Uses of Package
Packages that use io.qt.core
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qtClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt enum
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIODeviceBase::OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.Signal emitted when aQtObjectInterface
is being disposed.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.The base class of all Qt objectsUnicode character stringPlatform-independent way to manage threadsContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.activexClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Meta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public signals with four parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.A handle to slot with four parameters.A handle to slot with five parameters.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes five parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::ConnectionType
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.bluetoothClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceOutput stream for debugging informationThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is opened
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIODeviceBase::OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Java wrapper for Qt classQMultiHash
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.chartsClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesDate and time functionsEasing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt classQHash
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Defines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BrushStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
type for enumQt.Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenStyle
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.concurrentClassDescriptionRepresents the result of an asynchronous computationJava wrapper for Qt class
Way to store computation results to be accessed by QFutureManages a collection of QThreads -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.coreClassDescriptionThe base of all animationsJava wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractAnimation::Direction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractAnimation::State
Interface to manage Qt's event queueJava wrapper for Qt classQAbstractEventDispatcher::TimerInfo
The abstract interface for item model classesJava wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemModel::CheckIndexOption
type for enumQAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasksAbstract base class for groups of animationsJava-iterable wrapper for Qt's constant iterator types:Java-iterable wrapper for Qt's iterator types:Java wrapper for Qt classQBasicMutex
Timer events for objectsJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bitsAccess Bluetooth peripheralsQBooleanBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Boolean>.QBooleanProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Boolean>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.QBooleanPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Boolean>.QBooleanPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Boolean>.Array of bytesJava wrapper for Qt enumQByteArray::Base64DecodingStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enumQByteArray::Base64Option
type for enumQByteArray.Base64Option
QByteArray::FromBase64Result class holds the result of a call to QByteArray::fromBase64EncodingJava wrapper for Qt callablestd::function<bool(char)>
Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte arrayView on an array of bytes with a read-only subset of the QByteArray APIQByteBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Byte>.QByteProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Byte>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQBytePropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Byte>.QBytePropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Byte>.Describes calendar systemsJava wrapper for Qt enumQCalendar::System
Java wrapper for Qt classQCalendar::YearMonthDay
Access the user's calendarJava wrapper for Qt enumQCalendarPermission::AccessMode
Access the camera for taking pictures or videosUsed to hold an array of CBOR elementsHolds the error condition found while parsing or validating a CBOR streamJava wrapper for Qt enumQCborError::Code
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCborKnownTags
Used to hold an associative container representable in CBORUsed by QCborValue to report a parsing errorJava wrapper for Qt enumQCborSimpleType
Simple CBOR stream decoder, operating on either a QByteArray or QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt classQCborStreamReader::StringResult<QVariant>
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCborStreamReader::StringResultCode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCborStreamReader::Type
Simple CBOR encoder operating on a one-way streamJava wrapper for Qt enumQCborTag
Encapsulates a value in CBORJava wrapper for Qt enumQCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOption
type for enumQCborValue.DiagnosticNotationOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCborValue::EncodingOption
type for enumQCborValue.EncodingOption
Result class forQCborValue.fromCbor(QByteArray)
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCborValue::Type
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::Category
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::CombiningClass
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::Decomposition
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::Direction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::JoiningType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::Script
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::SpecialCharacter
Java wrapper for Qt enumQChar::UnicodeVersion
QCharBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Character>.QCharProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Character>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQCharPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Character>.QCharPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Character>.Contains event parameters for child object eventsCompares strings according to a localized collation algorithmCan be used to speed up string collationDefines a possible command-line optionJava wrapper for Qt enumQCommandLineOption::Flag
type for enumQCommandLineOption.Flag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCommandLineParser::OptionsAfterPositionalArgumentsMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQCommandLineParser::SingleDashWordOptionMode
Access the user's contactsJava wrapper for Qt enumQContactsPermission::AccessMode
Event loop for Qt applications without UIWay to generate cryptographic hashesJava wrapper for Qt enumQCryptographicHash::Algorithm
Serialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt enumQDataStream::ByteOrder
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDataStream::FloatingPointPrecision
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDataStream::Status
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDataStream::Version
Date functionsResult class forQDate.weekNumber()
Date and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt enumQDateTime::YearRange
Marks a deadline in the futureJava wrapper for Qt enumQDeadlineTimer::ForeverConstant
Output stream for debugging informationUse this signal class to declare a local signal.Java wrapper for Qt classQDeferredDeleteEvent
Access to directory structures and their contentsJava wrapper for Qt enumQDir::Filter
type for enumQDir.Filter
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDir::SortFlag
type for enumQDir.SortFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQDirIterator::IteratorFlag
type for enumQDirIterator.IteratorFlag
QDoubleBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Double>.QDoubleProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Double>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQDoublePropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Double>.QDoublePropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Double>.Contains event parameters for dynamic property change eventsEasing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt callableQEasingCurve::EasingFunction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQEasingCurve::Type
Fast way to calculate elapsed timesJava wrapper for Qt enumQElapsedTimer::ClockType
The base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enumQEvent::Type
Means of entering and leaving an event loopJava wrapper for Qt enumQEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag
type for enumQEventLoop.ProcessEventsFlag
Java wrapper for Qt class QExceptionInterface for reading from and writing to filesResult class forQFile.moveToTrash(java.lang.String)
Interface for reading from and writing to open filesJava wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::FileError
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::FileHandleFlag
type for enumQFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::FileTime
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::MemoryMapFlag
type for enumQFileDevice.MemoryMapFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::Permission
type for enumQFileDevice.Permission
System-independent file informationQFloatBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Float>.QFloatProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Float>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQFloatPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Float>.QFloatPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Float>.Java wrapper for Qt callableQFunctionPointer
Represents the result of an asynchronous computationSimilar toConsumer
but potentially throwing exception.Similar toFunction
but potentially throwing exception.Similar toConsumer
but potentially throwing exception.Similar toFunction
but potentially throwing exception.Similar toRunnable
but potentially throwing exception.Similar toSupplier
but potentially throwing exception.Java wrapper for Qt class QFutureInterfaceJava wrapper for Qt classQFutureInterfaceBase
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFutureInterfaceBase::CancelMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFutureInterfaceBase::State
Java wrapper for Qt classQFutureWatcherBase
Specifies a function pointer's argument type and value.Specifies a function pointer's return type.Java wrapper for Qt classQHash
Java wrapper for Qt classQHashSeed
Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in yourQtSignalEmitterInterface
subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.QIntBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Integer>.QIntProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Integer>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQIntPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Integer>.QIntPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Integer>.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is openedQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIODeviceBase::OpenModeFlag
Manages information about selected items in a modelJava wrapper for Qt enumQItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag
type for enumQItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
Manages information about a range of selected items in a modelEncapsulates a JSON arrayWay to read and write JSON documentsResult class forQJsonDocument.fromJson(QByteArray)
Java wrapper for Qt enumQJsonDocument::JsonFormat
Encapsulates a JSON objectUsed to report errors during JSON parsingJava wrapper for Qt enumQJsonParseError::ParseError
Encapsulates a value in JSONJava wrapper for Qt enumQJsonValue::Type
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLibrary::LoadHint
type for enumQLibrary.LoadHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLibraryInfo::LibraryPath
Two-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQLineF::IntersectionType
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Country
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::DataSizeFormat
type for enumQLocale.DataSizeFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::FormatType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::LanguageCodeType
type for enumQLocale.LanguageCodeType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::MeasurementSystem
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::NumberOption
type for enumQLocale.NumberOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::QuotationStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Script
Access the user's locationJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocationPermission::Accuracy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocationPermission::Availability
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLockFile::LockError
Result class forQLockFile.getLockInfo()
Represents a category, or 'area' in the logging infrastructureJava wrapper for Qt callableQLoggingCategory::CategoryFilter
QLongBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Long>.QLongProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Long>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.QLongPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Long>.QLongPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Long>.Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleAdditional information about a log messageMeta-data about an enumeratorMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt enumQMetaMethod::Access
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMetaMethod::Attributes
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMetaMethod::MethodType
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype for parameterless signals.Supertype for all signals with one parameter.Supertype for all signals with two parameters.Supertype for all signals with three parameters.Supertype for all signals with four parameters.Supertype for all signals with five parameters.Supertype for all signals with six parameters.Supertype for all signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public parameterless signals.Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public signals with nine parameters.Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.Supertype for all public default signals with one parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with three parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with four parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with five parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with six parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with seven parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with eight parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype for all public default signals with nine parameters.Supertype of all slot handles.An interface for testing signal emits with one argument.An interface for testing signal emits with two arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with three arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with four arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with five arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with six arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with seven arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with eight arguments.An interface for testing signal emits with nine arguments.Enum representing meta calls.An interface for anything connectable to a signal without parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with two parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with four parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with five parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with six parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with seven parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with eight parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with nine parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.An interface for parameterless emitable signal.An interface for emitable signal with one parameter.An interface for emitable signal with two parameters.An interface for emitable signal with three parameters.An interface for emitable signal with four parameters.An interface for emitable signal with five parameters.An interface for emitable signal with six parameters.An interface for emitable signal with seven parameters.An interface for emitable signal with eight parameters.An interface for emitable signal with nine parameters.An interface to a generic signal.A generic slot handle to a method of variadic arguments.A handle to parameterless method with return value.A handle to method with onw parameter and return value.A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.A handle to method with two parameters and return value.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.A handle to method with six parameters and return value.A handle to method with seven parameters and return value.A handle to method with eight parameters and return value.A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.Interface abstraction of signals.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with nine parameters.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.A handle to slot with four parameters.A handle to slot with five parameters.A handle to slot with six parameters.A handle to slot with seven parameters.A handle to slot with eight parameters.A handle to slot with nine parameters.Meta-data about a propertyManages named types in the meta-object systemConvert value of T1 into T2Writes a value to data stream.Reads a value from data stream.Writes a value to debug stream.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown enumerator type which can be used in QFlags.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown QFlags type.Interface super type for all generic classes representing a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.This class represents a QMetaType-registered but Java-unknown value type.Java wrapper for Qt enumQMetaType::Type
Java wrapper for Qt enumQMetaType::TypeFlag
type for enumQMetaType.TypeFlag
Access the microphone for monitoring or recording soundContainer for data that records information about its MIME typeJava wrapper for Qt enumQMimeDatabase::MatchMode
Describes types of file or data, represented by a MIME type stringUsed to locate data in a data modelJava wrapper for Qt classQMultiHash
Java wrapper for Qt classQMultiMap
Access serialization between threadsConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexesThe base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes five parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes six parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes seven parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes eight parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes nine parameters.QBooleanProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Boolean>.QByteProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Byte>.QCharProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Character>.QComputedBooleanProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Boolean>.QComputedByteProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Byte>.QComputedCharProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Character>.QComputedDoubleProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Double>.QComputedFloatProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Float>.QComputedIntProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Integer>.QComputedLongProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Long>.TheQComputedProperty
class is a template class for externally computed/stored values.QComputedShortProperty is primitive-typed version of QComputedProperty<Short>.QDoubleProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Double>.QFloatProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Float>.QIntProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Integer>.QLongProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Long>.TheQProperty
class enables automatic property bindings.QShortProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Short>.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing a default value for parameter no.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing default values for parameters 1 and 2.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters and providing a default value for parameter no.Information about the operating system versionJava wrapper for Qt enumQOperatingSystemVersion::OSType
QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroupJava wrapper for Qt's class QPermissionUsed to locate data in a data modelDefines a point in the plane using integer precisionJava wrapper for Qt class QPointer.Defines a point in the plane using floating point precisionUsed to start external programs and to communicate with themJava wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::ExitStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::InputChannelMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::ProcessChannel
Java wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::ProcessChannelMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::ProcessError
Java wrapper for Qt enumQProcess::ProcessState
Holds the environment variables that can be passed to a programJava wrapper for Qt enumQProcessEnvironment::Initialization
Way to store computation results to be accessed by QFutureJava wrapper for Qt class QPropertyDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetJava wrapper for Qt class QPropertyBindingJava wrapper for Qt classQPropertyBindingError
Java wrapper for Qt enumQPropertyBindingError::Type
Java wrapper for Qt class QPropertyChangeHandlerThe QPropertyData class is a helper class for properties with automatic property bindings.Java wrapper for Qt class QPropertyNotifierJava wrapper for Qt classQPropertyObserver
Java wrapper for Qt classQPropertyObserverBase
Java wrapper for Qt classQQueue
Allows one to obtain random values from a high-quality Random Number GeneratorRead-write lockingJava wrapper for Qt enumQReadWriteLock::RecursionMode
Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionAccess serialization between threadsPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::MatchOption
type for enumQRegularExpression.MatchOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::MatchType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::PatternOption
type for enumQRegularExpression.PatternOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::WildcardConversionOption
type for enumQRegularExpression.WildcardConversionOption
The results of a matching a QRegularExpression against a stringIterator on the results of a global match of a QRegularExpression object against a stringJava wrapper for Qt enumQResource::Compression
The base class for all runnable objectsFactory for argument-less constructorsFactory for one argument taking constructorsFactory for two arguments taking constructorsFactory for 3 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 4 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 5 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 6 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 7 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 8 arguments taking constructorsFactory for 9 arguments taking constructorsJava wrapper for Qt class QScopedArrayPointer to be used inside a try-with-resource block.Java wrapper for Qt class QScopedPointer to be used inside a try-with-resource block.QScopeGuard is a class of which the sole purpose is to run the functionf
at the end of a try-with-resource block.General counting semaphoreException-safe deferral of a QSemaphore::release() callJava-iterable wrapper for Qt's constant iterator types:Java-iterable wrapper for Qt's iterator types:Java wrapper for Qt classQSet
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSettings::Format
Java wrapper for Qt callableQSettings::ReadFunc
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSettings::Scope
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSettings::Status
Java wrapper for Qt callableQSettings::WriteFunc
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSharedMemory::AccessMode
This type represents a locked data access.Java wrapper for Qt enumQSharedMemory::SharedMemoryError
QShortBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Short>.QShortProperty is primitive-typed version of QProperty<Short>.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Class was only meant for internal use, use aQProperty
and add a binding to the targetQShortPropertyBinding is primitive-typed version of QPropertyBinding<Short>.QShortPropertyData is primitive-typed version of QPropertyData<Short>.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionSupport for monitoring activity on a file descriptorJava wrapper for Qt enumQSocketNotifier::Type
Java wrapper for Qt classQStack
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStandardPaths::LocateOption
type for enumQStandardPaths.LocateOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStandardPaths::StandardLocation
Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Use this signal class to define a static signal.Struct containing a reference to a static plugin instance together with its meta dataProvides information about currently mounted storage and drivesUnicode character stringEnum entries for string comparison.Java wrapper for Qt callablestd::function<bool(QChar)>
Java wrapper for Qt enumQString::SectionFlag
type for enumQString.SectionFlag
Base class for encoding and decoding textJava wrapper for Qt enumQStringConverter::Encoding
Java wrapper for Qt classQStringConverterBase
Java wrapper for Qt enumQStringConverterBase::Flag
type for enumQStringConverterBase.Flag
Java wrapper for Qt classQStringConverterBase::State
State-based decoder for textList of stringsHolds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode stringJava wrapper for Qt enumQSysInfo::Endian
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSystemSemaphore::AccessMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQSystemSemaphore::SystemSemaphoreError
type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AnchorPoint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ApplicationAttribute
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ApplicationState
type for enumQt.ApplicationState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ArrowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Axis
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BGMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BrushStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CaseSensitivity
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CheckState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ChecksumType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ClipOperation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ColorScheme
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ConnectionType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ContextMenuPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CoordinateSystem
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Corner
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorMoveStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorShape
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DateFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DayOfWeek
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DockWidgetArea
type for enumQt.DockWidgetArea
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DockWidgetAreaSizes
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DropAction
type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Edge
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::EnterKeyType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::EventPriority
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FillRule
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FindChildOption
type for enumQt.FindChildOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureFlag
type for enumQt.GestureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::HitTestAccuracy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ImageConversionFlag
type for enumQt.ImageConversionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodHint
type for enumQt.InputMethodHint
type for enumQt.InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemFlag
type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemSelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemSelectionOperation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Key
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::LayoutDirection
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MaskMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MatchFlag
type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseButton
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseEventFlag
type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseEventSource
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::NativeGestureType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::NavigationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
type for enumQt.Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenCapStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenJoinStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PermissionStatus
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScreenOrientation
type for enumQt.ScreenOrientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScrollBarPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScrollPhase
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ShortcutContext
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SizeHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SizeMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SortOrder
type for enumQt.SplitBehaviorFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SplitBehaviorFlags
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TabFocusBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextElideMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextInteractionFlag
type for enumQt.TextInteractionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TileRule
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TimerType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TimeSpec
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ToolBarArea
type for enumQt.ToolBarArea
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ToolBarAreaSizes
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ToolButtonStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TouchPointState
type for enumQt.TouchPointState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TransformationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::UIEffect
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WhiteSpaceMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WidgetAttribute
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowFrameSection
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowModality
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowState
type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Creates a unique directory for temporary useI/O device that operates on temporary filesWay of finding Unicode text boundaries in a stringJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryReason
type for enumQTextBoundaryFinder.BoundaryReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType
Convenient interface for reading and writing textJava wrapper for Qt enumQTextStream::FieldAlignment
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextStream::NumberFlag
type for enumQTextStream.NumberFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextStream::RealNumberNotation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTextStream::Status
Java wrapper for Qt enumQtFuture::Launch
Tuple for three arguments.Tuple for four arguments.Tuple for five arguments.Tuple for six arguments.Tuple for seven arguments.Tuple for eight arguments.Tuple for nine arguments.Platform-independent way to manage threadsJava wrapper for Qt enumQThread::Priority
Manages a collection of QThreadsClock time functionsJava wrapper for Qt enumQTimeLine::Direction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTimeLine::State
Contains parameters that describe a timer eventIdentifies how a time representation relates to UTCJava wrapper for Qt enumQTimeZone::Initialization
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTimeZone::NameType
Java wrapper for Qt classQTimeZone::OffsetData
Java wrapper for Qt enumQTimeZone::TimeType
Java wrapper for Qt callableQtMessageHandler
Java wrapper for Qt enumQtMsgType
Internationalization support for text outputUniform interface over bindable properties like QProperty\<T\> and QObjectBindableProperty of any type TJava wrapper for Qt classQUntypedPropertyBinding
Java wrapper for Qt classQUntypedPropertyData
Convenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::AceProcessingOption
type for enumQUrl.AceProcessingOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::ComponentFormattingOption
type for enumQUrl.ComponentFormattingOption
Supertype interface forQUrl.UrlFormattingOption
to be joined in QFiags typeQUrl.FormattingOptions
QFlags type for joiningQUrl.UrlFormattingOption
.Java wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::ParsingMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::UrlFormattingOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::UserInputResolutionOption
type for enumQUrl.UserInputResolutionOption
Way to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's queryStores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)Java wrapper for Qt enumQUuid::StringFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUuid::Variant
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUuid::Version
Acts like a union for the most common Qt data typesDeprecated.Use QMetaType::Type instead.Base class for animationsContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segmentsJava wrapper for Qt class QWeakPointer similar toWeakReference
but also supplyingnull
when resource has been disposed.Represents a single XML attributeRepresents a vector of QXmlStreamAttributeRepresents a DTD entity declarationEntity resolver for a QXmlStreamReaderRepresents a namespace declarationRepresents a DTD notation declarationFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming APIJava wrapper for Qt enumQXmlStreamReader::Error
Java wrapper for Qt enumQXmlStreamReader::ReadElementTextBehaviour
Java wrapper for Qt enumQXmlStreamReader::TokenType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.core.internalClassDescriptionArray of bytesUsed to hold an associative container representable in CBORDate and time functions
type for enumQDir.Filter
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::FileError
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::FileHandleFlag
type for enumQFileDevice.FileHandleFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQFileDevice::MemoryMapFlag
type for enumQFileDevice.MemoryMapFlag
type for enumQFileDevice.Permission
System-independent file informationQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
A handle to method with onw parameter and return value.A handle to method with two parameters and return value.A handle to method with three parameters and return value.A handle to method with four parameters and return value.A handle to method with five parameters and return value.A handle to method with six parameters and return value.A handle to method with seven parameters and return value.A handle to method with eight parameters and return value.A handle to method with nine parameters and return value.Java wrapper for Qt classQMultiMap
The base class of all Qt objectsPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::MatchOption
type for enumQRegularExpression.MatchOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQRegularExpression::MatchType
Enum entries for string comparison.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::CaseSensitivity
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.datavisClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::Axis
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.dbusClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bytesDate functionsDate and time functionsTwo-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt class
Meta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Manages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsClock time functionsActs like a union for the most common Qt data types -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.designerClassDescriptionArray of bytesAccess to directory structures and their contentsThe base class of all event classes.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
Meta-data about an enumeratorJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.Supertype for all public signals with two parameters.Supertype for all public signals with three parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with three parameters.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.A handle to slot with four parameters.The base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::ConnectionType
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.designer.util
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.guiClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bytesView on an array of bytes with a read-only subset of the QByteArray APIEvent loop for Qt applications without UISerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsAccess to directory structures and their contentsJava wrapper for Qt enum
type for enumQDir.Filter
The base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enumQEvent::Type
Interface for reading from and writing to filesQFlags
type for enumQFileDevice.Permission
System-independent file informationJava wrapper for Qt callableQFunctionPointer
QIntBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Integer>.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIODeviceBase::OpenModeFlag
Two-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
A handle to parameterless slot.Container for data that records information about its MIME typeUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsJava-iterable wrapper for Qt's constant iterator types:Java wrapper for Qt classQSet
Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ApplicationState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Axis
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BGMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BrushStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CheckState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ClipOperation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ColorScheme
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorMoveStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorShape
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DropAction
type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Edge
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FillRule
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::HitTestAccuracy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ImageConversionFlag
type for enumQt.ImageConversionFlag
type for enumQt.InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemFlag
type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Key
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::LayoutDirection
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MaskMode
type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseEventSource
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::NativeGestureType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenCapStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenJoinStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScreenOrientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScrollPhase
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ShortcutContext
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SizeMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SortOrder
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TabFocusBehavior
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextElideMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TransformationMode
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowModality
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowState
type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Contains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.gui.nativeinterfaceClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt callable
Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines a point in the plane using integer precision -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.gui.qpaClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
List of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.helpClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Used to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionList of stringsModel that supplies strings to viewsConvenient interface for working with URLsContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.httpserverClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtEncapsulates a JSON arrayWay to read and write JSON documentsEncapsulates a JSON objectJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype of all slot handles.A handle to method with onw parameter and return value.A handle to method with two parameters and return value.A handle to slot with two parameters.A handle to slot with three parameters.Manages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.The results of a matching a QRegularExpression against a stringConvenient interface for working with URLsWay to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's query -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.insighttrackerClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsList of strings -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.internalClassDescriptionSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceOutput stream for debugging informationMeta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt class
Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.Signal emitted when aQtObjectInterface
is being disposed.Meta-data about a propertyManages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsQPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.keyboardClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Used to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.InputMethodHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Key
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Contains parameters that describe a timer event -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.locationClassDescriptionDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::MeasurementSystem
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing a default value for parameter no.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters and providing a default value for parameter no.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.multimediaClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is openedQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Meta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Manages named types in the meta-object systemDescribes types of file or data, represented by a MIME type stringThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.multimedia.widgetsClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Contains parameters that describe a timer event -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.networkClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt enum
Serialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsMarks a deadline in the futureJava wrapper for Qt enumQDeadlineTimer::ForeverConstant
Java wrapper for Qt classQHash
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is openedQFlags
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQIODeviceBase::OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.Java wrapper for Qt classQMultiMap
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::TimerType
Convenient interface for working with URLsJava wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::ComponentFormattingOption
type for enumQUrl.ComponentFormattingOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQUrl::ParsingMode
Classes in io.qt.core used by of bytesDate and time functionsJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Java wrapper for Qt classQMultiMap
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Convenient interface for working with URLsWay to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's query -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.nfcClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.openglClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.opengl.widgetsClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionQFlags
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.pdfClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Used to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes five parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.pdf.widgetsClassDescriptionDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.positioningClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bytesView on an array of bytes with a read-only subset of the QByteArray APISerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsQIntBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Integer>.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of strings -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.printsupportClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qmlClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsOutput stream for debugging informationThe base class of all event classes.Convenient way of selecting file variantsBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is openedJava wrapper for Qt class
Meta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.Meta-data about a propertyManages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Pattern matching using regular expressionsList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQtMsgType
Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.animationClassDescriptionEasing curves for controlling animationJava wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Java-iterable wrapper for Qt's constant iterator types:List of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.coreClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.core.quickClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.extrasClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.extras.quickClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.inputClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.logicClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.renderClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.qt3d.render.quick.scene2dClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quickClassDescriptionArray of bytesQDoubleBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Double>.The base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionThe base class for all runnable objectsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorShape
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
type for enumQt.InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseButton
Platform-independent way to manage threadsContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick.controlsClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objects -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick.internal
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick.nativeinterface
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick.test
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick.widgetsClassDescriptionThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Contains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.quick3dClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.remoteobjectsClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt class
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtKeeps track of a view's selected itemsJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Enum representing meta calls.Manages named types in the meta-object systemUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Java wrapper for Qt classQSet
List of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
Contains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.scxmlClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableQBooleanBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Boolean>.Array of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
An interface for anything connectable to a signal without parameters.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.An interface for parameterless emitable signal.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::ConnectionType
Fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.sensorsClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.serialbusClassDescriptionArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt class
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.List of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQSysInfo::Endian
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.serialportClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableQBooleanBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Boolean>.The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtBase class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is opened
type for enumQIODeviceBase.OpenModeFlag
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.spatialaudioClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.sqlClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create table modelsArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Manages named types in the meta-object systemUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.List of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SortOrder
Deprecated.Use QMetaType::Type instead. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.statemachineClassDescriptionThe base of all animationsJava wrapper for Qt class QBindableQBooleanBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Boolean>.Array of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum
QIntBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Integer>.Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Java wrapper for Qt classQSet
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.svgClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.testClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enum
Java wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Meta-data about a member functionJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.Manages named types in the meta-object systemThe base class of all Qt objectsDefines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::Key
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseButton
Creates a unique directory for temporary useContains parameters that describe a timer eventJava wrapper for Qt enumQtMsgType
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.texttospeechClassDescriptionSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceJava wrapper for Qt class
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.List of strings -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.uicClassDescriptionThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtMeta-data about a member functionConvenient interface for reading and writing text
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.uic.javaClassDescriptionConvenient interface for reading and writing textContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.uic.kotlinClassDescriptionConvenient interface for reading and writing textContains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.uic.ui4ClassDescriptionJava wrapper for Qt class
List of stringsFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming APIXML writer with a simple streaming API -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.webchannelClassDescriptionQBooleanBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Boolean>.Java wrapper for Qt class
QIntBindable is primitive-typed version of QBindable<Integer>.Encapsulates a JSON objectJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters. -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.webengine.coreClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list modelsArray of bytesSerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate and time functionsThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
The base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Used to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionList of stringsJava wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::LayoutDirection
Convenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.webengine.quickClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.List of strings -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.webengine.widgetsClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.websocketsClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
Java wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
The base class of all Qt objectsDeclare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.List of stringsConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.widgetsClassDescriptionThe abstract interface for item model classesBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasksArray of bytesDescribes calendar systemsContains event parameters for child object eventsEvent loop for Qt applications without UISerialization of binary data to a QIODeviceDate functionsDate and time functionsAccess to directory structures and their contentsJava wrapper for Qt enum
type for enumQDir.Filter
The base class of all event classes.Java wrapper for Qt enumQEvent::Type
System-independent file informationManages information about selected items in a modelKeeps track of a view's selected itemsJava wrapper for Qt enumQItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag
type for enumQItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
Two-dimensional vector using integer precisionTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precisionJava wrapper for Qt classQList
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languagesJava wrapper for Qt enumQLocale::Language
Java wrapper for Qt classQMap
Defines the four margins of a rectangleDefines the four margins of a rectangleJava wrapper for Qt classQMetaObject
Supertype for all public signals with one parameter.An interface for anything connectable to a signal with one parameter.Represents a handle to a signal-slot (or signal-functor) connection.A handle to parameterless slot.A handle to slot with one parameter.A handle to slot with two parameters.Java wrapper for Qt enumQMetaType::Type
Container for data that records information about its MIME typeUsed to locate data in a data modelThe base class of all Qt objectsWrapper class supporting the definition of overloaded signal in a class.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes no parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes one parameters and providing default value for the parameter.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes two parameters and providing a default value for parameter no.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes three parameters.Declare and instantiate a field of this class in your QObject subclass to declare a signal that takes four parameters.QPair keeps two generic values accessible byfirst
.Defines a point in the plane using integer precisionDefines a point in the plane using floating point precisionDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precisionDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionPattern matching using regular expressionsDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precisionUnicode character stringList of stringsQFlags
type for enumQt.AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AlignmentFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AnchorPoint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ArrowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::AspectRatioMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Axis
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::BrushStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CaseSensitivity
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CheckState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ConnectionType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ContextMenuPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CoordinateSystem
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Corner
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorMoveStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::CursorShape
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DayOfWeek
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DockWidgetArea
type for enumQt.DockWidgetArea
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::DropAction
type for enumQt.DropAction
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FillRule
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FindChildOption
type for enumQt.FindChildOption
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::FocusReason
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureFlag
type for enumQt.GestureFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GestureType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::GlobalColor
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::HitTestAccuracy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodHint
type for enumQt.InputMethodHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::InputMethodQuery
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemFlag
type for enumQt.ItemFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemSelectionMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ItemSelectionOperation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::KeyboardModifier
type for enumQt.KeyboardModifier
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::LayoutDirection
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MatchFlag
type for enumQt.MatchFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseButton
type for enumQt.MouseButton
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseEventFlag
type for enumQt.MouseEventFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::MouseEventSource
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::NavigationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::Orientation
type for enumQt.Orientation
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::PenStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScrollBarPolicy
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ScrollPhase
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ShortcutContext
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SizeHint
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::SortOrder
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextElideMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextFormat
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TextInteractionFlag
type for enumQt.TextInteractionFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TileRule
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TimeSpec
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ToolBarArea
type for enumQt.ToolBarArea
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::ToolButtonStyle
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::TransformationMode
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::UIEffect
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WidgetAttribute
type for enumQt.WindowType
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowFrameSection
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowModality
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowState
type for enumQt.WindowState
Java wrapper for Qt enumQt::WindowType
Clock time functionsTimeline for controlling animationsContains parameters that describe a timer eventConvenient interface for working with URLs -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.widgets.svgClassDescriptionArray of bytesJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsDefines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precisionDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.widgets.toolsClassDescriptionAccess to directory structures and their contentsThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtJava wrapper for Qt class
The base class of all Qt objectsList of strings -
Classes in io.qt.core used by io.qt.xmlClassDescriptionArray of bytesThe base interface class of all I/O devices in QtConvenient interface for reading and writing textFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API
and add a binding to the target