Module qtjambi
Package io.qt.gui
package io.qt.gui
ClassDescriptionFile icons for the QFileSystemModel classJava wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractFileIconProvider::Option
type for enumQAbstractFileIconProvider.Option
Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocumentsQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layoutQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selectionJava wrapper for Qt classQAbstractUndoItem
Enums and static functions related to accessibilityJava wrapper for Qt classQAccessible::ActivationObserver
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::AnnouncementPoliteness
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::Attribute
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::Event
Java wrapper for Qt callableQAccessible::InterfaceFactory
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::InterfaceType
type for enumQAccessible.RelationFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::RelationFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::Role
Java wrapper for Qt callableQAccessible::RootObjectHandler
Java wrapper for Qt classQAccessible::State
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::Text
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessible::TextBoundaryType
Java wrapper for Qt callableQAccessible::UpdateHandler
Implements support for invocable actions in the interfaceUsed to request the announcement of a given message by assistive technologiesJava wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleApplication
Implements support for reporting attributes for an accessible objectJava wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleBridge
Java wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleBridgePlugin
Implements support for objects with editable textThe base class for accessibility notificationsJava wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleHyperlinkInterface
Java wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleImageInterface
Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objectsImplements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjectsAbstract base class for plugins provinding accessibility information for user interface elementsImplements support for selection handlingNotfies the accessibility framework that the state of an object has changedImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interfaceSignifies a change in a table, list, or tree where cells are added or removed.Java wrapper for Qt enumQAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent::ModelChangeType
Notifies of cursor movementsNotifies of text being insertedImplements support for text handlingNotifies of text being deletedSignals a change in the text selection of an objectNotifies about text changes.Describes a change in value for an accessible objectImplements support for objects that manipulate a valueAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsJava wrapper for Qt enumQAction::ActionEvent
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAction::MenuRole
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAction::Priority
Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changedGroups actions togetherJava wrapper for Qt enumQActionGroup::ExclusionPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt classQApplicationStateChangeEvent
Drawing area for QWindowMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmapsDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainterContains event parameters for child window changesAccess to the window system clipboardJava wrapper for Qt enumQClipboard::Mode
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Contains parameters that describe a close eventColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesJava wrapper for Qt enumQColor::NameFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQColor::Spec
Contains QColor predefined constantsJava wrapper for Qt header fileQColorConstants::Svg
Color space abstractionJava wrapper for Qt enumQColorSpace::ColorModel
Java wrapper for Qt enumQColorSpace::NamedColorSpace
Java wrapper for Qt enumQColorSpace::Primaries
Java wrapper for Qt enumQColorSpace::TransferFunction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQColorSpace::TransformModel
Transformation between color spacesUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brushContains parameters that describe a context menu eventJava wrapper for Qt enumQContextMenuEvent::Reason
Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shapeMethods for accessing common desktop servicesRange checking of floating-point numbersJava wrapper for Qt enumQDoubleValidator::Notation
Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transferEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedContains parameters that describe an enter eventInformation about a point in a QPointerEventJava wrapper for Qt enumQEventPoint::State
type for enumQEventPoint.State
Contains event parameters for expose eventsEvent that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URLData model for the local filesystemJava wrapper for Qt enumQFileSystemModel::Option
type for enumQFileSystemModel.Option
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileSystemModel::Roles
Contains event parameters for widget focus eventsSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textJava wrapper for Qt enumQFont::Capitalization
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::HintingPreference
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::ResolveProperties
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::SpacingType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::Stretch
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::Style
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::StyleHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFont::StyleStrategy
QFont::Tag type provides access to advanced font featuresJava wrapper for Qt enumQFont::Weight
Information about the fonts available in the underlying window systemJava wrapper for Qt enumQFontDatabase::SystemFont
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFontDatabase::WritingSystem
General information about fontsFont metrics informationFont metrics informationAbstract base class for pluginsCreates plugin driversDirect access to the internal glyphs in a fontJava wrapper for Qt enumQGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlag
type for enumQGlyphRun.GlyphRunFlag
Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fillsJava wrapper for Qt enumQGradient::CoordinateMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGradient::InterpolationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGradient::Preset
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGradient::Spread
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsEvent that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widgetEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenContains parameters that describe a mouse eventScalable icons in different modes and statesJava wrapper for Qt enumQIcon::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIcon::State
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIcon::ThemeIcon
Indicates that a main icon drag has begunAbstract base class for QIcon renderersJava wrapper for Qt enumQIconEngine::IconEngineHook
Java wrapper for Qt classQIconEngine::ScaledPixmapArgument
Abstract base for custom QIconEngine pluginsHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt enumQImage::Format
Java wrapper for Qt enumQImage::InvertMode
Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in QtJava wrapper for Qt enumQImageIOHandler::ImageOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQImageIOHandler::Transformation
type for enumQImageIOHandler.Transformation
Defines an interface for writing an image format pluginQFlags
type for enumQImageIOPlugin.Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enumQImageIOPlugin::Capability
Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devicesJava wrapper for Qt enumQImageReader::ImageReaderError
Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devicesJava wrapper for Qt enumQImageWriter::ImageWriterError
Describes a device from which a QInputEvent originatesQFlags
type for enumQInputDevice.Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enumQInputDevice::Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enumQInputDevice::DeviceType
type for enumQInputDevice.DeviceType
The base class for events that describe user inputAccess to the active text input methodJava wrapper for Qt enumQInputMethod::Action
Parameters for input method eventsQInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attributeJava wrapper for Qt enumQInputMethodEvent::AttributeType
Event sent by the input context to input objectsValidator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified rangeStores a combination of a key with optional modifiersDescribes a key eventEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcutsJava wrapper for Qt enumQKeySequence::SequenceFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQKeySequence::SequenceMatch
Java wrapper for Qt enumQKeySequence::StandardKey
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brushJava wrapper for Qt classQMatrix2x2
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix2x3
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix2x4
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix3x2
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix3x3
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix3x4
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix4x2
Java wrapper for Qt classQMatrix4x3
Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceJava wrapper for Qt enumQMatrix4x4::Flag
type for enumQMatrix4x4.Flag
Contains parameters that describe a mouse eventContains event parameters for move eventsConvenience class for playing movies with QImageReaderJava wrapper for Qt enumQMovie::CacheMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMovie::MovieState
Contains parameters that describe a gesture eventRepresents an offscreen surface in the underlying platformRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfaceJava wrapper for Qt enumQOpenGLContext::OpenGLModuleType
Represents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resourcesCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 APICross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 APIJava wrapper for Qt enumQOpenGLFunctions::OpenGLFeature
type for enumQOpenGLFunctions.OpenGLFeature
Represents a paint device that supports multiple pagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQPagedPaintDevice::PdfVersion
Describes the size, orientation and margins of a pageJava wrapper for Qt enumQPageLayout::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPageLayout::Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPageLayout::OutOfBoundsPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPageLayout::Unit
Represents a collection of page rangesQPageRanges::Range struct holds the from and to endpoints of a rangeDescribes the size and name of a defined page sizeJava wrapper for Qt enumQPageSize::PageSizeId
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPageSize::SizeMatchPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPageSize::Unit
The base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enumQPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric
Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformJava wrapper for Qt enumQPaintEngine::DirtyFlag
type for enumQPaintEngine.DirtyFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature
type for enumQPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPaintEngine::PolygonDrawMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPaintEngine::Type
Information about the active paint engine's current statePerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesJava wrapper for Qt enumQPainter::CompositionMode
This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawnJava wrapper for Qt enumQPainter::PixmapFragmentHint
type for enumQPainter.PixmapFragmentHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPainter::RenderHint
type for enumQPainter.RenderHint
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reusedQPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpathJava wrapper for Qt enumQPainterPath::ElementType
Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter pathContains event parameters for paint eventsThis exception is thrown in cases where a painter is used on a widget outside its paintEvent function.Contains color groups for each widget stateJava wrapper for Qt enumQPalette::ColorGroup
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPalette::ColorRole
Java wrapper for Qt classQPdfOutputIntent
Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfWriter::ColorModel
Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapesPaint device that records and replays QPainter commandsClass for describing different pixel layouts in graphics buffersJava wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::AlphaPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::AlphaUsage
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::ByteOrder
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::ColorModel
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPixelFormat::YUVLayout
Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceApplication-wide cache for pixmapsQPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCacheUsed to notify about native platform surface eventsJava wrapper for Qt enumQPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceEventType
A base class for pointer eventsDescribes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originateJava wrapper for Qt enumQPointingDevice::GrabTransition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPointingDevice::PointerType
type for enumQPointingDevice.PointerType
Identifies a unique object, such as a tagged token or stylus, which is used with a pointing deviceList of points using integer precisionList of points using floating point precisionRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarResult type forQQuaternion.getAxes()
.Result type forQQuaternion.getAxisAndAngle()
.Result type forQQuaternion.getEulerAngles()
.Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brushConvenience class for using QPainter on a QWindowAccess to a single physical instance of a fontJava wrapper for Qt enumQRawFont::AntialiasingType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQRawFont::LayoutFlag
type for enumQRawFont.LayoutFlag
Specifies a clip region for a painterJava wrapper for Qt enumQRegion::RegionType
Used to check a string against a regular expressionContains event parameters for resize eventsStruct contains a 64-bit RGB colorUsed to query screen propertiesJava wrapper for Qt classQScreenOrientationChangeEvent
Sent when scrollingJava wrapper for Qt enumQScrollEvent::ScrollState
Sent in preparation of scrollingAccess to the session managerJava wrapper for Qt enumQSessionManager::RestartHint
Used to create keyboard shortcutsEvent which is generated when the user presses a key combinationEvent that is sent when a widget is shownA base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse eventsItem for use with the QStandardItemModel classJava wrapper for Qt enumQStandardItem::ItemType
Generic model for storing custom dataEnables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarelyJava wrapper for Qt enumQStaticText::PerformanceHint
Event that is used to show messages in a status barContains platform specific hints and settingsAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtJava wrapper for Qt enumQSurface::SurfaceType
Represents the format of a QSurfaceJava wrapper for Qt enumQSurfaceFormat::ColorSpace
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSurfaceFormat::FormatOption
type for enumQSurfaceFormat.FormatOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfile
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSurfaceFormat::RenderableType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSurfaceFormat::SwapBehavior
Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user dataContains parameters that describe a Tablet eventContainer for text fragments in a QTextDocumentQTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlockFormatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextBlockFormat::LineHeightTypes
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextBlockFormat::MarkerType
Container for text blocks within a QTextDocumentUsed to associate custom data with blocks of textFormatting information for characters in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextCharFormat::FontPropertiesInheritanceBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextCharFormat::UnderlineStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextCharFormat::VerticalAlignment
Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocumentsJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextCursor::MoveMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextCursor::MoveOperation
Result type forQTextCursor.selectedTableCells()
.Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextCursor::SelectionType
Holds formatted textJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextDocument::FindFlag
type for enumQTextDocument.FindFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextDocument::MarkdownFeature
type for enumQTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextDocument::MetaInformation
Java wrapper for Qt callableQTextDocument::ResourceProvider
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextDocument::ResourceType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextDocument::Stacks
Represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocumentFormat-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devicesFormatting information for a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextFormat::FormatType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextFormat::ObjectTypes
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextFormat::PageBreakFlag
type for enumQTextFormat.PageBreakFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextFormat::Property
Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormatRepresents a frame in a QTextDocumentIterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrameFormatting information for frames in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextFrameFormat::Position
Formatting information for images in a QTextDocumentRepresents an inline object in a QAbstractTextDocumentLayout and its implementationsAll the information required to draw text in a custom paint engineJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextItem::RenderFlag
type for enumQTextItem.RenderFlag
Used to lay out and render textJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextLayout::CursorMode
QTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's contentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlag
type for enumQTextLayout.GlyphRunRetrievalFlag
Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextLength::Type
Represents a line of text inside a QTextLayoutJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextLine::CursorPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextLine::Edge
Decorated list of items in a QTextDocumentFormatting information for lists in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextListFormat::Style
Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument togetherAllows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocumentsDescription of general rich text propertiesJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextOption::Flag
type for enumQTextOption.Flag
Java wrapper for Qt classQTextOption::Tab
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextOption::TabType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextOption::WrapMode
Represents a table in a QTextDocumentRepresents the properties of a cell in a QTextTableFormatting information for table cells in a QTextDocumentFormatting information for tables in a QTextDocumentContains parameters that describe a touch eventSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemJava wrapper for Qt enumQTransform::TransformationType
The base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStackGroup of QUndoStack objectsStack of QUndoCommand objectsConverts between a MIME type and a Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) formatQFlags
type for enumQUtiMimeConverter.HandlerScopeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUtiMimeConverter::HandlerScopeFlag
Validation of input textResult type forQValidator.validate(QValidationData)
.Java wrapper for Qt enumQValidator::State
Represents a vector or vertex in 2D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 4D spaceEvent that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" textContains parameters that describe a wheel eventRepresents a window in the underlying windowing systemJava wrapper for Qt enumQWindow::AncestorMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQWindow::Visibility
Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formatsThe window state before a window state change