All Classes and Interfaces
Java wrapper for Qt class ClientIoDevice
Generic implementation for
.Java wrapper for Qt enum EnumFlags
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer GLDEBUGPROC
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class IoDeviceBase
This class manages member access for interface default functions.
Java wrapper for Qt enum MetaDataFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enum MetaObjectFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enum MethodFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enum PropertyFlags
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DRender::PropertyReaderInterface
Implementor class for interface
Methods for rendering 3D bar graphs
Representation of a camera in 3D space
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::Q3DCamera::CameraPreset
Basic wheel mouse based input handler
Representation of a light source in 3D space
Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs
Description of the 3D scene being visualized
Methods for rendering 3D surface plots
Visual style for graphs
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::Q3DTheme::ColorStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::Q3DTheme::Theme
Base class for the axes of a graph
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DAxis::AxisOrientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DAxis::AxisType
Window and render loop for graphs
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DGraph::ElementType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationHint
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQuality
Base class for implementations of input handlers
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DInputHandler::InputView
Base class for all data series
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries::Mesh
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstract3DSeries::SeriesType
The base class for the Action Input and all Aggregate Action Inputs
The base of all animations
An abstract base class for Qt3D animations
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractAnimation::AnimationType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::DeletionPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::Direction
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::State
The base class for types providing key frame animation data
The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior
Base class for audio backends
Access for QAudioInput to access the audio device provided by the plugin
Base class for audio backends
Base class used for specialized axis classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QAbstractAxis::AxisType
QFlags type for enum
QAbstractActionInput is the base class for all Axis Input
Abstract parent class for all bar series classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition
The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
Basic functionality for camera controllers
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DExtras::QAbstractCameraController::InputState
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractChannelMapping
The base class for types providing animation playback capabilities
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractClipAnimator::Loops
The base class for types used to construct animation blend trees
Base class for all data visualization data proxies
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QAbstractDataProxy::DataType
Interface to manage Qt's event queue
Java wrapper for Qt class QAbstractEventDispatcher::TimerInfo
Interface for extension factories in Qt Designer
Implementor class for interface
Interface for extension managers in Qt Designer
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileEngine::FileName
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileEngine::FileOwner
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileEngine::FileTime
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileEngineIterator::EntryInfoType
Default implementation for classes that create user interfaces at run-time
Abstract base class for all functors
Implementor class for interface
Common base for all path items
Used to display and edit data items from a model
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint
The abstract interface for item model classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemModel::CheckIndexOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint
Java wrapper for Qt class QAbstractItemModelReplica
Helps testing QAbstractItemModel subclasses
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemModelTester::FailureReportingMode
The basic functionality for item view classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::CursorAction
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::DragDropMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::DropIndicatorPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemView::State
Encapsulate a QAbstractLight object in a Qt 3D scene
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractLight::Type
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models
Callback interface for handling messages
The interface for cache implementations
The base of all implementations of OAuth authentication methods
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractOAuth::ContentType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractOAuth::Error
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAbstractOAuth::ModifyParametersFunction
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractOAuth::Stage
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractOAuth::Status
The base of all implementations of OAuth 2 authentication methods
Handles replies to OAuth authentication requests
The base class of a family of classes that expose all functions for each OpenGL version and profile
The base class used by Qt3d to interact with arbitrary input devices
Abstraction for planar video data
Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintRange
Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks
An abstract base class for ray casting in 3d scenes
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractRayCaster::FilterMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractRayCaster::RunMode
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractScrollArea::SizeAdjustPolicy
Base class for all Qt Chart series
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QAbstractSeries::SeriesType
A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh
Integer value within a range
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSlider::SliderAction
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSlider::SliderChange
The base functionality common to all socket types
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::BindFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::PauseMode
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::SocketError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::SocketOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::SocketState
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSocket::SocketType
Spinbox and a line edit to display values
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSpinBox::ButtonSymbols
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSpinBox::CorrectionMode
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractSpinBox::StepType
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DExtras::QAbstractSpriteSheet
The base class of states of a QStateMachine
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models
Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layout
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selection
A base class to be used to provide textures
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::ComparisonFunction
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::ComparisonMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::Filter
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::HandleType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::Status
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::Target
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::TextureFormat
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image
The base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractTransition::TransitionType
Java wrapper for Qt class QAbstractUndoItem
Implementor class for interface
Callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers.
Abstraction for video data
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractVideoBuffer::MapMode
Represents a filter that is applied to the video frames received by a VideoOutput type
Base class for video presentation surfaces
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractVideoSurface::Error
Abstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractXmlNodeModel::NodeCopySetting
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractXmlNodeModel::SimpleAxis
Callback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccelerometer::AccelerationMode
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes
Enums and static functions related to accessibility
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessible::ActivationObserver
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::Event
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::InterfaceFactory
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::InterfaceType
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::RelationFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::Role
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::RootObjectHandler
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessible::State
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::Text
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::TextBoundaryType
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::UpdateHandler
Implementor class for interface
Implements support for invocable actions in the interface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleApplication
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleBridge
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleBridgePlugin
Implements support for objects with editable text
Implementor class for interface
The base class for accessibility notifications
Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleImageInterface
Implementor class for interface
Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
Implementor class for interface
Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
Abstract base class for plugins provinding accessibility information for user interface elements
Notfies the accessibility framework that the state of an object has changed
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interface
Implementor class for interface
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface
Implementor class for interface
Signifies a change in a table, list, or tree where cells are added or removed.
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent::ModelChangeType
Notifies of cursor movements
Notifies of text being inserted
Implements support for text handling
Implementor class for interface
Notifies of text being deleted
Signals a change in the text selection of an object
Notifies about text changes.
Describes a change in value for an accessible object
Implements support for objects that manipulate a value
Implementor class for interface
Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets
Links a set of QAbstractActionInput that trigger the same event
Abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAction::ActionEvent
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAction::MenuRole
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAction::Priority
Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed
Groups actions together
Java wrapper for Qt enum QActionGroup::ExclusionPolicy
Stores Device and Buttons used to trigger an input event
Performs an additive blend of two animation clips based on an additive factor
Enable alpha-to-coverage multisampling mode
Specify alpha reference test
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAlphaTest::AlphaFunction
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings from the altimeter sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensor
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAmbientLightReading::LightLevel
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings of the ambient temperature
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
An axis input controlled by an analog input The axis value is controlled like a traditional analog input such as a joystick
Provides key-frame animation capabilities to Qt 3D
Represents an animation callback object
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationCallback::Flag
QFlags type for enum
Specifies key frame animation data
Class containing the animation data
Enables loading key frame animation data from a file
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationClipLoader::Status
A controller class for animations
Java wrapper for Qt class QAnimationDriver
Abstract base class for groups of animations
A class grouping animations together
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
Java wrapper for Qt enum QApplication::ColorSpec
Java wrapper for Qt class QApplicationStateChangeEvent
Legend marker for an area series
Presents data in area charts
Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders
Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine::RunMode
Base class for jobs executed in an aspect
Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAttribute::AttributeType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QAttribute::VertexBaseType
Contains enums used by the audio classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudio::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudio::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudio::Role
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudio::State
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudio::VolumeScale
Represents a collection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate
Java wrapper for Qt class QAudioDecoder
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudioDecoder::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudioDecoder::State
Java wrapper for Qt class QAudioDecoderControl
Interface to query audio devices and their functionality
Set of audio encoder settings
Access to the settings of a media service that performs audio encoding
Stores audio stream parameter information
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudioFormat::Endian
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAudioFormat::SampleType
Interface for receiving audio data from an audio input device
Audio input selector media control
Interface for sending audio data to an audio output device
Audio output selector media control
Allows you to monitor audio being played or recorded
Used for the recording of audio
Control over the audio role of a media object
Java wrapper for Qt class QAudioSystemFactoryInterface
Implementor class for interface
Abstract base for audio plugins
Authentication object
Stores QAbstractAxisInputs used to trigger an input event
Processes velocity or acceleration data from a QAxis
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DInput::QAxisAccumulator::SourceAxisType
Stores settings for the specified list of Axis
Base class for all Qt3D backend nodes
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QBackendNode::Mode
Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes
Drawing area for QWindow
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph
Adds categories to a chart's axes
Template class that provides lists
Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs
The data proxy for a 3D bars graph
Template class that provides a dynamic array
Legend marker for a bar series
Java wrapper for Qt class QtCharts::QBarModelMapper
Presents a series of data as vertical bars grouped by category
Represents one set of bars in a bar chart
Java wrapper for Qt class QBasicMutex
Timer events for objects
Array of bits
Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
Component providing animation playback capabilities of a tree of blend nodes
Specifies the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBlendEquation::BlendFunction
Encapsulates blending information: specifies how the incoming values (what's going to be drawn) are going to affect the existing values (what is already drawn)
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBlendEquationArguments::Blending
FrameGraph node to transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a render target to another
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBlitFramebuffer::InterpolationMethod
Classes and functions related to Bluetooth
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetooth::AttAccessConstraint
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetooth::Security
QFlags type for enum
Assigns an address to the Bluetooth device
Discovers the Bluetooth devices nearby
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMethod
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::InquiryType
Stores information about the Bluetooth device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfiguration
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::DataCompleteness
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::Field
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MajorDeviceClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorAudioVideoClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorComputerClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorHealthClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorImagingClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorMiscellaneousClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorNetworkClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorPeripheralClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorPhoneClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorToyClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::MinorWearableClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothDeviceInfo::ServiceClass
QFlags type for enum
Encapsulates the details of a local QBluetooth device
Enables access to the local Bluetooth device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing
Uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothServer::Error
Enables you to query for Bluetooth services
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::Error
Enables access to the attributes of a Bluetooth service
Stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Alternative
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothServiceInfo::AttributeId
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothServiceInfo::Protocol
Stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Sequence
Enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth server
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothSocket::SocketError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothSocket::SocketState
Transfers data to another device using Object Push Profile (OPP)
Stores the response for a data transfer request
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothTransferReply::TransferError
Stores information about a data transfer request
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothTransferRequest::Attribute
Generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothUuid::CharacteristicType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothUuid::ProtocolUuid
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBluetoothUuid::ServiceClassUuid
Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
Java wrapper for Qt enum QBoxLayout::Direction
Legend marker for a box plot series
Java wrapper for Qt class QtCharts::QBoxPlotModelMapper
Presents data in box-and-whiskers charts
Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chart
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QBoxSet::ValuePositions
Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter
QIODevice interface for a QByteArray
Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBuffer::AccessType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBuffer::BufferType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QBuffer::UsageType
Exchanges buffer data between GPU and CPU
Provides a mechanism to generate buffer data from a job
Implementor class for interface
An axis input controlled by buttons The axis value is controlled by buttons rather than a traditional analog input such as a joystick
Container to organize groups of button widgets
Array of bytes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QByteArray::Base64DecodingStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QByteArray::Base64Option
QFlags type for enum
Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array
Describes calendar systems
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCalendar::System
Java wrapper for Qt class QCalendar::YearMonthDay
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCalendarWidget::HorizontalHeaderFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCalendarWidget::SelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCalendarWidget::VerticalHeaderFormat
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto an invocation of a callback object
Interface for system camera devices
Defines a view point through which the scene will be rendered
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QCamera::CameraTranslationOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::CaptureMode
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::Error
A FrameRateRange represents a range of frame rates as minimum and maximum rate
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::LockChangeReason
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::LockStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::LockType
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::Position
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::State
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCamera::Status
Control for setting the capture buffer format
Control for setting capture destination
Abstract base class for classes that control still cameras or video cameras
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraControl::PropertyChangeType
Interface for exposure related camera settings
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraExposure::ExposureMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraExposure::FlashMode
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraExposure::MeteringMode
Allows controlling camera exposure parameters
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraExposureControl::ExposureParameter
Allows controlling feedback (sounds etc) during camera operation
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraFeedbackControl::EventType
Allows controlling a camera's flash
Interface for focus and zoom related camera settings
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraFocus::FocusMode
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraFocus::FocusPointMode
Supplies control for focusing related camera parameters
Information on zones used for autofocusing a camera
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraFocusZone::FocusZoneStatus
Used for the recording of media content
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageCapture::CaptureDestination
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageCapture::DriveMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageCapture::Error
Control interface for image capture services
Interface for image processing related camera settings
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageProcessing::ColorFilter
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageProcessing::WhiteBalanceMode
Abstract class for controlling image processing parameters, like white balance, contrast, saturation, sharpening and denoising
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraImageProcessingControl::ProcessingParameter
General information about camera devices
Camera info media control
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D scene
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType
Abstract base class for classes that control still cameras or video cameras
Class to allow for selection of camera to be used
Java wrapper for Qt class QCameraViewfinder
Set of viewfinder settings
Abstract class for controlling camera viewfinder parameters
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCameraViewfinderSettingsControl::ViewfinderParameter
Access to the viewfinder settings of a camera media service
Supplies control for optical and digital camera zoom
Handles registration and creation of bus plugins
The interface class for CAN bus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::CanBusDeviceState
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::CanBusError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::CanBusStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::ConfigurationKey
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::Direction
QFlags type for enum
QCanBusDevice::Filter struct defines a filter for CAN bus frames
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusDevice::Filter::FormatFilter
QFlags type for enum
Information about CAN bus interfaces
Factory class used as the plugin interface for CAN bus plugins
Implementor class for interface
Factory class used as the plugin interface for CAN bus plugins
Implementor class for interface
Container class representing a single CAN frame
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusFrame::FrameError
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCanBusFrame::FrameType
Timestamp information with microsecond precision
Legend marker for a candlestick series
Abstract model mapper class for candlestick series
Presents data as candlesticks
Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chart
Manipulates an axis of a graph
Places named ranges on the axis
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QCategoryAxis::AxisLabelsPosition
Used to hold an array of CBOR elements
Holds the error condition found while parsing or validating a CBOR stream
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborError::Code
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborKnownTags
Used to hold an associative container representable in CBOR
Used by QCborValue to report a parsing error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborSimpleType
Simple CBOR stream decoder, operating on either a QByteArray or QIODevice
Result class for
and QCborStreamReader.readString()
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborStreamReader::StringResultCode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborStreamReader::Type
Simple CBOR encoder operating on a one-way stream
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborTag
Encapsulates a value in CBOR
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::EncodingOption
QFlags type for enum
Result class for
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::Type
Defines a channel for a QAnimationClipData.
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DAnimation::QChannelComponent
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application
Manages the graphical representation of the chart's series, legends, and axes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QChart::AnimationOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QChart::ChartTheme
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QChart::ChartType
Standalone widget that can display charts
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QChartView::RubberBand
QFlags type for enum
Checkbox with a text label
Contains event parameters for child object events
Class to clear buffers
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QClearBuffers::BufferType
Component providing simple animation playback capabilities
Base class for changes in QClipBlendNode
Class used for including a clip in a blend tree
Access to the window system clipboard
Java wrapper for Qt enum QClipboard::Mode
Enables an additional OpenGL clipping plane that can be in shaders using gl_ClipDistance
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DAnimation::QClock
Contains parameters that describe a close event
Java wrapper for Qt class QCocoaWindowFunctions
Compares strings according to a localized collation algorithm
Can be used to speed up string collation
Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColor::NameFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColor::Spec
Contains QColor predefined constants
Java wrapper for Qt class QColorConstants::Svg
Dialog widget for specifying colors
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColorDialog::ColorDialogOption
QFlags type for enum
Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColormap::Mode
Allows specifying which color components should be written to the currently bound frame buffer
Color space abstraction
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::NamedColorSpace
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::Primaries
Java wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::TransferFunction
Transformation between color spaces
Model/view implementation of a column view
Combined button and popup list
Java wrapper for Qt enum QComboBox::InsertPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy
Defines a possible command-line option
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineOption::Flag
QFlags type for enum
Means for handling the command line options
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineParser::OptionsAfterPositionalArgumentsMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineParser::SingleDashWordOptionMode
Vista style command link button
Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from a compass
Completions based on an item model
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCompleter::CompletionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCompleter::ModelSorting
Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component
Used to notify when a component is added to an entity
Used to notify when a component is removed from an entity
Access to the details about a compressed help file
QComponent to issue work for the compute shader on GPU
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QComputeCommand::RunType
Proxies multiple source models, concatenating their rows
Allows creation of a cone in 3D space. * * * * * The QConeGeometry class is most commonly used internally by the QConeMesh * but can also be used in custom Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer subclasses.
A conical mesh
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush
Java wrapper for Qt class QConnectionAbstractServer
The ConnectionException class is thrown when connecting to a signal fails.
Contains parameters that describe a context menu event
Java wrapper for Qt enum QContextMenuEvent::Reason
Event loop for Qt applications without UI
Way to generate cryptographic hashes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCryptographicHash::Algorithm
Allows creation of a cuboid in 3D space. * * * * * The QCuboidGeometry class is most commonly used internally by the QCuboidMesh * but can also be used in custom Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer subclasses
A cuboid mesh
Specifies whether front or back face culling is enabled
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QCullFace::CullingMode
Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
Adds a custom item to a graph
Adds a custom label to a graph
Adds a volume rendered object to a graph
Control over the audio role of a media object
Allows creation of a cylinder in 3D space. * * * * * The QCylinderGeometry class is most commonly used internally by the QCylinderMesh * but can also be used in custom Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer subclasses
A cylindrical mesh
Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::ByteOrder
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::FloatingPointPrecision
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::Status
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::Version
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDataWidgetMapper::SubmitPolicy
Date functions
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDate::MonthNameType
Result class for
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
Date and time functions
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDateTime::YearRange
Adds dates and times to a chart's axis
Widget for editing dates and times
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDateTimeEdit::Section
QFlags type for enum
Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt D-Bus module
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBus::CallMode
The base class of D-Bus adaptor classes
The base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the Qt D-Bus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces
Java wrapper for Qt class QDBusAbstractInterfaceBase
Used to marshall and demarshall D-Bus arguments
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusArgument::ElementType
Represents a connection to the D-Bus bus daemon
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnection::BusType
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnection::ConnectionCapability
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnection::RegisterOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnection::UnregisterMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnection::VirtualObjectRegisterOption
Access to the D-Bus bus daemon service
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnectionInterface::ServiceQueueOptions
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusConnectionInterface::ServiceReplacementOptions
Allows slots to determine the D-Bus context of the calls
Implementor class for interface
Represents an error received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusError::ErrorType
Proxy for interfaces on remote objects
Represents one message sent or received over the D-Bus bus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusMessage::MessageType
Enables the programmer to identify the OBJECT_PATH type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
Refers to one pending asynchronous call
Implementor class for interface
Convenient way for waiting for asynchronous replies
Peer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computer
Allows the user to watch for a bus service change
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchModeFlag
Enables the programmer to identify the SIGNATURE type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
Holds one Unix file descriptor
Enables the programmer to identify the variant type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
Used to handle several DBus paths with one class
Marks a deadline in the future
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDeadlineTimer::ForeverConstant
Output stream for debugging information
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDebug::VerbosityLevel
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DRender::QDebugOverlay
Convenience class for custom QDebug operators
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Use this signal class to declare a local signal.
Java wrapper for Qt class QDeferredDeleteEvent
Enables remapping depth values written into the depth buffer
Tests the fragment shader's depth value against the depth of a sample being written to
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QDepthTest::DepthFunction
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editor
Allows you to add pages to a custom multi-page container in Qt Designer's workspace
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to include several custom widgets in one single library
Implementor class for interface
Enables Qt Designer to access and construct custom widgets
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to manipulate a widget's dynamic properties in Qt Designer's property editor
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to access Qt Designer's various components
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerFormEditorPluginInterface
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to query and modify a form window's widget selection, and in addition modify the properties of all the form's widgets
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface::MoveMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface::MoveOperation
Allows you to query and manipulate form windows appearing in Qt Designer's workspace
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerFormWindowInterface::FeatureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerFormWindowInterface::ResourceFileSaveMode
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerIntegration
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerIntegrationInterface
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerIntegrationInterface::FeatureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerIntegrationInterface::ResourceFileWatcherBehaviour
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerLanguageExtension
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerLayoutDecorationExtension
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerLayoutDecorationExtension::InsertMode
Allows you to manipulate a widget's member functions which is displayed when configuring connections using Qt Designer's mode for editing signals and slots
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerNewFormWidgetInterface
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's object inspector
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerOptionsPageInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerPromotionInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerPromotionInterface::PromotedClass
Allows you to query and manipulate the current state of Qt Designer's property editor
Allows you to manipulate a widget's properties which is displayed in Qt Designer's property editor
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerResourceBrowserInterface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerSettingsInterface
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to add custom menu entries to Qt Designer's task menu
Implementor class for interface
Allows you to control the contents of Qt Designer's widget box
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category::Type
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget::Type
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface
Methods for accessing common desktop services
Access to screen information on multi-head systems
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
The base class of dialog windows
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDialog::DialogCode
Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton
QFlags type for enum
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect where the diffuse and specular light components are read from texture maps
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect
Access to directory structures and their contents
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDir::Filter
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDir::SortFlag
QFlags type for enum
Encapsulate a Directional Light object in a Qt 3D scene
Iterator for directory entrylists
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDirIterator::IteratorFlag
QFlags type for enum
Data model for the local filesystem
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDirModel::Roles
FrameGraph node to issue work for the compute shader on GPU
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds distance reading in cm from the proximity sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Enable dithering
Stores information about a domain name record
Stores information about a host address record
Represents a DNS lookup
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDnsLookup::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDnsLookup::Type
Stores information about a DNS MX record
Stores information about a DNS SRV record
Stores information about a DNS TXT record
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature
QFlags type for enum
Represents one attribute of a QDomElement
Represents an XML CDATA section
Represents a generic string in the DOM
Represents an XML comment
Represents an XML document
Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
The representation of the DTD in the document tree
Represents one element in the DOM tree
Represents an XML entity
Represents an XML entity reference
Information about the features of the DOM implementation
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomImplementation::InvalidDataPolicy
Contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name
The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomNode::EncodingPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomNode::NodeType
List of QDomNode objects
Represents an XML notation
Represents an XML processing instruction
Represents text data in the parsed XML document
Spin box widget that takes doubles
Range checking of floating-point numbers
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDoubleValidator::Notation
Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer
Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it
Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it
Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress
Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed
This class provides encryption for UDP sockets
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDtls::HandshakeState
This class implements server-side DTLS cookie generation and verification
This class defines parameters for DTLS cookie generator
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDtlsError
Contains event parameters for dynamic property change events
Used to notify when a dynamic property value is updated
Easing curves for controlling animation
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QEasingCurve::EasingFunction
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QEasingCurve::Type
Base class for effects in a Qt 3D scene
Java wrapper for Qt class QEglFSFunctions
Fast way to calculate elapsed times
Java wrapper for Qt enum QElapsedTimer::ClockType
Contains parameters that describe an enter event
Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior
Encapsulate an environment light object in a Qt 3D scene
Error message display dialog
The base class of all event classes.
Java wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::Type
Means of entering and leaving an event loop
Java wrapper for Qt enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag
QFlags type for enum
Means to quit an event loop when it is no longer needed
QObject-specific transition for Qt events
Java wrapper for Qt class QException
Contains event parameters for expose events
Extension management facilities for Qt Designer
Allows creation of a 3D extruded text in 3D space
A 3D extruded Text mesh
Java wrapper for Qt class QFactoryInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QFactoryLoader
Interface for reading from and writing to files
Result class for
Interface for reading from and writing to open files
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileHandleFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileTime
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::Permission
QFlags type for enum
Dialog that allow users to select files or directories
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDialog::AcceptMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDialog::DialogLabel
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDialog::FileMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDialog::Option
QFlags type for enum
Result class for QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,Options),
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,Options) and
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDialog::ViewMode
File icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileIconProvider::IconType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileIconProvider::Option
QFlags type for enum
System-independent file information
Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL
Convenient way of selecting file variants
Data model for the local filesystem
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileSystemModel::Option
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileSystemModel::Roles
Interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications
Storage for filter keys and their values
Final state
Allows controlling the scene camera from the first person perspective
This class manages a set of QtFlagEnumerator values.
Contains event parameters for widget focus events
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area
Specifies a query for a font used for drawing text
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::Capitalization
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::HintingPreference
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::ResolveProperties
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::SpacingType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::Stretch
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::Style
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StyleHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StyleStrategy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFont::Weight
Combobox that lets the user select a font family
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFontComboBox::FontFilter
QFlags type for enum
Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFontDatabase::SystemFont
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFontDatabase::WritingSystem
Dialog widget for selecting a font
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFontDialog::FontDialogOption
QFlags type for enum
General information about fonts
Font metrics information
Font metrics information
Used to dynamically construct user interfaces from UI files at run-time
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFormLayout::FieldGrowthPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFormLayout::ItemRole
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFormLayout::RowWrapPolicy
Contains the result of a QFormLayout::takeRow() call
Default FrameGraph implementation of a forward renderer
The base class of widgets that can have a frame
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFrame::Shadow
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFrame::Shape
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFrame::StyleMask
Provides a way to have a synchronous function executed each frame
Base class of all FrameGraph configuration nodes
A base class for changes in the FrameGraphNode
Defines front and back facing polygons
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QFrontFace::WindingDirection
Enable frustum culling for the FrameGraph
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QFunctionPointer
Represents the result of an asynchronous computation
Java wrapper for Qt class QFutureInterface
Java wrapper for Qt class QFutureInterfaceBase
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFutureInterfaceBase::State
Convenience class that simplifies QFuture synchronization
Allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots
Java wrapper for Qt class QFutureWatcherBase
A gamepad device connected to a system
Provides support for keyboard events triggered by gamepads
Queries attached gamepads and related events
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGamepadManager::GamepadAxis
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGamepadManager::GamepadButton
Specifies a function pointer's argument type and value.
Abstract base class for plugins
Creates plugin drivers
Specifies a function pointer's return type.
Represents an address of a QGeoLocation
Describes the parameters of an area or region to be monitored for proximity
Enables the detection of proximity changes for a specified set of coordinates
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoAreaMonitorSource::AreaMonitorFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoAreaMonitorSource::Error
Defines a circular geographic area
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoCodingManager
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoCodeReply::Error
Support for geocoding operations
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide support for geocoding operations
Defines a geographical position on the surface of the Earth
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateType
Represents basic information about a location
Represents the information relevant to the point at which two QGeoRouteSegments meet
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoManeuver::InstructionDirection
Encapsulates geometry
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DRender::QGeometryFactory
Implementor class for interface
Encapsulates geometry rendering
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer::PrimitiveType
Defines a geographic path
Defines a geographic polygon
Contains information gathered on a global position, direction and velocity at a particular point in time
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoPositionInfo::Attribute
Abstract base class for the distribution of positional updates
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoPositionInfoSource::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoPositionInfoSource::PositioningMethod
QFlags type for enum
Factory class used as the plugin interface for external providers of positioning data
Implementor class for interface
Extends QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory, adding factory methods taking a parameters argument
Implementor class for interface
Defines a rectangular geographic area
Represents a route between two points
Represents a leg of a route, that is the portion of a route between one waypoint and the next.
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoRoutingManager
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteReply::Error
Represents the parameters and restrictions which define a request for routing information
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureType
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureWeight
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::ManeuverDetail
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimization
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::SegmentDetail
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoRouteRequest::TravelMode
QFlags type for enum
Represents a segment of a route
Support for geographic routing operations
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information
Contains basic information about a satellite
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoSatelliteInfo::Attribute
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoSatelliteInfo::SatelliteSystem
Abstract base class for the distribution of satellite information updates
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::Error
Aggregates access to services which provide geographical information
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::GeocodingFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::MappingFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::NavigationFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::PlacesFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoServiceProvider::RoutingFeature
QFlags type for enum
Factory class used as the plugin interface for services related to geographical information
Implementor class for interface
Factory class used as the plugin interface for services related to geographical information
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QGeoServiceProviderFactoryV3
Implementor class for interface
Defines a geographic area
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGeoShape::ShapeType
Represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGesture::GestureCancelPolicy
The description of triggered gestures
The infrastructure for gesture recognition
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGestureRecognizer::ResultFlag
Direct access to the internal glyphs in a font
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlag
QFlags type for enum
Material that implements the Gooch shading model, popular in CAD and CAM applications
Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::CoordinateMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::InterpolationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::Preset
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::Spread
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View
Identifies the API required for the attached QTechnique
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::Api
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QGraphicsApiFilter::OpenGLProfile
Blur effect
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsBlurEffect::BlurHint
QFlags type for enum
Colorize effect
Drop shadow effect
The base class for all graphics effects
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsEffect::ChangeFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsEffect::PixmapPadMode
Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
The base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene
Result class for QGraphicsItem::isBlockedByModalPanel(QGraphicsItem**)const.
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsItem::CacheMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsItem::Extension
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag
QFlags type for enum
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsItem::PanelModality
Simple animation support for QGraphicsItem
Container that treats a group of items as a single item
The base class for all layouts in Graphics View
Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts
Implementor class for interface
Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
Line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties
Opacity effect
Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsPixmapItem::ShapeMode
Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene
Rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
Rotation transformation around a given axis
Scale transformation
Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer
QFlags type for enum
Context menu events in the graphics view framework
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent::Reason
Events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework
Base class for all graphics view related events
Events when a tooltip is requested
Hover events in the graphics view framework
Mouse events in the graphics view framework
Events for widget moving in the graphics view framework
Events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework
Wheel events in the graphics view framework
Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files
Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text
Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems
Java wrapper for Qt class QGraphicsVideoItem
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsView::DragMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsView::ViewportAnchor
Java wrapper for Qt enum QGraphicsView::ViewportUpdateMode
The base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene
Lays out widgets in a grid
Result class for QGridLayout::getItemPosition(int,int*,int*,int*,int*)const.
Group box frame with a title
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensor
Java wrapper for Qt class QHash
Horizontal model mapper for bar series
Lines up widgets horizontally
Horizontal model mapper for box plot series
Horizontal model mapper for a candlestick series
Header row or header column for item views
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHeaderView::ResizeMode
Base proxy class for Q3DSurface
Item for use with QHelpContentModel
Model that supplies content to views
Tree view for displaying help content model items
Access to contents and indices of the help engine
The core functionality of the help system
Event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget
Details for the filters used by QHelpFilterEngine
Filtered view of the help contents
Widget that allows for creating, editing and removing filters
Model that supplies index keywords to views
List view displaying the QHelpIndexModel
Struct provides the data associated with a help link
Access to widgets reusable to integrate fulltext search as well as to index and search documentation
Contains the field name and the associated search term
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHelpSearchQuery::FieldName
Simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input mask
The data associated with the search result
Text browser to display search results
Event which is sent after a widget is hidden
Means of returning to a previously active substate
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHistoryState::HistoryType
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings from the holster sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Presents a series of data as horizontal bars grouped by category
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category
Presents a series of data as horizontally stacked bars, with one bar per category
IP address
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHostAddress::ConversionModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHostAddress::SpecialAddress
Static functions for host name lookups
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHostInfo::HostInfoError
Contains parameters that describe a mouse event
Horizontal model mapper for pie series
Specifies that a host supports HTTP Strict Transport Security policy (HSTS)
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHstsPolicy::PolicyFlag
QFlags type for enum
Controls HTTP/2 parameters and settings
Resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP
Java wrapper for Qt enum QHttpMultiPart::ContentType
Holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings from the humidity sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Horizontal model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series
Scalable icons in different modes and states
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIcon::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIcon::State
Indicates that a main icon drag has begun
Abstract base class for QIcon renderers
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIconEngine::IconEngineHook
Java wrapper for Qt class QIconEngine::ScaledPixmapArgument
Abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins
Proxies its source model unmodified
Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImage::Format
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImage::InvertMode
Access to the settings of a media service that performs image encoding
Set of image encoder settings
Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOHandler::ImageOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOHandler::Transformation
QFlags type for enum
Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOPlugin::Capability
Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageReader::ImageReaderError
Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageWriter::ImageWriterError
A product registered in the store
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInAppProduct::ProductType
Main entry point for managing in-app purchases
Contains information about a transaction in the external app store
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInAppTransaction::FailureReason
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInAppTransaction::TransactionStatus
Responsible for creating physical devices and handling associated jobs
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd at once
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputDialog::InputDialogOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputDialog::InputMode
The base class for events that describe user input
Access to the active text input method
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputMethod::Action
Parameters for input method events
QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType
Event sent by the input context to input objects
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd one after the other
Holds the pointer to an input event source object
Interface giving access to non-QObject lightweight signals.
Wrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.
Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine
parameters.Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Use this signal class to define a non-QObject signal.
Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
The base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt class QIPv6Address
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings from the IR proximity sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model
Java wrapper for Qt class QItemEditorCreator
Abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators
Implementor class for interface
Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QItemModelBarDataProxy::MultiMatchBehavior
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtDataVisualization::QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy::MultiMatchBehavior
Manages information about selected items in a model
Keeps track of a view's selected items
Java wrapper for Qt enum QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag
QFlags type for enum
Manages information about a range of selected items in a model
Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes
Environment for evaluating JavaScript code
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJSEngine::Extension
QFlags type for enum
Encapsulates a JSON array
Way to read and write JSON documents
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJsonDocument::DataValidation
Result class for
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJsonDocument::JsonFormat
Encapsulates a JSON object
Used to report errors during JSON parsing
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJsonParseError::ParseError
Encapsulates a value in JSON
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJsonValue::Type
Acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJSValue::ErrorType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJSValue::SpecialValue
Java-style iterator for QJSValue
In charge of dispatching keyboard events to attached QQKeyboardHandler objects
Provides keyboard event notification
Describes a key event
Event type send by KeyBoardHandler
Transition for key events
A base class for handling keyframes
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QKeyFrame::InterpolationType
A class implementing simple keyframe animation to a QTransform
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QKeyframeAnimation::RepeatMode
Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts
Java wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::SequenceFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::SequenceMatch
Java wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::StandardKey
Allows to input a QKeySequence
Text or image display
Way of filtering which entities will be rendered
Controls layers drawn in a frame graph branch
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QLayerFilter::FilterMode
The base class of geometry managers
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLayout::SizeConstraint
Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates
Implementor class for interface
Displays a number with LCD-like digits
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLCDNumber::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLCDNumber::SegmentStyle
Displays the legend of a chart
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QLegend::MarkerShape
Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legend
Java wrapper for Qt enum QtCharts::QLegendMarker::LegendMarkerType
Performs a linear interpolation of two animation clips based on a normalized factor
Way of controlling the complexity of rendered entities based on their size on the screen
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QLevelOfDetail::ThresholdType
Simple spherical volume, defined by its center and radius
Provides a way of enabling child entities based on distance or screen size
Loads shared libraries at runtime
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLibrary::LoadHint
QFlags type for enum
Information about the Qt library
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocation
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Holds readings from the Lid sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from the light sensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Two-dimensional vector using integer precision
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush
One-line text editor
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLineEdit::ActionPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLineEdit::EchoMode
Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLineF::IntersectType
Presents data in line charts
Specifies the width of rasterized lines
Java wrapper for Qt class QLinkedList
Inline class containing platform-specific functionality for the linuxfb platform plugin that is typically used on systems running Embedded Linux or Android
Java wrapper for Qt class QList
List or icon view onto a model
Java wrapper for Qt enum QListView::Flow
Java wrapper for Qt enum QListView::LayoutMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QListView::Movement
Java wrapper for Qt enum QListView::ResizeMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QListView::ViewMode
Item-based list widget
Item for use with the QListWidget item view class
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::Country
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::DataSizeFormat
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::FormatType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::MeasurementSystem
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::NumberOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::QuotationStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::Script
Local socket based server
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocalServer::SocketOption
QFlags type for enum
Local socket
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState
Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the QtLocation module
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocation::Visibility
QFlags type for enum
Locking between processes using a file
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLockFile::LockError
Result class for
Java wrapper for Qt's logging functionality.
Represents a category, or 'area' in the logging infrastructure
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter
Implementor class for interface
Allows the user to define a set of actions that they wish to use within an application
Responsible for handling frame synchronization jobs
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis
Adds a logarithmic scale to a chart's axis
Represents the data to be broadcast during Bluetooth Low Energy advertising
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyAdvertisingData::Discoverability
Represents the parameters used for Bluetooth Low Energy advertising
QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters::AddressInfo defines the elements of a white list
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters::FilterPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters::Mode
Stores information about a Bluetooth Low Energy service characteristic
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyCharacteristic::PropertyType
QFlags type for enum
Used to set up GATT service data
Used when requesting or reporting an update of the parameters of a Bluetooth LE connection
Access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyController::ControllerState
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyController::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyController::RemoteAddressType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyController::Role
Stores information about the Bluetooth Low Energy descriptor
Used to create GATT service data
Represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceState
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyService::ServiceType
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyService::WriteMode
Used to set up GATT service data
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLowEnergyServiceData::ServiceType
Converts between a MIME type and a Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) format
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMacPasteboardMime::QMacPasteboardMimeType
Wraps the native NSToolbar class
Item for QMacToolBar
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMacToolBarItem::StandardItem
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from the magnetometer
Main application window
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMainWindow::DockOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt class QMap
Defines the four margins of a rectangle
Defines the four margins of a rectangle
Abstract base for custom 32-bit mask generators
Provides an abstract class that should be the base of all material component classes in a scene
Provides additional math functions.
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x2
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x3
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x4
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x2
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x3
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x4
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x2
Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x3
Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space
Area in which MDI windows are displayed
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMdiArea::AreaOption
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMdiArea::ViewMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMdiArea::WindowOrder
Subwindow class for QMdiArea
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption
QFlags type for enum
Allows control over probing audio data in media objects
Supplies a control for reporting availability of a service
The base class for objects extending media objects functionality
Implementor class for interface
Access to the output container format of a QMediaService
Access to the resource relating to a media content
Base interface for media service controls
Access to the gapless playback related control of a QMediaService
Common base for multimedia objects
Allows the playing of a media source
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlayer::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlayer::Flag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlayer::State
Access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService
List of media content to play
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlaylist::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaPlaylist::PlaybackMode
Used for the recording of media content
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaRecorder::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaRecorder::State
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaRecorder::Status
Access to the recording functionality of a QMediaService
Description of a media resource
Common base class for media service implementations
Interface provides camera-specific information about devices supported by a camera service plug-in
Implementor class for interface
Interface identifies the default device used by a media service plug-in
Implementor class for interface
Interface identifies features supported by a media service plug-in
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QMediaServiceProviderFactoryInterface
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QMediaServiceProviderHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaServiceProviderHint::Feature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaServiceProviderHint::Type
Interface provides an interface for QMediaService plug-ins
Interface identifies the devices supported by a media service plug-in
Implementor class for interface
Interface identifies if a media service plug-in supports a media format
Implementor class for interface
Media stream selection control
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMediaStreamsControl::StreamType
Represents a time interval with integer precision
Represents a set of zero or more disjoint time intervals
Allows control over probing video frames in media objects
Class to emplace a memory barrier
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QMemoryBarrier::Operation
QFlags type for enum
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus
Horizontal menu bar
A custom mesh loader
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DRender::QMesh::Status
Way to generate hash-based message authentication codes
Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMessageBox::ButtonRole
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMessageBox::Icon
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMessageBox::StandardButton
QFlags type for enum
Additional information about a log message
Read access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media
Write access to the meta-data of a QMediaService's media
Meta-data about an enumerator
Default implementation of PBR lighting
Meta-data about a member function
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::Access
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::Attributes
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::MethodType
Java wrapper for Qt class QMetaObject
Supertype for parameterless signals.
Supertype for all signals with one parameter.
Supertype for all signals with two parameters.
Supertype for all signals with three parameters.
Supertype for all signals with four parameters.
Supertype for all signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public parameterless signals.
Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.
Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with four parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public signals with nine parameters.
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.
Supertype for all public default signals with two parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.
Supertype of all slot handles.
Enum representing meta calls.
An interface to signal callable without parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with five parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with six parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with seven parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with eight parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with nine parameters.
Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.
Signal emitted when a
is being disposed.An interface to parameterless signal.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with five parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with six parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with seven parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with eight parameters.
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with nine parameters.
An interface to a generic signal.
A generic slot handle to a method of variadic arguments with return value.
A generic slot handle to a method of variadic arguments.
A handle to parameterless method with return value.
A handle to method with onw parameter and return value.
A handle to method with two parameters and return value.
A handle to method with three parameters and return value.
A handle to method with four parameters and return value.
A handle to method with five parameters and return value.
A handle to method with six parameters and return value.
A handle to method with seven parameters and return value.
A handle to method with eight parameters and return value.
A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.
A handle to parameterless slot.
A handle to slot with one parameter.
A handle to slot with two parameters.
A handle to slot with three parameters.
A handle to slot with four parameters.
A handle to slot with five parameters.
A handle to slot with six parameters.
A handle to slot with seven parameters.
A handle to slot with eight parameters.
A handle to slot with nine parameters.
Meta-data about a property
Manages named types in the meta-object system
Writes a value to data stream.
Reads a value from data stream.
Writes a value to debug stream.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown 8 Bit enumerator.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown 32 Bit enumerator.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown enumerator type which can be used in QFlags.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown QFlags type.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown gadget type.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown 64 Bit enumerator.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown object type.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown 16 Bit enumerator.
Interface super type for all generic classes representing a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.
This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaType::Type
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaType::TypeFlag
QFlags type for enum
Container for data that records information about its MIME type
Maintains a database of MIME types
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMimeDatabase::MatchMode
Describes types of file or data, represented by a MIME type string
This annotation marks a class to be added in minor version.
This annotation marks a class to be registered as anonymous qml type.
This annotation marks a class to be registered as qml type.
This annotation specified a package's major version for qml use.
This annotation marks a class to be registered as qml interface type.
This annotation marks a class to be registered as named qml type.
Is thrown when
annotation is missed in a package.This annotation marks a class to be registered as qml singleton type in combination with
or QmlNamedElement
.Is thrown when a class cannot be registered as qml type.
This class allows to automatically load QML types from package.
This annotation marks a class to be registered as uncreatable qml type in combination with
or QmlNamedElement
.The interface to send Modbus requests
Container class representing single bit and 16 bit word entries in the Modbus register
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDataUnit::RegisterType
The base class for Modbus classes, QModbusServer and QModbusClient
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDevice::ConnectionParameter
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDevice::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDevice::State
Container class representing the physical and functional description of a Modbus server
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDeviceIdentification::ConformityLevel
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDeviceIdentification::ObjectId
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusDeviceIdentification::ReadDeviceIdCode
Container class containing the function and error code inside a Modbus ADU
Abstract container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusPdu::ExceptionCode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusPdu::FunctionCode
Contains the data for a request sent with a QModbusClient derived class
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusReply::ReplyType
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QModbusRequestCalculatorFunction
Implementor class for interface
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QModbusResponseCalculatorFunction
Implementor class for interface
Represents a Modbus client that uses a serial bus for its communication with the Modbus server
Represents a Modbus server that uses a serial port for its communication with the Modbus client
The interface to receive and process Modbus requests
Java wrapper for Qt enum QModbusServer::Option
The interface class for Modbus TCP client device
Represents the interface for objects that can be passed to QModbusTcpServer::installConnectionObserver
Implementor class for interface
Represents a Modbus server that uses a TCP server for its communication with the Modbus client
Java wrapper for Qt class QModelIndex
A class implementing blend-shape morphing animation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DAnimation::QMorphingAnimation::Method
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect
A class providing morph targets to blend-shape animation
Delegates mouse events to the attached MouseHandler objects
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DInput::QMouseDevice::Axis
Contains parameters that describe a mouse event
Qt3DCore::QMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent::Buttons
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent::Modifiers
Transition for mouse events
Provides a means of being notified about mouse events when attached to a QMouseDevice instance
Contains event parameters for move events
Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMovie::CacheMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMovie::MovieState
Java wrapper for Qt class QMultiHash
Java wrapper for Qt class QMultiMap
Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt Multimedia library
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMultimedia::AvailabilityStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMultimedia::EncodingMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMultimedia::EncodingQuality
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMultimedia::SupportEstimate
Enable multisample antialiasing
Access serialization between threads
Java wrapper for Qt enum QMutex::RecursionMode
Contains parameters that describe a gesture event
QNativePointer encapsulates a native C++ pointer.
The AutoDeleteMode enum describes how garbage collection of the
QNativePointer handles the deletion of the native pointer.
The Type enum describe the Java types that can be used by
a QNativePointer.
Filter for matching NDEF messages
Java wrapper for Qt class QNdefFilter::Record
NFC NDEF message
Java wrapper for Qt class QNdefNfcIconRecord
NFC RTD-SmartPoster
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord::Action
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNdefNfcTextRecord::Encoding
NFC NDEF record
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNdefRecord::TypeNameFormat
Access to notifications for NFC events
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldManager::AdapterState
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldManager::TargetAccessMode
QFlags type for enum
Manages all interactions related to sharing files and data over NFC
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldShareManager::ShareError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldShareManager::ShareMode
QFlags type for enum
Transfers data to remote device over NFC
Interface for communicating with a target device
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldTarget::AccessMethod
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldTarget::Error
A request id handle
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNearFieldTarget::Type
Allows the application to send network requests and receive replies
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkAccessManager::Operation
Stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkAddressEntry::DnsEligibilityStatus
Cache information
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkConfiguration::BearerType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkConfiguration::Purpose
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkConfiguration::StateFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkConfiguration::Type
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkConfigurationManager::Capability
Holds one network cookie
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkCookie::RawForm
Implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects
The data and metadata of a UDP datagram
Very basic disk cache
Listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkInterface::InterfaceType
Network layer proxy
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkProxy::Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkProxy::ProxyType
Fine-grained proxy selection
Used to query the proxy settings for a socket
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkProxyQuery::QueryType
Contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkReply::NetworkError
Holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::Attribute
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::LoadControl
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::Priority
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkRequest::TransferTimeoutConstant
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkSession::SessionError
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkSession::State
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNetworkSession::UsagePolicy
Positional information using a NMEA data source
Java wrapper for Qt enum QNmeaPositionInfoSource::UpdateMode
The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt3DCore::QNode::PropertyTrackingMode
The base class for all CommandRequested QSceneChange events
The base class for all NodeCreated QSceneChange events
Used to notify when a node is destroyed
Uniquely identifies a QNode
Java wrapper for Qt class Qt3DCore::QNodeIdTypePair
Disable depth write
When a Qt3DRender::QNoDraw node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the renderer from rendering any primitive
The QNoNativeResourcesException is used to indicate that the C++
native resources of a Java object are destroyed while it is still
referenced in Java.
When a Qt3DRender::QNoPicking node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the render aspect from performing picking selection for the given branch
Specialization of QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial with alpha coverage and a depth test performed in the rendering pass
Default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map and the normals of the mesh being rendered from a normal texture map
Default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse and specular light components are read from texture maps and the normals of the mesh being rendered from a normal texture map
Implementation of the OAuth 1 Protocol
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOAuth1::SignatureMethod
Implements OAuth 1 signature methods
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOAuth1Signature::HttpRequestMethod
Implementation of the Authorization Code Grant flow
Java wrapper for Qt class QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler
Java wrapper for Qt class QOAuthOobReplyHandler
The base class of all Qt objects
Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being
called by QML only.
Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
Instantiates a component that can be used to interact with a QEntity by a process known as picking
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOcspCertificateStatus
This class represents Online Certificate Status Protocol response
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOcspRevocationReason
Represents an offscreen surface in the underlying platform
Functions for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLBuffer::Access
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLBuffer::RangeAccessFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLBuffer::Type
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLBuffer::UsagePattern
Represents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLContext::OpenGLModuleType
Represents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resources
Enables logging of OpenGL debugging messages
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLDebugLogger::LoggingMode
Wraps an OpenGL debug message
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLDebugMessage::Severity
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLDebugMessage::Source
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLDebugMessage::Type
QFlags type for enum
Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API
Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLFramebufferObject::Attachment
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLFramebufferObject::FramebufferRestorePolicy
Specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object
Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API
All functions for OpenGL 1.0 specification
All functions for OpenGL 1.1 specification
All functions for OpenGL 1.2 specification
All functions for OpenGL 1.3 specification
All functions for OpenGL 1.4 specification
All functions for OpenGL 1.5 specification
All functions for OpenGL 2.0 specification
All functions for OpenGL 2.1 specification
All functions for OpenGL 3.0 specification
All functions for OpenGL 3.1 specification
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 core profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 compatibility profile
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 core profile
All functions for OpenGL ES 2
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLFunctions::OpenGLFeature
QFlags type for enum
Enables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter
Describes the pixel storage modes that affect the unpacking of pixels during texture upload
Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLShader::ShaderTypeBit
Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used
Encapsulates an OpenGL texture object
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::BindingTarget
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::ComparisonFunction
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::ComparisonMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::CoordinateDirection
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::CubeMapFace
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::DepthStencilMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::Feature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::Filter
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::MipMapGeneration
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::PixelType
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::SwizzleComponent
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::SwizzleValue
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::Target
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::TextureFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::TextureFormatClass
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::TextureUnitReset
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTexture::WrapMode
Convenient way to draw textured quads via OpenGL
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLTextureBlitter::Origin
Wraps a sequence of OpenGL timer query objects
Wraps an OpenGL timer query object
Represents the version and if applicable the profile of an OpenGL context
Java wrapper for Qt class QOpenGLVersionStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLVersionStatus::OpenGLStatus
Wraps an OpenGL Vertex Array Object
QOpenGLVertexArrayObject::Binder class is a convenience class to help with the binding and releasing of OpenGL Vertex Array Objects
Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLWidget::UpdateBehavior
Convenience subclass of QWindow to perform OpenGL painting
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLWindow::UpdateBehavior
Information about the operating system version
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOperatingSystemVersion::OSType
Allows controlling the scene camera along orbital path
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
Implementor class for interface
Represents one reading from the orientation sensor
Java wrapper for Qt enum QOrientationReading::Orientation
Convenience wrapper around QSensor
Holds the specifics of an output range
Represents a paint device that supports multiple pages
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt class QPagedPaintDevice::Margins
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPagedPaintDevice::PageSize
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPagedPaintDevice::PdfVersion
Describes the size, orientation and margins of a page
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::Unit
Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer
Describes the size and name of a defined page size
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::PageSizeId
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::SizeMatchPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::Unit
The base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainter
Implementor class for interface
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric
Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDevice
A QAbstractTextureImage that can be written through a QPainter
Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::Type
Information about the active paint engine's current state
Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::CompositionMode
This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawn
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::PixmapFragmentHint
QFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::RenderHint
QFlags type for enum
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
QPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpath
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPainterPath::ElementType
Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path
Contains event parameters for paint events
This exception is thrown in cases where a painter is used on a widget
outside its paintEvent function.
QPair keeps two generic values.
Contains color groups for each widget state
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPalette::ColorGroup
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPalette::ColorRole
Describes a panning gesture made by the user
Parallel group of animations
Provides storage for a name and value pair.
Contains functions which you can use to generate hashes or keys
Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup
Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint device
Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category
Used to locate data in a data model
Default implementation for rendering the color properties set for each vertex
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect with alpha
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect
Base class for handling changes in physical devices
Holds infor