Module qtjambi.sensors
Package io.qt.sensors
package io.qt.sensors
ClassDescriptionConvenience wrapper around QSensorJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccelerometer::AccelerationModeConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interface
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axesConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQAmbientLightFilter
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensorJava wrapper for Qt enum QAmbientLightReading::LightLevelConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQAmbientTemperatureFilter
Holds readings of the ambient temperatureConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQCompassFilter
Represents one reading from a compassConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQGyroscopeFilter
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQHumidityFilter
Holds readings from the humidity sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorJava wrapper for Qt class QIRProximityFilterImplementor class for interfaceQIRProximityFilter
Java wrapper for Qt class QIRProximityReadingJava wrapper for Qt class QIRProximitySensorJava wrapper for Qt class QLidFilterImplementor class for interfaceQLidFilter
Java wrapper for Qt class QLidReadingJava wrapper for Qt class QLidSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQLightFilter
Represents one reading from the light sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQMagnetometerFilter
Represents one reading from the magnetometerConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQOrientationFilter
Represents one reading from the orientation sensorJava wrapper for Qt enum QOrientationReading::OrientationConvenience wrapper around QSensorHolds the specifics of an output rangeConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQPressureFilter
Holds readings from the pressure sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQProximityFilter
Represents one reading from the proximity sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQRotationFilter
Represents one reading from the rotation sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorRepresents a single hardware sensorJava wrapper for Qt enum QSensor::AxesOrientationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QSensor::FeatureSensor implementationInstantiates instances of QSensorBackendImplementor class for interfaceQSensorBackendFactory
The pure virtual interface to sensor pluginsImplementor class for interfaceQSensorChangesInterface
Efficient callback facility for asynchronous notifications of sensor changesImplementor class for interfaceQSensorFilter
Handles registration and creation of sensor backendsThe pure virtual interface to sensor pluginsImplementor class for interfaceQSensorPluginInterface
Holds the readings from the sensorJava wrapper for Qt class QTapFilterImplementor class for interfaceQTapFilter
Java wrapper for Qt class QTapReadingJava wrapper for Qt enum QTapReading::TapDirectionJava wrapper for Qt class QTapSensorConvenience wrapper around QSensorFilterImplementor class for interfaceQTiltFilter
Holds readings from the tilt sensorConvenience wrapper around QSensor