Uses of Class

Packages that use QMultiMap
  • Uses of QMultiMap in io.qt.core

    Methods in io.qt.core that return QMultiMap
    Modifier and Type
    Creates and returns a copy of this object.
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.headMap(Key toKey)
    Equivalent to headMap(toKey, false).
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.headMap(Key toKey, boolean inclusive)
    Returns a copy of the portion of this map whose keys are less than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) toKey.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing a single mapping.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing two mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing three mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing four mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing five mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing six mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing seven mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing eight mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing nine mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.of(Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9, Key k10, T t10)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing ten mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofEntries(Map.Entry<? extends Key,? extends T> entry0, Map.Entry<? extends Key,? extends T> ... entries)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given entries.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofPairs(QPair<? extends Key,? extends T> pair0, QPair<? extends Key,? extends T> ... pairs)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given pairs.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing a single mapping.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing two mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing three mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing four mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing five mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing six mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing seven mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing eight mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing nine mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9, Key k10, T t10)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing ten mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing a single mapping.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing two mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing three mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing four mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing five mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing six mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing seven mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing eight mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing nine mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTyped(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Key k1, T t1, Key k2, T t2, Key k3, T t3, Key k4, T t4, Key k5, T t5, Key k6, T t6, Key k7, T t7, Key k8, T t8, Key k9, T t9, Key k10, T t10)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing ten mappings.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTypedEntries(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, Map.Entry<? extends Key,? extends T>... entries)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given entries.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTypedEntries(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, Map.Entry<? extends Key,? extends T>... entries)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given entries.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTypedPairs(QMetaType keyType, QMetaType valueType, QPair<? extends Key,? extends T>... pairs)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given pairs.
    static <Key, T> QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.ofTypedPairs(Class<Key> keyType, Class<T> valueType, QPair<? extends Key,? extends T>... pairs)
    Returns a QMultiMap containing keys and values extracted from the given pairs.
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.subMap(Key fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, Key toKey, boolean toInclusive)
    Returns a copy of the portion of this map whose keys range from fromKey to toKey.
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.subMap(Key fromKey, Key toKey)
    Equivalent to subMap(fromKey, true, toKey, false).
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.tailMap(Key fromKey)
    Equivalent to tailMap(fromKey, true).
    final QMultiMap<Key,T>
    QMultiMap.tailMap(Key fromKey, boolean inclusive)
    Returns a copy of the portion of this map whose keys are greater than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) fromKey.
    Methods in io.qt.core with parameters of type QMultiMap
    Modifier and Type
    final void
    QMultiMap.assign(QMultiMap<Key,T> other)
    See QMultiMap::operator=(QMultiMap<Key,T>)
    final boolean
    QMultiMap.isSharedWith(QMultiMap<?,?> other)
    Returns true of both containers share the same data.
    final void
    QMultiMap.swap(QMultiMap<Key,T> other)
    See QMultiMap::swap(QMultiMap<Key,T>&)
  • Uses of QMultiMap in io.qt.core.internal

    Methods in io.qt.core.internal that return QMultiMap
    Modifier and Type
    See QFactoryLoader::keyMap()const
  • Uses of QMultiMap in

    Methods in that return QMultiMap
  • Uses of QMultiMap in

    Methods in that return QMultiMap
    Modifier and Type