Uses of Package
Packages that use io.qt.gui
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.activexClassDescriptionThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterContains event parameters for resize events
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.chartsClassDescriptionDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainterColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brushContains parameters that describe a mouse eventThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesDefines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapesContains event parameters for resize events
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.datavisClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesContains event parameters for expose eventsSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt enum QImage::FormatUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brushContains parameters that describe a mouse eventCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 APIRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarContains event parameters for resize eventsAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtRepresents the format of a QSurfaceContains parameters that describe a touch eventRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceContains parameters that describe a wheel eventRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.designerClassDescriptionAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsGroups actions togetherScalable icons in different modes and statesThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterStack of QUndoCommand objects
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.designer.util
ClassDescriptionFile icons for the QFileSystemModel classJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileIconProvider::IconTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileIconProvider::OptionQFlags type for enum
Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocumentsQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layoutQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selectionJava wrapper for Qt class QAbstractUndoItemJava wrapper for Qt class QAccessible::ActivationObserverJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::EventJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::InterfaceFactoryJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::InterfaceTypeQFlags type for enumQAccessible.RelationFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::RelationFlagJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::RoleJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::RootObjectHandlerJava wrapper for Qt's class QAccessible::StateJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::TextJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::TextBoundaryTypeJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::UpdateHandlerImplements support for invocable actions in the interfaceJava wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleBridgeImplements support for objects with editable textThe base class for accessibility notificationsJava wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleHyperlinkInterfaceJava wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleImageInterfaceDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objectsImplements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjectsImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interfaceSignifies a change in a table, list, or tree where cells are added or removed.Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent::ModelChangeTypeNotifies of cursor movementsImplements support for text handlingImplements support for objects that manipulate a valueAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QAction::ActionEventJava wrapper for Qt enum QAction::MenuRoleJava wrapper for Qt enum QAction::PriorityEvent that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changedGroups actions togetherJava wrapper for Qt enum QActionGroup::ExclusionPolicyJava wrapper for Qt class QApplicationStateChangeEventMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmapsDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainterAccess to the window system clipboardJava wrapper for Qt enum QClipboard::ModeContains parameters that describe a close eventColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesJava wrapper for Qt enum QColor::NameFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum QColor::SpecColor space abstractionJava wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::NamedColorSpaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::PrimariesJava wrapper for Qt enum QColorSpace::TransferFunctionTransformation between color spacesUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brushContains parameters that describe a context menu eventJava wrapper for Qt enum QContextMenuEvent::ReasonMouse cursor with an arbitrary shapeJava wrapper for Qt enum QDoubleValidator::NotationEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedContains parameters that describe an enter eventInformation about a point in a QPointerEventJava wrapper for Qt enum QEventPoint::StateQFlags type for enumQEventPoint.State
Contains event parameters for expose eventsEvent that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URLJava wrapper for Qt enum QFileSystemModel::OptionQFlags type for enumQFileSystemModel.Option
Java wrapper for Qt enum QFileSystemModel::RolesContains event parameters for widget focus eventsSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::CapitalizationJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::HintingPreferenceJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::ResolvePropertiesJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::SpacingTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StretchJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StyleJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StyleHintJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::StyleStrategyJava wrapper for Qt enum QFont::WeightInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window systemJava wrapper for Qt enum QFontDatabase::SystemFontJava wrapper for Qt enum QFontDatabase::WritingSystemGeneral information about fontsFont metrics informationFont metrics informationDirect access to the internal glyphs in a fontJava wrapper for Qt enum QGlyphRun::GlyphRunFlagQFlags type for enumQGlyphRun.GlyphRunFlag
Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fillsJava wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::CoordinateModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::InterpolationModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::PresetJava wrapper for Qt enum QGradient::SpreadManages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsEvent that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widgetEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenContains parameters that describe a mouse eventScalable icons in different modes and statesJava wrapper for Qt enum QIcon::ModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QIcon::StateIndicates that a main icon drag has begunAbstract base class for QIcon renderersJava wrapper for Qt enum QIconEngine::IconEngineHookJava wrapper for Qt's class QIconEngine::ScaledPixmapArgumentHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt enum QImage::FormatJava wrapper for Qt enum QImage::InvertModeDefines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in QtJava wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOHandler::ImageOptionJava wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOHandler::TransformationQFlags type for enumQImageIOHandler.Transformation
QFlags type for enumQImageIOPlugin.Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enum QImageIOPlugin::CapabilityFormat independent interface for reading images from files or other devicesJava wrapper for Qt enum QImageReader::ImageReaderErrorJava wrapper for Qt enum QImageWriter::ImageWriterErrorDescribes a device from which a QInputEvent originatesQFlags type for enumQInputDevice.Capability
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputDevice::CapabilityJava wrapper for Qt enum QInputDevice::DeviceTypeQFlags type for enumQInputDevice.DeviceType
The base class for events that describe user inputAccess to the active text input methodJava wrapper for Qt enum QInputMethod::ActionParameters for input method eventsQInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attributeJava wrapper for Qt enum QInputMethodEvent::AttributeTypeEvent sent by the input context to input objectsStores a combination of a key with optional modifiersDescribes a key eventEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcutsJava wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::SequenceFormatJava wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::SequenceMatchJava wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::StandardKeyUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brushJava wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x3Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x4Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x3Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x4Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x3Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QMatrix4x4::FlagQFlags type for enumQMatrix4x4.Flag
Contains parameters that describe a mouse eventContains event parameters for move eventsJava wrapper for Qt enum QMovie::CacheModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QMovie::MovieStateContains parameters that describe a gesture eventRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLContext::OpenGLModuleTypeRepresents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resourcesCross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 APICross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 APIJava wrapper for Qt enum QOpenGLFunctions::OpenGLFeatureQFlags type for enumQOpenGLFunctions.OpenGLFeature
Represents a paint device that supports multiple pagesJava wrapper for Qt enum QPagedPaintDevice::PdfVersionDescribes the size, orientation and margins of a pageJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::ModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::OrientationJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::UnitRepresents a collection of page rangesQPageRanges::Range struct holds the from and to endpoints of a rangeDescribes the size and name of a defined page sizeJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::PageSizeIdJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::SizeMatchPolicyJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageSize::UnitThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricConvenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::DirtyFlagQFlags type for enumQPaintEngine.DirtyFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeatureQFlags type for enumQPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::PolygonDrawModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintEngine::TypeInformation about the active paint engine's current statePerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesJava wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::CompositionModeThis class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawnJava wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::PixmapFragmentHintQFlags type for enumQPainter.PixmapFragmentHint
Java wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::RenderHintQFlags type for enumQPainter.RenderHint
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reusedQPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpathJava wrapper for Qt enum QPainterPath::ElementTypeContains event parameters for paint eventsContains color groups for each widget stateJava wrapper for Qt enum QPalette::ColorGroupJava wrapper for Qt enum QPalette::ColorRoleDefines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapesPaint device that records and replays QPainter commandsClass for describing different pixel layouts in graphics buffersJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::AlphaPositionJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultipliedJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::AlphaUsageJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::ByteOrderJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::ColorModelJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretationJava wrapper for Qt enum QPixelFormat::YUVLayoutOff-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceQPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCacheUsed to notify about native platform surface eventsJava wrapper for Qt enum QPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceEventTypeA base class for pointer eventsDescribes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originateJava wrapper for Qt enum QPointingDevice::GrabTransitionJava wrapper for Qt enum QPointingDevice::PointerTypeQFlags type for enumQPointingDevice.PointerType
Identifies a unique object, such as a tagged token or stylus, which is used with a pointing deviceList of points using integer precisionList of points using floating point precisionRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brushAccess to a single physical instance of a fontJava wrapper for Qt enum QRawFont::AntialiasingTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QRawFont::LayoutFlagQFlags type for enumQRawFont.LayoutFlag
Specifies a clip region for a painterJava wrapper for Qt enum QRegion::RegionTypeContains event parameters for resize eventsStruct contains a 64-bit RGB colorUsed to query screen propertiesJava wrapper for Qt class QScreenOrientationChangeEventSent when scrollingJava wrapper for Qt enum QScrollEvent::ScrollStateSent in preparation of scrollingAccess to the session managerJava wrapper for Qt enum QSessionManager::RestartHintEvent which is generated when the user presses a key combinationEvent that is sent when a widget is shownA base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse eventsItem for use with the QStandardItemModel classJava wrapper for Qt enum QStandardItem::ItemTypeGeneric model for storing custom dataEnables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarelyJava wrapper for Qt enum QStaticText::PerformanceHintEvent that is used to show messages in a status barContains platform specific hints and settingsAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurface::SurfaceTypeRepresents the format of a QSurfaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::ColorSpaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::FormatOptionQFlags type for enumQSurfaceFormat.FormatOption
Java wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfileJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::RenderableTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::SwapBehaviorContains parameters that describe a Tablet eventContainer for text fragments in a QTextDocumentQTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlockFormatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextBlockFormat::LineHeightTypesJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextBlockFormat::MarkerTypeContainer for text blocks within a QTextDocumentUsed to associate custom data with blocks of textFormatting information for characters in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCharFormat::FontPropertiesInheritanceBehaviorJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCharFormat::UnderlineStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCharFormat::VerticalAlignmentOffers an API to access and modify QTextDocumentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCursor::MoveModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCursor::MoveOperationJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCursor::SelectionTypeHolds formatted textJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::FindFlagQFlags type for enumQTextDocument.FindFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatureQFlags type for enumQTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::MetaInformationJava wrapper for Qt function pointer QTextDocument::ResourceProviderJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::ResourceTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::StacksRepresents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocumentFormatting information for a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextFormat::FormatTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextFormat::ObjectTypesJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextFormat::PageBreakFlagQFlags type for enumQTextFormat.PageBreakFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextFormat::PropertyHolds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormatRepresents a frame in a QTextDocumentIterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrameFormatting information for frames in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyleJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextFrameFormat::PositionFormatting information for images in a QTextDocumentRepresents an inline object in a QAbstractTextDocumentLayout and its implementationsAll the information required to draw text in a custom paint engineJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextItem::RenderFlagQFlags type for enumQTextItem.RenderFlag
Used to lay out and render textJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextLayout::CursorModeQTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's contentEncapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextLength::TypeRepresents a line of text inside a QTextLayoutJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextLine::CursorPositionJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextLine::EdgeDecorated list of items in a QTextDocumentFormatting information for lists in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextListFormat::StyleBase class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument togetherAllows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocumentsDescription of general rich text propertiesJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextOption::FlagQFlags type for enumQTextOption.Flag
Java wrapper for Qt's class QTextOption::TabJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextOption::TabTypeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextOption::WrapModeRepresents a table in a QTextDocumentRepresents the properties of a cell in a QTextTableFormatting information for table cells in a QTextDocumentFormatting information for tables in a QTextDocumentContains parameters that describe a touch eventSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemJava wrapper for Qt enum QTransform::TransformationTypeThe base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStackStack of QUndoCommand objectsValidation of input textJava wrapper for Qt enum QValidator::StateRepresents a vector or vertex in 2D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 4D spaceEvent that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?"Contains parameters that describe a wheel eventRepresents a window in the underlying windowing systemJava wrapper for Qt enum QWindow::AncestorModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QWindow::VisibilityThe window state before a window state change -
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.gui.nativeinterfaceClassDescriptionRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurface
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.helpClassDescriptionContains event parameters for widget focus eventsThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainter
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.keyboardClassDescriptionQInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.multimediaClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt enum QImage::FormatRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spacePerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.multimedia.widgetsClassDescriptionEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenContains event parameters for move eventsThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesContains event parameters for resize eventsEvent that is sent when a widget is shown
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.openglClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceJava wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x3Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x4Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x3Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x4Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x2Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x3Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfaceThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricConvenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesContains event parameters for paint eventsContains event parameters for resize eventsAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtRepresents the format of a QSurfaceJava wrapper for Qt enum QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLContextProfileSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemRepresents a vector or vertex in 2D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 4D spaceRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.opengl.widgetsClassDescriptionHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfaceThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformContains event parameters for paint eventsContains event parameters for resize eventsRepresents the format of a QSurface
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.printsupportClassDescriptionRepresents a paint device that supports multiple pagesJava wrapper for Qt enum QPagedPaintDevice::PdfVersionDescribes the size, orientation and margins of a pageJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::OrientationJava wrapper for Qt enum QPageLayout::UnitRepresents a collection of page rangesDescribes the size and name of a defined page sizeThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.animation
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.coreClassDescriptionRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D space
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.extrasClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textJava wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x3Contains event parameters for resize eventsUsed to query screen propertiesEvent that is sent when a widget is shownAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtRepresents a vector or vertex in 2D spaceRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.extras.quickClassDescriptionEvent that is sent when a widget is shownAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.inputClassDescriptionDescribes a key eventJava wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::StandardKeyContains parameters that describe a mouse eventContains parameters that describe a wheel event
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.qt3d.renderClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spacePerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D space
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.quickClassDescriptionDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objectsContains parameters that describe a close eventColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesMouse cursor with an arbitrary shapeEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedContains event parameters for expose eventsContains event parameters for widget focus eventsEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenContains parameters that describe a mouse eventHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceParameters for input method eventsDescribes a key eventRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceContains parameters that describe a mouse eventRepresents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfacePerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesOff-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceSpecifies a clip region for a painterContains event parameters for resize eventsEvent that is sent when a widget is shownAbstraction of renderable surfaces in QtContains parameters that describe a Tablet eventHolds formatted textContains parameters that describe a touch eventSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemRepresents a vector or vertex in 4D spaceContains parameters that describe a wheel eventRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.quick.widgetsClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedContains event parameters for widget focus eventsEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceDescribes a key eventContains parameters that describe a mouse eventThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterContains event parameters for paint eventsContains event parameters for resize eventsEvent that is sent when a widget is shownRepresents the format of a QSurfaceContains parameters that describe a wheel event
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.quick3dClassDescriptionColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesRepresents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarRepresents the format of a QSurfaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceRepresents a vector or vertex in 4D space
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.statemachineClassDescriptionContainer for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
ClassDescriptionThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.testClassDescriptionInformation about a point in a QPointerEventScalable icons in different modes and statesHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QInputDevice::CapabilityJava wrapper for Qt enum QInputDevice::DeviceTypeEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcutsOff-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceDescribes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originateRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system -
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.webengine.coreClassDescriptionAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesScalable icons in different modes and statesHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceDescribes the size, orientation and margins of a pageRepresents a collection of page ranges
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.webengine.widgetsClassDescriptionAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsContains parameters that describe a close eventContains parameters that describe a context menu eventEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenScalable icons in different modes and statesDescribes the size, orientation and margins of a pageRepresents a collection of page rangesThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterEvent that is sent when a widget is shown
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.widgetsClassDescriptionFile icons for the QFileSystemModel classJava wrapper for Qt enum QAbstractFileIconProvider::IconTypeAbstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocumentsQAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layoutQFlags type for enum
Java wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::RoleJava wrapper for Qt's class QAccessible::StateJava wrapper for Qt enum QAccessible::TextImplements support for invocable actions in the interfaceDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objectsImplements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjectsAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsEvent that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changedDrawing area for QWindowMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmapsDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainterContains parameters that describe a close eventColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesContains parameters that describe a context menu eventMouse cursor with an arbitrary shapeEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedContains parameters that describe an enter eventContains event parameters for widget focus eventsSpecifies a query for a font used for drawing textJava wrapper for Qt enum QFontDatabase::WritingSystemGeneral information about fontsFont metrics informationManages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsEvent that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widgetEvent which is sent after a widget is hiddenScalable icons in different modes and statesJava wrapper for Qt enum QIcon::ModeParameters for input method eventsDescribes a key eventEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcutsJava wrapper for Qt enum QKeySequence::StandardKeyRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceContains parameters that describe a mouse eventContains event parameters for move eventsConvenience class for playing movies with QImageReaderRepresents a paint device that supports multiple pagesThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterJava wrapper for Qt enum QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetricAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesJava wrapper for Qt enum QPainter::RenderHintQFlags type for enumQPainter.RenderHint
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reusedContains event parameters for paint eventsContains color groups for each widget stateJava wrapper for Qt enum QPalette::ColorRoleDefines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapesPaint device that records and replays QPainter commandsOff-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceList of points using integer precisionList of points using floating point precisionSpecifies a clip region for a painterContains event parameters for resize eventsUsed to query screen propertiesEvent that is sent when a widget is shownContains parameters that describe a Tablet eventContainer for text fragments in a QTextDocumentFormatting information for characters in a QTextDocumentOffers an API to access and modify QTextDocumentsJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCursor::MoveModeJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextCursor::MoveOperationHolds formatted textJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::FindFlagQFlags type for enumQTextDocument.FindFlag
Java wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatureQFlags type for enumQTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QTextDocument::ResourceProviderJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextDocument::ResourceTypeRepresents a frame in a QTextDocumentJava wrapper for Qt enum QTextOption::WrapModeSpecifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemGroup of QUndoStack objectsStack of QUndoCommand objectsValidation of input textJava wrapper for Qt enum QValidator::StateRepresents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceContains parameters that describe a wheel eventRepresents a window in the underlying windowing system -
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.widgets.svgClassDescriptionThe base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesContains event parameters for paint events
Classes in io.qt.gui used by io.qt.widgets.toolsClassDescriptionAbstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsGroups actions together