Module qtjambi
Package io.qt.core

Class QMetaObject.AbstractSignal

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
QDeclarableSignals.AbstractPrivateGenericSignal, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal0, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal1, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal2, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal3, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal4, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal5, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal6, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal7, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal8, QMetaObject.AbstractPrivateSignal9, QMetaObject.DisposedSignal
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class QMetaObject.AbstractSignal extends Object implements QMetaObject.Signal
Supertype of all signals in QtJambi.
  • Method Details

    • connect

      public final QMetaObject.Connection connect(Object receiver, String method, Qt.ConnectionType ... type)
      Connects the signal to a method in an object. Whenever it is emitted, the method will be invoked on the given object.
      receiver - The object that owns the method
      method - The signature of the method excluding return type and argument names, such as "setText(String)".
      connectionType - One of the connection types defined in the Qt interface.
      QNoSuchSlotException - Raised if the method passed in the slot object was not found
      RuntimeException - Raised if the signal object could not be successfully introspected or if the signatures of the signal and slot are incompatible.
    • disconnect

      public final boolean disconnect(Object receiver, String method)
      Disconnects the signal from a method in an object if the two were previously connected by a call to connect.
      receiver - The object to which the signal is connected
      method - The method in the receiver object to which the signal is connected
      true if the connection was successfully removed, otherwise false. The method will return false if the connection has not been previously established by a call to connect.
      QNoSuchSlotException - Raised if the method passed in the slot object was not found
    • disconnect

      public final boolean disconnect(Object receiver)
      Removes any connection from this signal to the specified receiving object
      receiver - The object to which the signal has connections
      true if any connection was successfully removed, otherwise false. The method will return false if no connection has previously been establish to the receiver.
      See Also:
    • disconnect

      public final boolean disconnect()
      Removes all connections from this signal.
      True if the disconnection was successful.
      See Also:
    • disconnect

      public final boolean disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection connection)
      Removes the given connection from this signal.
      connection - the connection to be removed
      true if the disconnection was successful.