Module qtjambi.pdf
Package io.qt.pdf
package io.qt.pdf
ClassDescriptionHolds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contentsJava wrapper for Qt enum
Loads a PDF document and renders pages from itJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocument::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocument::MetaDataField
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocument::PageModelRole
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocument::Status
Holds the options to render a page from a PDF documentJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag
type for enumQPdfDocumentRenderOptions.RenderFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation
Defines a link between a region on a page (such as a hyperlink or a search result) and a destination (page, location on the page, and zoom level at which to view it)Holds the geometry and the destination for each link that the specified page containsJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfLinkModel::Role
Navigation history within a PDF documentEncapsulates the rendering of pages of a PDF documentJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfPageRenderer::RenderMode
Searches for a string in a PDF document and holds the resultsJava wrapper for Qt enumQPdfSearchModel::Role
Defines a range of text that has been selected on one page in a PDF document, and its geometric boundaries