Uses of Class
Packages that use QObject
Uses of QObject in io.qt
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<S extends Serializable>
(S lambdaExpression) QThreadAffinityException.object()
(QtObject object) InternalAccess.owner
(QtObjectInterface object) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(QObject object) Checks if the current thread is the given object's thread and throws QThreadAffinityException otherwise.ModifierConstructorDescriptionQThreadAffinityException
(String message, QObject object, QThread expectedThread, QThread currentThread) Creates a new QThreadAffinityException with the given message, object and thread. -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.activex
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.activexModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Static properties and signals for QAxObjectclass
Static properties and signals for QAxWidgetclass
QObject that wraps a COM objectclass
Wrapper around script codeclass
Wrapper around a script engineclass
Bridge between application objects and script codeclass
Selection dialog for registered COM componentsclass
QWidget that wraps an ActiveX controlMethods in io.qt.activex that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
qObject()const default QObject
qObject()const final QObject
qObject()const final QObject
qObject()const Constructors in io.qt.activex with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(QObject parent) SeeQAxBaseObject::
QAxBaseObject(QObject*) QAxScriptManager
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.bluetooth
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.bluetoothModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Discovers the Bluetooth devices nearbyclass
Enables access to the local Bluetooth deviceclass
Uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth deviceclass
Enables you to query for Bluetooth servicesclass
Enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth serverfinal class
Access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devicesfinal class
Represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy DeviceMethods in io.qt.bluetooth with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QLowEnergyService
(QLowEnergyServiceData service, QObject parent) static QLowEnergyController
(QBluetoothDeviceInfo remoteDevice, QBluetoothAddress localDevice, QObject parent) static QLowEnergyController
(QBluetoothDeviceInfo remoteDevice, QObject parent) static QLowEnergyController
(QBluetoothAddress localDevice, QObject parent) static QLowEnergyController
(QObject parent) final QLowEnergyService
(QBluetoothUuid service, QObject parent) final QLowEnergyService
(QBluetoothUuid.CharacteristicType service, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQLowEnergyController.createServiceObject(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid, io.qt.core.QObject)
.final QLowEnergyService
(QBluetoothUuid.DescriptorType service, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQLowEnergyController.createServiceObject(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid, io.qt.core.QObject)
.final QLowEnergyService
(QBluetoothUuid.ProtocolUuid service, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQLowEnergyController.createServiceObject(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid, io.qt.core.QObject)
.final QLowEnergyService
(QBluetoothUuid.ServiceClassUuid service, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQLowEnergyController.createServiceObject(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid, io.qt.core.QObject)
.final QLowEnergyService
(QUuid service, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQLowEnergyController.createServiceObject(io.qt.bluetooth.QBluetoothUuid, io.qt.core.QObject)
.Constructors in io.qt.bluetooth with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent
(QBluetoothAddress deviceAdapter, QObject parent) QBluetoothLocalDevice
(QBluetoothAddress address, QObject parent) QBluetoothLocalDevice
(QObject parent) QBluetoothServer
(QBluetoothServiceInfo.Protocol serverType, QObject parent) QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent
(QBluetoothAddress deviceAdapter, QObject parent) QBluetoothSocket
(QBluetoothServiceInfo.Protocol socketType, QObject parent) QBluetoothSocket
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.charts
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.chartsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class used for specialized axis classesclass
Abstract parent class for all bar series classesclass
Base class for all Qt Chart seriesclass
Legend marker for an area seriesclass
Presents data in area chartsclass
Adds categories to a chart's axesclass
Legend marker for a bar seriesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQBarModelMapper
Presents a series of data as vertical bars grouped by categoryclass
Represents one set of bars in a bar chartclass
Legend marker for a box plot seriesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQBoxPlotModelMapper
Presents data in box-and-whiskers chartsclass
Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chartclass
Legend marker for a candlestick seriesclass
Abstract model mapper class for candlestick seriesclass
Presents data as candlesticksclass
Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chartclass
Places named ranges on the axisclass
Manages the graphical representation of the chart's series, legends, and axesclass
Standalone widget that can display chartsclass
Displays a color scale as one of the chart's axesclass
Adds dates and times to a chart's axisclass
Horizontal model mapper for bar seriesclass
Horizontal model mapper for box plot seriesclass
Horizontal model mapper for a candlestick seriesclass
Presents a series of data as horizontal bars grouped by categoryclass
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each categoryclass
Presents a series of data as horizontally stacked bars, with one bar per categoryclass
Horizontal model mapper for pie seriesclass
Horizontal model mapper for line, spline, and scatter seriesfinal class
Displays the legend of a chartclass
Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legendclass
Presents data in line chartsclass
Adds a logarithmic scale to a chart's axisclass
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each categoryclass
Legend marker for a pie seriesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQPieModelMapper
Presents data in pie chartsclass
Represents a single slice in a pie seriesclass
Presents data in polar chartsclass
Presents data in scatter chartsclass
Presents data as spline chartsclass
Presents a series of data as vertically stacked bars, with one bar per categoryclass
Adds values to a chart's axesclass
Vertical model mapper for bar seriesclass
Vertical model mapper for box plot seriesclass
Vertical model mapper for a candlestick seriesclass
Vertical model mapper for pie seriesclass
Vertical model mapper for line, spline, and scatter seriesclass
Legend marker for a line, spline, or scatter seriesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQXYModelMapper
Base class for line, spline, and scatter seriesConstructors in io.qt.charts with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAreaLegendMarker
(QAreaSeries series, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQAreaLegendMarker::
QAreaLegendMarker(QAreaSeries*, QLegend*, QObject*) QAreaSeries
(QObject parent) QBarCategoryAxis
(QObject parent) QBarLegendMarker
(QAbstractBarSeries series, QBarSet barset, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQBarLegendMarker::
QBarLegendMarker(QAbstractBarSeries*, QBarSet*, QLegend*, QObject*) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQBarModelMapper::
QBarModelMapper(QObject*) QBarSeries
(QObject parent) QBoxPlotLegendMarker
(QBoxPlotSeries series, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQBoxPlotLegendMarker::
QBoxPlotLegendMarker(QBoxPlotSeries*, QLegend*, QObject*) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQBoxPlotModelMapper::
QBoxPlotModelMapper(QObject*) QBoxPlotSeries
(QObject parent) QCandlestickLegendMarker
(QCandlestickSeries series, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQCandlestickLegendMarker::
QCandlestickLegendMarker(QCandlestickSeries*, QLegend*, QObject*) QCandlestickModelMapper
(QObject parent) QCandlestickSeries
(QObject parent) QCandlestickSet
(double open, double high, double low, double close, double timestamp, QObject parent) QCandlestickSet
(double timestamp, QObject parent) QCategoryAxis
(QObject parent) QColorAxis
(QObject parent) SeeQColorAxis::
QColorAxis(QObject*) QDateTimeAxis
(QObject parent) QHBarModelMapper
(QObject parent) QHBoxPlotModelMapper
(QObject parent) QHCandlestickModelMapper
(QObject parent) QHorizontalBarSeries
(QObject parent) QHorizontalPercentBarSeries
(QObject parent) QHorizontalStackedBarSeries
(QObject parent) QHPieModelMapper
(QObject parent) QHXYModelMapper
(QObject parent) QLineSeries
(QObject parent) QLogValueAxis
(QObject parent) QPercentBarSeries
(QObject parent) QPieLegendMarker
(QPieSeries series, QPieSlice slice, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQPieLegendMarker::
QPieLegendMarker(QPieSeries*, QPieSlice*, QLegend*, QObject*) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQPieModelMapper::
QPieModelMapper(QObject*) QPieSeries
(QObject parent) QScatterSeries
(QObject parent) QSplineSeries
(QObject parent) QStackedBarSeries
(QObject parent) QValueAxis
(QObject parent) QVBarModelMapper
(QObject parent) QVBoxPlotModelMapper
(QObject parent) QVCandlestickModelMapper
(QObject parent) QVPieModelMapper
(QObject parent) QVXYModelMapper
(QObject parent) QXYLegendMarker
(QXYSeries series, QLegend legend, QObject parent) SeeQXYLegendMarker::
QXYLegendMarker(QXYSeries*, QLegend*, QObject*) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQXYModelMapper::
QXYModelMapper(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.core
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.coreModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base of all animationsclass
Interface to manage Qt's event queueclass
The abstract interface for item model classesclass
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsclass
Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasksclass
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table modelsclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQAnimationDriver
Abstract base class for groups of animationsclass
QIODevice interface for a QByteArrayclass
Proxies multiple source models, concatenating their rowsclass
Event loop for Qt applications without UIclass
Means of entering and leaving an event loopclass
Interface for reading from and writing to filesclass
Interface for reading from and writing to open filesclass
Convenient way of selecting file variantsclass
Interface for monitoring files and directories for modificationsfinal class
Allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slotsclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQFutureWatcherBase
Proxies its source model unmodifiedclass
The base interface class of all I/O devices in Qtclass
Keeps track of a view's selected itemsclass
Loads shared libraries at runtimeclass
Container for data that records information about its MIME typeclass
Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjectsclass
Parallel group of animationsclass
Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroupclass
Loads a plugin at run-timeclass
Used to start external programs and to communicate with themclass
Animates Qt propertiesclass
Interface for safely writing to filesclass
Sequential group of animationsclass
Persistent platform-independent application settingsclass
Access to a shared memory segmentclass
Bundles signals from identifiable sendersclass
Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptorclass
Support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a viewclass
Model that supplies strings to viewsclass
I/O device that operates on temporary filesclass
Platform-independent way to manage threadsclass
Manages a collection of QThreadsclass
Timeline for controlling animationsclass
Repetitive and single-shot timersclass
Internationalization support for text outputclass
This proxy transposes the source modelclass
Base class for animationsFields in io.qt.core with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal QObject.Signal1Default1
<QObject> QObject.destroyed
final QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QSignalMapper.mappedObject
Methods in io.qt.core with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <O extends QObject>
QScopedArrayPointer<O> QScopedArrayPointer.disposingLater
(O... data) static <O extends QObject>
QScopedPointer<O> QScopedPointer.disposingLater
(O data) final <T extends QObject>
TOverloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
final <T extends QObject>
TOverloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
.final <T extends QObject>
(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
.final <T extends QObject>
(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options) QObject.findChildren
(Class<T> type) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(Class<T> type, QRegularExpression re) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.QRegularExpression, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(Class<T> type, QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.QRegularExpression, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(Class<T> type, QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOptions options) QObject.findChildren
(Class<T> type, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(Class<T> type, Qt.FindChildOptions options) QObject.findChildren
(Class<T> type, String aName) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(Class<T> type, String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options) final <T extends QObject>
Tstatic <O extends QObject>
(Consumer<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on multipleQObject
resources which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject,
(Function<O[], R> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToDoubleFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToIntFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToLongFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(Consumer<O> action, O data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject,
(Function<O, R> action, O data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToDoubleFunction<O> action, O data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToIntFunction<O> action, O data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToLongFunction<O> action, O data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.Methods in io.qt.core that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
final QObject
final QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
final QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Returns the object containing this QObject
Overloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
final QObject
Overloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
.final QObject
(String aName, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChild(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
.final QObject
(String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options) final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
(int id) final QObject
final QObject
(Object... args) final QObject
protected final QObject
final QObject
Methods in io.qt.core that return types with arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQPropertyAnimation.bindableTargetObject()
Overloaded function forfindChildren(io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(QRegularExpression re) Overloaded function forfindChildren(io.qt.core.QRegularExpression, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(io.qt.core.QRegularExpression, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(QRegularExpression re, Qt.FindChildOptions options) QObject.findChildren
(Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(Qt.FindChildOptions options) QObject.findChildren
(String aName) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions(1)
(String aName, Qt.FindChildOption ... options) Overloaded function forfindChildren(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.Qt.FindChildOptions)
(String aName, Qt.FindChildOptions options) QPluginLoader.staticInstances()
Methods in io.qt.core with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
final QUntypedBindable
final QMetaObject.Connection
(QObject receiver, String method, Qt.ConnectionType ... type) static QMetaObject.Connection
(QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType) Creates a connection of the giventype
from thesignal
in thesender
object to themethod
in thereceiver
object.static QMetaObject.Connection
(QObject sender, String signal, QObject receiver, String slot, Qt.ConnectionType ... connectionType) Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the receiver object.static void
(QObject object) static QThread
static QThread
static QThread
static QThread
static QThread
(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable, long stackSize, QObject parent) static QThread
(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable, String name, long stackSize, QObject parent) static QThread
(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable, String name, QObject parent) static boolean
(QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod slot) Disconnects signal in object sender from method in object receiver receiver.static boolean
(QObject sender, String signal, QObject receiver, String slot) Disconnects signal in object sender from method in object receiver.static <O extends QObject>
QScopedArrayPointer<O> QScopedArrayPointer.disposingLater
(O... data) boolean
(QObject watched, QEvent event) QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name) static QMetaObject.AbstractSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<?> ... types) static <A> QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1
<A> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA) static <A,
B> QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2 <A, B> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB) static <A,
B, C> QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3 <A, B, C> static <A,
B, C, D>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4<A, B, C, D> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD) static <A,
B, C, D, E>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5<A, B, C, D, E> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD, Class<E> typeE) static <A,
B, C, D, E, F>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6<A, B, C, D, E, F> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD, Class<E> typeE, Class<F> typeF) static <A,
B, C, D, E, F, G>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD, Class<E> typeE, Class<F> typeF, Class<G> typeG) static <A,
B, C, D, E, F, G, H>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD, Class<E> typeE, Class<F> typeF, Class<G> typeG, Class<H> typeH) static <A,
B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>
QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> QMetaObject.findSignal
(QObject sender, String name, Class<A> typeA, Class<B> typeB, Class<C> typeC, Class<D> typeD, Class<E> typeE, Class<F> typeF, Class<G> typeG, Class<H> typeH, Class<I> typeI) final void
(QObject filterObj) final Object
(QObject object, Qt.ConnectionType connection, Object ... args) final Object
static Object
(QObject obj, String member, Qt.ConnectionType type, Object... args) Invokes the given method on the given object and returns it's result value.static Object
(QObject obj, String member, Object... args) CallinginvokeMethod(obj, AutoConnection, args)
.final void
final QObject
(QObject object) Returns the property notifier as signal object.QFuture.onCanceled
(QObject context, Runnable function) QFuture.onCanceled
(QObject context, Supplier<T> function) static <O extends QObject>
(Consumer<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on multipleQObject
resources which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject,
(Function<O[], R> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToDoubleFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToIntFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static <O extends QObject>
(ToLongFunction<O[]> action, O... data) Performs an action on aQObject
resource which will be calleddisposeLater()
subsequently.static void
Overloaded function forQCoreApplication.postEvent(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QEvent, int)
withpriority = 0
.static void
static <T extends QtObjectInterface>
(Class<T> targetType, QObject object) static void
(QObject instance) static void
(QObject instance, QJsonObject metaData) static void
(QObject instance, Map<String, Object> metaData) final Object
abstract List
<QAbstractEventDispatcher.TimerInfo> QAbstractEventDispatcher.registeredTimers
(QObject object) static void
(QObject instance) Deprecated.static void
(QObject instance, QJsonObject metaData) Deprecated.static void
(QObject instance, Map<String, Object> metaData) Deprecated.abstract void
(int timerId, long interval, Qt.TimerType timerType, QObject object) final int
(long interval, Qt.TimerType timerType, QObject object) final void
final void
(QObject obj) final void
(QObject sender) static void
(QObject receiver) Overloaded function forQCoreApplication.removePostedEvents(io.qt.core.QObject, int)
witheventType = 0
.static void
(QObject receiver, int eventType) final boolean
static boolean
static void
(QObject receiver) Overloaded function forQCoreApplication.sendPostedEvents(io.qt.core.QObject, int)
withevent_type = 0
.static void
(QObject receiver, int event_type) static void
(QObject receiver, QEvent.Type event_type) Overloaded function forQCoreApplication.sendPostedEvents(io.qt.core.QObject, int)
final void
(QObject sender, int id) final void
(QObject sender, QObject object) final void
(QObject sender, String text) final void
final void
(QObject target) static void
(int msec, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) This static function calls slot after a given time interval.static void
(int msec, QObject obj, String method) This static function calls a slot after a given time interval.static void
(int msec, Qt.TimerType timeType, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) This static function calls slot after a given time interval.static void
(int msec, Qt.TimerType timeType, QObject obj, String method) This static function calls a slot after a given time interval.static void
(TemporalAmount time, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) This static function calls slot after a given time interval.static void
(TemporalAmount time, QObject obj, String method) This static function calls a slot after a given time interval.static void
(TemporalAmount time, Qt.TimerType timeType, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) This static function calls slot after a given time interval.static void
(TemporalAmount time, Qt.TimerType timeType, QObject obj, String method) This static function calls a slot after a given time void
start(int, QObject*) final void
(int msec, Qt.TimerType timerType, QObject obj) SeeQBasicTimer::
start(int, Qt::TimerType, QObject*) final void
(TemporalAmount duration, QObject obj) final void
(TemporalAmount duration, Qt.TimerType timerType, QObject obj) <R> QFuture
<R> Returns this meta method as signal object.abstract boolean
(QObject object) final boolean
Method parameters in io.qt.core with type arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass) static void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass, QJsonObject metaData) static void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass, Map<String, Object> metaData) static void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass) Deprecated.UseQPluginLoader.qRegisterStaticPluginFunction(Class)
instead.static void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass, QJsonObject metaData) Deprecated.static void
(Class<? extends QObject> pluginClass, Map<String, Object> metaData) Deprecated.Constructors in io.qt.core with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAbstractAnimation
(QObject parent) QAbstractEventDispatcher
(QObject parent) QAbstractItemModel
(QObject parent) QAbstractListModel
(QObject parent) QAbstractProxyModel
(QObject parent) QAbstractTableModel
(QObject parent) QAnimationDriver
(QObject parent) SeeQAnimationDriver::
QAnimationDriver(QObject*) QAnimationGroup
(QObject parent) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QBooleanBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QBooleanBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QBuffer
(QByteArray buf, QObject parent) QByteBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QByteBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QCharBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QCharBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QChildEvent
(QEvent.Type type, QObject child) QConcatenateTablesProxyModel
(QObject parent) QDoubleBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QDoubleBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QEventLoop
(QObject parent) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQFileDevice::
QFileDevice(QObject*) QFileSelector
(QObject parent) QFileSystemWatcher
(QObject parent) QFileSystemWatcher
(Collection<String> paths, QObject parent) QFloatBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QFloatBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QFutureWatcher
(QObject parent) QFutureWatcherBase
(QObject parent) SeeQFutureWatcherBase::
QFutureWatcherBase(QObject*) QIdentityProxyModel
(QObject parent) QIntBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QIntBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QItemSelectionModel
(QAbstractItemModel model, QObject parent) QLongBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QLongBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QParallelAnimationGroup
(QObject parent) QPauseAnimation
(int msecs, QObject parent) QPauseAnimation
(QObject parent) QPluginLoader
(QObject parent) QPluginLoader
(String fileName, QObject parent) QPropertyAnimation
(QObject parent) QPropertyAnimation
(QObject target, byte [] propertyName) Overloaded constructor forQPropertyAnimation(io.qt.core.QObject, byte[], io.qt.core.QObject)
withparent = null
(QObject target, byte [] propertyName, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQPropertyAnimation(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QObject target, QByteArray propertyName) Overloaded constructor forQPropertyAnimation(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
withparent = null
(QObject target, QByteArray propertyName, QObject parent) QPropertyAnimation
(QObject target, String propertyName) Overloaded constructor forQPropertyAnimation(QObject,QByteArray,QObject)
withparent = null
(QObject target, String propertyName, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQPropertyAnimation(QObject,QByteArray,QObject)
(QObject parent) QSettings
(QSettings.Format format, QSettings.Scope scope, String organization, String application, QObject parent) QSettings
(QSettings.Scope scope, QObject parent) QSettings
(QSettings.Scope scope, String organization, String application, QObject parent) QSettings
(String fileName, QSettings.Format format, QObject parent) QSharedMemory
(QObject parent) QSharedMemory
(QNativeIpcKey key, QObject parent) QSharedMemory
(String key, QObject parent) SeeQSharedMemory::
QSharedMemory(QString, QObject*) QShortBindable
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QShortBindable
(QObject object, String property) Creates a new bindable from provided meta property of given object.QSignalMapper
(QObject parent) QSocketNotifier
(long socket, QSocketNotifier.Type arg__2, QObject parent) QSocketNotifier
(QSocketNotifier.Type arg__1, QObject parent) QSortFilterProxyModel
(QObject parent) QStringListModel
(QObject parent) QStringListModel
(Collection<String> strings, QObject parent) QTemporaryFile
(QObject parent) QTemporaryFile
(String templateName, QObject parent) QThread
(ThreadGroup group, long stackSize, QObject parent) QThread
(ThreadGroup group, String name, QObject parent) QThread
(ThreadGroup group, QObject parent) QThread
(ThreadGroup group, String name, long stackSize, QObject parent) QThreadPool
(QObject parent) QTranslator
(QObject parent) QTransposeProxyModel
(QObject parent) QVariantAnimation
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.core.internal
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.core.internalMethods in io.qt.core.internal that return QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.datavis
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.datavisModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Methods for rendering 3D bar graphsclass
Representation of a camera in 3D spaceclass
Basic wheel mouse based input handlerclass
Representation of a light source in 3D spaceclass
Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D sceneclass
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphsclass
Description of the 3D scene being visualizedclass
Methods for rendering 3D surface plotsclass
Visual style for graphsclass
Base class for the axes of a graphclass
Window and render loop for graphsclass
Base class for implementations of input handlersclass
Base class for all data seriesclass
Base class for all graphs proxiesclass
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graphclass
The data proxy for a 3D bars graphclass
Manipulates an axis of a graphclass
Adds a custom item to a graphclass
Adds a custom label to a graphclass
Adds a volume rendered object to a graphclass
Base proxy class for Q3DSurfaceclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBarsclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatterclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurfaceclass
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axisclass
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graphclass
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphsclass
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graphclass
The data proxy for a 3D surface graphclass
Basic touch display based input handlerclass
Manipulates an axis of a graphclass
Base class for value axis formattersConstructors in io.qt.datavis with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQ3DInputHandler
(QObject parent) Q3DTheme
(Q3DTheme.Theme themeType, QObject parent) protected
(QObject parent) QBar3DSeries
(QObject parent) QBar3DSeries
(QBarDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QBarDataProxy
(QObject parent) QCategory3DAxis
(QObject parent) QCustom3DItem
(QObject parent) QCustom3DItem
(String meshFile, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QImage texture, QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(String text, QFont font, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(String text, String font, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QObject parent) QCustom3DVolume
(QObject parent) QCustom3DVolume
(QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, int textureDepth, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Byte> textureData, QImage.Format textureFormat, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Integer> colorTable, QObject parent) SeeQCustom3DVolume::
QCustom3DVolume(QVector3D, QVector3D, QQuaternion, int, int, int, QList<uchar>*, QImage::Format, QList<QRgb>, QObject*) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(QImage image, QObject parent) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(String filename, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String valueRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, String rotationRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, String rotationRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, String rotationRole, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String yPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String yPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String yPosRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
(QObject parent) QScatter3DSeries
(QObject parent) QScatter3DSeries
(QScatterDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QScatterDataProxy
(QObject parent) QSurface3DSeries
(QObject parent) QSurface3DSeries
(QSurfaceDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QTouch3DInputHandler
(QObject parent) QValue3DAxis
(QObject parent) QValue3DAxisFormatter
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.dbus
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.dbusModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class of D-Bus adaptor classesclass
The base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the Qt D-Bus binding, allowing access to remote interfacesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQDBusAbstractInterfaceBase
final class
Access to the D-Bus bus daemon serviceclass
Proxy for interfaces on remote objectsclass
Convenient way for waiting for asynchronous repliesclass
Peer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computerclass
Allows the user to watch for a bus service changeclass
Used to handle several DBus paths with one classMethods in io.qt.dbus that return QObjectMethods in io.qt.dbus with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal boolean
(String method, Collection<? extends Object> args, QObject receiver, String member) final boolean
(String method, Collection<? extends Object> args, QObject receiver, String member, String errorSlot) final boolean
(QDBusMessage message, QObject receiver, String slot) Overloaded function forQDBusConnection.callWithCallback(io.qt.dbus.QDBusMessage, io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String, int)
withtimeout = -1
.final boolean
(QDBusMessage message, QObject receiver, String slot, int timeout) final boolean
(QDBusMessage message, QObject receiver, String returnMethod, String errorMethod) Overloaded function forQDBusConnection.callWithCallback(io.qt.dbus.QDBusMessage, io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)
withtimeout = -1
.final boolean
(QDBusMessage message, QObject receiver, String returnMethod, String errorMethod, int timeout) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, String signature, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, Collection<String> argumentMatch, String signature, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, String signature, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, String name, Collection<String> argumentMatch, String signature, QObject receiver, String slot) final boolean
(String path, QObject object) Overloaded function forQDBusConnection.registerObject(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions(1)
.final boolean
(String path, QObject object, QDBusConnection.RegisterOption ... options) final boolean
(String path, QObject object, QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions options) final boolean
(String path, String arg__interface, QObject object) Overloaded function forQDBusConnection.registerObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions)
withoptions = new io.qt.dbus.QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions(1)
.final boolean
(String path, String arg__interface, QObject object, QDBusConnection.RegisterOption ... options) final boolean
(String path, String arg__interface, QObject object, QDBusConnection.RegisterOptions options) Constructors in io.qt.dbus with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(QObject parent) protected
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, QDBusConnection connection, QObject parent) SeeQDBusAbstractInterface::
QDBusAbstractInterface(QString, QString, const char*, QDBusConnection, QObject*) QDBusInterface
(String service, String path, String arg__interface, QDBusConnection connection, QObject parent) QDBusPendingCallWatcher
(QDBusPendingCall call, QObject parent) QDBusServer
(QObject parent) QDBusServer
(String address, QObject parent) QDBusServiceWatcher
(QObject parent) QDBusVirtualObject
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.designer
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.designerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editorclass
Allows you to access Qt Designer's various componentsclass
Allows you to query and manipulate form windows appearing in Qt Designer's workspaceclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerFormWindowToolInterface
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerIntegration
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerIntegrationInterface
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerNewFormWidgetInterface
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's object inspectorclass
Allows you to query and manipulate the current state of Qt Designer's property editorclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerResourceBrowserInterface
Allows you to control the contents of Qt Designer's widget boxclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
Java wrapper for Qt classQDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface
Extension management facilities for Qt DesignerFields in io.qt.designer with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionQDesignerIntegrationInterface.objectNameChanged
objectNameChanged(QDesignerFormWindowInterface*, QObject*, QString, QString) final QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QDesignerFormWindowInterface.objectRemoved
Methods in io.qt.designer that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract QObject
abstract QObject
abstract QObject
Methods in io.qt.designer that return types with arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface.objects()
objects()const QDesignerFormEditorInterface.pluginInstances()
pluginInstances()const Methods in io.qt.designer with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
add(QObject*) protected final boolean
(QObject o, String propertyName, Object value) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
applyPropertyInternally(QObject*, QString, QVariant) protected boolean
(QObject obj, String prop) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
checkProperty(QObject*, QString)const QDesignerLanguageExtension.classNameOf
(QObject object) SeeQDesignerLanguageExtension::
classNameOf(QObject*)const abstract String
(QObject object) SeeQDesignerLanguageExtension::
classNameOf(QObject*)const protected QAction
(QObject parent, String name) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
createAction(QObject*, QString) protected QActionGroup
(QObject parent, String name) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
createActionGroup(QObject*, QString) protected QLayout
(String layoutName, QObject parent, String name) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
createLayout(QString, QObject*, QString) protected QLayout
(String layoutName, QObject parent, String name) SeeQAbstractFormBuilder::
createLayout(QString, QObject*, QString) final void
(QDesignerFormWindowInterface formWindow, QObject object, String newName, String oldName) SeeQDesignerIntegrationInterface::
emitObjectNameChanged(QDesignerFormWindowInterface*, QObject*, QString, QString) abstract void
(QObject object) SeeQDesignerFormWindowInterface::
ensureUniqueObjectName(QObject*) abstract QObject
abstract QObject
static QDesignerFormWindowInterface
(QObject obj) final int
(QObject object) Overloaded function forQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface.indexOfObject(io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withresolveName = true
(QObject object, boolean resolveName) SeeQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::
indexOfObject(QObject*, bool)const abstract void
(QObject object) SeeQDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface::
initialize(QObject*)const final boolean
(QObject object) Overloaded function forQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface.isContainer(io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withresolveName = true
.final boolean
(QObject object, boolean resolveName) SeeQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::
isContainer(QObject*, bool)const final boolean
Overloaded function forQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface.isCustom(io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withresolveName = true
.final boolean
isCustom(QObject*, bool)const abstract QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface
item(QObject*)const abstract void
remove(QObject*) abstract void
Constructors in io.qt.designer with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQDesignerFormEditorInterface
(QObject parent) SeeQDesignerFormWindowToolInterface::
QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface(QObject*) QDesignerIntegration
(QDesignerFormEditorInterface core, QObject parent) SeeQDesignerIntegration::
QDesignerIntegration(QDesignerFormEditorInterface*, QObject*) QDesignerIntegrationInterface
(QDesignerFormEditorInterface core, QObject parent) SeeQDesignerIntegrationInterface::
QDesignerIntegrationInterface(QDesignerFormEditorInterface*, QObject*) SeeQDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface::
QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface(QObject*) SeeQDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::
QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface(QObject*) SeeQDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface::
QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface(QObject*) QExtensionManager
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.graphs
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.graphsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Methods for rendering 3D bar graphsclass
Representation of a camera in 3D spaceclass
Basic wheel mouse based input handlerclass
Representation of a light source in 3D spaceclass
Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D sceneclass
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphsclass
Description of the 3D scene being visualizedclass
Methods for rendering 3D surface plotsclass
Visual style for graphsclass
Base class for the axes of a graphclass
Window and render loop for graphsclass
Base class for implementations of input handlersclass
Base class for all data seriesclass
Base class for all graphs proxiesclass
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graphclass
The data proxy for a 3D bars graphclass
Manipulates an axis of a graphclass
Adds a custom item to a graphclass
Adds a custom label to a graphclass
Adds a volume rendered object to a graphclass
Base proxy class for Q3DSurfaceclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBarsclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatterclass
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurfaceclass
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axisclass
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graphclass
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphsclass
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graphclass
The data proxy for a 3D surface graphclass
Basic touch display based input handlerclass
Manipulates an axis of a graphclass
Base class for value axis formattersConstructors in io.qt.graphs with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQ3DInputHandler
(QObject parent) Q3DTheme
(Q3DTheme.Theme themeType, QObject parent) protected
(QObject parent) QBar3DSeries
(QObject parent) QBar3DSeries
(QBarDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QBarDataProxy
(QObject parent) QCategory3DAxis
(QObject parent) QCustom3DItem
(QObject parent) QCustom3DItem
(String meshFile, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QImage texture, QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(String text, QFont font, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QObject parent) QCustom3DLabel
(String text, String font, QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, QObject parent) QCustom3DVolume
(QObject parent) QCustom3DVolume
(QVector3D position, QVector3D scaling, QQuaternion rotation, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, int textureDepth, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Byte> textureData, QImage.Format textureFormat, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Integer> colorTable, QObject parent) SeeQCustom3DVolume::
QCustom3DVolume(QVector3D, QVector3D, QQuaternion, int, int, int, QList<uchar>*, QImage::Format, QList<QRgb>, QObject*) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(QImage image, QObject parent) QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy
(String filename, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String valueRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, String rotationRole, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, String rotationRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String valueRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelBarDataProxy
(QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, String rotationRole, QObject parent) QItemModelScatterDataProxy
(QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String yPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String yPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String xPosRole, String yPosRole, String zPosRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QAbstractItemModel itemModel, String rowRole, String columnRole, String yPosRole, Collection<String> rowCategories, Collection<String> columnCategories, QObject parent) QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
(QObject parent) QScatter3DSeries
(QObject parent) QScatter3DSeries
(QScatterDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QScatterDataProxy
(QObject parent) QSurface3DSeries
(QObject parent) QSurface3DSeries
(QSurfaceDataProxy dataProxy, QObject parent) QSurfaceDataProxy
(QObject parent) QTouch3DInputHandler
(QObject parent) QValue3DAxis
(QObject parent) QValue3DAxisFormatter
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.gui
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocumentsclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQAccessibleBridgePlugin
Abstract base class for plugins provinding accessibility information for user interface elementsclass
Abstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsclass
Groups actions togetherfinal class
Access to the window system clipboardclass
Range checking of floating-point numbersclass
Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transferclass
Data model for the local filesystemclass
Abstract base class for pluginsclass
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsclass
Abstract base for custom QIconEngine pluginsclass
Defines an interface for writing an image format pluginclass
Describes a device from which a QInputEvent originatesfinal class
Access to the active text input methodclass
Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified rangeclass
Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReaderclass
Represents an offscreen surface in the underlying platformclass
Represents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfacefinal class
Represents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resourcesclass
Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceclass
Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint deviceclass
Describes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originateclass
Convenience class for using QPainter on a QWindowclass
Used to check a string against a regular expressionfinal class
Used to query screen propertiesfinal class
Access to the session managerclass
Used to create keyboard shortcutsclass
Generic model for storing custom datafinal class
Contains platform specific hints and settingsclass
Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user dataclass
Container for text blocks within a QTextDocumentclass
Holds formatted textclass
Represents a frame in a QTextDocumentclass
Decorated list of items in a QTextDocumentclass
Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument togetherclass
Represents a table in a QTextDocumentclass
Group of QUndoStack objectsclass
Stack of QUndoCommand objectsclass
Validation of input textclass
Represents a window in the underlying windowing systemModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QGuiApplication.focusObjectChanged
final QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QWindow.focusObjectChanged
final QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QDrag.targetChanged
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal <Handler extends QObject & QTextObjectInterface>
(int objectType, Handler component) Registers the given component as a handler for items of the given <Handler extends QObject & QTextObjectInterface>
(int objectType, Handler component) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract QObject
static QObject
final QObject
(QEventPoint point) final QObject
static QObject
final QObject
abstract QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQAction.associatedObjects()
(QEventPoint point) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
final boolean
(QEventPoint point, QObject grabber) final QTextDocument
abstract QAccessibleInterface
final QAction
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUndoGroup.createRedoAction(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withprefix = (String)null
.final QAction
(QObject parent, String prefix) final QAction
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUndoStack.createRedoAction(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withprefix = (String)null
.final QAction
(QObject parent, String prefix) final QAction
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUndoGroup.createUndoAction(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withprefix = (String)null
.final QAction
(QObject parent, String prefix) final QAction
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUndoStack.createUndoAction(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withprefix = (String)null
.final QAction
(QObject parent, String prefix) boolean
static QAccessibleInterface
(QObject arg__1) final boolean
(QEventPoint point, QObject grabber) final void
(QEventPoint point, QObject exclusiveGrabber) final void
(QObject exclusiveGrabber) static void
(QObject object) protected final void
m_target final boolean
(QObject object) ModifierConstructorDescriptionQAccessibleBridgePlugin
(QObject parent) SeeQAccessibleBridgePlugin::
QAccessibleBridgePlugin(QObject*) QAccessibleEvent
(QObject obj, QAccessible.Event typ) QAccessibleObject
(QObject object) QAccessiblePlugin
(QObject parent) QAccessibleStateChangeEvent
(QObject obj, QAccessible.State state) QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent
(QObject obj, QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent.ModelChangeType changeType) QAccessibleTextCursorEvent
(QObject obj, int cursorPos) QAccessibleTextInsertEvent
(QObject obj, int position, String text) QAccessibleTextRemoveEvent
(QObject obj, int position, String text) QAccessibleTextSelectionEvent
(QObject obj, int start, int end) QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent
(QObject obj, int position, String oldText, String text) QAccessibleValueChangeEvent
(QObject obj, Object val) Overloaded constructor forQAction(io.qt.gui.QIcon, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QObject parent) QDoubleValidator
(double bottom, double top, int decimals, QObject parent) QDoubleValidator
(QObject parent) QFileSystemModel
(QObject parent) QGenericPlugin
(QObject parent) QIconEnginePlugin
(QObject parent) QImageIOPlugin
(QObject parent) QInputDevice
(QObject parent) QInputDevice
(String name, long systemId, QInputDevice.DeviceType type, String seatName, QObject parent) QIntValidator
(int bottom, int top, QObject parent) QIntValidator
(QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQMovie(io.qt.core.QIODevice, io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QIODevice device, QByteArray format, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQMovie(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
(String fileName, QByteArray format, QObject parent) QOffscreenSurface
(QScreen screen, QObject parent) QOpenGLContext
(QObject parent) QPointingDevice
(QObject parent) QPointingDevice
(String name, long systemId, QInputDevice.DeviceType devType, QPointingDevice.PointerType pType, QInputDevice.Capabilities caps, int maxPoints, int buttonCount, String seatName, QPointingDeviceUniqueId uniqueId, QObject parent) QRegularExpressionValidator
(QRegularExpression re, QObject parent) QRegularExpressionValidator
(QObject parent) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot2) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot2, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, String member) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, String member, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, String member, String ambiguousMember) QShortcut
(QKeySequence.StandardKey key, QObject parent, String member, String ambiguousMember, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot2) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot2, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, QMetaObject.Slot0 slot, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, String member) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, String member, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, String member, String ambiguousMember) QShortcut
(QKeySequence key, QObject parent, String member, String ambiguousMember, Qt.ShortcutContext context) QStandardItemModel
(int rows, int columns, QObject parent) QStandardItemModel
(QObject parent) QSyntaxHighlighter
(QObject parent) QTextDocument
(QObject parent) QTextDocument
(String text, QObject parent) QUndoGroup
(QObject parent) QUndoStack
(QObject parent) QValidator
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.helpModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Model that supplies content to viewsfinal class
Tree view for displaying help content model itemsclass
Access to contents and indices of the help engineclass
The core functionality of the help systemclass
Filtered view of the help contentsclass
Widget that allows for creating, editing and removing filtersfinal class
Model that supplies index keywords to viewsfinal class
List view displaying the QHelpIndexModelclass
Access to widgets reusable to integrate fulltext search as well as to index and search documentationclass
Simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input maskfinal class
Text browser to display search resultsConstructors in with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQHelpEngine
(String collectionFile, QObject parent) QHelpEngineCore
(String collectionFile, QObject parent) QHelpSearchEngine
(QHelpEngineCore helpEngine, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.httpserver
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.httpserverModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
API to subclass to implement an HTTP serverfinal class
Simplified API for QAbstractHttpServer and QHttpServerRouterConstructors in io.qt.httpserver with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.internal
Fields in io.qt.internal declared as QObjectMethods in io.qt.internal with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static <PI> PI
protected static void
Constructors in io.qt.internal with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionLambdaInfo
(Class<?> ownerClass, Object owner, QObject qobject, boolean isStatic, MethodHandle methodHandle, Method reflectiveMethod, Constructor<?> reflectiveConstructor, List<Object> lambdaArgs) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.keyboard
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.keyboardModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for input methodsfinal class
An application-defined dictionary for virtual keyboard input methodsfinal class
Dictionary management for application-defined dictionariesclass
Provides access to an input contextfinal class
InputEngine class provides an input engine that supports C++ and QML integrationclass
Acts as a hub for keyboard event notificationsfinal class
List model for selection listsclass
Trace is a data model for touch input dataMethods in io.qt.keyboard that return QObjectConstructors in io.qt.keyboard with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQVirtualKeyboardInputContext
(QObject parent) SeeQVirtualKeyboardInputContext::
QVirtualKeyboardInputContext(QObject*) QVirtualKeyboardObserver
(QObject parent) SeeQVirtualKeyboardObserver::
QVirtualKeyboardObserver(QObject*) QVirtualKeyboardTrace
(QObject parent) SeeQVirtualKeyboardTrace::
QVirtualKeyboardTrace(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.location
Classes in io.qt.location with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic final class
QGeoServiceProviderFactory.Result<T extends QObject>
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.locationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoCodingManagerfinal class
Support for geocoding operationsclass
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide support for geocoding operationsclass
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoRoutingManagerfinal class
Support for geographic routing operationsclass
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing informationclass
Aggregates access to services which provide geographical informationclass
Manages a content retrieval operation started by an instance of QPlaceManagerclass
Manages a place details fetch operation started by an instance of QPlaceManagerclass
Manages operations which return an identifier such as saving and removal operations of places and categoriesfinal class
The interface which allows clients to access places stored in a particular backendclass
Interface for implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to place functionalityclass
Manages a place matching operation started by an instance of QPlaceManagerclass
Manages an operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager and serves as a base class for more specialized repliesclass
Manages a place search operation started by an instance of QPlaceManagerclass
Manages a search suggestion operation started by an instance of QPlaceManagerConstructors in io.qt.location with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(QObject parent) QGeoCodeReply
(QGeoCodeReply.Error error, String errorString, QObject parent) QGeoCodingManagerEngine
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) protected
(QGeoRouteRequest request, QObject parent) QGeoRouteReply
(QGeoRouteReply.Error error, String errorString, QObject parent) QGeoRoutingManagerEngine
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) QPlaceContentReply
(QObject parent) QPlaceDetailsReply
(QObject parent) QPlaceIdReply
(QPlaceIdReply.OperationType operationType, QObject parent) QPlaceManagerEngine
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) QPlaceMatchReply
(QObject parent) QPlaceReply
(QObject parent) QPlaceSearchReply
(QObject parent) QPlaceSearchSuggestionReply
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.multimedia
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.multimediaModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQAudioDecoder
Represents an input channel for audioclass
Represents an output channel for audioclass
Interface for sending audio data to an audio output deviceclass
Interface for receiving audio data from an audio input deviceclass
Interface for system camera devicesclass
Used for the recording of media contentclass
Allows capturing of audio and video contentclass
Information about available multimedia input and output devicesclass
Allows the playing of a media filesclass
Used for encoding and recording a capture sessionclass
This class is used for capturing a screenclass
Way to play low latency sound effectsclass
Represents a generic sink for video dataclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQWaveDecoder
This class is used for capturing a windowMethods in io.qt.multimedia that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
final QObject
Methods in io.qt.multimedia with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(QObject output) final void
(QObject arg__1) Constructors in io.qt.multimedia with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAudioDecoder
(QObject parent) SeeQAudioDecoder::
QAudioDecoder(QObject*) QAudioInput
(QObject parent) SeeQAudioInput::
QAudioInput(QObject*) QAudioInput
(QAudioDevice deviceInfo, QObject parent) SeeQAudioInput::
QAudioInput(QAudioDevice, QObject*) QAudioOutput
(QObject parent) SeeQAudioOutput::
QAudioOutput(QObject*) QAudioOutput
(QAudioDevice device, QObject parent) SeeQAudioOutput::
QAudioOutput(QAudioDevice, QObject*) QAudioSink
(QAudioDevice audioDeviceInfo, QAudioFormat format, QObject parent) QAudioSink
(QAudioFormat format, QObject parent) QAudioSource
(QAudioDevice audioDeviceInfo, QAudioFormat format, QObject parent) QAudioSource
(QAudioFormat format, QObject parent) QCamera
(QCameraDevice cameraDevice, QObject parent) QCamera
(QCameraDevice.Position position, QObject parent) QImageCapture
(QObject parent) QMediaCaptureSession
(QObject parent) QMediaDevices
(QObject parent) SeeQMediaDevices::
QMediaDevices(QObject*) QMediaPlayer
(QObject parent) QMediaRecorder
(QObject parent) QScreenCapture
(QObject parent) SeeQScreenCapture::
QScreenCapture(QObject*) QSoundEffect
(QObject parent) QSoundEffect
(QAudioDevice audioDevice, QObject parent) QVideoSink
(QObject parent) QWaveDecoder
(QIODevice device, QObject parent) SeeQWaveDecoder::
QWaveDecoder(QIODevice*, QObject*) QWaveDecoder
(QIODevice device, QAudioFormat format, QObject parent) SeeQWaveDecoder::
QWaveDecoder(QIODevice*, QAudioFormat, QObject*) QWindowCapture
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.multimedia.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.multimedia.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Graphics item which display video produced by a QMediaPlayer or QCameraclass
Widget which presents video produced by a media object -
Uses of QObject in
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.networkModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The interface for cache implementationsclass
The base functionality common to all socket typesclass
Represents a DNS lookupclass
This class provides encryption for UDP socketsclass
This class implements server-side DTLS cookie generation and verificationclass
Resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTPclass
Local socket based serverclass
Local socketclass
Allows the application to send network requests and receive repliesclass
Implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objectsclass
Very basic disk cachefinal class
Exposes various network information through native backendsclass
Contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManagerclass
Implements an encrypted, secure TCP server over TLSclass
SSL encrypted socket for both clients and serversclass
TCP-based serverclass
TCP socketclass
UDP socketMethods in that return QObjectMethods in with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(String name, QObject receiver, String member) static int
(String name, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot1<QHostInfo> slot) final void
(QObject object) Constructors in with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(QObject parent) QAbstractSocket
(QAbstractSocket.SocketType socketType, QObject parent) QDnsLookup
(QObject parent) QDnsLookup
(QDnsLookup.Type type, String name, QObject parent) QDnsLookup
(QDnsLookup.Type type, String name, QHostAddress nameserver, short port, QObject parent) QDtls
(QSslSocket.SslMode mode, QObject parent) QDtlsClientVerifier
(QObject parent) QHttpMultiPart
(QObject parent) QHttpMultiPart
(QHttpMultiPart.ContentType contentType, QObject parent) QLocalServer
(QObject parent) QLocalSocket
(QObject parent) QNetworkAccessManager
(QObject parent) QNetworkCookieJar
(QObject parent) QNetworkDiskCache
(QObject parent) protected
(QObject parent) QSslServer
(QObject parent) QSslSocket
(QObject parent) QTcpServer
(QObject parent) QTcpSocket
(QObject parent) QUdpSocket
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in
Subclasses of QObject in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base of all implementations of OAuth authentication methodsclass
The base of all implementations of OAuth 2 authentication methodsclass
Handles replies to OAuth authentication requestsclass
Implementation of the OAuth 1 Protocolclass
Implementation of the Authorization Code Grant flowclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler
Java wrapper for Qt classQOAuthOobReplyHandler
Constructors in with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAbstractOAuth2
(QObject parent) QAbstractOAuth2
(QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QAbstractOAuthReplyHandler
(QObject parent) QOAuth1
(QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth1
(String clientIdentifier, String clientSharedSecret, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(QUrl authorizationUrl, QUrl accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(QUrl authorizationUrl, String accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String clientIdentifier, QUrl authorizationUrl, QUrl accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String authorizationUrl, QUrl accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String clientIdentifier, QUrl authorizationUrl, String accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String clientIdentifier, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String clientIdentifier, String authorizationUrl, QUrl accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String authorizationUrl, String accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow
(String clientIdentifier, String authorizationUrl, String accessTokenUrl, QNetworkAccessManager manager, QObject parent) QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler
(short port, QObject parent) SeeQOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler::
QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(quint16, QObject*) QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler
(QObject parent) SeeQOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler::
QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(QObject*) QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler
(QHostAddress address, short port, QObject parent) SeeQOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler::
QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(QHostAddress, quint16, QObject*) QOAuthOobReplyHandler
(QObject parent) SeeQOAuthOobReplyHandler::
QOAuthOobReplyHandler(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.nfc
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Access to notifications for NFC eventsclass
Interface for communicating with a target device -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.opengl
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.openglModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Enables logging of OpenGL debugging messagesclass
Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiledclass
Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and usedclass
Wraps an OpenGL Vertex Array Objectclass
Convenience subclass of QWindow to perform OpenGL paintingConstructors in io.qt.opengl with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQOpenGLDebugLogger
(QObject parent) QOpenGLShader
(QOpenGLShader.ShaderType type, QObject parent) QOpenGLShaderProgram
(QObject parent) QOpenGLVertexArrayObject
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.opengl.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.opengl.widgets -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.pdf
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Holds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contentsclass
Loads a PDF document and renders pages from itclass
Holds the geometry and the destination for each link that the specified page containsclass
Navigation history within a PDF documentclass
Encapsulates the rendering of pages of a PDF documentclass
Searches for a string in a PDF document and holds the resultsModifierConstructorDescriptionQPdfBookmarkModel
(QObject parent) QPdfDocument
(QObject parent) QPdfLinkModel
(QObject parent) QPdfPageNavigator
(QObject parent) QPdfPageRenderer
(QObject parent) QPdfSearchModel
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.pdf.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.pdf.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A widget for selecting a PDF pageclass
A PDF viewer widget -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.positioning
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.positioningModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Enables the detection of proximity changes for a specified set of coordinatesclass
Abstract base class for the distribution of positional updatesclass
Abstract base class for the distribution of satellite information updatesclass
Positional information using a NMEA data sourceclass
Satellite information using an NMEA data sourceMethods in io.qt.positioning with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.areaMonitor
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) abstract QGeoAreaMonitorSource
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) static QGeoAreaMonitorSource
(QObject parent) static QGeoPositionInfoSource
(QObject parent) static QGeoPositionInfoSource
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) static QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(QObject parent) static QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) static QGeoAreaMonitorSource
(String sourceName, QObject parent) static QGeoPositionInfoSource
(String sourceName, QObject parent) static QGeoPositionInfoSource
(String sourceName, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) static QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(String sourceName, QObject parent) static QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(String sourceName, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) abstract QGeoPositionInfoSource
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.positionInfoSource
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) abstract QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory.satelliteInfoSource
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) Constructors in io.qt.positioning with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQGeoAreaMonitorSource
(QObject parent) QGeoPositionInfoSource
(QObject parent) QGeoSatelliteInfoSource
(QObject parent) SeeQGeoSatelliteInfoSource::
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource(QObject*) QNmeaPositionInfoSource
(QNmeaPositionInfoSource.UpdateMode updateMode, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.printsupport
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.printsupportModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printersclass
Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printerclass
Dialog for specifying the printer's configurationclass
Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer outputclass
Widget for previewing page layouts for printer output -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qml
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Environment for evaluating JavaScript codeclass
Convenient way to load an application from a single QML fileclass
Encapsulates a QML component definitionclass
Defines a context within a QML engineclass
Environment for instantiating QML componentsclass
Abstract base for custom QML extension pluginsclass
Evaluates JavaScript in a QML contextclass
Abstract base for custom QML extension plugins with custom type registration functionsclass
A class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loadingclass
Used to register image providers in the QML engineclass
Allows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindingsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal QObject.Signal2
<QObject, QUrl> QQmlApplicationEngine.objectCreated
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends QObject>
T<T extends QObject>
(Class<T> type, QQmlContext context) static <T extends QObject>
(String uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, String typeName, T singleton) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQtQml.ObjectCallback.apply
(QQmlEngine arg__1, QJSEngine arg__2) final QObject
(long arg__1) QQmlComponent.beginCreate
(QQmlContext arg__1) final QObject
final QObject
Overloaded function forQQmlComponent.create(io.qt.qml.QQmlContext)
withcontext = null
(QQmlContext context) protected final QObject
Overloaded function forQQmlComponent.createObject(io.qt.core.QObject, java.util.Map)
protected final QObject
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQQmlComponent.createObject(io.qt.core.QObject, java.util.Map)
withproperties = java.util.Collections.emptyNavigableMap()
.protected final QObject
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) SeeQQmlComponent::
createObject(QObject*, QVariantMap) final QObject
(Map<String, ? extends Object> initialProperties) Overloaded function forQQmlComponent.createWithInitialProperties(java.util.Map, io.qt.qml.QQmlContext)
withcontext = null
.final QObject
(Map<String, ? extends Object> initialProperties, QQmlContext context) final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
(String arg__1) static QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj) Overloaded function forQtQml.qmlAttachedPropertiesObject(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withcreate = true
.static QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj, boolean create) SeeqmlAttachedPropertiesObject(const QObject*,
bool) static QObject
(QObject arg__1) SeeqmlExtendedObject(QObject*)
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal boolean
final void
(QObject object, QMetaProperty property) SeeQQmlEngine::
captureProperty(QObject*, QMetaProperty)const final void
clear(QObject*) final boolean
(QObject arg__1, int arg__2) SeeQQmlFile::
connectDownloadProgress(QObject*, int) final boolean
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2) SeeQQmlFile::
connectDownloadProgress(QObject*, const char*) final boolean
(QObject arg__1, int arg__2) SeeQQmlFile::
connectFinished(QObject*, int) final boolean
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2) SeeQQmlFile::
connectFinished(QObject*, const char*) final boolean
(QObject dest, String slot) static QQmlContext
(QObject arg__1) abstract QNetworkAccessManager
(QObject parent) protected final QObject
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQQmlComponent.createObject(io.qt.core.QObject, java.util.Map)
withproperties = java.util.Collections.emptyNavigableMap()
.protected final QObject
(QObject parent, Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) SeeQQmlComponent::
createObject(QObject*, QVariantMap) final String
(QObject arg__1) final QJSValue
(QObject object) static QJSEngine.ObjectOwnership
(QObject arg__1) static QJSEngine
static QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj) Overloaded function forQtQml.qmlAttachedPropertiesObject(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withcreate = true
.static QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj, boolean create) SeeqmlAttachedPropertiesObject(const QObject*,
bool) static QQmlContext
(QObject arg__1) static QQmlInfo
SeeqmlDebug(const QObject*)
static QQmlInfo
SeeqmlDebug(const QObject*,
QQmlError) static QQmlInfo
(QObject me, Collection<? extends QQmlError> errors) SeeqmlDebug(const QObject*,
QList<QQmlError>) static QQmlEngine
static void
(QObject arg__1) SeeqmlExecuteDeferred(QObject*)
static QObject
(QObject arg__1) SeeqmlExtendedObject(QObject*)
static QQmlInfo
SeeqmlInfo(const QObject*)
static QQmlInfo
SeeqmlInfo(const QObject*,
QQmlError) static QQmlInfo
(QObject me, Collection<? extends QQmlError> errors) SeeqmlInfo(const QObject*,
QList<QQmlError>) static int
(QObject instance, String uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, String qmlName) Deprecated.static QQmlInfo
(QObject me) SeeqmlWarning(const QObject*)
static QQmlInfo
(QObject me, QQmlError error) SeeqmlWarning(const QObject*,
QQmlError) static QQmlInfo
(QObject me, Collection<? extends QQmlError> errors) SeeqmlWarning(const QObject*,
QList<QQmlError>) static Object
static Object
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, QQmlContext arg__3) static Object
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, QQmlEngine arg__3) final boolean
static void
(QObject arg__1, QQmlContext arg__2) final void
(QObject arg__1) final void
(String arg__1, QObject arg__2) final void
(QObject component, Map<String, ? extends Object> properties) protected void
(QObject arg__1) final void
static void
(QObject arg__1, QJSEngine.ObjectOwnership arg__2) static boolean
static boolean
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, Object arg__3, QQmlContext arg__4) static boolean
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, Object arg__3, QQmlEngine arg__4) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj) Overloaded function forQtQml.qmlAttachedPropertiesObject(java.lang.Class, io.qt.core.QObject, boolean)
withcreate = true
.static QObject
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QObject obj, boolean create) SeeqmlAttachedPropertiesObject(const QObject*,
bool) static int
(Class<? extends QObject> type, String uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, String typeName, QtQml.ObjectCallback callback) static int
(Class<? extends QObject> type, int metaObjectRevision, String uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, String qmlName, String reason) Deprecated.static int
(Class<? extends QObject> type, String uri, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, String qmlName, String reason) Deprecated.ModifierConstructorDescriptionQQmlApplicationEngine
(QUrl url, QObject parent) QQmlApplicationEngine
(QObject parent) QQmlApplicationEngine
(String filePath, QObject parent) QQmlApplicationEngine
(String uri, String typeName, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QObject parent) SeeQQmlComponent::
QQmlComponent(QObject*) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine arg__1, QUrl url, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine arg__1, QUrl url, QQmlComponent.CompilationMode mode, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine arg__1, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine arg__1, String fileName, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine arg__1, String fileName, QQmlComponent.CompilationMode mode, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine engine, String uri, String typeName, QObject parent) QQmlComponent
(QQmlEngine engine, String uri, String typeName, QQmlComponent.CompilationMode mode, QObject parent) QQmlContext
(QQmlContext parent, QObject objParent) QQmlContext
(QQmlEngine parent, QObject objParent) QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin
(QObject parent) QQmlExpression
(QQmlScriptString arg__1, QQmlContext arg__2, QObject arg__3) Overloaded constructor forQQmlExpression(io.qt.qml.QQmlScriptString, io.qt.qml.QQmlContext, io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QObject)
witharg__4 = null
(QQmlScriptString arg__1, QQmlContext arg__2, QObject arg__3, QObject arg__4) QQmlExpression
(QQmlContext arg__1, QObject arg__2, String arg__3) Overloaded constructor forQQmlExpression(io.qt.qml.QQmlContext, io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QObject)
witharg__4 = null
(QQmlContext arg__1, QObject arg__2, String arg__3, QObject arg__4) QQmlExtensionPlugin
(QObject parent) SeeQQmlExtensionPlugin::
QQmlExtensionPlugin(QObject*) QQmlFileSelector
(QQmlEngine engine, QObject parent) QQmlListProperty
(QObject o, QList<T> list) QQmlListProperty
(QObject o, QList<T> list, boolean readonly) This constructor allows you to create a read-only property from a QList.QQmlListReference
(QObject o, String property) QQmlListReference
(QObject o, String property, QQmlEngine engine) SeeQQmlListReference::
QQmlListReference(QObject*, const char*, QQmlEngine*) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1, QQmlContext arg__2) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1, QQmlEngine arg__2) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, QQmlContext arg__3) QQmlProperty
(QObject arg__1, String arg__2, QQmlEngine arg__3) QQmlPropertyMap
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.animation
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.animationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An abstract base class for Qt3D animationsclass
The base class for types providing key frame animation dataclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DAnimation::QAbstractChannelMapping
The base class for types providing animation playback capabilitiesclass
The base class for types used to construct animation blend treesclass
Performs an additive blend of two animation clips based on an additive factorclass
Provides key-frame animation capabilities to Qt 3Dclass
Specifies key frame animation dataclass
Enables loading key frame animation data from a fileclass
A controller class for animationsclass
A class grouping animations togetherclass
Component providing animation playback capabilities of a tree of blend nodesclass
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto an invocation of a callback objectclass
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the applicationclass
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the applicationclass
Component providing simple animation playback capabilitiesclass
Class used for including a clip in a blend treeclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DAnimation::QClock
A class implementing simple keyframe animation to a QTransformclass
Performs a linear interpolation of two animation clips based on a normalized factorclass
A class implementing blend-shape morphing animationclass
A class providing morph targets to blend-shape animationclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DAnimation::QSkeletonMapping
A class implementing vertex-blend morphing animationConstructors in io.qt.qt3d.animation with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAnimationAspect
(QObject parent) QAnimationController
(QObject parent) QAnimationGroup
(QObject parent) QKeyframeAnimation
(QObject parent) QMorphingAnimation
(QObject parent) QMorphTarget
(QObject parent) QVertexBlendAnimation
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.core
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.coreModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behaviorclass
A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned meshclass
Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shadersclass
Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the sceneclass
Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBufferclass
Can be used to override the bounding volume of an entityclass
Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniformsclass
Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a componentclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DCore::QCoreAspect
Holds settings related to core data handling processclass
Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behaviorclass
Encapsulates geometryclass
Encapsulates geometry detailsclass
Used to transforms parts of skinned meshesclass
The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D sceneclass
Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshesclass
Used to load a skeleton of joints from fileclass
Used to perform transforms on meshesFields in io.qt.qt3d.core with type parameters of type QObjectMethod parameters in io.qt.qt3d.core with type arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected final void
(Class<? extends QObject> type, QBackendNodeMapper functor) protected final void
(Class<? extends QObject> type) Constructors in io.qt.qt3d.core with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAbstractAspect
(QObject parent) QAspectEngine
(QObject parent) QCoreAspect
(QObject parent) SeeQt3DCore::QCoreAspect::
QCoreAspect(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.core.quick
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.core.quickModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Environment for the QAspectEngine and a method for instantiating QML componentsFields in io.qt.qt3d.core.quick with type parameters of type QObjectConstructors in io.qt.qt3d.core.quick with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.extras
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.extrasModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Basic functionality for camera controllersclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QAbstractSpriteSheet
Allows creation of a cone in 3D spaceclass
A conical meshclass
A conical meshclass
Allows creation of a cuboid in 3D spaceclass
A cuboid meshclass
A cuboid meshclass
Allows creation of a cylinder in 3D spaceclass
A cylindrical meshclass
A cylindrical meshclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QDiffuseMapMaterial
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
Default implementation of the phong lighting effectclass
Allows creation of a 3D extruded text in 3D spaceclass
A 3D extruded Text meshclass
Allows controlling the scene camera from the first person perspectiveclass
Default FrameGraph implementation of a forward rendererclass
Material that implements the Gooch shading model, popular in CAD and CAM applicationsclass
Default implementation of PBR lightingclass
Default implementation of the phong lighting effectclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QNormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
Allows controlling the scene camera along orbital pathclass
Default implementation for rendering the color properties set for each vertexclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QPhongAlphaMaterial
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial
Allows creation of a plane in 3D spaceclass
A square planar meshclass
A square planar meshclass
Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity is a convenience Qt3DCore::QEntity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D sceneclass
Allows creation of a sphere in 3D spaceclass
A spherical meshclass
A spherical meshclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QSpriteGrid
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QSpriteSheet
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::QSpriteSheetItem
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::Qt3DWindow
Allows creation of a 2D text in 3D spaceclass
Default implementation of a simple unlit texture materialclass
Allows creation of a torus in 3D spaceclass
A toroidal meshclass
A toroidal meshFields in io.qt.qt3d.extras with type parameters of type QObjectMethods in io.qt.qt3d.extras that return QObjectMethods in io.qt.qt3d.extras with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.extras.quick
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.extras.quickModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQt3DExtras::Quick::Qt3DQuickWindow
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.input
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.inputModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class for the Action Input and all Aggregate Action Inputsclass
QAbstractActionInput is the base class for all Axis Inputclass
The base class used by Qt3d to interact with arbitrary input devicesclass
Links a set of QAbstractActionInput that trigger the same eventclass
Stores Device and Buttons used to trigger an input eventclass
An axis input controlled by an analog input The axis value is controlled like a traditional analog input such as a joystickclass
Stores QAbstractAxisInputs used to trigger an input eventclass
Processes velocity or acceleration data from a QAxisclass
Stores settings for the specified list of Axisclass
An axis input controlled by buttons The axis value is controlled by buttons rather than a traditional analog input such as a joystickclass
Responsible for creating physical devices and handling associated jobsclass
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd at onceclass
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd one after the otherclass
Holds the pointer to an input event source objectclass
In charge of dispatching keyboard events to attached QQKeyboardHandler objectsclass
Provides keyboard event notificationclass
Event type send by KeyBoardHandlerclass
Allows the user to define a set of actions that they wish to use within an applicationclass
Delegates mouse events to the attached MouseHandler objectsclass
Qt3DCore::QMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse eventclass
Provides a means of being notified about mouse events when attached to a QMouseDevice instanceclass
Contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel eventFields in io.qt.qt3d.input with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QInputSettings.eventSourceChanged
Methods in io.qt.qt3d.input that return QObjectMethods in io.qt.qt3d.input with parameters of type QObjectConstructors in io.qt.qt3d.input with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.logic
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.logicModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Provides a way to have a synchronous function executed each frameclass
Responsible for handling frame synchronization jobsConstructors in io.qt.qt3d.logic with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.render
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.renderModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Encapsulate a QAbstractLight object in a Qt 3D sceneclass
An abstract base class for ray casting in 3d scenesclass
A base class to be used to provide texturesclass
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture imageclass
Enable alpha-to-coverage multisampling modeclass
Specify alpha reference testclass
Specifies the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equationclass
Encapsulates blending information: specifies how the incoming values (what's going to be drawn) are going to affect the existing values (what is already drawn)class
FrameGraph node to transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a render target to anotherclass
Exchanges buffer data between GPU and CPUclass
Defines a view point through which the scene will be renderedclass
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D sceneclass
Class to allow for selection of camera to be usedclass
Class to clear buffersclass
Enables an additional OpenGL clipping plane that can be in shaders using gl_ClipDistanceclass
Allows specifying which color components should be written to the currently bound frame bufferclass
QComponent to issue work for the compute shader on GPUclass
Specifies whether front or back face culling is enabledclass
Enables a visual overlay with scene detailsclass
Enables remapping depth values written into the depth bufferclass
Tests the fragment shader's depth value against the depth of a sample being written toclass
Encapsulate a Directional Light object in a Qt 3D sceneclass
FrameGraph node to issue work for the compute shader on GPUclass
Enable ditheringclass
Base class for effects in a Qt 3D sceneclass
Encapsulate an environment light object in a Qt 3D sceneclass
Storage for filter keys and their valuesclass
Base class of all FrameGraph configuration nodesclass
Defines front and back facing polygonsclass
Enable frustum culling for the FrameGraphclass
Encapsulates geometry renderingclass
Identifies the API required for the attached QTechniqueclass
Way of filtering which entities will be renderedclass
Controls layers drawn in a frame graph branchclass
Way of controlling the complexity of rendered entities based on their size on the screenclass
Provides a way of enabling child entities based on distance or screen sizeclass
Specifies the width of rasterized linesclass
Provides an abstract class that should be the base of all material component classes in a sceneclass
Class to emplace a memory barrierclass
A custom mesh loaderclass
Enable multisample antialiasingclass
Disable depth writeclass
When a Qt3DRender::QNoDraw node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the renderer from rendering any primitiveclass
When a Qt3DRender::QNoPicking node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the render aspect from performing picking selection for the given branchclass
Instantiates a component that can be used to interact with a QEntity by a process known as pickingclass
A QAbstractTextureImage that can be written through a QPainterclass
Provides storage for a name and value pair.class
Holds information when an object is pickedclass
Can be used to provide an alternate QGeometryView used only for pickingclass
Specifies how entity picking is handledclass
Holds information when a segment of a line is pickedclass
Holds information when a segment of a point cloud is pickedclass
Holds information when a triangle is pickedclass
Encapsulate a Point Light object in a Qt 3D sceneclass
Specifies the size of rasterized points.class
Sets the scale and steps to calculate depth values for polygon offsetsclass
Select entities which are within a distance threshold of a target entityclass
Render state allows to control the type of rasterization to be performedclass
Qt3DRender::QRayCaster is used to perform ray casting tests in 3d world coordinatesclass
Holds settings related to available rendering enginesclass
Frame graph node for render capturefinal class
Receives the result of render capture requestclass
Encapsulates a Render Passclass
Provides storage for vectors of Filter Keys and Parametersclass
Holds settings related to rendering process and host the active FrameGraphclass
An abstract base class for all render statesclass
FrameGraph node offers a way of specifying a set of QRenderState objects to be applied during the execution of a framegraph branchclass
Provides a way of specifying the render surfaceclass
Encapsulates a target (usually a frame buffer object) which the renderer can render intoclass
Allows the specification of an attachment of a render target (whether it is a color texture, a depth texture, etc...class
Provides a way of specifying a render targetclass
Provides the facility to load an existing Sceneclass
Discards fragments that fall outside of a certain rectangular portion of the screenclass
Performe ray casting test based on screen coordinatesclass
Enables seamless cubemap texture filteringclass
FrameGraphNode used to insert a fence in the graphics command streamclass
Provides a way of specifying values of a Uniform Block or a shader structureclass
Provides Image access to shader programsclass
Encapsulates a Shader Programclass
Generates a Shader Program content from loaded graphsclass
Allows to use a textureId from a separate OpenGL context in a Qt 3D sceneclass
Provides storage for the sort types to be usedclass
Encapsulate a Spot Light object in a Qt 3D sceneclass
Controls the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planesclass
Specifies stencil operationfinal class
Sets the actions to be taken when stencil and depth tests failclass
Specifies arguments for the stecil testfinal class
Specifies arguments for stencil testclass
Enables or disables entire subtrees of framegraph nodesclass
Encapsulates a Techniqueclass
A QFrameGraphNode used to select QTechniques to useclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1D target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1DArray target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2D target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DArray target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisample target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisampleArray target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a Target3D target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetBuffer target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMap target formatclass
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMapArray target formatclass
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image from an image sourceclass
Handles the texture loading and setting the texture's propertiesclass
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetRectangle target formatclass
Defines the wrap mode a Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture should apply to a textureclass
A viewport on the Qt3D Sceneclass
FrameGraphNode used to wait for a fence in the graphics command stream to become signaledFields in io.qt.qt3d.render with type parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal QObject.Signal1
<QObject> QRenderSurfaceSelector.surfaceChanged
Methods in io.qt.qt3d.render that return QObjectMethods in io.qt.qt3d.render with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(QObject surfaceObject) Constructors in io.qt.qt3d.render with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQGraphicsApiFilter
(QObject parent) QRenderAspect
(QObject parent) QRenderAspect
(QRenderAspect.SubmissionType submissionType, QObject parent) QRenderCapabilities
(QObject parent) SeeQt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities::
QRenderCapabilities(QObject*) QTextureWrapMode
(QTextureWrapMode.WrapMode wrapMode, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.render.quick.scene2d
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.qt3d.render.quick.scene2dModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class enables rendering qml into a texture, which then can be used as a part of 3D scene -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.quickModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Interface for asynchronous control of QML image requestsclass
Convenience class for integrating OpenGL rendering using a framebuffer object (FBO) with Qt Quickclass
Interface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QMLclass
Interface for asynchronous image loading in QQuickAsyncImageProviderclass
The most basic of all visual items in Qt Quickfinal class
Contains the result from QQuickItem::grabToImage()class
Way to use the QPainter API in the QML Scene Graphclass
Mechanism for rendering the Qt Quick scenegraph onto an offscreen render target in a fully application-controlled mannerclass
Access to the QTextDocument of QQuickTextEditclass
Interface for loading custom textures from QMLclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQQuickTransform
Window for displaying a Qt Quick user interfaceclass
The window for displaying a graphical QML sceneclass
Serves as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures, such as content that is rendered to FBO'sclass
The base class for textures used in the scene graphclass
Encapsulates texture based entities in QMLMethods in io.qt.quick that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
Methods in io.qt.quick with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(QObject mask) final void
(QUrl url, QQmlComponent component, QObject item) SeeQQuickView::
setContent(QUrl, QQmlComponent*, QObject*) final void
(String url, QQmlComponent component, QObject item) Overloaded function forQQuickView.setContent(io.qt.core.QUrl, io.qt.qml.QQmlComponent, io.qt.core.QObject)
.Constructors in io.qt.quick with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQQuickRenderControl
(QObject parent) QQuickTransform
(QObject parent) SeeQQuickTransform::
QQuickTransform(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick.controls
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.quick.controlsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Way to propagate attached propertiesConstructors in io.qt.quick.controls with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescription -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick.internal
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.quick.internalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Java wrapper for Qt classQQuickCloseEvent
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick.test
Methods in io.qt.quick.test with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(String [] argv, String name, String sourceDir, QObject setup) Seequick_test_main_with_setup(int,
char**, const char*, const char*, QObject*) static int
(String[] args, String name, QObject setup) static int
(String[] args, String name, String sourceDir, QObject setup) Method parameters in io.qt.quick.test with type arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(String[] args, String name, Class<? extends QObject> setupType) static int
(String[] args, String name, String sourceDir, Class<? extends QObject> setupType) static int
(String[] args, String name, String sourceDir, Supplier<QObject> setupSupplier) static int
(String[] args, String name, Supplier<QObject> setupSupplier) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.quick.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget for displaying a Qt Quick user interfaceMethods in io.qt.quick.widgets with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(QUrl url, QQmlComponent component, QObject item) SeeQQuickWidget::
setContent(QUrl, QQmlComponent*, QObject*) final void
(String url, QQmlComponent component, QObject item) Overloaded function forQQuickWidget.setContent(io.qt.core.QUrl, io.qt.qml.QQmlComponent, io.qt.core.QObject)
. -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.quick3d
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.quick3dModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base class for defining custom geometryclass
Base class for defining instance tablesclass
Base class of all 3D nodes and resourcesclass
Base class for defining custom texture data -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.remoteobjects
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.remoteobjectsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Serves as a convenience class for Replicas of Sources based on QAbstractItemModelclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQConnectionAbstractServer
A class which provides the methods for setting PROP values of a replica to value they had the last time the replica was usedfinal class
A dynamically instantiated Replicaclass
A (Host) Node on a Qt Remote Objects networkclass
Base functionality common to Host and RegistryHost classesclass
A node on a Qt Remote Objects networkclass
Provides a QObject-based API for watching a QRemoteObjectPendingCallfinal class
A class holding information about Source objects available on the Qt Remote Objects networkclass
A (Host/Registry) node on a Qt Remote Objects networkclass
A class interacting with (but not implementing) a Qt API on the Remote Object networkclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQRemoteObjectSettingsStore
Java wrapper for Qt classQtROClientIoDevice
Java wrapper for Qt classQtROIoDeviceBase
Java wrapper for Qt classQtROServerIoDevice
Methods in io.qt.remoteobjects with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal boolean
(QObject remoteObject) final boolean
(QObject object) Overloaded function forQRemoteObjectHostBase.enableRemoting(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withname = (String)null
.final boolean
(QObject object, String name) Method parameters in io.qt.remoteobjects with type arguments of type QObjectConstructors in io.qt.remoteobjects with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQConnectionAbstractServer
(QObject parent) SeeQConnectionAbstractServer::
QConnectionAbstractServer(QObject*) QRemoteObjectHost
(QUrl address, QUrl registryAddress, QRemoteObjectHostBase.AllowedSchemas allowedSchemas, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectHost
(QUrl address, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectHost
(QUrl address, String registryAddress, QRemoteObjectHostBase.AllowedSchemas allowedSchemas, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectHost
(QObject parent) QRemoteObjectHost
(String address, QUrl registryAddress, QRemoteObjectHostBase.AllowedSchemas allowedSchemas, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectHost
(String address, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQRemoteObjectHost(io.qt.core.QUrl, io.qt.core.QObject)
(String address, String registryAddress, QRemoteObjectHostBase.AllowedSchemas allowedSchemas, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectNode
(QUrl registryAddress, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectNode
(QObject parent) QRemoteObjectNode
(String registryAddress, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQRemoteObjectNode(io.qt.core.QUrl, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QRemoteObjectPendingCall call, QObject parent) SeeQRemoteObjectPendingCallWatcher::
QRemoteObjectPendingCallWatcher(QRemoteObjectPendingCall, QObject*) QRemoteObjectRegistryHost
(QUrl registryAddress, QObject parent) QRemoteObjectRegistryHost
(String registryAddress, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQRemoteObjectRegistryHost(io.qt.core.QUrl, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QObject parent) SeeQRemoteObjectSettingsStore::
QRemoteObjectSettingsStore(QObject*) QtROClientIoDevice
(QObject parent) SeeQtROClientIoDevice::
QtROClientIoDevice(QObject*) QtROIoDeviceBase
(QObject parent) SeeQtROIoDeviceBase::
QtROIoDeviceBase(QObject*) QtROServerIoDevice
(QObject parent) SeeQtROServerIoDevice::
QtROServerIoDevice(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.scxml
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.scxmlModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
C++ data model for a Qt SCXML state machineclass
The data model base class for a Qt SCXML state machineclass
Creates SCXML service instances from documents loaded at runtimeclass
The base class for services called from state machinesclass
Creates invokable service instancesclass
The null data model for a Qt SCXML stateMachineclass
Interface to the state machines created from SCXML filesclass
Creates SCXML service instances from precompiled documentsMethods in io.qt.scxml with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQScxmlStateMachine.connectToEvent
(String scxmlStateName, QObject object, String member, Qt.ConnectionType... type) QScxmlStateMachine.connectToState
(String scxmlStateName, QObject object, String member, Qt.ConnectionType... type) static QMetaObject.Slot1
<Boolean> static QMetaObject.Slot1
<Boolean> Constructors in io.qt.scxml with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQScxmlCppDataModel
(QObject parent) QScxmlDataModel
(QObject parent) QScxmlDynamicScxmlServiceFactory
(QScxmlExecutableContent.InvokeInfo invokeInfo, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Integer> names, Collection<? extends QScxmlExecutableContent.ParameterInfo> parameters, QObject parent) QScxmlInvokableServiceFactory
(QScxmlExecutableContent.InvokeInfo invokeInfo, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Integer> names, Collection<? extends QScxmlExecutableContent.ParameterInfo> parameters, QObject parent) SeeQScxmlInvokableServiceFactory::
QScxmlInvokableServiceFactory(QScxmlExecutableContent::InvokeInfo, QList<QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId>, QList<QScxmlExecutableContent::ParameterInfo>, QObject*) QScxmlNullDataModel
(QObject parent) protected
(QMetaObject metaObject, QObject parent) SeeQScxmlStateMachine::
QScxmlStateMachine(const QMetaObject*, QObject*) QScxmlStaticScxmlServiceFactory
(QMetaObject metaObject, QScxmlExecutableContent.InvokeInfo invokeInfo, Collection<@QtPrimitiveType Integer> nameList, Collection<? extends QScxmlExecutableContent.ParameterInfo> parameters, QObject parent) SeeQScxmlStaticScxmlServiceFactory::
QScxmlStaticScxmlServiceFactory(const QMetaObject*, QScxmlExecutableContent::InvokeInfo, QList<QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId>, QList<QScxmlExecutableContent::ParameterInfo>, QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.sensors
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.sensorsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axesclass
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Holds readings of the ambient temperatureclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents one reading from a compassclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensorclass
Holds readings from the humidity sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQIRProximityReading
Java wrapper for Qt classQIRProximitySensor
Java wrapper for Qt classQLidReading
Java wrapper for Qt classQLidSensor
Represents one reading from the light sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents one reading from the magnetometerclass
Represents one reading from the orientation sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Holds readings from the pressure sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents one reading from the proximity sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents one reading from the rotation sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorclass
Represents a single hardware sensorclass
Sensor implementationclass
Holds the readings from the sensorclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQTapReading
Java wrapper for Qt classQTapSensor
Holds readings from the tilt sensorclass
Convenience wrapper around QSensorConstructors in io.qt.sensors with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAccelerometer
(QObject parent) QAccelerometerReading
(QObject parent) SeeQAccelerometerReading::
QAccelerometerReading(QObject*) QAmbientLightReading
(QObject parent) SeeQAmbientLightReading::
QAmbientLightReading(QObject*) QAmbientLightSensor
(QObject parent) QAmbientTemperatureReading
(QObject parent) SeeQAmbientTemperatureReading::
QAmbientTemperatureReading(QObject*) QAmbientTemperatureSensor
(QObject parent) QCompassReading
(QObject parent) SeeQCompassReading::
QCompassReading(QObject*) QGyroscope
(QObject parent) QGyroscopeReading
(QObject parent) SeeQGyroscopeReading::
QGyroscopeReading(QObject*) QHumidityReading
(QObject parent) SeeQHumidityReading::
QHumidityReading(QObject*) QHumiditySensor
(QObject parent) QIRProximityReading
(QObject parent) SeeQIRProximityReading::
QIRProximityReading(QObject*) QIRProximitySensor
(QObject parent) SeeQIRProximitySensor::
QIRProximitySensor(QObject*) QLidReading
(QObject parent) SeeQLidReading::
QLidReading(QObject*) QLidSensor
(QObject parent) SeeQLidSensor::
QLidSensor(QObject*) QLightReading
(QObject parent) SeeQLightReading::
QLightReading(QObject*) QLightSensor
(QObject parent) QMagnetometer
(QObject parent) QMagnetometerReading
(QObject parent) SeeQMagnetometerReading::
QMagnetometerReading(QObject*) QOrientationReading
(QObject parent) SeeQOrientationReading::
QOrientationReading(QObject*) QOrientationSensor
(QObject parent) QPressureReading
(QObject parent) SeeQPressureReading::
QPressureReading(QObject*) QPressureSensor
(QObject parent) QProximityReading
(QObject parent) SeeQProximityReading::
QProximityReading(QObject*) QProximitySensor
(QObject parent) QRotationReading
(QObject parent) SeeQRotationReading::
QRotationReading(QObject*) QRotationSensor
(QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQSensor(io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QByteArray type, QObject parent) QSensorBackend
(QSensor sensor, QObject parent) SeeQSensorBackend::
QSensorBackend(QSensor*, QObject*) protected
(QObject parent) SeeQSensorReading::
QSensorReading(QObject*, QSensorReadingPrivate*) QTapReading
(QObject parent) SeeQTapReading::
QTapReading(QObject*) QTapSensor
(QObject parent) SeeQTapSensor::
QTapSensor(QObject*) QTiltReading
(QObject parent) SeeQTiltReading::
QTiltReading(QObject*) QTiltSensor
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.serialbus
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.serialbusModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Handles registration and creation of bus pluginsclass
The interface class for CAN busclass
The interface to send Modbus requestsclass
The base class for Modbus classes, QModbusServer and QModbusClientclass
Contains the data for a request sent with a QModbusClient derived classclass
Represents a Modbus client that uses a serial bus for its communication with the Modbus serverclass
Represents a Modbus server that uses a serial port for its communication with the Modbus clientclass
The interface to receive and process Modbus requestsclass
The interface class for Modbus TCP client deviceclass
Represents a Modbus server that uses a TCP server for its communication with the Modbus clientConstructors in io.qt.serialbus with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQCanBusDevice
(QObject parent) QModbusClient
(QObject parent) QModbusDevice
(QObject parent) QModbusReply
(QModbusReply.ReplyType type, int serverAddress, QObject parent) QModbusRtuSerialClient
(QObject parent) QModbusRtuSerialServer
(QObject parent) QModbusServer
(QObject parent) QModbusTcpClient
(QObject parent) QModbusTcpServer
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.serialport
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.serialportConstructors in io.qt.serialport with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQSerialPort
(QObject parent) QSerialPort
(QSerialPortInfo info, QObject parent) QSerialPort
(String name, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.spatialaudio
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.spatialaudioModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A stereo overlay soundclass
Manages a three dimensional sound fieldclass
Defines the position and orientation of the person listening to a sound field defined by QAudioEngineclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQAudioRoom
A sound object in 3D spaceConstructors in io.qt.spatialaudio with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAudioEngine
(int sampleRate, QObject parent) QAudioEngine
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.sql
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databasesclass
Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver pluginsclass
Read-only data model for SQL result setsclass
The QSqlRelationalDelegate class provides a delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel.class
Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key supportclass
Editable data model for a single database tableModifierConstructorDescriptionQSqlDriver
(QObject parent) QSqlDriverPlugin
(QObject parent) QSqlQueryModel
(QObject parent) QSqlRelationalDelegate
(QObject parent) QSqlRelationalTableModel
(QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQSqlRelationalTableModel(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase)
withdb = new io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase()
(QObject parent, QSqlDatabase db) QSqlTableModel
(QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQSqlTableModel(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase)
withdb = new io.qt.sql.QSqlDatabase()
(QObject parent, QSqlDatabase db) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.statemachine
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.statemachineModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The base class of states of a QStateMachineclass
The base class of transitions between QAbstractState objectsclass
QObject-specific transition for Qt eventsclass
Final stateclass
Means of returning to a previously active substateclass
Transition for key eventsclass
Transition for mouse eventsclass
Transition based on a Qt signalclass
General-purpose state for QStateMachineclass
Hierarchical finite state machineMethods in io.qt.statemachine that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QObject
final QObject
final QObject
final QObject
Methods in io.qt.statemachine that return types with arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQEventTransition.bindableEventSource()
Methods in io.qt.statemachine with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QSignalTransition
(QObject sender, String signal, QAbstractState target) final void
(QObject object, String name, Object value) boolean
(QObject watched, QEvent event) final void
(QObject object) final void
(QObject sender) Constructors in io.qt.statemachine with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQEventTransition
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type) Overloaded constructor forQEventTransition(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QEvent.Type, io.qt.statemachine.QState)
withsourceState = null
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type, QState sourceState) QKeyEventTransition
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type, int key) Overloaded constructor forQKeyEventTransition(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QEvent.Type, int, io.qt.statemachine.QState)
withsourceState = null
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type, int key, QState sourceState) QMouseEventTransition
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type, Qt.MouseButton button) Overloaded constructor forQMouseEventTransition(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.core.QEvent.Type, io.qt.core.Qt.MouseButton, io.qt.statemachine.QState)
withsourceState = null
(QObject object, QEvent.Type type, Qt.MouseButton button, QState sourceState) QSignalTransition
(QObject sender, String signal) Overloaded constructor forQSignalTransition(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String, io.qt.statemachine.QState)
withsourceState = null
(QObject sender, String signal, QState sourceState) QStateMachine
(QObject parent) QStateMachine
(QState.ChildMode childMode, QObject parent) SignalEvent
(QObject sender, int signalIndex, Collection<? extends Object> arguments) SeeQStateMachine::SignalEvent::
SignalEvent(QObject*, int, QList<QVariant>) WrappedEvent
(QObject object, QEvent event) SeeQStateMachine::WrappedEvent::
WrappedEvent(QObject*, QEvent*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.svg
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devicesModifierConstructorDescriptionQSvgRenderer
(byte [] contents, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQSvgRenderer(io.qt.core.QByteArray, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QByteArray contents, QObject parent) QSvgRenderer
(QObject parent) QSvgRenderer
(QXmlStreamReader contents, QObject parent) QSvgRenderer
(String filename, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.test
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.testModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Helps testing QAbstractItemModel subclassesclass
Enables introspection of signal emissionclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQTestEventLoop
Methods in io.qt.test that return QObjectMethods in io.qt.test with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
static int
(QObject testObject, Collection<String> arguments) static int
static void
qInit(QObject*, int, char**) static boolean
(QObject o, int timestamp, int k, Qt.KeyboardModifiers mods) static boolean
(QObject o, int timestamp, int k, Qt.KeyboardModifiers mods, String text) static boolean
(QObject o, int timestamp, int k, Qt.KeyboardModifiers mods, String text, boolean autorep) Overloaded function forQTest.qt_sendShortcutOverrideEvent(io.qt.core.QObject, int, int, io.qt.core.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, java.lang.String, boolean, short)
withcount = 1
.static boolean
(QObject o, int timestamp, int k, Qt.KeyboardModifiers mods, String text, boolean autorep, short count) Seeqt_sendShortcutOverrideEvent(QObject*,
ulong, int, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, QString, bool, ushort) Constructors in io.qt.test with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAbstractItemModelTester
(QAbstractItemModel model, QObject parent) QAbstractItemModelTester
(QAbstractItemModel model, QAbstractItemModelTester.FailureReportingMode mode, QObject parent) QSignalSpy
(QObject obj, QMetaMethod signal) QSignalSpy
(QObject obj, String aSignal) QTestEventLoop
(QObject parent) SeeQTestEventLoop::
QTestEventLoop(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.texttospeech
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.texttospeechModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Convenient access to text-to-speech enginesclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQTextToSpeechEngine
Methods in io.qt.texttospeech with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQTextToSpeechPlugin.createTextToSpeechEngine
(Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters, QObject parent) SeeQTextToSpeechPlugin::
createTextToSpeechEngine(QVariantMap, QObject*, QString*)const final void
(String text, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot1<QAudioBuffer> func) final void
(String text, QObject context, QMetaObject.Slot2<QAudioFormat, QByteArray> func) Constructors in io.qt.texttospeech with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQTextToSpeech
(QObject parent) QTextToSpeech
(String engine, QObject parent) QTextToSpeechEngine
(QObject parent) SeeQTextToSpeechEngine::
QTextToSpeechEngine(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.webchannel
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.webchannelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exposes QObjects to remote HTML clientsclass
Communication channel between the C++ QWebChannel server and a HTML/JS clientMethods in io.qt.webchannel that return types with arguments of type QObjectMethods in io.qt.webchannel with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(QObject object) final void
(String id, QObject object) Method parameters in io.qt.webchannel with type arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
(Map<String, ? extends QObject> objects) Constructors in io.qt.webchannel with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQWebChannel
(QObject parent) QWebChannelAbstractTransport
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.webchannelquick
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.webchannelquickMethods in io.qt.webchannelquick that return types with arguments of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QQmlListProperty
<QObject> QQmlWebChannel.registeredObjects()
registeredObjects() final QQmlListProperty
<QObject> QQmlWebChannel.transports()
transports() Methods in io.qt.webchannelquick with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
connectTo(QObject*) final void
(QObject transport) SeeQQmlWebChannel::
disconnectFrom(QObject*) Constructors in io.qt.webchannelquick with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQQmlWebChannel
(QObject parent) SeeQQmlWebChannel::
QQmlWebChannel(QObject*) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.core
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.coreModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Request for populating or extending a context menu with actionsfinal class
Access to Chromium's cookiesfinal class
Information about a downloadfinal class
Represents the history of a web engine pagefinal class
A data model that represents the history of a web engine pagefinal class
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::navigationRequested signalfinal class
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::newWindowRequested() signalfinal class
Encapsulates the data of an HTML5 web notificationclass
Object to view and edit web documentsclass
Web engine profile shared by multiple pagesclass
Abstract base class for URL interceptionfinal class
Represents a custom URL requestclass
Base class for handling custom URL schemesConstructors in io.qt.webengine.core with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQWebEnginePage
(QObject parent) QWebEnginePage
(QWebEngineProfile profile, QObject parent) QWebEngineProfile
(QObject parent) QWebEngineProfile
(String name, QObject parent) QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.quick
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.quickModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Web engine profile shared by multiple pagesMethods in io.qt.webengine.quick with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic QWebEngineScriptCollection
(QObject quickWebEngineScriptCollection) Allows accessing the QWebEngineScriptCollection inside of a QQuickWebEngineScriptCollection (internal type).static QWebEngineSettings
(QObject quickWebEngineSettings) Allows accessing the QWebEngineSettings inside of a QQuickWebEngineSettings (internal type).Constructors in io.qt.webengine.quick with parameters of type QObject -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.webengine.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget that is used to view and edit web documents -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.websockets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.websocketsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base for custom 32-bit mask generatorsclass
Implements a TCP socket that talks the WebSocket protocolclass
Implements a WebSocket-based serverConstructors in io.qt.websockets with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQMaskGenerator
(QObject parent) QWebSocket
(String origin, QWebSocketProtocol.Version version, QObject parent) Creates a new QWebSocket with the given origin, the version of the protocol to use and parentQWebSocketServer
(String serverName, QWebSocketServer.SslMode secureMode, QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.widgets
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.widgetsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttonsclass
Used to display and edit data items from a modelclass
The basic functionality for item view classesclass
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll barsclass
Integer value within a rangeclass
Spinbox and a line edit to display valuesclass
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsclass
Lines up child widgets horizontally or verticallyclass
Container to organize groups of button widgetsclass
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a dateclass
Checkbox with a text labelclass
Dialog widget for specifying colorsclass
Model/view implementation of a column viewclass
Combined button and popup listclass
Vista style command link buttonclass
Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUIclass
Completions based on an item modelclass
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgetsclass
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetclass
Widget for editing dates and timesclass
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)class
The base class of dialog windowsclass
Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget styleclass
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktopclass
Spin box widget that takes doublesclass
Error message display dialogclass
Dialog that allow users to select files or directoriesclass
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable areaclass
Combobox that lets the user select a font familyclass
Dialog widget for selecting a fontclass
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labelsclass
The base class of widgets that can have a frameclass
Represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user inputfinal class
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayoutclass
Blur effectclass
Colorize effectclass
Drop shadow effectclass
The base class for all graphics effectsclass
Java wrapper for Qt classQGraphicsItemAnimation
Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and propertiesclass
Opacity effectclass
Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsSceneclass
Rotation transformation around a given axisclass
Scale transformationclass
Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical itemsclass
Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted textclass
Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItemsclass
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsSceneclass
The base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsSceneclass
Lays out widgets in a gridclass
Group box frame with a titleclass
Lines up widgets horizontallyclass
Header row or header column for item viewsclass
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the userclass
Display and editing facilities for data items from a modelclass
Allows to input a QKeySequenceclass
Text or image displayclass
The base class of geometry managersclass
Displays a number with LCD-like digitsclass
One-line text editorclass
List or icon view onto a modelclass
Item-based list widgetclass
Main application windowclass
Area in which MDI windows are displayedclass
Subwindow class for QMdiAreaclass
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menusclass
Horizontal menu barclass
Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answerclass
Describes a panning gesture made by the userclass
Describes a pinch gesture made by the userclass
Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocumentclass
Widget that is used to edit and display plain textclass
Horizontal or vertical progress barclass
Feedback on the progress of a slow operationclass
Convenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elementsclass
Command buttonclass
Radio button with a text labelclass
Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundaryclass
Scrolling view onto another widgetclass
Vertical or horizontal scroll barfinal class
Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics itemclass
Resize handle for resizing top-level windowsclass
Vertical or horizontal sliderclass
Spin box widgetclass
Splash screen that can be shown during application startupclass
Implements a splitter widgetclass
Handle functionality for the splitterclass
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a timeclass
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a timeclass
Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status informationclass
Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUIclass
Display and editing facilities for data items from a modelclass
Abstract base for custom QStyle pluginsclass
Describes a swipe gesture made by the userclass
Icon for an application in the system trayclass
Tab bar, e.g.class
Default model/view implementation of a table viewclass
Item-based table view with a default modelclass
Stack of tabbed widgetsclass
Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the userclass
Describes a tap gesture made by the userclass
Rich text browser with hypertext navigationclass
Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich textclass
Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetclass
Movable panel that contains a set of controlsclass
Column of tabbed widget itemsclass
Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBarclass
Default model/view implementation of a tree viewclass
Tree view that uses a predefined tree modelclass
Displays the contents of a QUndoStackclass
Lines up widgets verticallyclass
The base class of all user interface objectsclass
Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbarsclass
Framework for wizardsclass
The base class for wizard pagesMethods in io.qt.widgets that return QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected final QObject
final QObject
The object being styledfinal QObject
Methods in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic QAction
(QObject parent) protected void
(QObject editor) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject watched, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject o, QEvent e) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject watched, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) boolean
(QObject object, QEvent event) boolean
(QObject arg__1, QEvent arg__2) static Qt.GestureType
(QObject target) static Qt.GestureType
(QObject target) Overloaded function forQScroller.grabGesture(io.qt.core.QObject, io.qt.widgets.QScroller.ScrollerGestureType)
withgestureType = io.qt.widgets.QScroller.ScrollerGestureType.TouchGesture
.static Qt.GestureType
(QObject target, QScroller.ScrollerGestureType gestureType) static boolean
(QObject target) boolean
final void
final void
final void
final void
abstract QGestureRecognizer.Result
static QScroller
final void
(QObject styleObject) The object being styledstatic void
(QObject target) Constructors in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QObjectModifierConstructorDescriptionQAbstractItemDelegate
(QObject parent) QButtonGroup
(QObject parent) QCompleter
(QAbstractItemModel model, QObject parent) QCompleter
(QObject parent) QCompleter
(Collection<String> completions, QObject parent) QDataWidgetMapper
(QObject parent) QGraphicsBlurEffect
(QObject parent) QGraphicsColorizeEffect
(QObject parent) QGraphicsDropShadowEffect
(QObject parent) QGraphicsEffect
(QObject parent) QGraphicsItemAnimation
(QObject parent) SeeQGraphicsItemAnimation::
QGraphicsItemAnimation(QObject*) QGraphicsOpacityEffect
(QObject parent) QGraphicsRotation
(QObject parent) QGraphicsScale
(QObject parent) QGraphicsScene
(double x, double y, double width, double height, QObject parent) QGraphicsScene
(QRectF sceneRect, QObject parent) QGraphicsScene
(QRect sceneRect, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQGraphicsScene(io.qt.core.QRectF, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QObject parent) QGraphicsTransform
(QObject parent) QItemDelegate
(QObject parent) QPanGesture
(QObject parent) SeeQPanGesture::
QPanGesture(QObject*) QPinchGesture
(QObject parent) SeeQPinchGesture::
QPinchGesture(QObject*) QStyledItemDelegate
(QObject parent) QStylePlugin
(QObject parent) QSwipeGesture
(QObject parent) SeeQSwipeGesture::
QSwipeGesture(QObject*) QSystemTrayIcon
(QObject parent) QSystemTrayIcon
(QIcon icon, QObject parent) QSystemTrayIcon
(QPixmap icon, QObject parent) Overloaded constructor forQSystemTrayIcon(io.qt.gui.QIcon, io.qt.core.QObject)
(QObject parent) SeeQTapAndHoldGesture::
QTapAndHoldGesture(QObject*) QTapGesture
(QObject parent) SeeQTapGesture::
QTapGesture(QObject*) QWidgetAction
(QObject parent) -
Uses of QObject in io.qt.widgets.svg
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.widgets.svgModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG filesclass
Widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files -
Uses of QObject in
Subclasses of QObject in io.qt.widgets.toolsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in plugin pathsMethods in with parameters of type QObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QAction
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUiLoader.createAction(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withname = (String)null
(QObject parent, String name) final QActionGroup
(QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUiLoader.createActionGroup(io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withname = (String)null
(QObject parent, String name) final QLayout
(String className, QObject parent) Overloaded function forQUiLoader.createLayout(java.lang.String, io.qt.core.QObject, java.lang.String)
withname = (String)null
(String className, QObject parent, String name) Constructors in with parameters of type QObject