Module qtjambi
Package io.qt.widgets
package io.qt.widgets
ClassDescriptionThe abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttonsCommon base for all path itemsUsed to display and edit data items from a modelJava wrapper for Qt enum
The basic functionality for item view classesJava wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::CursorAction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::DragDropMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::DropIndicatorPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::EditTrigger
type for enumQAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::ScrollHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::ScrollMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::SelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemView::State
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll barsJava wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractScrollArea::SizeAdjustPolicy
Integer value within a rangeJava wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSlider::SliderAction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSlider::SliderChange
Spinbox and a line edit to display valuesJava wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSpinBox::ButtonSymbols
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSpinBox::CorrectionMode
type for enumQAbstractSpinBox.StepEnabledFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractSpinBox::StepType
Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgetsManages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsLines up child widgets horizontally or verticallyJava wrapper for Qt enumQBoxLayout::Direction
Container to organize groups of button widgetsMonthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a dateJava wrapper for Qt enumQCalendarWidget::HorizontalHeaderFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCalendarWidget::SelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCalendarWidget::VerticalHeaderFormat
Checkbox with a text labelDialog widget for specifying colorsJava wrapper for Qt enumQColorDialog::ColorDialogOption
type for enumQColorDialog.ColorDialogOption
Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel valuesJava wrapper for Qt enumQColormap::Mode
Model/view implementation of a column viewCombines a button with a dropdown listJava wrapper for Qt enumQComboBox::InsertPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy
Vista style command link buttonEncapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUICompletions based on an item modelJava wrapper for Qt enumQCompleter::CompletionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCompleter::ModelSorting
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgetsJava wrapper for Qt enumQDataWidgetMapper::SubmitPolicy
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetWidget for editing dates and timesJava wrapper for Qt enumQDateTimeEdit::Section
type for enumQDateTimeEdit.Section
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)The base class of dialog windowsJava wrapper for Qt enumQDialog::DialogCode
Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget styleJava wrapper for Qt enumQDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDialogButtonBox::StandardButton
type for enumQDialogButtonBox.StandardButton
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktopJava wrapper for Qt enumQDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature
type for enumQDockWidget.DockWidgetFeature
Spin box widget that takes doublesError message display dialogDialog that allows users to select files or directoriesJava wrapper for Qt enumQFileDialog::AcceptMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDialog::DialogLabel
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDialog::FileMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDialog::Option
type for enumQFileDialog.Option
Result class forQFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QWidget*,QString,QString,QString,QString*,Options)
.Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDialog::ViewMode
File icons for the QFileSystemModel classFocus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable areaCombobox that lets the user select a font familyJava wrapper for Qt enumQFontComboBox::FontFilter
type for enumQFontComboBox.FontFilter
Dialog widget for selecting a fontJava wrapper for Qt enumQFontDialog::FontDialogOption
type for enumQFontDialog.FontDialogOption
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labelsJava wrapper for Qt enumQFormLayout::FieldGrowthPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFormLayout::ItemRole
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFormLayout::RowWrapPolicy
Contains the result of a QFormLayout::takeRow() callThe base class of widgets that can have a frameJava wrapper for Qt enumQFrame::Shadow
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFrame::Shape
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFrame::StyleMask
Represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user inputJava wrapper for Qt enumQGesture::GestureCancelPolicy
The description of triggered gesturesThe infrastructure for gesture recognitionQFlags
type for enumQGestureRecognizer.ResultFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGestureRecognizer::ResultFlag
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayoutLayout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics ViewBlur effectJava wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsBlurEffect::BlurHint
type for enumQGraphicsBlurEffect.BlurHint
Colorize effectDrop shadow effectThe base class for all graphics effectsJava wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsEffect::ChangeFlag
type for enumQGraphicsEffect.ChangeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsEffect::PixmapPadMode
Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneGrid layout for managing widgets in Graphics ViewThe base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsSceneResult class forQGraphicsItem::isBlockedByModalPanel(QGraphicsItem**)const
.Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsItem::CacheMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsItem::Extension
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag
type for enumQGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsItem::PanelModality
Java wrapper for Qt classQGraphicsItemAnimation
Container that treats a group of items as a single itemThe base class for all layouts in Graphics ViewCan be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layoutsHorizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics ViewLine item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneBase class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and propertiesOpacity effectPath item that you can add to a QGraphicsScenePixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneJava wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsPixmapItem::ShapeMode
Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneProxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsSceneRectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneRotation transformation around a given axisScale transformationSurface for managing a large number of 2D graphical itemsJava wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsScene::SceneLayer
type for enumQGraphicsScene.SceneLayer
Context menu events in the graphics view frameworkJava wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent::Reason
Events for drag and drop in the graphics view frameworkBase class for all graphics view related eventsEvents when a tooltip is requestedHover events in the graphics view frameworkMouse events in the graphics view frameworkEvents for widget moving in the graphics view frameworkEvents for widget resizing in the graphics view frameworkWheel events in the graphics view frameworkSimple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsSceneText item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted textAbstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItemsWidget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsSceneQFlags
type for enumQGraphicsView.CacheModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsView::DragMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag
type for enumQGraphicsView.OptimizationFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsView::ViewportAnchor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQGraphicsView::ViewportUpdateMode
The base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsSceneLays out widgets in a gridResult class forQGridLayout::getItemPosition(int,int*,int*,int*,int*)const
.Group box frame with a titleLines up widgets horizontallyHeader row or header column for item viewsJava wrapper for Qt enumQHeaderView::ResizeMode
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the userJava wrapper for Qt enumQInputDialog::InputDialogOption
type for enumQInputDialog.InputDialogOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQInputDialog::InputMode
Display and editing facilities for data items from a modelQItemEditorCreator<T extends QWidget>Java wrapper for Qt class QItemEditorCreatorAbstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creatorsWidgets for editing item data in views and delegatesAllows to input a QKeySequenceText or image displayThe base class of geometry managersJava wrapper for Qt enumQLayout::SizeConstraint
Abstract item that a QLayout manipulatesDisplays a number with LCD-like digitsJava wrapper for Qt enumQLCDNumber::Mode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLCDNumber::SegmentStyle
One-line text editorJava wrapper for Qt enumQLineEdit::ActionPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLineEdit::EchoMode
List or icon view onto a modelJava wrapper for Qt enumQListView::Flow
Java wrapper for Qt enumQListView::LayoutMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQListView::Movement
Java wrapper for Qt enumQListView::ResizeMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQListView::ViewMode
Item-based list widgetItem for use with the QListWidget item view classMain application windowJava wrapper for Qt enumQMainWindow::DockOption
type for enumQMainWindow.DockOption
Area in which MDI windows are displayedJava wrapper for Qt enumQMdiArea::AreaOption
type for enumQMdiArea.AreaOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMdiArea::ViewMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMdiArea::WindowOrder
Subwindow class for QMdiAreaJava wrapper for Qt enumQMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption
type for enumQMdiSubWindow.SubWindowOption
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menusHorizontal menu barModal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answerJava wrapper for Qt enumQMessageBox::ButtonRole
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMessageBox::Icon
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMessageBox::Option
type for enumQMessageBox.Option
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMessageBox::StandardButton
type for enumQMessageBox.StandardButton
Describes a panning gesture made by the userDescribes a pinch gesture made by the userJava wrapper for Qt enumQPinchGesture::ChangeFlag
type for enumQPinchGesture.ChangeFlag
Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocumentWidget that is used to edit and display plain textJava wrapper for Qt enumQPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode
Horizontal or vertical progress barJava wrapper for Qt enumQProgressBar::Direction
Feedback on the progress of a slow operationConvenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elementsCommand buttonRadio button with a text labelRectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundaryJava wrapper for Qt enumQRubberBand::Shape
Scrolling view onto another widgetVertical or horizontal scroll barEnables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics itemJava wrapper for Qt enumQScroller::Input
Java wrapper for Qt enumQScroller::ScrollerGestureType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQScroller::State
Stores the settings for a QScrollerJava wrapper for Qt enumQScrollerProperties::FrameRates
Java wrapper for Qt enumQScrollerProperties::OvershootPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQScrollerProperties::ScrollMetric
Resize handle for resizing top-level windowsLayout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policyJava wrapper for Qt enumQSizePolicy::ControlType
type for enumQSizePolicy.ControlType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSizePolicy::Policy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSizePolicy::PolicyFlag
Vertical or horizontal sliderJava wrapper for Qt enumQSlider::TickPosition
Blank space in a layoutSpin box widgetSplash screen that can be shown during application startupImplements a splitter widgetResult class forQSplitter::getRange(int,int*,int*)const
.Handle functionality for the splitterStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a timeJava wrapper for Qt enumQStackedLayout::StackingMode
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a timeQStandardItemEditorCreator<T extends QWidget>Java wrapper for Qt class QStandardItemEditorCreatorItem editor widget factory handle.Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status informationAbstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUIJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::ComplexControl
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::ContentsType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::ControlElement
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::PixelMetric
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::PrimitiveElement
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::RequestSoftwareInputPanel
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::StandardPixmap
type for enumQStyle.StateFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::StateFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::StyleHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::SubControl
type for enumQStyle.SubControl
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyle::SubElement
Display and editing facilities for data items from a modelCreates QStyle objectsStyle hints that return more than basic data typesJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleHintReturn::HintReturnType
Style hints that return a QRegionStyle hints that return a QVariantStores the parameters used by QStyle functionsUsed to describe the parameters for drawing buttonsJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionButton.ButtonFeature
Used to describe the parameter for drawing a comboboxUsed to hold parameters that are common to all complex controlsUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widgetUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyleUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a frameJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionFrame::FrameFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionFrame.FrameFeature
Used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItemDescribes the parameters for drawing a group boxUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a headerJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionHeader::SectionPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionHeader::SelectedPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionHeader::SortIndicator
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a headerUsed to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu itemJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionMenuItem::CheckType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionMenuItem::MenuItemType
Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress barUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber bandUsed to describe the parameter for drawing a size gripUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a sliderUsed to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin boxUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a tab barJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget
type for enumQStyleOptionTab.CornerWidget
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionTab::SelectedPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionTab::TabFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionTab.TabFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionTab::TabPosition
Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e.Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widgetUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a title barUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbarJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionToolBar.ToolBarFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarPosition
Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool boxJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionToolBox::SelectedPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionToolBox::TabPosition
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool buttonJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionToolButton.ToolButtonFeature
Used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widgetJava wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionViewItem::Position
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionViewItem::ViewItemFeature
type for enumQStyleOptionViewItem.ViewItemFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStyleOptionViewItem::ViewItemPosition
Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widgetAbstract base for custom QStyle pluginsDescribes a swipe gesture made by the userJava wrapper for Qt enumQSwipeGesture::SwipeDirection
Icon for an application in the system trayJava wrapper for Qt enumQSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon
Tab bar, e.g.Java wrapper for Qt enumQTabBar::ButtonPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTabBar::SelectionBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTabBar::Shape
Default model/view implementation of a table viewItem-based table view with a default modelItem for use with the QTableWidget classWay to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection modelStack of tabbed widgetsJava wrapper for Qt enumQTabWidget::TabPosition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTabWidget::TabShape
Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the userDescribes a tap gesture made by the userJava wrapper for Qt header fileQDrawBorderPixmap
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDrawBorderPixmap::DrawingHint
type for enumQtDrawUtil.DrawingHint
Rich text browser with hypertext navigationWidget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich textQFlags
type for enumQTextEdit.AutoFormattingFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag
QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a documentJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextEdit::LineWrapMode
The rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into nine segmentsWidget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetMovable panel that contains a set of controlsJava wrapper for Qt classQToolBarChangeEvent
Column of tabbed widget itemsQuick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBarJava wrapper for Qt enumQToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode
Tool tips (balloon help) for any widgetDefault model/view implementation of a tree viewTree view that uses a predefined tree modelItem for use with the QTreeWidget convenience classJava wrapper for Qt enumQTreeWidgetItem::ChildIndicatorPolicy
Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instanceJava wrapper for Qt enumQTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag
type for enumQTreeWidgetItemIterator.IteratorFlag
Displays the contents of a QUndoStackLines up widgets verticallySimple description of any widget, i.e.The base class of all user interface objectsJava wrapper for Qt enumQWidget::RenderFlag
type for enumQWidget.RenderFlag
Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbarsLayout item that represents a widgetFramework for wizardsJava wrapper for Qt enumQWizard::WizardButton
Java wrapper for Qt enumQWizard::WizardOption
type for enumQWizard.WizardOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQWizard::WizardPixmap
Java wrapper for Qt enumQWizard::WizardStyle
The base class for wizard pages