QAccelerometer.AccelerationMode |
QAccelerometerFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QAccelerometerReading |
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes
QAltimeterFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QAltimeterReading |
Holds readings from the altimeter sensor
QAmbientLightFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QAmbientLightReading |
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensor
QAmbientLightReading.LightLevel |
QAmbientTemperatureFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QAmbientTemperatureReading |
Holds readings of the ambient temperature
QCompassFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QCompassReading |
Represents one reading from a compass
QDistanceFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QDistanceReading |
Holds distance reading in cm from the proximity sensor
QGyroscopeFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QGyroscopeReading |
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensor
QHolsterFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QHolsterReading |
Holds readings from the holster sensor
QHumidityFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QHumidityReading |
Holds readings from the humidity sensor
QIRProximityFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QIRProximityReading |
Holds readings from the IR proximity sensor
QLidFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QLidReading |
Holds readings from the Lid sensor
QLightFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QLightReading |
Represents one reading from the light sensor
QMagnetometerFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QMagnetometerReading |
Represents one reading from the magnetometer
QOrientationFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QOrientationReading |
Represents one reading from the orientation sensor
QOrientationReading.Orientation |
QOutputRange |
Holds the specifics of an output range
QPressureFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QPressureReading |
Holds readings from the pressure sensor
QProximityFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QProximityReading |
Represents one reading from the proximity sensor
QRotationFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QRotationReading |
Represents one reading from the rotation sensor
QSensor |
Represents a single hardware sensor
QSensor.AxesOrientationMode |
QSensor.Feature |
QSensorBackend |
Sensor implementation
QSensorBackendFactory |
Instantiates instances of QSensorBackend
QSensorChangesInterface |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins
QSensorFilter |
Efficient callback facility for asynchronous notifications of sensor changes
QSensorFilter.MemberAccess |
QSensorGesturePluginInterface |
The pure virtual interface to sensor gesture plugins
QSensorGestureRecognizer |
The base class for a sensor gesture recognizer
QSensorPluginInterface |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins
QSensorReading |
Holds the readings from the sensor
QTapFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QTapReading |
Represents one reading from the tap sensor
QTapReading.TapDirection |
QTiltFilter |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter
QTiltReading |
Holds readings from the tilt sensor