Module qtjambi.uic
Package io.qt.uic.ui4

Enum DomProperty.Kind

All Implemented Interfaces:
QtAbstractEnumerator, QtEnumerator, Serializable, Comparable<DomProperty.Kind>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum DomProperty.Kind extends Enum<DomProperty.Kind> implements QtEnumerator

Java wrapper for Qt enum DomProperty::Kind

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Representing DomProperty::Bool
    Representing DomProperty::Brush
    Representing DomProperty::Char
    Representing DomProperty::Color
    Representing DomProperty::Cstring
    Representing DomProperty::Cursor
    Representing DomProperty::CursorShape
    Representing DomProperty::Date
    Representing DomProperty::DateTime
    Representing DomProperty::Double
    Representing DomProperty::Enum
    Representing DomProperty::Float
    Representing DomProperty::Font
    Representing DomProperty::IconSet
    Representing DomProperty::Locale
    Representing DomProperty::LongLong
    Representing DomProperty::Number
    Representing DomProperty::Palette
    Representing DomProperty::Pixmap
    Representing DomProperty::Point
    Representing DomProperty::PointF
    Representing DomProperty::Rect
    Representing DomProperty::RectF
    Representing DomProperty::Set
    Representing DomProperty::Size
    Representing DomProperty::SizeF
    Representing DomProperty::SizePolicy
    Representing DomProperty::String
    Representing DomProperty::StringList
    Representing DomProperty::Time
    Representing DomProperty::UInt
    Representing DomProperty::ULongLong
    Representing DomProperty::Unknown
    Representing DomProperty::Url
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    resolve(int value)
    Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
    This function should return an integer value for the enum values of the enumeration that implements this interface.
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface io.qt.QtAbstractEnumerator

    getDeclaringClass, name, ordinal
  • Enum Constant Details

    • Unknown

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Unknown

      Representing DomProperty::Unknown

    • Bool

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Bool

      Representing DomProperty::Bool

    • Color

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Color

      Representing DomProperty::Color

    • Cstring

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Cstring

      Representing DomProperty::Cstring

    • Cursor

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Cursor

      Representing DomProperty::Cursor

    • CursorShape

      public static final DomProperty.Kind CursorShape

      Representing DomProperty::CursorShape

    • Enum

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Enum

      Representing DomProperty::Enum

    • Font

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Font

      Representing DomProperty::Font

    • IconSet

      public static final DomProperty.Kind IconSet

      Representing DomProperty::IconSet

    • Pixmap

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Pixmap

      Representing DomProperty::Pixmap

    • Palette

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Palette

      Representing DomProperty::Palette

    • Point

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Point

      Representing DomProperty::Point

    • Rect

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Rect

      Representing DomProperty::Rect

    • Set

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Set

      Representing DomProperty::Set

    • Locale

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Locale

      Representing DomProperty::Locale

    • SizePolicy

      public static final DomProperty.Kind SizePolicy

      Representing DomProperty::SizePolicy

    • Size

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Size

      Representing DomProperty::Size

    • String

      public static final DomProperty.Kind String

      Representing DomProperty::String

    • StringList

      public static final DomProperty.Kind StringList

      Representing DomProperty::StringList

    • Number

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Number

      Representing DomProperty::Number

    • Float

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Float

      Representing DomProperty::Float

    • Double

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Double

      Representing DomProperty::Double

    • Date

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Date

      Representing DomProperty::Date

    • Time

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Time

      Representing DomProperty::Time

    • DateTime

      public static final DomProperty.Kind DateTime

      Representing DomProperty::DateTime

    • PointF

      public static final DomProperty.Kind PointF

      Representing DomProperty::PointF

    • RectF

      public static final DomProperty.Kind RectF

      Representing DomProperty::RectF

    • SizeF

      public static final DomProperty.Kind SizeF

      Representing DomProperty::SizeF

    • LongLong

      public static final DomProperty.Kind LongLong

      Representing DomProperty::LongLong

    • Char

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Char

      Representing DomProperty::Char

    • Url

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Url

      Representing DomProperty::Url

    • UInt

      public static final DomProperty.Kind UInt

      Representing DomProperty::UInt

    • ULongLong

      public static final DomProperty.Kind ULongLong

      Representing DomProperty::ULongLong

    • Brush

      public static final DomProperty.Kind Brush

      Representing DomProperty::Brush

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DomProperty.Kind[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DomProperty.Kind valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • value

      public int value()
      This function should return an integer value for the enum values of the enumeration that implements this interface. Default is Enum.ordinal().
      Specified by:
      value in interface QtEnumerator
    • resolve

      public static DomProperty.Kind resolve(int value)
      Returns the corresponding enum entry for the given value.
      value -
      enum entry