Module qtjambi
Package io.qt.gui
Interface Summary Interface Description QAbstractUndoItem Java wrapper for Qt class QAbstractUndoItemQAccessible.ActivationObserver Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessible::ActivationObserverQAccessible.InterfaceFactory Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::InterfaceFactoryQAccessible.RootObjectHandler Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::RootObjectHandlerQAccessible.UpdateHandler Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QAccessible::UpdateHandlerQAccessibleActionInterface Implements support for invocable actions in the interfaceQAccessibleEditableTextInterface Implements support for objects with editable textQAccessibleImageInterface Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleImageInterfaceQAccessibleInterface Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objectsQAccessibleTableCellInterface Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interfaceQAccessibleTableInterface Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interfaceQAccessibleTextInterface Implements support for text handlingQAccessibleValueInterface Implements support for objects that manipulate a valueQDesktopServices.UrlHandler QPagedPaintDevice Represents a paint device that supports multiple pagesQPaintDevice The base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainterQSurface Abstraction of renderable surfaces in QtQTextDocument.ResourceProvider Java wrapper for Qt function pointer QTextDocument::ResourceProviderQTextObjectInterface Allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments -
Class Summary Class Description QAbstractFileIconProvider File icons for the QFileSystemModel classQAbstractFileIconProvider.Options QFlags type for enumQAbstractFileIconProvider.Option
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocumentsQAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layoutQAbstractTextDocumentLayout.Selection QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selectionQAbstractUndoItem.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAbstractUndoItem
QAccessible Enums and static functions related to accessibilityQAccessible.ActivationObserver.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessible.ActivationObserver
QAccessible.InterfaceFactory.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessible.InterfaceFactory
QAccessible.Relation QFlags type for enumQAccessible.RelationFlag
QAccessible.RootObjectHandler.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessible.RootObjectHandler
QAccessible.State Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessible::StateQAccessible.UpdateHandler.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessible.UpdateHandler
QAccessibleActionInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleActionInterface
QAccessibleActionInterface.MemberAccess QAccessibleApplication Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleApplicationQAccessibleBridge Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleBridgeQAccessibleBridgePlugin Java wrapper for Qt class QAccessibleBridgePluginQAccessibleEditableTextInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleEditableTextInterface
QAccessibleEvent The base class for accessibility notificationsQAccessibleImageInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleImageInterface
QAccessibleInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleInterface
QAccessibleInterface.MemberAccess QAccessibleObject Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjectsQAccessiblePlugin Abstract base class for plugins provinding accessibility information for user interface elementsQAccessibleStateChangeEvent Notfies the accessibility framework that the state of an object has changedQAccessibleTableCellInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleTableCellInterface
QAccessibleTableInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleTableInterface
QAccessibleTableModelChangeEvent Signifies a change in a table, list, or tree where cells are added or removed.QAccessibleTextCursorEvent Notifies of cursor movementsQAccessibleTextInsertEvent Notifies of text being insertedQAccessibleTextInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleTextInterface
QAccessibleTextInterface.MemberAccess QAccessibleTextRemoveEvent Notifies of text being deletedQAccessibleTextSelectionEvent Signals a change in the text selection of an objectQAccessibleTextUpdateEvent Notifies about text changes.QAccessibleValueChangeEvent Describes a change in value for an accessible objectQAccessibleValueInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQAccessibleValueInterface
QAction Abstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface componentsQActionEvent Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changedQActionGroup Groups actions togetherQApplicationStateChangeEvent Java wrapper for Qt class QApplicationStateChangeEventQBackingStore Drawing area for QWindowQBitmap Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmapsQBrush Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainterQClipboard Access to the window system clipboardQClipboard.Text QCloseEvent Contains parameters that describe a close eventQColor Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK valuesQColorConstants Contains QColor predefined constantsQColorConstants.Svg Java wrapper for Qt class QColorConstants::SvgQColorSpace Color space abstractionQColorTransform Transformation between color spacesQConicalGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brushQContextMenuEvent Contains parameters that describe a context menu eventQCursor Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shapeQDesktopServices Methods for accessing common desktop servicesQDoubleValidator Range checking of floating-point numbersQDrag Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transferQDragEnterEvent Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters itQDragLeaveEvent Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves itQDragMoveEvent Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progressQDropEvent Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completedQEnterEvent Contains parameters that describe an enter eventQEventPoint Information about a point in a QPointerEventQEventPoint.States QFlags type for enumQEventPoint.State
QExposeEvent Contains event parameters for expose eventsQFileOpenEvent Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URLQFileSystemModel Data model for the local filesystemQFileSystemModel.Options QFlags type for enumQFileSystemModel.Option
QFocusEvent Contains event parameters for widget focus eventsQFont Specifies a query for a font used for drawing textQFontDatabase Information about the fonts available in the underlying window systemQFontInfo General information about fontsQFontMetrics Font metrics informationQFontMetricsF Font metrics informationQGenericPlugin Abstract base class for pluginsQGenericPluginFactory Creates plugin driversQGlyphRun Direct access to the internal glyphs in a fontQGlyphRun.GlyphRunFlags QFlags type for enumQGlyphRun.GlyphRunFlag
QGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fillsQGuiApplication Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settingsQHelpEvent Event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widgetQHideEvent Event which is sent after a widget is hiddenQHoverEvent Contains parameters that describe a mouse eventQIcon Scalable icons in different modes and statesQIconDragEvent Indicates that a main icon drag has begunQIconEngine Abstract base class for QIcon renderersQIconEngine.ScaledPixmapArgument Java wrapper for Qt class QIconEngine::ScaledPixmapArgumentQIconEnginePlugin Abstract base for custom QIconEngine pluginsQImage Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint deviceQImageIOHandler Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in QtQImageIOHandler.Transformations QFlags type for enumQImageIOHandler.Transformation
QImageIOPlugin Defines an interface for writing an image format pluginQImageIOPlugin.Capabilities QFlags type for enumQImageIOPlugin.Capability
QImageReader Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devicesQImageWriter Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devicesQInputDevice Describes a device from which a QInputEvent originatesQInputDevice.Capabilities QFlags type for enumQInputDevice.Capability
QInputDevice.DeviceTypes QFlags type for enumQInputDevice.DeviceType
QInputEvent The base class for events that describe user inputQInputMethod Access to the active text input methodQInputMethodEvent Parameters for input method eventsQInputMethodEvent.Attribute QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attributeQInputMethodQueryEvent Event sent by the input context to input objectsQIntValidator Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified rangeQKeyCombination Stores a combination of a key with optional modifiersQKeyEvent Describes a key eventQKeySequence Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcutsQLinearGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brushQMatrix2x2 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x2QMatrix2x3 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x3QMatrix2x4 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix2x4QMatrix3x2 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x2QMatrix3x3 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x3QMatrix3x4 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix3x4QMatrix4x2 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x2QMatrix4x3 Java wrapper for Qt class QMatrix4x3QMatrix4x4 Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D spaceQMatrix4x4.Flags QFlags type for enumQMatrix4x4.Flag
QMouseEvent Contains parameters that describe a mouse eventQMoveEvent Contains event parameters for move eventsQMovie Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReaderQNativeGestureEvent Contains parameters that describe a gesture eventQOffscreenSurface Represents an offscreen surface in the underlying platformQOpenGLContext Represents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurfaceQOpenGLContextGroup Represents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resourcesQOpenGLExtraFunctions Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 APIQOpenGLFunctions Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 APIQOpenGLFunctions.OpenGLFeatures QFlags type for enumQOpenGLFunctions.OpenGLFeature
QPagedPaintDevice.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQPagedPaintDevice
QPagedPaintDevice.MemberAccess QPageLayout Describes the size, orientation and margins of a pageQPageRanges Represents a collection of page rangesQPageRanges.Range QPageRanges::Range struct holds the from and to endpoints of a rangeQPageSize Describes the size and name of a defined page sizeQPaintDevice.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQPaintDevice
QPaintDevice.MemberAccess QPaintDeviceWindow Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDeviceQPaintEngine Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platformQPaintEngine.DirtyFlags QFlags type for enumQPaintEngine.DirtyFlag
QPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeatures QFlags type for enumQPaintEngine.PaintEngineFeature
QPaintEngineState Information about the active paint engine's current stateQPainter Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devicesQPainter.PixmapFragment This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawnQPainter.PixmapFragmentHints QFlags type for enumQPainter.PixmapFragmentHint
QPainter.RenderHints QFlags type for enumQPainter.RenderHint
QPainterPath Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reusedQPainterPath.Element QPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpathQPainterPathStroker Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter pathQPaintEvent Contains event parameters for paint eventsQPalette Contains color groups for each widget stateQPdfWriter Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint deviceQPen Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapesQPicture Paint device that records and replays QPainter commandsQPixelFormat Class for describing different pixel layouts in graphics buffersQPixmap Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint deviceQPixmapCache Application-wide cache for pixmapsQPixmapCache.Key QPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCacheQPlatformSurfaceEvent Used to notify about native platform surface eventsQPointerEvent A base class for pointer eventsQPointingDevice Describes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originateQPointingDevice.PointerTypes QFlags type for enumQPointingDevice.PointerType
QPointingDeviceUniqueId Identifies a unique object, such as a tagged token or stylus, which is used with a pointing deviceQPolygon List of points using integer precisionQPolygonF List of points using floating point precisionQQuaternion Represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalarQQuaternion.Axes QQuaternion.AxisAndAngle QQuaternion.EulerAngles QRadialGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brushQRasterWindow Convenience class for using QPainter on a QWindowQRawFont Access to a single physical instance of a fontQRawFont.LayoutFlags QFlags type for enumQRawFont.LayoutFlag
QRegion Specifies a clip region for a painterQRegularExpressionValidator Used to check a string against a regular expressionQResizeEvent Contains event parameters for resize eventsQRgba64 Struct contains a 64-bit RGB colorQScreen Used to query screen propertiesQScreenOrientationChangeEvent Java wrapper for Qt class QScreenOrientationChangeEventQScrollEvent Sent when scrollingQScrollPrepareEvent Sent in preparation of scrollingQSessionManager Access to the session managerQShortcut Used to create keyboard shortcutsQShortcutEvent Event which is generated when the user presses a key combinationQShowEvent Event that is sent when a widget is shownQSinglePointEvent A base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse eventsQStandardItem Item for use with the QStandardItemModel classQStandardItemModel Generic model for storing custom dataQStaticText Enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarelyQStatusTipEvent Event that is used to show messages in a status barQStyleHints Contains platform specific hints and settingsQSurface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQSurface
QSurface.MemberAccess QSurfaceFormat Represents the format of a QSurfaceQSurfaceFormat.FormatOptions QFlags type for enumQSurfaceFormat.FormatOption
QSyntaxHighlighter Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user dataQTabletEvent Contains parameters that describe a Tablet eventQTextBlock Container for text fragments in a QTextDocumentQTextBlock.iterator QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlockQTextBlockFormat Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocumentQTextBlockGroup Container for text blocks within a QTextDocumentQTextBlockUserData Used to associate custom data with blocks of textQTextCharFormat Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocumentQTextCursor Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocumentsQTextCursor.SelectedTableCells QTextDocument Holds formatted textQTextDocument.FindFlags QFlags type for enumQTextDocument.FindFlag
QTextDocument.MarkdownFeatures QFlags type for enumQTextDocument.MarkdownFeature
QTextDocument.ResourceProvider.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQTextDocument.ResourceProvider
QTextDocumentFragment Represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocumentQTextDocumentWriter Format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devicesQTextFormat Formatting information for a QTextDocumentQTextFormat.PageBreakFlags QFlags type for enumQTextFormat.PageBreakFlag
QTextFragment Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormatQTextFrame Represents a frame in a QTextDocumentQTextFrame.iterator Iterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrameQTextFrameFormat Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocumentQTextImageFormat Formatting information for images in a QTextDocumentQTextInlineObject Represents an inline object in a QAbstractTextDocumentLayout and its implementationsQTextItem All the information required to draw text in a custom paint engineQTextItem.RenderFlags QFlags type for enumQTextItem.RenderFlag
QTextLayout Used to lay out and render textQTextLayout.FormatRange QTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's contentQTextLength Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocumentQTextLine Represents a line of text inside a QTextLayoutQTextList Decorated list of items in a QTextDocumentQTextListFormat Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocumentQTextObject Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument togetherQTextObjectInterface.Impl Implementor class for interfaceQTextObjectInterface
QTextOption Description of general rich text propertiesQTextOption.Flags QFlags type for enumQTextOption.Flag
QTextOption.Tab Java wrapper for Qt class QTextOption::TabQTextTable Represents a table in a QTextDocumentQTextTableCell Represents the properties of a cell in a QTextTableQTextTableCellFormat Formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocumentQTextTableFormat Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocumentQTouchEvent Contains parameters that describe a touch eventQTransform Specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate systemQUndoCommand The base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStackQUndoGroup Group of QUndoStack objectsQUndoStack Stack of QUndoCommand objectsQValidator Validation of input textQValidator.QValidationData QVector2D Represents a vector or vertex in 2D spaceQVector3D Represents a vector or vertex in 3D spaceQVector4D Represents a vector or vertex in 4D spaceQWhatsThisClickedEvent Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?"QWheelEvent Contains parameters that describe a wheel eventQWindow Represents a window in the underlying windowing systemQWindowStateChangeEvent The window state before a window state change -
Exception Summary Exception Description QPaintingOutsidePaintEventException This exception is thrown in cases where a painter is used on a widget outside its paintEvent function.