Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSignal emitted when aQtObjectInterface
is being disposed.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.The base class of all Qt objectsPlatform-independent way to manage threadsContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public signals with four parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.A handle to slot with four parameters.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes five parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowType -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt class QHashThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)Java wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesDate and time functionsEasing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AlignmentFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationQFlags type for enumQt.Orientation
QFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowTypeJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionRepresents the result of an asynchronous computationJava wrapper for Qt class QListManages a collection of QThreads
ClassDescriptionThe base of all animationsJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::DeletionPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::DirectionJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractAnimation::StateInterface to manage Qt's event queueJava wrapper for Qt's class QAbstractEventDispatcher::TimerInfoThe abstract interface for item model classesJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemModel::CheckIndexOptionQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHintAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasksThe base class of states of a QStateMachineThe base class of transitions between QAbstractState objectsJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractTransition::TransitionTypeAbstract base class for groups of animationsJava wrapper for Qt class QBasicMutexTimer events for objectsArray of bitsArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt enum QByteArray::Base64DecodingStatusJava wrapper for Qt enum QByteArray::Base64OptionQFlags type for enumQByteArray.Base64Option
Result class forQByteArray.fromBase64Encoding(QByteArray, QByteArray.Base64Options)
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer std::function<bool(char)>Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte arrayDescribes calendar systemsJava wrapper for Qt enum QCalendar::SystemJava wrapper for Qt class QCalendar::YearMonthDayUsed to hold an array of CBOR elementsHolds the error condition found while parsing or validating a CBOR streamJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborError::CodeJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborKnownTagsUsed to hold an associative container representable in CBORUsed by QCborValue to report a parsing errorJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborSimpleTypeSimple CBOR stream decoder, operating on either a QByteArray or QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt's class QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QVariant>Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborStreamReader::StringResultCodeJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborStreamReader::TypeSimple CBOR encoder operating on a one-way streamJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborTagEncapsulates a value in CBORJava wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptionQFlags type for enumQCborValue.DiagnosticNotationOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::EncodingOptionQFlags type for enumQCborValue.EncodingOption
Result class forQCborValue.fromCbor(QByteArray)
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCborValue::TypeContains event parameters for child object eventsCompares strings according to a localized collation algorithmCan be used to speed up string collationDefines a possible command-line optionJava wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineOption::FlagQFlags type for enumQCommandLineOption.Flag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineParser::OptionsAfterPositionalArgumentsModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QCommandLineParser::SingleDashWordOptionModeEvent loop for Qt applications without UIJava wrapper for Qt enum QCryptographicHash::AlgorithmSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::ByteOrderJava wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::FloatingPointPrecisionJava wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::StatusJava wrapper for Qt enum QDataStream::VersionDate functionsJava wrapper for Qt enum QDate::MonthNameTypeResult class forQDate.weekNumber()
Date and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt enum QDateTime::YearRangeMarks a deadline in the futureJava wrapper for Qt enum QDeadlineTimer::ForeverConstantOutput stream for debugging informationUse this signal class to declare a local signal.Access to directory structures and their contentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QDir::FilterQFlags type for enumQDir.Filter
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDir::SortFlagQFlags type for enumQDir.SortFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDirIterator::IteratorFlagQFlags type for enumQDirIterator.IteratorFlag
Easing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QEasingCurve::EasingFunctionJava wrapper for Qt enum QEasingCurve::TypeFast way to calculate elapsed timesJava wrapper for Qt enum QElapsedTimer::ClockTypeThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::TypeMeans of entering and leaving an event loopJava wrapper for Qt enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlagQFlags type for enumQEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag
Java wrapper for Qt class QExceptionJava wrapper for Qt class QFactoryInterfaceInterface for reading from and writing to filesResult class forQFile.moveToTrash(java.lang.String)
Interface for reading from and writing to open filesJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileHandleFlagQFlags type for enumQFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileTimeJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlagsJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::PermissionQFlags type for enumQFileDevice.Permission
System-independent file informationJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QFunctionPointerRepresents the result of an asynchronous computationJava wrapper for Qt class QFutureInterfaceJava wrapper for Qt class QFutureInterfaceBaseJava wrapper for Qt enum QFutureInterfaceBase::StateJava wrapper for Qt class QFutureWatcherBaseSpecifies a function pointer's argument type and value.Specifies a function pointer's return type.Java wrapper for Qt class QHashJava wrapper for Qt enum QHistoryState::HistoryTypeDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enumQIODevice.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagManages information about selected items in a modelJava wrapper for Qt enum QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlagQFlags type for enumQItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
Manages information about a range of selected items in a modelDeprecated.Encapsulates a JSON arrayWay to read and write JSON documentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QJsonDocument::DataValidationResult class forQJsonDocument.fromJson(QByteArray)
Java wrapper for Qt enum QJsonDocument::JsonFormatEncapsulates a JSON objectUsed to report errors during JSON parsingJava wrapper for Qt enum QJsonParseError::ParseErrorEncapsulates a value in JSONJava wrapper for Qt enum QJsonValue::TypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QLibrary::LoadHintQFlags type for enumQLibrary.LoadHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLibraryInfo::LibraryLocationTwo-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enum QLineF::IntersectTypeJava wrapper for Qt class QLinkedListJava wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::CountryJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::DataSizeFormatQFlags type for enumQLocale.DataSizeFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOptionJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::FormatTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::LanguageJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::MeasurementSystemJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::NumberOptionQFlags type for enumQLocale.NumberOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::QuotationStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::ScriptJava wrapper for Qt enum QLockFile::LockErrorResult class forQLockFile.getLockInfo()
Represents a category, or 'area' in the logging infrastructureJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QLoggingCategory::CategoryFilterJava wrapper for Qt class QMapDeprecated.Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleAdditional information about a log messageMeta-data about an enumeratorMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::AccessJava wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::AttributesJava wrapper for Qt enum QMetaMethod::MethodTypeJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for parameterless signals.Supertype for all signals with one parameter.Supertype for all signals with two parameters.Supertype for all signals with three parameters.Supertype for all signals with four parameters.Supertype for all signals with five parameters.Supertype for all signals with six parameters.Supertype for all signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public parameterless signals.Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public signals with nine parameters.Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.Supertype for all public default signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype of all slot handles.Enum representing meta calls.An interface to signal callable without parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with five parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with six parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with seven parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with eight parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with nine parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.An interface to parameterless signal.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with five parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with six parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with seven parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with eight parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with nine parameters.An interface to a generic signal.A generic slot handle to a method of variadic arguments.A handle to parameterless method with return value.A handle to method with onw parameter and return value.A handle to method with two parameters and return value.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.A handle to method with six parameters and return value.A handle to method with seven parameters and return value.A handle to method with eight parameters and return value.A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.A handle to slot with four parameters.A handle to slot with five parameters.A handle to slot with six parameters.A handle to slot with seven parameters.A handle to slot with eight parameters.A handle to slot with nine parameters.Meta-data about a propertyManages named types in the meta-object systemConvert value of T1 into T2Writes a value to data stream.Reads a value from data stream.Writes a value to debug stream.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown enumerator type which can be used in QFlags.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown QFlags type.Interface super type for all generic classes representing a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaType::TypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QMetaType::TypeFlagQFlags type for enumQMetaType.TypeFlag
Container for data that records information about its MIME typeJava wrapper for Qt enum QMimeDatabase::MatchModeDescribes types of file or data, represented by a MIME type stringUsed to locate data in a data modelJava wrapper for Qt class QMultiHashJava wrapper for Qt class QMultiMapAccess serialization between threadsJava wrapper for Qt enum QMutex::RecursionModeThe base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes five parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes six parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes seven parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes eight parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing default values for parameters 1 and 2.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters and providing a default value for parameter no. 3.Information about the operating system versionJava wrapper for Qt enum QOperatingSystemVersion::OSTypeQPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroupUsed to locate data in a data modelDefines a point in the plane using integer precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QPointer.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionUsed to start external programs and to communicate with themJava wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::ExitStatusJava wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::InputChannelModeWrapper class for overloaded signals:Java wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::ProcessChannelJava wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::ProcessChannelModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::ProcessErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QProcess::ProcessStateHolds the environment variables that can be passed to a programJava wrapper for Qt class QQueueAllows one to obtain random values from a high-quality Random Number GeneratorRead-write lockingJava wrapper for Qt enum QReadWriteLock::RecursionModeDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt enum QRegExp::CaretModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QRegExp::PatternSyntaxPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt enum QRegularExpression::MatchOptionQFlags type for enumQRegularExpression.MatchOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QRegularExpression::MatchTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QRegularExpression::PatternOptionQFlags type for enumQRegularExpression.PatternOption
The results of a matching a QRegularExpression against a stringIterator on the results of a global match of a QRegularExpression object against a stringJava wrapper for Qt enum QResource::CompressionThe base class for all runnable objectsJava wrapper for Qt class QScopedArrayPointer to be used inside a try-with-resource block.Java wrapper for Qt class QScopedPointer to be used inside a try-with-resource block.Java wrapper for Qt class QSetJava wrapper for Qt enum QSettings::FormatJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QSettings::ReadFuncJava wrapper for Qt enum QSettings::ScopeJava wrapper for Qt enum QSettings::StatusJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QSettings::WriteFuncJava wrapper for Qt enum QSharedMemory::AccessModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QSharedMemory::SharedMemoryErrorWrapper class for overloaded signals:Transition based on a Qt signalDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionSupport for monitoring activity on a file descriptorJava wrapper for Qt enum QSocketNotifier::TypeJava wrapper for Qt class QStackJava wrapper for Qt enum QStandardPaths::LocateOptionQFlags type for enumQStandardPaths.LocateOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QStandardPaths::StandardLocationGeneral-purpose state for QStateMachineJava wrapper for Qt enum QState::ChildModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QState::RestorePolicyHierarchical finite state machineJava wrapper for Qt enum QStateMachine::ErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QStateMachine::EventPriorityUse this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Struct containing a reference to a static plugin instance together with its meta dataProvides information about currently mounted storage and drivesUnicode character stringJava wrapper for Qt function pointer std::function<bool(QChar)>Java wrapper for Qt enum QString::SectionFlagQFlags type for enumQString.SectionFlag
List of stringsHolds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode stringJava wrapper for Qt enum QSysInfo::EndianJava wrapper for Qt enum QSystemSemaphore::AccessModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QSystemSemaphore::SystemSemaphoreErrorQFlags type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AlignmentFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AnchorPointJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ApplicationAttributeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ApplicationStateQFlags type for enumQt.ApplicationState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ArrowTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AxisJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::BGModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::BrushStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CaseSensitivityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CheckStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ChecksumTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ClipOperationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ContextMenuPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CoordinateSystemJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CornerJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CursorMoveStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CursorShapeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DateFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DayOfWeekJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DockWidgetAreaQFlags type for enumQt.DockWidgetArea
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DockWidgetAreaSizesJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DropActionQFlags type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::EdgeQFlags type for enumQt.Edge
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::EnterKeyTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::EventPriorityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FillRuleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FindChildOptionQFlags type for enumQt.FindChildOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusReasonJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureFlagQFlags type for enumQt.GestureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GlobalColorJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::HitTestAccuracyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ImageConversionFlagQFlags type for enumQt.ImageConversionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodHintQFlags type for enumQt.InputMethodHint
QFlags type for enumQt.InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodQueryJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemFlagQFlags type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemSelectionModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemSelectionOperationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyboardModifierQFlags type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::LayoutDirectionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MaskModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MatchFlagQFlags type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseButtonQFlags type for enumQt.MouseButton
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseEventFlagQFlags type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseEventSourceJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::NativeGestureTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::NavigationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationQFlags type for enumQt.Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenCapStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenJoinStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScreenOrientationQFlags type for enumQt.ScreenOrientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScrollBarPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScrollPhaseJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ShortcutContextJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SizeHintJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SizeModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SortOrderQFlags type for enumQt.SplitBehaviorFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SplitBehaviorFlagsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TabFocusBehaviorJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextElideModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextInteractionFlagQFlags type for enumQt.TextInteractionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TileRuleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TimerTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TimeSpecJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ToolBarAreaQFlags type for enumQt.ToolBarArea
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ToolBarAreaSizesJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ToolButtonStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TouchPointStateQFlags type for enumQt.TouchPointState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TransformationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::UIEffectJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WhiteSpaceModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WidgetAttributeQFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowFrameSectionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowModalityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowStateQFlags type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowTypeI/O device that operates on temporary filesWay of finding Unicode text boundaries in a stringJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReasonQFlags type for enumQTextBoundaryFinder.BoundaryReason
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryTypeConversions between text encodingsJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCodec::ConversionFlagQFlags type for enumQTextCodec.ConversionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt class QTextCodec::ConverterStateState-based decoderState-based encoderConvenient interface for reading and writing textJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextStream::FieldAlignmentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextStream::NumberFlagQFlags type for enumQTextStream.NumberFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextStream::RealNumberNotationJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextStream::StatusPlatform-independent way to manage threadsJava wrapper for Qt enum QThread::PriorityManages a collection of QThreadsClock time functionsJava wrapper for Qt enum QTimeLine::CurveShapeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTimeLine::DirectionJava wrapper for Qt enum QTimeLine::StateContains parameters that describe a timer eventConverts between UTC and local time in a specific time zoneJava wrapper for Qt enum QTimeZone::NameTypeJava wrapper for Qt's class QTimeZone::OffsetDataJava wrapper for Qt enum QTimeZone::TimeTypeJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QtMessageHandlerJava wrapper for Qt enum QtMsgTypeInternationalization support for text outputConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::ComponentFormattingOptionQFlags type for enumQUrl.ComponentFormattingOption
Supertype interface forQUrl.UrlFormattingOption
to be joined in QFiags typeQUrl.FormattingOptions
QFlags type for joiningQUrl.UrlFormattingOption
.Java wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::ParsingModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::UrlFormattingOptionJava wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::UserInputResolutionOptionQFlags type for enumQUrl.UserInputResolutionOption
Way to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's queryStores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)Java wrapper for Qt enum QUuid::StringFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum QUuid::VariantJava wrapper for Qt enum QUuid::VersionActs like a union for the most common Qt data typesJava wrapper for Qt enum QVariant::TypeBase class for animationsJava wrapper for Qt class QVectorContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segmentsJava wrapper for Qt class QWeakPointer similar toWeakReference
but also supplyingnull
when resource has been disposed.Represents a single XML attributeRepresents a vector of QXmlStreamAttributeRepresents a DTD entity declarationEntity resolver for a QXmlStreamReaderRepresents a namespace declarationRepresents a DTD notation declarationFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming APIJava wrapper for Qt enum QXmlStreamReader::ErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QXmlStreamReader::ReadElementTextBehaviourJava wrapper for Qt enum QXmlStreamReader::TokenType -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesDate and time functionsQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::FileHandleFlagQFlags type for enumQFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlagsSystem-independent file informationQFlags type for enumQIODevice.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagEncapsulates a JSON objectJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectA handle to method with onw parameter and return value.A handle to method with two parameters and return value.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.A handle to method with six parameters and return value.A handle to method with seven parameters and return value.A handle to method with eight parameters and return value.A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.Java wrapper for Qt class QMultiMapThe base class of all Qt objectsList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CaseSensitivity -
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AxisJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesDate functionsDate and time functionsTwo-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QListMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectManages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsClock time functionsActs like a union for the most common Qt data types
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesAccess to directory structures and their contentsThe base class of all event classes.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QListMeta-data about an enumeratorJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeQFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowType -
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::Key
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesArray of bytesEvent loop for Qt applications without UISerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::TypeInterface for reading from and writing to filesJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QFunctionPointerThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagTwo-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt class QMapDefines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectContainer for data that records information about its MIME typeUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt class QSetDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsQFlags type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AlignmentFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ApplicationStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AxisJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::BGModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::BrushStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CheckStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ClipOperationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CursorMoveStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CursorShapeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DropActionQFlags type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::EdgeQFlags type for enumQt.Edge
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FillRuleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusReasonJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GlobalColorJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::HitTestAccuracyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ImageConversionFlagQFlags type for enumQt.ImageConversionFlag
QFlags type for enumQt.InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodQueryJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemFlagQFlags type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyboardModifierQFlags type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::LayoutDirectionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MaskModeQFlags type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseButtonQFlags type for enumQt.MouseButton
QFlags type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseEventSourceJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::NativeGestureTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenCapStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenJoinStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScreenOrientationQFlags type for enumQt.ScreenOrientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScrollPhaseJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SizeModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SortOrderJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TabFocusBehaviorJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextElideModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TouchPointStateQFlags type for enumQt.TouchPointState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TransformationModeQFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowModalityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowStateQFlags type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowTypeConversions between text encodingsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionList of stringsModel that supplies strings to viewsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVectorContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments -
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyboardModifierQFlags type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
ClassDescriptionDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enum QLocale::MeasurementSystemJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing a default value for parameter no. 2.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters and providing a default value for parameter no. 3.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectContainer for data that records information about its MIME typeThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeConvenient interface for working with URLs -
ClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeContains parameters that describe a timer event
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt enum QCryptographicHash::AlgorithmSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsMarks a deadline in the futureJava wrapper for Qt class QHashThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QIODevice::OpenModeFlagJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectAn interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.A handle to slot with one parameter.Java wrapper for Qt class QMultiMapThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Java wrapper for Qt enum QRegExp::PatternSyntaxList of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::ComponentFormattingOptionQFlags type for enumQUrl.ComponentFormattingOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QUrl::ParsingModeJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Convenient interface for working with URLsWay to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's query -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesSystem-independent file informationJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Convenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype of all signals in QtJambi.The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of strings
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QListDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowType -
ClassDescriptionDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesDate and time functionsOutput stream for debugging informationThe base class of all event classes.Convenient way of selecting file variantsJava wrapper for Qt class QListMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectA handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.Meta-data about a propertyManages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum QtMsgTypeConvenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionEasing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.List of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::TypeJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionList of stringsQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Java wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionThe base class for all runnable objectsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusReasonQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodQueryJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseButtonQFlags type for enumQt.MouseButton
Platform-independent way to manage threadsContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
ClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt class QHashThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtKeeps track of a view's selected itemsJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectEnum representing meta calls.Manages named types in the meta-object systemUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.Java wrapper for Qt class QSetList of stringsQFlags type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class QFactoryInterfaceJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Pattern matching using regular expressionsList of strings
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectAn interface to signal callable without parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.An interface to parameterless signal.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.The base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeJava wrapper for Qt class QVectorFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.QPair keeps two generic values accessible by
.List of strings -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters. -
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create table modelsArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.Used to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SortOrderJava wrapper for Qt enum QVariant::TypeJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::TypeJava wrapper for Qt class QListMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype of all signals in QtJambi.Manages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt class QSetJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyboardModifierQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseButtonQFlags type for enumQt.MouseButton
Creates a unique directory for temporary useContains parameters that describe a timer eventJava wrapper for Qt enum QtMsgType -
ClassDescriptionConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtMeta-data about a member functionConvenient interface for reading and writing text
ClassDescriptionConvenient interface for reading and writing textContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments
ClassDescriptionConvenient interface for reading and writing textContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments
ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QHashEncapsulates a JSON objectJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.List of stringsContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QMapJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::LayoutDirectionConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionList of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class QListJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Convenient interface for working with URLs
ClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasksThe base class of transitions between QAbstractState objectsArray of bytesDescribes calendar systemsContains event parameters for child object eventsEvent loop for Qt applications without UISerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate functionsDate and time functionsAccess to directory structures and their contentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QDir::FilterQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QDir::SortFlagQFlags type for enumQDir.SortFlag
The base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum QEvent::TypeQObject-specific transition for Qt eventsQFlags type for enumQFileDevice.Permission
System-independent file informationManages information about selected items in a modelKeeps track of a view's selected itemsJava wrapper for Qt enum QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlagQFlags type for enumQItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
Two-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QListConverts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt class QMapDefines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectSupertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.An interface to signal callable without parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.Java wrapper for Qt enum QMetaType::TypeContainer for data that records information about its MIME typeUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Parameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing a default value for parameter no. 2.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsPattern matching using regular expressionsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionGeneral-purpose state for QStateMachineUnicode character stringList of stringsQFlags type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AlignmentFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AnchorPointJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ArrowTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AspectRatioModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::AxisJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CaseSensitivityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CheckStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ConnectionTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ContextMenuPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CoordinateSystemJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CornerJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::CursorMoveStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DayOfWeekJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DockWidgetAreaQFlags type for enumQt.DockWidgetArea
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::DropActionQFlags type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FillRuleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FindChildOptionQFlags type for enumQt.FindChildOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::FocusReasonJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureFlagQFlags type for enumQt.GestureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureStateJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::GestureTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::HitTestAccuracyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodHintQFlags type for enumQt.InputMethodHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::InputMethodQueryJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemFlagQFlags type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemSelectionModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ItemSelectionOperationJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::KeyboardModifierQFlags type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::LayoutDirectionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MatchFlagQFlags type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseButtonQFlags type for enumQt.MouseButton
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseEventFlagQFlags type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::MouseEventSourceJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::NavigationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::OrientationQFlags type for enumQt.Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::PenStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ScrollBarPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ShortcutContextJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SizeHintJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::SortOrderJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextElideModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TextInteractionFlagQFlags type for enumQt.TextInteractionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TileRuleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TimeSpecJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ToolBarAreaQFlags type for enumQt.ToolBarArea
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::ToolButtonStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::TransformationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::UIEffectJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WidgetAttributeQFlags type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowFrameSectionJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowModalityJava wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowStateQFlags type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enum Qt::WindowTypeConvenient interface for reading and writing textClock time functionsTimeline for controlling animationsContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt class QVector -
ClassDescriptionAccess to directory structures and their contentsThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.List of strings
ClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class QListDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.List of strings
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtList of stringsConvenient interface for reading and writing textFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API
ClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class QMetaObjectThe base class of all Qt objectsParameter type for declarative constructors, i.e. constructors being called by QML only.Conversions between text encodingsJava wrapper for Qt enum QtMsgTypeConvenient interface for working with URLs