphTarget, QMouseEvent, QMovie, QNearFieldManager, QNearFieldShareManager, QNearFieldShareTarget, QNearFieldTarget, QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkConfigurationManager, QNetworkCookieJar, QNetworkSession, QNode, QObjectCleanupHandler, QOffscreenSurface, QOpenGLContext, QOpenGLContextGroup, QOpenGLDebugLogger, QOpenGLShader, QOpenGLShaderProgram, QOpenGLTimeMonitor, QOpenGLTimerQuery, QOpenGLVertexArrayObject, QPdfWriter, QPickEvent, QPictureFormatPlugin, QPieModelMapper, QPieSlice, QPlaceManager, QPlaceManagerEngine, QPlaceReply, QPluginLoader, QQmlAspectEngine, QQmlComponent, QQmlContext, QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin, QQmlExpression, QQmlExtensionPlugin, QQmlFileSelector, QQmlNdefRecord, QQmlPropertyMap, QQuick3DObject, QQuickCloseEvent, QQuickImageResponse, QQuickItem, QQuickItemGrabResult, QQuickRenderControl, QQuickTextDocument, QQuickTextureFactory, QQuickTransform, QQuickWebEngineProfile, QQuickWebEngineScript, QRadioData, QRemoteObjectAbstractPersistedStore, QRemoteObjectNode, QRemoteObjectPendingCallWatcher, QRemoteObjectReplica, QRenderCapabilities, QRenderCaptureReply, QScreen, QScriptEngine, QScriptEngineDebugger, QScriptExtensionPlugin, QScroller, QScxmlDataModel, QScxmlInvokableService, QScxmlInvokableServiceFactory, QScxmlStateMachine, QSensor, QSensorBackend, QSensorGesture, QSensorGestureManager, QSensorGestureRecognizer, QSensorReading, QSessionManager, QSettings, QSGAbstractRenderer, QSGEngine, QSGTexture, QSGTextureProvider, QSharedMemory, QShortcut, QSignalMapper, QSignalSpy, QSocketNotifier, QSound, QSoundEffect, QSqlDriver, QSqlDriverPlugin, QStencilOperationArguments, QStencilTestArguments, QStyle, QStyleHints, QStylePlugin, QSvgRenderer, QSyntaxHighlighter, QSystemTrayIcon, QTcpServer, QTestEventLoop, QTextDocument, QTextObject, QTextToSpeech, QTextToSpeechEngine, QTextureWrapMode, QThread, QThreadPool, QTimeLine, QTimer, QTranslator, QUiLoader, QUndoGroup, QUndoStack, QValidator, QValue3DAxisFormatter, QVideoProbe, QVirtualKeyboardAbstractInputMethod, QVirtualKeyboardExtensionPlugin, QVirtualKeyboardInputContext, QVirtualKeyboardInputEngine, QVirtualKeyboardTrace, QWebChannel, QWebChannelAbstractTransport, QWebEngineCookieStore, QWebEngineDownloadItem, QWebEngineNotification, QWebEnginePage, QWebEngineProfile, QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor, QWebEngineUrlRequestJob, QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler, QWebSocket, QWebSocketServer, QWheelEvent, QWidget, QWindow, QWinJumpList, QWinTaskbarButton, QWinTaskbarProgress, QWinThumbnailToolBar, QWinThumbnailToolButton, QXYModelMapper

The base class of all Qt objects

Java wrapper for Qt class QObject

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • blockSignals

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean blockSignals(boolean b)
      b -
    • children

      @QtUninvokable public final QList<QObject> children()
    • disposeLater

      public final void disposeLater()
    • dumpObjectInfo

      @QtUninvokable public final void dumpObjectInfo()
    • dumpObjectTree

      @QtUninvokable public final void dumpObjectTree()
    • dynamicPropertyNames

      @QtUninvokable public final QList<QByteArray> dynamicPropertyNames()
      This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.
    • findChild

      @QtUninvokable public final QObject findChild(String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      aName -
      options -
    • findChild

      @QtUninvokable public final <T extends QObject> T findChild(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      type -
      aName -
      options -
    • findChildren

      @Deprecated @QtUninvokable public final QList<QObject> findChildren(QRegExp re, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      Use findChildren(const QRegularExpression &, ...) instead.@param re
      options -
    • findChildren

      @QtUninvokable public final QList<QObject> findChildren(QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      re -
      options -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
    • findChildren

      @QtUninvokable public final QList<QObject> findChildren(String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      aName -
      options -
    • findChildren

      @Deprecated @QtUninvokable public final <T extends QObject> QList<T> findChildren(Class<T> type, QRegExp re, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      Use findChildren(const QRegularExpression &, ...) instead.@param type
      re -
      options -
    • findChildren

      @QtUninvokable public final <T extends QObject> QList<T> findChildren(Class<T> type, QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      type -
      re -
      options -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
    • findChildren

      @QtUninvokable public final <T extends QObject> QList<T> findChildren(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options)
      type -
      aName -
      options -
    • inherits

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean inherits(String classname)
      classname -
    • installEventFilter

      @QtUninvokable public final void installEventFilter(QObject filterObj)
      filterObj -
    • isSignalConnected

      @QtUninvokable protected final boolean isSignalConnected(QMetaMethod signal)
      signal -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
    • isWidgetType

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean isWidgetType()
    • isWindowType

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean isWindowType()
    • killTimer

      @QtUninvokable public final void killTimer(int id)
      id -
    • moveToThread

      @QtUninvokable public final void moveToThread(QThread thread)
      thread -
    • objectName

      @QtUninvokable public final String objectName()
    • parent

      @QtUninvokable public final QObject parent()
    • property

      @QtUninvokable public final Object property(String name)
      name -
    • receivers

      @QtUninvokable protected final int receivers(String signal)
      signal -
    • removeEventFilter

      @QtUninvokable public final void removeEventFilter(QObject obj)
      obj -
    • sender

      @QtUninvokable protected final QObject sender()
    • senderSignalIndex

      @QtUninvokable protected final int senderSignalIndex()
      This function was introduced in Qt 4.8.
    • setObjectName

      @QtUninvokable public final void setObjectName(String name)
      name -
    • setParent

      @QtUninvokable public final void setParent(QObject parent)
      parent -
    • setProperty

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean setProperty(String name, Object value)
      name -
      value -
    • signalsBlocked

      @QtUninvokable public final boolean signalsBlocked()
      Specified by:
      signalsBlocked in interface QtSignalBlockerInterface
    • startTimer

      @QtUninvokable public final int startTimer(int interval, Qt.TimerType timerType)
      interval -
      timerType -
    • startTimer

      @QtUninvokable public final int startTimer(TemporalAmount time, Qt.TimerType timerType)
      time -
      timerType -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.9.
    • thread

      @QtUninvokable public final QThread thread()
      Specified by:
      thread in interface QtThreadAffineInterface
    • childEvent

      @QtUninvokable protected void childEvent(QChildEvent event)
      event -
    • connectNotify

      @QtUninvokable protected void connectNotify(QMetaMethod signal)
      signal -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
    • customEvent

      @QtUninvokable protected void customEvent(QEvent event)
      event -
    • disconnectNotify

      @QtUninvokable protected void disconnectNotify(QMetaMethod signal)
      signal -
      This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
    • event

      @QtUninvokable public boolean event(QEvent event)
      event -
    • eventFilter

      @QtUninvokable public boolean eventFilter(QObject watched, QEvent event)
      watched -
      event -
    • timerEvent

      @QtUninvokable protected void timerEvent(QTimerEvent event)
      event -
    • tr

      public static String tr(String source)
      Returns a translated version of source, or source itself if there is no appropriate translated version. Note that if you need to translate in a static context, you can use QCoreApplication::translate(), which is a static method.
      source - the source text to translate.
      translated version of the source text.
      See Also:
    • tr

      public static String tr(String source, String comment)
      Returns a translated version of source, or source itself if there is no appropriate translated version. The comment is used to help translators translate the source text. Note that if you need to translate in a static context, you can use QCoreApplication::translate(), which is a static method.
      source - the source text to translate.
      comment - helps the translator translate the source text.
      translated version of the source text.
      See Also:
    • tr

      public static String tr(String source, String comment, int count)
      Returns a translated version of source, or source itself if there is no appropriate translated version. If %n occurs in the source text, it will be substituted with count. The comment is used to help translators translate the source text. Note that if you need to translate in a static context, you can use QCoreApplication::translate(), which is a static method.
      source - the source text to translate.
      comment - helps the translator translate the source text.
      count - in source %n will be substituted by count.
      translated version of the source text.
      See Also:
    • emit

      protected static void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal0 signal) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal1<A> signal, A arg1) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, A arg1, B arg2) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D, E> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4, E arg5) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      arg5 - The argument for the fifth parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D, E, F> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4, E arg5, F arg6) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      arg5 - The argument for the fifth parameter of the signal.
      arg6 - The argument for the sixth parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4, E arg5, F arg6, G arg7) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      arg5 - The argument for the fifth parameter of the signal.
      arg6 - The argument for the sixth parameter of the signal.
      arg7 - The argument for the seventh parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4, E arg5, F arg6, G arg7, H arg8) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      arg5 - The argument for the fifth parameter of the signal.
      arg6 - The argument for the sixth parameter of the signal.
      arg7 - The argument for the seventh parameter of the signal.
      arg8 - The argument for the eighth parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • emit

      protected static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> void emit(QObject.PrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4, E arg5, F arg6, G arg7, H arg8, I arg9) throws QSignalAccessException
      Emits a private signal. This method may only be called from inside the signal owning object.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be emitted
      arg1 - The argument for the first parameter of the signal.
      arg2 - The argument for the second parameter of the signal.
      arg3 - The argument for the third parameter of the signal.
      arg4 - The argument for the fourth parameter of the signal.
      arg5 - The argument for the fifth parameter of the signal.
      arg6 - The argument for the sixth parameter of the signal.
      arg7 - The argument for the seventh parameter of the signal.
      arg8 - The argument for the eighth parameter of the signal.
      arg9 - The argument for the ninth parameter of the signal.
      QSignalAccessException - if signal is emitted from outside the declaring class.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, QMetaObject.Slot8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, QMetaObject.Slot9<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot9<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot9<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • connect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot10<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, QMetaObject.Slot8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,?> signal, QMetaObject.Slot8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, QMetaObject.Slot9<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot9<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot1<Receiver> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot2<Receiver,? super A> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot3<Receiver,? super A,? super B> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,?,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot4<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,?,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot5<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,?,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot6<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,?,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot7<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,?,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot8<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,?> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot9<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • disconnect

      public static <Receiver, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, Receiver receiver, QMetaObject.Slot10<Receiver,? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> slot)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      Receiver - The type of the receiver
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      receiver - the target receiver
      slot - the slot to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, QMetaObject.Connectable0 connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0 signal, QMetaObject.Connectable0 connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable1<? super A> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1<A> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable1<? super A> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable2<? super A,? super B> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2<A,B> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable2<? super A,? super B> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable3<? super A,? super B,? super C> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3<A,B,C> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable3<? super A,? super B,? super C> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A,B,C,D> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A,B,C,D,E> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A,B,C,D,E,F> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable9<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> connectSignal, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      connectSignal - the signal to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if their signatures are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> signal, QMetaObject.Connectable9<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> connectSignal)
      Removes the connection between the given signal and connectSignal.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      I - The type of the ninth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be disconnected
      connectSignal - the signal to be disconnected
      true if successfully disconnected, or false otherwise.
    • connect

      public static QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot1<? super A> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot2<? super A,? super B> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot3<? super A,? super B,? super C> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot4<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot5<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot6<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot7<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot8<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parameter of the signal.
      G - The type of the seventh parameter of the signal.
      H - The type of the eighth parameter of the signal.
      signal - the signal to be connected
      slot - the slot to be connected
      connectionType - type of connection
      connection if successful or null otherwise
      QMisfittingSignatureException - Raised if slot does not match to any of the signatures.
    • connect

      public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> QMetaObject.Connection connect(QObject.MultiSignal signal, QMetaObject.Slot9<? super A,? super B,? super C,? super D,? super E,? super F,? super G,? super H,? super I> slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType)
      Initializes a connection between the given signal and slot.
      Type Parameters:
      A - The type of the first parameter of the signal.
      B - The type of the second parameter of the signal.
      C - The type of the third parameter of the signal.
      D - The type of the fourth parameter of the signal.
      E - The type of the fifth parameter of the signal.
      F - The type of the sixth parame