Uses of Interface
Packages that use QPaintDevice
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.activex
Classes in io.qt.activex that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Static properties and signals for QAxWidgetclass
Selection dialog for registered COM componentsclass
QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.charts
Classes in io.qt.charts that implement QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.designer
Classes in io.qt.designer that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editorclass
Allows you to query and manipulate form windows appearing in Qt Designer's workspaceclass
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerNewFormWidgetInterfaceclass
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's object inspectorclass
Allows you to query and manipulate the current state of Qt Designer's property editorclass
Java wrapper for Qt class QDesignerResourceBrowserInterfaceclass
Allows you to control the contents of Qt Designer's widget boxclass
Java wrapper for Qt class QtJambiResourceBrowser -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.gui
Subinterfaces of QPaintDevice in io.qt.guiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Represents a paint device that supports multiple pagesClasses in io.qt.gui that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmapsclass
Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint devicestatic class
Implementor class for interfaceQPagedPaintDevice
static class
Implementor class for interfaceQPaintDevice
Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceclass
Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint deviceclass
Paint device that records and replays QPainter commandsclass
Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceclass
Convenience class for using QPainter on a QWindowMethods in io.qt.gui that return QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal QPaintDevice
final QPaintDevice
final QPaintDevice
final QPaintDevice
protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) QPaintDevice.MemberAccess.redirected
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint arg__1) Methods in io.qt.gui with parameters of type QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract boolean
(QPaintDevice pdev) final boolean
(QPaintDevice arg__1) static QPaintDevice.MemberAccess
(QPaintDevice instance) final void
(QPaintDevice device) Constructors in io.qt.gui with parameters of type QPaintDeviceModifierConstructorDescriptionQFont
(QFont font, QPaintDevice pd) QFontMetrics
(QFont font, QPaintDevice pd) QFontMetricsF
(QFont font, QPaintDevice pd) QPainter
(QPaintDevice arg__1) QTextLayout
(String text, QFont font, QPaintDevice paintdevice) -
Uses of QPaintDevice in
Classes in that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Tree view for displaying help content model itemsclass
Widget that allows for creating, editing and removing filtersfinal class
List view displaying the QHelpIndexModelclass
Simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input maskfinal class
Text browser to display search results -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.multimedia.widgets
Classes in io.qt.multimedia.widgets that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget which presents video produced by a media object -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.opengl
Classes in io.qt.opengl that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Enables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainterclass
Convenience subclass of QWindow to perform OpenGL paintingMethods in io.qt.opengl that return QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected QPaintDevice
(QPoint offset) protected QPaintDevice
(QPoint arg__1) -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.opengl.widgets
Classes in io.qt.opengl.widgets that implement QPaintDeviceMethods in io.qt.opengl.widgets that return QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.pdf.widgets
Classes in io.qt.pdf.widgets that implement QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.printsupport
Classes in io.qt.printsupport that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printersclass
Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printerclass
Dialog for specifying the printer's configurationclass
Paint device that paints on a printerclass
Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer outputclass
Widget for previewing page layouts for printer outputMethods in io.qt.printsupport that return QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.quick.widgets
Classes in io.qt.quick.widgets that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget for displaying a Qt Quick user interface -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.svg
Classes in io.qt.svg that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Paint device that is used to create SVG drawingsMethods in io.qt.svg that return QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.webengine.widgets
Classes in io.qt.webengine.widgets that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget that is used to view and edit web documents -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.widgets
Classes in io.qt.widgets that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttonsclass
The basic functionality for item view classesclass
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll barsclass
Integer value within a rangeclass
Spinbox and a line edit to display valuesclass
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a dateclass
Checkbox with a text labelclass
Dialog widget for specifying colorsclass
Model/view implementation of a column viewclass
Combined button and popup listclass
Vista style command link buttonclass
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetclass
Widget for editing dates and timesclass
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)class
The base class of dialog windowsclass
Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget styleclass
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktopclass
Spin box widget that takes doublesclass
Error message display dialogclass
Dialog that allow users to select files or directoriesclass
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable areaclass
Combobox that lets the user select a font familyclass
Dialog widget for selecting a fontclass
The base class of widgets that can have a frameclass
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsSceneclass
Group box frame with a titleclass
Header row or header column for item viewsclass
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the userclass
Allows to input a QKeySequenceclass
Text or image displayclass
Displays a number with LCD-like digitsclass
One-line text editorclass
List or icon view onto a modelclass
Item-based list widgetclass
Main application windowclass
Area in which MDI windows are displayedclass
Subwindow class for QMdiAreaclass
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menusclass
Horizontal menu barclass
Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answerclass
Widget that is used to edit and display plain textclass
Horizontal or vertical progress barclass
Feedback on the progress of a slow operationclass
Command buttonclass
Radio button with a text labelclass
Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundaryclass
Scrolling view onto another widgetclass
Vertical or horizontal scroll barclass
Resize handle for resizing top-level windowsclass
Vertical or horizontal sliderclass
Spin box widgetclass
Splash screen that can be shown during application startupclass
Implements a splitter widgetclass
Handle functionality for the splitterclass
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a timeclass
Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status informationclass
Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogsclass
Default model/view implementation of a table viewclass
Item-based table view with a default modelclass
Stack of tabbed widgetsclass
Rich text browser with hypertext navigationclass
Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich textclass
Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widgetclass
Movable panel that contains a set of controlsclass
Column of tabbed widget itemsclass
Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBarclass
Default model/view implementation of a tree viewclass
Tree view that uses a predefined tree modelclass
Displays the contents of a QUndoStackclass
The base class of all user interface objectsclass
Framework for wizardsclass
The base class for wizard pagesMethods in io.qt.widgets that return QPaintDeviceMethods in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal boolean
(QPaintDevice pd, QWidget w) final void
(QPaintDevice target) final void
(QPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset) final void
(QPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset, QRegion sourceRegion) Overloaded function forQWidget.render(io.qt.gui.QPaintDevice, io.qt.core.QPoint, io.qt.gui.QRegion, io.qt.widgets.QWidget.RenderFlags)
withrenderFlags = new io.qt.widgets.QWidget.RenderFlags(RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground, RenderFlag.DrawChildren)
.final void
(QPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset, QRegion sourceRegion, QWidget.RenderFlag... renderFlags) final void
(QPaintDevice target, QPoint targetOffset, QRegion sourceRegion, QWidget.RenderFlags renderFlags) Constructors in io.qt.widgets with parameters of type QPaintDevice -
Uses of QPaintDevice in io.qt.widgets.svg
Classes in io.qt.widgets.svg that implement QPaintDeviceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files