QAbstractAxis |
Base class used for specialized axis classes
QAbstractAxis.AxisType |
QAbstractAxis.AxisTypes |
QAbstractBarSeries |
Abstract parent class for all bar series classes
QAbstractBarSeries.LabelsPosition |
QAbstractSeries |
Base class for all Qt Chart series
QAbstractSeries.SeriesType |
QAreaSeries |
Presents data in area charts
QBarModelMapper |
Java wrapper for Qt class QBarModelMapper
QBarSet |
Represents one set of bars in a bar chart
QBoxPlotModelMapper |
Java wrapper for Qt class QBoxPlotModelMapper
QBoxPlotSeries |
Presents data in box-and-whiskers charts
QBoxSet |
Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chart
QBoxSet.ValuePositions |
QCandlestickModelMapper |
Abstract model mapper class for candlestick series
QCandlestickSeries |
Presents data as candlesticks
QCandlestickSet |
Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chart
QCategoryAxis.AxisLabelsPosition |
QChart |
Manages the graphical representation of the chart's series, legends, and axes
QChart.AnimationOption |
QChart.AnimationOptions |
QChart.ChartTheme |
QChart.ChartType |
QChartView.RubberBand |
QChartView.RubberBands |
QLegend |
Displays the legend of a chart
QLegend.MarkerShape |
QLegendMarker |
Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legend
QLegendMarker.LegendMarkerType |
QLineSeries |
Presents data in line charts
QPieModelMapper |
Java wrapper for Qt class QPieModelMapper
QPieSeries |
Presents data in pie charts
QPieSlice |
Represents a single slice in a pie series
QPieSlice.LabelPosition |
QPolarChart.PolarOrientation |
QPolarChart.PolarOrientations |
QScatterSeries.MarkerShape |
QValueAxis |
Adds values to a chart's axes
QValueAxis.TickType |
QXYModelMapper |
Java wrapper for Qt class QXYModelMapper
QXYSeries |
Base class for line, spline, and scatter series