Module qtjambi.xml
Package io.qt.xml
Interface Summary Interface Description QXmlContentHandler Deprecated. QXmlDeclHandler Deprecated. QXmlDTDHandler Deprecated. QXmlEntityResolver Deprecated. QXmlErrorHandler Deprecated. QXmlLexicalHandler Deprecated. -
Class Summary Class Description QDomAttr Represents one attribute of a QDomElementQDomCDATASection Represents an XML CDATA sectionQDomCharacterData Represents a generic string in the DOMQDomComment Represents an XML commentQDomDocument Represents an XML documentQDomDocument.Result QDomDocumentFragment Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocumentQDomDocumentType The representation of the DTD in the document treeQDomElement Represents one element in the DOM treeQDomEntity Represents an XML entityQDomEntityReference Represents an XML entity referenceQDomImplementation Information about the features of the DOM implementationQDomNamedNodeMap Contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by nameQDomNode The base class for all the nodes in a DOM treeQDomNodeList List of QDomNode objectsQDomNotation Represents an XML notationQDomProcessingInstruction Represents an XML processing instructionQDomText Represents text data in the parsed XML documentQXmlAttributes XML attributesQXmlContentHandler.Impl Deprecated. QXmlDeclHandler.Impl Deprecated. QXmlDefaultHandler Deprecated. QXmlDTDHandler.Impl Deprecated. QXmlEntityResolver.Impl Deprecated. QXmlEntityResolver.ResolvedEntity QXmlErrorHandler.Impl Deprecated. QXmlInputSource Deprecated. QXmlLexicalHandler.Impl Deprecated. QXmlLocator Deprecated. QXmlNamespaceSupport Deprecated. QXmlNamespaceSupport.ProcessedName QXmlNamespaceSupport.SplitName QXmlParseException Deprecated. QXmlReader Deprecated. Use QXmlStreamReaderQXmlSimpleReader Deprecated. Use QXmlStreamReader -
Enum Summary Enum Description QDomImplementation.InvalidDataPolicy Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomImplementation::InvalidDataPolicyQDomNode.EncodingPolicy Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomNode::EncodingPolicyQDomNode.NodeType Java wrapper for Qt enum QDomNode::NodeType